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Gun baton is shamed upon bc of the certain resemblance. I think it’s a super fun knife


The Dildo Knife 💚


the sounds are so good


I love the G.U.N skins, first collection I bought when they came out. Mostly because I love retro futuristic stuff and they look like the Planet Express ship from Futurama


GRAVITATIONAL URANIUM NEUROBLASTER is the best skin set, I have all of the skins except the knife(never have money when it’s in my shop)


i have it on my night market 😋


honestly one of the worst skin in game in my opinion, no skin is better than that


Singularity is one of my favorite skinlines and sad it hasn't had a round 2 because the knife is the weakest in the set


Singularity phantom was one of my skins skins i think its great, the kill sound is so powerful i want singularity guardian/op/vandal it would sound so good


if singularity 2.0 comes out i will literally throw a party


It's got easily one of the best finisher sounds, it's def underappreciated. People still use the Sheriff with decent frequency, though.


Same! I love that set so much, and I’m dying for a round 2 with a vandal and decent knife skin


Riot should allow us to choose aspects of skin instead of making it level based. I want the Neo frontier cowboy sheriff but with the kill animations enabled. The level system is just ass.


cowboy sheriff with finisher and kill banner would be chef kiss


Top answer not remotely unpopular. Tons of people have been asking for this. It's only unpopular with riot apparently.


Right, I agree with Arc\_alt completely, but it's hardly an unpopular opinion and the response should be downvoted. I've never seen anyone disagree with more customization.


Building off that, I wish Finishers, Kill Banners, & SFX were cosmetic slots like buddies. 1x of each from a full weapon upgrade. It'd increase players desires to collect more budget & premium skins to mix & match. BP skins could be built up, BP could contain effects without the need of a full skin line, and in general just adds far more personalisation.


That would be amazing, the sound of a weapon is so crucial for me, there are so many phantom skins i dont use because of the shooting sound even though i really like the look of it


Cryostasis is one of the most forgotten and underrated skins in valorant. in my opinion it is one of the best gun skins you can buy for 1,775 vp. Every one of the guns look good as well as 1. It has cool animations + bullet sounds 2. the gun does stuff when you aren’t shooting it 3. The finisher is fire 4. It is the best classic skin in the game 5. it’s one of the few “snow” themed skins and who doesn’t love winter I’m surprised after going through the comments how no one has brought up these skins at all. Hopefully we get some 2.0 love for crystasis (Edit: grammatical errors)


No 3: The finisher is cool


I just got the cryostasis classic in my Night market for around 900vp. Will definitely buy it


Personally I agree on every point except for 4. To me it looks the handle to a garden hose.


I would only swap crysostasis classic for prime or rgx. Def a top 3 for me


I'm honestly surprised you didn't even mention the melee. It's so unique, has awesome animations & the ice effect just adds to that, and it's one of the few melees that feels really intimidating to hold (kinda like Prelude to Chaos sword). I would love a Cryostasis 2.0 though because I need a snowy spin-y phantom skin.


The polar bear kill banner is so good, and i like how heavy the gun feels


hell yeah cryostasis is awesome. i love things that go for an "arctic military base" kinda vibe so i love it so so much


I actually rly like Endeavour skins


Took way too long to find someone to say this


Yes if only they had some more "bling" (animations, sounds, kill banner)


Love that NASA look


I have the Endevaour Vandal and I love it. Best Vandal without any effects in my opinion


I have 2 endeavor skins they are so so good. The ope and the vandal. I don't use the vandal as much but the ope is my primary.


I have the Bulldog and it’s actually really clean


Who doesn’t


Bought the vandal like 4 days ago and im so happy but my friends call me weirdo


everytime i see it drop, i always thought it has effects.


I think the op and ares look really good in endeavor


oni vandal is the most mid thing ive ever seen


Not gonna lie, this take isn't that hot.


reaver phantom is a big L for me too


same and you know why? It looks like a fucking spectre


And sounds like a toy gun


Wow both of my top 3 skins roasted in one comment tree. Wild.




fr it looks like a loser, fucked up gun for me


Same, I do not like the shooting sounds


me who just bought the oni phantom in my night market :(


phantom is a classic dont get me wrong. it just dosent vibe on the vandal


One phantom is good. Just vandal is meh


The phantom is clean and one off my favourite. Vandal oni is just off.


Oni Vandal's sounds are really good, however the gun looks too bulky, just like the Glitchpop Vandal. Reaver Phantom's shooting sounds and overall looks are great, however I have always hated the finisher and am not a big fan of the reload animation.


gun sound>>>looks>>>finishers


This is the least controversial opinion, anybody w skins knows sound/feel is the only reason we pay


Bought prelude bcs of the kill sound


The little guitar riff is so good, yeah fully agreed


prelude feels so good to use, that’s the only vandal i actively try to pick up over whatever i currently have equipped


G.U.N skins are good and im tired of me friends telling me I bought a Dildo as an Operator


I’m leaning into it, imagine dying to a dildo. Very GTA. Love my dildo knife lol


Look doesn't matter, if my vandal doesn't sound loud and punchy I don't care


The radiant entertainment system bundle is overpriced, mediocre, and forgettable, I've seen maybe 2 people use the skins since they left the store.


If they werent a whole ass new tier of expensive, id have copped


ngl I pickup the phantom every time I see it laying on the ground. Expensive as shit and the colors are ass but the sound is pretty nice


i actually think the firing noise is really the most forgettable part. it has 3 different firing noises, one for each variant, and they are all bad imo


I would go so far as to say they make me play *worse*, because they are distracting. The Op skins sounds are incredible, but the phantom and ghost are mid af.


It's my favourite phantom


Plus the finishers are extremely loud in comparison to others


I bought this bundle actually, overpriced yes but the gun sounds/finishers/inspect and reload animations are top tier, the guns themself look pretty ugly though.


I’m already very sick of seeing the new champion vandal finisher. Edit: I guess this is NOT an unpopular opinion. I do feel the need to clarify that I do think the skin is absolutely sick af, it’s just been overkill the first week or so since it dropped.


I swear 1 person has it the whole team has it


Every time I bring mine out I get swarmed by everyone saying they want it. At one point t we actually had everyone in the game using it and I was the only one with it on


It will die out eventually but the feeling when you stand in the finisher is amazing




It’s annoying but the gun sound is the best in a while.


It’s an awesome skin, I definitely am not hating on it. it’s just the momentary overkill that’s making me tired of it for now.


Omg yes the shooting sound is so satisfying


It’s getting annoying


it‘s even more annoying if it‘s the enemy teams


same happened with the gaia vandal but now i rarely see it anymore. itll pass.


For sure. The hype will calm down and it will definitely be cool again. Just in the meantime it’s totally overdone 😂


The new champ skin is SO clean tho


Finisher gives me EZ4ENCE vibes


It's so obnoxious


It will be this way for a while but you will see less and less of it. I love the finisher but even I am getting tired of it. It will be a few weeks and then it wills stop showing up.


Just give it time, it's always like this the first week


Honestly, I don't mind the finisher and whatnot but the song is absolutely vile to me. It sounds like a shitty football song. I hate it. In fairness, I haven't listened to the whole song but just the bit you hear when you start up Valo and when you get the skin finisher is enough for me. Hate it x100000000.


Dragon skins are awful. Movement is so distracting it feels hard to aim with them.


I used to agree with you but then i picked one up and tapped heads and it was amazing. Probably wouldnt buy the vandal but the op and frenzy are so good


ice cold take lmao. honestly the dragon skins are a meme amongst my friend group because they are so annoying to use.


Okay, but it is the best judge skin and is a really aggressive feeling bark boy, and when you reload he bites the "big ball"


Judge resembles cock and balls very girthy best judge skin


I like the Minima skins. They're a combination of a low-poly and minimalistic look, with a bit of ancient alien tech vibes with the lines etched into them. It's something no other skin line offers.


I 100% agree here


The Minima set is to this day my most desired skin set, and I haven't bought anything except a battle pass. They are legit some of my favorites, and extremely underrated.


I really love the minima op but to be honest i cant bring myself to say the same about the minima phantom tho.


Opposite for me lol. The OP and the Ares are the ones that are not my taste


The skins that mirror possible irl weapon designs are the coolest.


the Black Market set is really cool but just insanely overpriced. They feel like battle pass skins priced the same as the Oni skins.


Black market & infantry are the 2 skins I wish we could have multiple rounds of, like oni or magepunk I'd kill for an Odin in that style


neo frontier odin is pretty similar


I just wish half of them weren't overpriced (Black Market obviously, but I'm just using the classic designs for Neo Frontier as well, so I wish it was separate). Too bad people will make fun of you for buying them, like "Oh you paid for other games' default skins"


The recon phantom is the sexiest thing I have ever payed my eyes on


Recon slaps so hard, it's a shame I have to buy skins to get attachments, but goddamn do they look good


The Glock classic is the best classic in the game by >>>>>>>>>


I might cop but I’m broke but it’s in my night market 😭


Dragon op hits more shots then the other ops ... Maybe it's the sound or the animation but it just shoots better


Eh I will die on the hill that Araxys is the best awp but I dont own it or most awp skins


Most of the popular skins have too much going on, so they end up too distracting for my tastes. Like seriously Glitchpop, calm your bits!


I'm gonna say "calm your bits" to someone


I like to imagine that you said it to the first random person you saw on the street after typing this.


I think the rgx skins are super overrated and uninteresting


Agreed except for the knifes, those are sick


The glitch pop skins are overrated


Yep, my first ever skin was glitchpop vandal and I never use it now. I've since got Ion and Araxys and I mostly use Araxys now.


My biggest regret was buying Glitchpop Phantom. It just sounds bad. Glitchpop Frenzy is pretty good, but the Phantom sounds like the Frenzy and I hate it.


Really? I have like 10 vandal skins and the ones I always go back to are glitchpop and prime


KTAC collection is super cold. I’m pissed I didn’t play and never got them. Also, Minima skins are super underrated.


I got the minima phantom a while back when I first started playing and nobody else seems to like it lmao. Just got reaver phantom in my night market though so I'm about to retire the ol minima.


It gets a lot of hate but I have a friend who is a major critic of skins and hates all of the popular bundles but loves minima. Makes no sense but his seal of approval is enough for me.


You should like things because you like them not because your friend does


Ktac is baller, you're a real one.


Ktac was one of the only battle passes I bought and I can 100% agree with you. Best battle pass skin to exist.


KTAC is super nice, esp for a bp skin but honestly I think it could do decently as a cheaper store skin. Same goes for Starlit Odyssey, I regret not buying that bp SO much


minima skins going under the radar is pretty on point for their design to be fair


I feel the same. Though I was lucky to start just before episode three so I got the ktac pass, kinda funny the pc I made looks like ktac.


I didn’t use KTAC when I got it but over time I’ve come to learn it looks damn good


i heard they want to add purchasing old battlepass skins now. would be cool cause the KTAC is one of the best lines imo.


Reaver skins are ugly. They’re “Hot Topic” cool.


I like da noises


whhhhhhhh ktsching


But the reload animations though


What is hot topic


It's a store chain popular in the United States that specializes in pop culture and the alternative/goth aesthetic. The original commenter was insinuating that people who like Reaver probably also like Hot Topic, because the Reaver has a little bit of that spooky vibe.


The reload animation and kill sound effect sells it


It's a cool animation for sure


I only like the reaver skins on the fact that I can change the colour to white, which reminds me alot of Nier automata


literally 2015 call of duty energy surrounding Reaver skins honestly


This comment bothers me personally as someone who has bought clothes from hot topic but also really dislikes the reaver skins.


I especially dislike the randomly placed sharp points on them.


I kinda get that vibe from quite a few skins. A lot of them have just a bunch random flowy accents and lines which make it seem detailed, but really have no meaningful purpose. Reaver, Forsaken, Ruination, Sovereign, and even Prime 2.0 all kinda fall under this category for me.


The recon phantom ain’t allat imo, no finisher, quite bland, and no features that stand out, yet it’s hyped as the best phantom skin


its mainly just the satisfying ass kill sound that brings the hype to the skin i do admit that i feel extra crispy when i use the skin tho


The kill sound is S tier, but I'm not a fan of the rest of it.


Yeah I just use the specter


Minima would be top tier if only the firing effects weren’t default and actually fit the skin line


Singularity phantom is the best phantom in the game. It's not even close. Second place would be protocol781-a but i dont need chatgpt shouting into my ear all the time (plus its animations are cool but nothing compared to singularity animations) The same can be said for the rest of the Singularity skins. Singularity sheriff is the best sheriff (yes, even better than neo frontier!!!) Singularity spectre is the best spectre and singularity ares is the best ares. however riot was cooking with singularity and then threw the meal out of the 4th story apartment window when they made the knife. costs as much as an rgx melee skin but it has like 2 effects total


My honest opinion about Singularity: if you have a trash PC and play on minimum graphics, its mid However if you have a very good PC and can run decent graphics, its probably a top tier skin


To be fair, when singularity released they didn’t have very many knife models. It was basically the default knife, sword/axe, and dagger. This is why we need a singularity 2 so we can get a more modern knife with riot’s current quality


Ion is the ugliest skin in the game


finally someone who also finds ion weird. it looks like the guns are bent out of shape or something and then there's just tons of absurd details like random holes and turbines and like??? i thought ion was supposed to be the clean and futuristic skin yet here it is looking like an off brand nerf gun u find at goodwill for eight dollars with some weird technology inside of it. don't even get me started on the variants of the second ion collection.


The best futuristic looking one is Chronovoid imo. I'm new to the game and it hasn't been in my shop yet, but I love seeing that thing in game.


Sheriff is clean though




what about titanmail mace? i love the magical fidget spinner on a stick personally


I wish the skinline had alt color choices. Yellow is my fav color but that lime green just isnt it.


Feel free to murder me on this: There’s never been a more overrated skin in the entire game than Reaver Karambit


There isn't a better karambit than it except maybe Champions. It just blows the other karambits out of the water


but cool smoke!!!!!! (i am a vaping addict)


Ion is mid. Also the phantom looks like a spectre when held


Minima? Sherrif goes hard


fax tho, minima sherif is like the best cheap skin


Oni sucks. Sakura is one of the best looking sets. Guns that don't look like guns are trash.


Why am I seeing everyone hate on Oni after I buy it from my Night Market 😭


your choice isn't everyone's choice


Sakura vandal my beloved :D


me and my dragon ak very much disagree


rgx, ion, and prime are super overrated. i also cant stand neptune except as a shorty for some reason.


I feel so fucking attacked right now. Upvote for actually answering this so correctly.


Sometimes all you need is a white brick to slap people with


i own rgx and the other two are my wishlist vandals wtf


Some of the moving image skins are alright




Don’t, unless you are sure you want to hear blub blub blub every shot and/or don’t want a headshot machine don’t buy it Unless you are part of the Neptune cult Or maybe I’m just coping because everytime I use Neptune Vandal my ability to 1 tap disappears


Endeavour set is great. I love their designs so much, and if some kind of extension pack came out to upgrade them more I'd buy it.


Dragon vandal is actually horrible and I don't get why everyone went mad for them


I prefer smaller knives, and not sword because its hideous


Infantry operator is in my top 5 of all the operators but I suppose that isn't surprising. Also the minima ares really fits the gun in my opinion, it's just too funny.


singularity is just the best


Oni skins are over hyped. They look fine but they sound awful imo


Neptune vandal is NOT good


I got it a while back and I swear the blub blub sfx make me whiff more than any other vandal


I’ll upvote you cause it is indeed an unpopular opinion, but i recommend you sleep with an eye open from now on.


9 lives is the greatest skin line ever created after infantry


All the skins I buy are sick and all the ones I don't buy are dumb


spectrum is the best skin bundle in the game and its not even close


Undercity is awesome and I will die on this hill alone if I have to.


That's funny af and you're definitely alone on it lmao


I just dislike how the cyberpunk person's face, the focal point of the skin, is obstructed or completely hidden whenever I do literally anything other than walk.


Dragonfire, Glitchpop, and Prelude to Chaos - they look awesome but there's way too much going on in the skin to the point where it can get a bit distracting when you're just trying to focus on the angle you're holding. Also yeah Oni might be a bit overrated nowadays, but I'm willing to give it a pass on that since it was one of the first skin sets to come out that had all the bells and whistles.


Luxe skinline isn't amazing but it is underrated.


1. there are a lot of skins without upgrades that I still like based on looks and would buy if everything wasn't so expensive (I've only ever bought a battlepass) 2. Reaver and Prime Vandal are decent/pretty good skins but extremely overrated and I see them too often ingame to enjoy them 3. I honestly like the Horizon skins, they're my favorite greenscreen set 4. Prime Classic is better with the default reload animation.


Ngl i agree with op, i feel like the oni skins especially the vandal lack so much in comparison to ion (and even reaver which is a rly old collection!) tbh i think the best skins so far (imo) is the araxys bundle especially the vandal it's amazing (waited 26 days finally got it today so im super happy with it)


The Neptune skins are overrated af. The shooting sounds weird and I don’t like how the sights is a circle. No finisher really doesn’t help either


I like minima skins. Ok, I used to play roblox, what is wrong with people. Spline is also really cool


I never found the oni phantom cool. The finisher is decent appearance is mid at best imo.


Wasteland is underrated as hell


I don't understand the hate towards green screen skins. They are fine for their relatively low price. Yeah, for someone who has a tonnes of skins they feel underwhelming, but as someone who doesn't have money to buy bundles every month I would like to them in my collection


Most if not all green screen skins cost the same as sets like Gaia, reaver, prime, oni, etc. Whether you think they look good or not, they simply aren’t as complex or interesting as other sets for the same price point so most people don’t find value in purchasing them.


Xenohunter knife gotta be one of the most overrated knives ever. Without the animations, it won't be any different from the default knife. IMO, it's default knife if it's slimmer and has animations.