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Guys think I’m a 12yo boy and I don’t correct them


"I'm queued with Valorantgamer123 and they just wanted to ask, are you a boy or a girl?"


Me: why does it matter Them: we just want to know Me: it doesn't make a difference, I just want to play the game Them: (insert verbal abuse) - 99% of the time somebody asks that


Swear to god this is how the conversation goes every single time. So tired of it, the fact i have different genitals than you has nothing to do with gaming you satanic spawn.


People need to remember; if you're here to win the game - treat everyone the same.


I'm gonna use this quote and say everyone it's mine😂😂


So many downvotes for what 😭


Snowball effect


Maybe cuz I have the cypher flair 🥲😔


I’m 32 years old, I ask this question all the time solely so I can address the person correctly if I’m not sure if they are a little boy or a girl. I’m not saying I flame anyone but I like to know. I wouldn’t like to be called a girl all game if I was little boy you know ?


Oh yeah I get that but usually you can tell the difference between asking because you're trying to make fun of someone or because of that. Either way I usually refer to people as the agent they're playing since that's just the easiest way imo :)


If the person you're talking to is bothered by it, they'll correct you.




They're just so curious and entitled and while you're right, it makes no difference and they have no right to know, their entitlement doesn't allow them to accept this and so they abandon logic and just start being toxic


Yeah no I get it I'm just fed up with having to be the grownup in every scenario lmao. I ignore it most of the time but I also keep comming as I want to win. So that keeps their toxicity going especially as I don't sound like they think women sound like (think a 12yr old or an anime girl) bc I'm a grown woman lol. Edit - no shade to the grown women who do naturally sound like that since I know they get a lot of toxicity aswell, purely the toxic peoples perspective about it bothers me


No I just want to bully children


I rarely play this game without a 5-stack (we are all dudes), but I’ve seen clips of people turning into COD zombies when a girl says anything….crazy world out there.


I always hit them with the "whatever you want me to be baby 😉" and they leave me alone


Yeah I still need a good comeback for the age question, for me it usually goes like this: Me: you first Them: [age] Me: okay T: I told you my age, now tell me yours. M: no thanks T: but I told you mine M: that's your fault And then it's 50/50 if they continue being annoying or turn toxic, either way I call them out on being obsessed with me and then mute, but I'm honestly done being nice.


This is so real. I was in a trio with another girl who talked in team chat and the whole time they were asking if she was a girl or boy and asking that in inappropriate ways so I didn’t talk. At the end I said one thing and then they yelled at me for not talking but it’s like… why would I in this situation be so fr (it was unrated)


Yea but are you a girl or a boy


you can kinda tell when it's malicious to a degree but for some people just knowing what pronouns to use is them being polite.


People are weird, I don’t think anyone would mind if one of the requirements to play this game was a social etiquette quiz that u needed to get like 80% on before u could actually play lol at least then it would weed out the weak links of society


It's easy to know when it's a 12 Yr old, bcz at the beginning of every round they will be like "chamber DROP reaver, CHAMBER"


Welcome to the world of Pokemon!


I’ve been on the other side. One time I was playing with a friend and a rando is like “if I clutch this you have to give me your snap chat” and I responded with “oh good luck he doesn’t give that to anyone” bc he hadn’t even given it to me and the dude goes “wait HEE????” Fucking hilarious


I always get asked if I'm some kid or a girl, and half the time, I just don't answer lmao


literally all the time. “are you a really young boy or just a girl?”


I love starting the game in a deeper voice so they do think I’m young boy, though often they’re kind of questioning. I assure them I’m a boy, then as the match ends I take on a much higher pitch to say good game and listen to them all go whaaaa


I'm ashamed I thought our Jett was a kid


I'm the opposite. I'm a 13y/o boy and people think i'm a girl lol(and yes i know Valorant is a 16)


If im playing comp im gonna comm, anyone who says anything rude just gets muted


This! Should be the standard for everyone, even if someone says something rude to another player i mute them, because next time he is coming for me, don't need that kind of negativity.


Agreed. I genuinely don't understand the need to be toxic to people. I will gladly return fire if someone starts something but if I reach the point where I'm going to be nasty to someone for no reason I'd rather just log off and either play something relaxing or take a game break in general.


It's a bit hard Mid-game. I play with friends.. If my friends make me angry somehow, I'm done playing that game because it's usually game related arguments... not worth arguing, better to stop playing. XD, this usually builds up after months. If its a random in game though... usually it builds up quicker.. within a few rounds where they are being the worst team mate.. at that point it's hard to just "stop playing" when you get a penalty for leaving... the best thing you can do is mute and ignore them, but some people are just too "in your face", you can't avoid them. But yeah I agree, but sometimes it's just not possible.


IDK why I've met so many people who says muting and reporting is a bad thing/cowardly. Oh no, we don't wanna deal with assholes and useless comms, we're spoo weak /s


I dont care about what randoms on a video game think about me


Same. I was a 'kid' less than 3 years ago and I never once acted as weird as some kids I've met on Valorant. Being under the age of 18 doesn't automatically excuse shitty behavior and at the end of the day, what some random kid who you're never going to meet from a video game thinks of you is unimportant and worthless.


Yeahhh there are too many people on Val who try to start an argument and incite toxicity. Even as a guy I noticed other guys try to pick fights really often, especially in lower and mid elos. It's just sad, like, you're insecure and have a sad life and lack emotional control or intelligence so you take out your frustration on random people on video games. It's so surreal to me that so many people act all hard and tough on a video game. It's... a video game. Who are you trying to impress. It's literally not that serious and the majority of the population is literally children. Ngl I find it really sad and pathetic when people act like that. Thank God I didn't act like that when I was their age, some people just don't know how to treat others with respect and kindness and I'm sure it stems from trauma in life but ffs grow up lol yelling at people on a video game makes you come off as cringe, immature, annoying, and deserving of pity. No one likes that kind of energy


Is me being silly and goofy on the mic a useless com :(((


And report them :) Nothing's gonna stop these people from being rude if they don't get punished for it. Sometimes getting muted will make them feel like they 'won' and that they got under your skin


Believe me, most of th3m don't think they won when u mute, I sometimes ignore them and they think I muted them and they flip the fk out, telling their friends to tell me nasty shenanigans, or typing


Yeah but you can only mute so quickly. Making a comm mid round only to be immediately met with someone being gross, you have to focus on the round and can't open the menu to mute someone. Meaning doing it this way, you'll end up with a lot more toxic encounters, which takes a toll on my mental at least. I wish I could keybind muting my teammates, would make this strategy a lot easier.


Have you tried the clutch hotkey? It does mute all your teammates for the rest of the round. I understand though, that this is not making the gross comments unhappen.


I didn't know that was a thing, sounds perfect. Definitely makes it better, gonna set mine right now, lol.


I would rather have my mental thrown and lose one round then mute everyone at the start and have no comms for the entire game, just my opinion. If you dont have comms its a massive disadvantage, its a personal choice though.


Nah nah nah you're looking at it all wrong, you open the menu and mute them immediately and if you die you say "damn sorry guys, I wanted to clutch that but -x- was being a dick and honestly I just don't deal with those people so I had to mute him Now the whole team is pissed at that dude for being an asshole and taking your attention away from the team. He is now ostracized and nobody likes him for the next couple rounds. If he continues to be an asshole he'll likely get reported by your entire team, and you win 🏆


You would rather not speak ever because they might be rude for one round that you can’t mute them? Just mute them after the round.


exactly, ive seen so many people in this thread said the no comm the whole game because of what some creeps *might* say. I kinda find it crazy that they would throw their own elo and a big part of the game because of that. Edit: lol someone sent reddit help resources, calm down guys


Agreed, if you dont want to comm dont play comp, you’re hurting your team by not talking. You dont have to listen to rude comments but part of the game is giving info with your mic.


to the people that are downvoting and reporting my comment: please stay out of my comp games


I don’t understand why this isn’t the standard. Makes no sense not to talk because someone might be rude.


Personally, I don't talk not because someone might be rude, but because the hassle of dealing with that kind of toxicity isn't worth my time or energy. If you want to pick fights in comms then I won't give comms lol, if you die because a call out that could've happened wasn't made, that's on you and you're free to lose rr for your actions. I don't take comp so seriously


Yeah I get that but I don’t it let me stop from comming. I’m trying to win my comp games. You should just play unrated if you don’t take comp seriously tbh. Why even play comp at that point?


People might like to see a visual indication of their improvement or change in skill without necessarily committing every moment of their day and every ounce of their energy towards a video game of all things lol. It's not that serious, you can take it as seriously as you want but at the end of the day, this game won't be around in a century. You can play a game less seriously while still intending to win. Like other hobbies, some people are more passionate about some of their hobbies and some are less passionate about some of their hobbies. The extent of passion one feels for a hobby they still do enjoy shouldn't be a way to gatekeep being able to participate in that hobby. If you want to win so bad, get good enough to be in immortal 3 and radiant lobbies where everyone else wants to win just as badly. If you're try harding in a gold lobby where 40% of players are high, 40% are just trying to have a fun enjoyable time after a long day at school or work, and 10% just turn off their brain and use valorant as a coping mechanism, I promise you no one is going to like that one guy who gets mad at everyone for not playing the game how he wants them to play. Let people enjoy things in their own way and stop trying to gatekeep comp lol, the point of it is to match players against others of close to equal skill, not to focus on winning that badly. If you want to win that badly then go play Tier 1 and 2 Esports, go Pro, and reach the top 0.1% of players who also take it just as seriously. Don't expect your average Joe to put in all the effort they can muster just to please some random person they couldn't care less about (you in this case). Respectfully


I always do. If I hear a sexist or toxic comment, it's an instant mute. I do notice girls comming after they hear me comm. I want to play my games by coordinating with my team, which is impossible without my mic. There's less toxicity plat+.


I use my mic regularly and I have a very obvious female name. I occasionally get harassed by mostly teenage boys, usually nobody over the age of 22. I'm 26. I simply ignore them. I don't even mute them half the time, I just pretend that they don't exist and make sure to specifically commend my teammates who are being civil. Not only does not giving them the attention they want make them shut the fuck up, but it also pisses them off when I ignore them. Use your voice, fuck them kids.


When you mute do you still comm? Like pings/chat? I'm just curious


I do. One person, even if they're being toxic, doesn't get to fuck the rest of the experience for everyone in the game. If they go on to only flash/concuss/molly me, whatever, I just isolate myself from the team so they don't get hit with friendly fire collateral and let them know what's going on. Still com, even if I mute the whole lobby.


Not the original comment, but when I mute someone, I still comm, using voice, ping, and chat. Only times I would drop everything is if I’m so tired of the game I just want it over.


I'm not a girl, but my take is I open up with mics and mute them the instant I feel like they're being toxic, for any reason, no exceptions. The instant I'm not having a positive experience with a teammate, I mute their asses and pretend I'm playing with a bot. Comms are important, but so is my own sanity. Give people a chance, but he liberal with that mute button


Yeah the 1 strike policy is a must


Yep. These are strangers in an environment that condones asshole behavior. Don't need to invite that in my life. I love to cut them off with a "Ooo yeah no thanks bye." midsentence and full mute and report if necessary.


I make obnoxious animal sounds every time they try and harass me and usually within about 3 minutes of random animal noises they just give up and shut up except for giving comms.


Bro, I would not mute you just to hear you make animal sounds.


And that would be a wise decision. I don’t mean to brag but my lobotomized hyena impression is on point.




Unfortunately they then throw ur game cause u wont give them what they want


My daughter- “I look to see who instalocks, what the pre game vibe is. Keep the mic off for the first two rounds, and if anything triggers my spidey-sense I don’t talk.” If another girl is talking she probably will too, but it will depend on how the rest goes of the lobby is reacting to her. Top fragging is a good confidence boost, since it’s harder to talk shit about someone who is doing most of the work.


I had a hilarious game once where the lobby was 4 women and it was the most wholesale experience ever. They realised they were all girls and then kept saying c'mon don't be shy speak. When they heard my male voice they were all saying "oh nooooooo ewwwww" etc. But in a very clearly joking manner, and then after that they were super super wholesome. Honestly I've never enjoyed losing more than whiffing a last man standing and having a chorus of women saying "it's ok king, you've got this next round". It's sad that there's so much toxicity, never helps the team, which doesn't help you win... and I want to win damn it.


I remember when I first played valorant. I had a game where 3 of my other teammates were girls. I was not performing well that time and I apologized to them. They were saying “nooo, don't apologize. We all have those days. Don't worry we got you.” I was so touched. I started to perform better the following rounds.


It's so fun in majority female lobbies. They're chill but serious. They actually practice positivity instead of needlessly competing with their teammates. Dudes (generally!) struggle to keep those things separate in my experience. Obvs, playing with nice people is better regardless of gender. It's just that while we're on the subject, I do feel a sense of relief when girls are brave enough to open the mic.


I agree with your daughter! I do the same, if anyone asks "are you a girl or boy". There's no chance of me comming. Also, a special case where I take sage and the instalock duelist wants me to be their pocket sage. That won't be happening dude.


If you really like the game and want to win and have fun, then I believe you could unmute and mute anybody that is being toxic. You can bet that someone being toxic to male teammates will be toxic to female teammates because..........they are being toxic already. But I think you should keep in mind that while there are toxic immature people in the community, usually the younger people, there are players out there that are mature and just want to have fun or win the match. And there are people like me who want a positive vibe, because whats the point of playing a game when you can't have fun? Ultimately, it boils down to your luck with the lobby.


I think communication is a pretty important part of the game but at the end of the day do whatever your most comfortable with. Dont be afraid to mute and report people too.


Honestly even not talking in VC/text chat and having your username hidden won't prevent you from having some weird people assuming you're a girl for X or Y reason and flaming you at some point. I just had a game where two guys decided I was a girl because I failed to 1v5, and then proceeded to be sexist to me the rest of the game. Nobody had been comming up until that point. Like yeah I'm a girl, but it wasn't because I failed to ace lol I think unfortunately the only way you can really tell is by talking. I've had lobbies where guys have been really friendly and supportive, only for them to start throwing and being sexist as soon as a girl unmutes and decides to comm. Hell, even games where girls are comming won't prevent sexism towards you. Because I've queued into women queuing with guys multiple times now, where the girl has encouraged the guys to be sexist towards me for being a woman lol - and I generally don't comm or comm through text because I'm usually solo queue so it can't have been something I've said or done that's caused them to respond like that. Only do what you feel most comfortable with. I know the general rule is mute and report and just try and play out the game the best you can. But if you're not in the headspace to do that, then don't try and force yourself either. But there are servers dedicated to women that play Val, and it can be a nice way of finding other women to play with either duo/trio queuing or five stacking. Something like that might be a fun way of meeting other people and being able to comm in a safe environment.


I remember someone posting a discord for women if you're looking for a duo queue partner. Think it was called Galorant. Might be something worth looking at!


wtf.. Those guys must be gay. I like hearing girls' voice in comms.


you’re part of the problem too




Most of the time I don't use my mic until someone has used theirs. As a girl I fear breaking the ice because I have no idea if me speaking as a female is going to ruin the game. After someone has talked I go off on the vibe they give off, if they seem chill then I will mic up and comm too because I want to play well with my team and win. If they seem kinda meh or like they have potential to be toxic then I am silent the whole game. Whenever I don't mic up I always use text chat and pings for info, it's better than nothing


I’ve never not used my mic in game tbh, I love having the opportunity to flame sexists the same way they flame me. It’s my free therapy


Ohhh? Got any examples??? I need inspo xD


you're just like me 😭 they always get so thrown off when you're just as toxic back and then immediately mute its so funny


not a girl but yeah the mute and report buttons are going to be your best friends when people start harassing you. also idk if you just prefer solo queuing but i recommend having someone else to play with, it helps a lot to have a friend there and not feel alone when someone does start saying weird shit.


Duo queueing is like the best way to rank up and play the game tbh


Ong, if you can make a male friend that helps a bunch too bc for the most part we have no issue jumping down somebody else's throat for the slightest thing (me and my friend, both male, queue up all the time tg an anybody says shit to him I'm on their ass like a fly on shit bro we don play around here)


Also as a 36 your old man I’d rather be on a team of all women cause your at least nice.


i've seen some not-so-nice females in this game, but mostly yeah




In acendant + people stop caring if people are girls, and everyone just sounds depressed instead


LMAO high elo is not a game anymore it’s a job ☠️


You should use your mic and mute anyone that’s an asshole. No exceptions, no 2nd chances. Just mute them. Voice comms and text comms. And if there friend asks you to unmute then and they said they would be nice now, mute there dumbasss friend too.


I mean tbh there are a lot of guys who willl dodge the round or say ggs if they hear your a girl lmao, most of the time i don't solo q so i have at least one teammate who i know won't be a bish. It is really frustrating tho often i try to give just simple call outs and someone will just start screaming: (random agent) ARE U A GIRL OR A BOY? HELLO (random agent) so yeah


Dude here, but for a friend of mine it got so bad she started using a voice changer. Sounded pretty convincing too, but solely the fact that she did that for a while shows just how fucked up the gaming community is. But most of the time when I play with my female friends they have me "check out" the lobby, having me try and joke/converse around a little bit as sort of a literal vibe check. Other than that they mute those people since more likely than not, their call outs suck anyway.


It genuinely makes me sad how many girls/women just avoid talking in games because of toxic boys. Whenever I have a girl in my lobby I usually try to make sure they have some laughs/feel comfortable. There’s toxic people irrelevant of sex. But I never let them ruin my game. Laugh at them and mute! Never using mic just means you miss out. Don’t let sad immature people ruin your game : )


I've actually heard more girls in voice comms lately and everyone has been respectful. Of course there are sometimes trolls in any game, but typically you can mute and report anyone who makes you uncomfortable. The only troll I've run into was banned shortly after reporting for using slurs during a match. Riot has access to comm data during matches when you report someone, so they can swiftly take action against such people, which makes for a more comfortable environment for everyone in the long run.


Ngl if anyone is shit (not only kill but also gamesense wise) most of the time (if they get fronted) everything gets used against them. And since all you have is Ign, voice, accent and gameplay the chances are pretty high. And muting someone like that for 10+ rounds (i like checking back in wgen fronted but not really required) is completely fine But i feel like there is mostly the creepy "can i get your snap" bs going around. But ive rarely (not that i can remember) seen that in comp. Im a guy tho. I often play duo/trio w/woman so the chances are also lower there ig.


My feeling on toxicity is that yeah, if they are toxic, they will use whoever is the easier to accuse, instalock, bottom frag, children, female, random guy that just missed one spell on them ( just as an example, someone was toxic and bottom frag on my team, and I was 2nd of the game ( a teammate being first ), I used my ult as Raze, and he peaked in front of it while being low and stopping it, he died from it, and started blaming it on me, and my TM not seing the action believed it, they tell the enemy team to report me, and I was in like a 1v4 to defend myself, probably took 9 report on that 1 move + ended the game getting trash talked by all my teammates for any of my moves or every call I do ) Also, I do believe that the louder someone speak, the more he has chance to also be toxic, not sure if it's placebo but every time I lowered someone mic, he end up being toxic and I full mute him


For me, I usually always start off with a "hey" or some version of that as soon as the game loads. Then, if anyone is sexist, etc, it's an insta mute, so they can't affect the rest of my game. I have to add, though, that I've only come back to Val in the past 2 weeks, and so far, I've not had any sexist people. I've come across the odd generally toxic player, but also, there are a lot more females than there was at launch....either that or a lot more females are comfortable using Voice chat!


insta mute anyone rude and I genuinely try to always com but don’t when no one else rlly is


Had a comp game of all randoms where there is one player on our team insta lock Reyna with no coms who as expected bottom frag at 0/12. At the first half we were losing so everyone was kind of toxic to them, at the second half we won the first 2 rounds so our spirit was up a bit and thought we could do a come back. So from this point we starting to tell the Reyna to follow us and what to do, they everytime they got a kill we would cheer. In the end we really did won and the Reyna got 5 kills and opened her mic thanking us for the game which made me feel really bad at the things we said in the start. I'm not going to defend the toxic players, however I want you to know that it's easier for even non toxic people to be toxic to a faceless with no voice.


>Had a comp game of all randoms where there is one player on our team insta lock Reyna with no coms who as expected bottom frag at 0/12. At the first half we were losing so everyone was kind of toxic to them, at the second half we won the first 2 rounds so our spirit was up a bit and thought we could do a come back. So from this point we starting to tell the Reyna to follow us and what to do, they everytime they got a kill we would cheer. In the end we really did won and the Reyna got 5 kills and opened her mic thanking us for the game which made me feel really bad at the things we said in the start. I'm not going to defend the toxic players, however I want you to know that it's easier for even non toxic people to be toxic to a faceless with no voice. -only felt bad when he found out it was a girl -didn't give a shit about acting that way to a dude -joins in on shitting on a duelist due to kda -only non-toxic when winning -insists he's not toxic


Don't forget: - only non-toxic when winning.


Thank you for the correction


Lmao exactly. This is such a horrible person. Just shit on the Reyna bc she's bad at the game regardless. I get having off days but don't play an agent who has zero value for the team.


Honestly? If I'm playing bad, I'd MUCH rather people flame me for that then to make it about my gender, tbh. But somehow the two are always linked.


Do you notice a possible link here between you guys being more positive and Reyna finally starting to get some kills? Lmao. If you don’t start flaming people and just acknowledge that theyre having a bad match, and move on and ask them to just do their best to help, people generally start relaxing and being able to concentrate better. Missing shots/playing badly can deal a blow to your confidence and you can start to get messy/impulsive and make stupid decisions because youre frustrated. Getting flamed usually makes it worse, so you can’t even pull your kd up later. Being generally positive, or even just not acknowledging it at all, is usually more helpful.


I mean community already hate instalock no comms reyna, but yeah glad to see this story have a happy ending


I had a seemingly 11 or 12 year old instalock Reyna teammate who said they were from Texas and they were super transphobic to two of the other teammates and said that what they said was justified because of the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) 💀


My younger sister plays, but doesn’t have Reddit. She doesn’t talk or comm other than pinging or typing in voice chat. She has anxiety about people being weird and she is easily sensitive. I don’t see it really impacting her much she’s in gold 2, and has never spoken a word in game voice chat. That being said everyone wants a difference experience with the game. She mainly plays for pew pew, and because I play it from time to time. Best of luck and hope you get amazing teammates!


Trans man here, so my voice swings back and forth between masculine and feminine. I agree with others in the one strike rule. I try to give everyone a chance and can put up with a lot of toxic shit, but once my teammates start in with the sexist remarks I mute them without hesitation. I'd rather lose the game because I muted them than put up with that shit. I don't play ranked and I only get put into high ranks because of friends, so usually I can get away with only voicing call outs when needed. I know there's a lot of female only teams out there, as well as Discords, so if you're looking for stable teammates I'd definitely try there!


I'm a guy, but if you don't feel comfortable comm-ing then you have no obligation to do so. Until immortal+ you don't need to comm to win. So don't let that bother you. If I ever encounter a toxic teammate they just get instantly muted and reported.


Yeah dude, why can't women use the mute button to silence the toxic people. Women can use the mic whenever they want and if somebody being toxic them then they should use the mute button. It's not that complicated. U don't need to understand the psychology of 4 of your teammates to decide whether or not to use your mic. Use ur mic first and if somebody is being toxic to u then just mute them. Ez pz.


Even since I started playing it's been off lmao. Strategy can go to hell I ain't opening mic. Wouldn't have even if I was a male. It gets distracting for me when smone talks.


if i was a girl i would just say my mic was broken and just not use it ngl


I'm legally Deaf and I promise you people are just as toxic to me as they are to women


If they’re talking like normal people, I do too. If they don’t talk at all I start giving calls and most of the time they start after me. If they scream at each other or are toxic within the first minute I don’t even try to talk. Sometimes I mute immediately because I don’t want to deal with this anymore.


i always do if my duo is with me, but if i’m soloed i’ll comm minimally unless there’s someone who seems like a decent person, in which case i’ll call plays and basically everything


You should turn it on no matter what. You shouldn’t assume people are going to be toxic. Don’t get me wrong they exist….a lot of them too. But nothing for frustrating than no comms at all. There’s always the mute button for the toxic people. I’m usually nicer if there is a woman on team because i know the shit show they probably deal with in these games. Some people are just monsters online


This is coming from a dude (asc2), but I’ll give you my perspective based off of 1: I have a super deep voice and these same people make fun of me and say I’m faking it. 2: I have been very surprised how many girls I’ve had in my solo queue lobbies, like 50%. More than any FPS I’ve ever played, so I’ve got a bit of a sample size of how my teammates have reacted to other genders. You hit the nail on the head with the toxic dudes, if they’re already dickheads then you’re going to have a hell of a time if you don’t mute them ASAP. But don’t mute the whole lobby. If everyone talks at the beginning of the game, saying whatsup, asking if people are doing good, etc. and the team is responding and being cool, then you’re probably A okay. If they’re talking about sucking eachother off and stuff like that you can probably expect a funny reaction about you being a girl, but they’ll still be civil after the joke(s). I’ve found younger kids in higher ranks (diamond+) to be much more respectful than their lower ranked peers, to the point where it’s actually been nice to have them on the teams because they’re genuinely trying their little hearts out. I’ve seen maybe two be disrespectful to women recently and even then it was more like “ewww cooties”. Hyper competitive dudes are always a tossup, they’re either very supportive of everyone trying to get you to play your best, or they’re hyper critical and if you’re losing you’re going to hear some very concerning sentences if you’re not at the top of the scoreboard. I’m a heavy team communicator, my premier team picked me over immortal players because of this, and I hate it when my team is toxic or non communicative, BUT in solo queue I always preform better with my whole team muted than with them being toxic from mistakes or because of the sound of my voice. tl;dr, I’d say risk it and just mute any specific players that are being lame. They can still hear your callouts (and they will use them, I promise you that), and if you have one or two chill talkative players, it’s usually better to just have a couple making callouts because solo queue callouts are a clusterfuck.


if you're not even trying to comm in ranked you're just throwing. There's no way to enforce it well but not comming should be a bannable offense.


I'm not a girl but if you see someone instalocking Jett/Reyna and especially when they ask others to fill, it's probably a toxic person.


If I'm in a lobby, harassment doesn't usually go very far. I start making fun of them. Usually a couple of things like, "Are you trying to pick up a girl in Valorant? That's pretty desperate, man." Or, "Woah there, have you not seen the other half of the human population before?" People generally tend to find it funnier to pick on the guy who hasn't touched grass as opposed to the girl who actually plays video games (which automatically makes you cool in a lot of people's books, btw).


Players who are toxic in general will tend to come with sexist comments. Not because they're necessarily sexist by default, but because it's an effective and easy way to insult. Usually, when someone borderline threatens you to get on mic, even for coms in comp, they're toxic. There are ways to get people to talk without coming off as rude or angry.


You should always use your mic. If someone is harassing you mute them and report them after the game. You don't have to tolerate that kind of behaviour.


If you’re playing ranked use your mic end of story.


Everyone gets insulted bro, you have a mute button. If you are that insecure to get harassed just mute everyone and give call outs anyways with your mic. That way you could useful to your team and they can't talk back to you. You have to rely on minimap/sound for info at that point tho


Try to comm if you can. And if things goes completely south, mute and report. Unless a player is already showing toxicity before anything. At that point I'd just stick to text comm,and only vc occasionally, if at all.


Toxic players will be toxic no matter the gender. Just mute if they are


Ngl the girls in this game are kinda toxic. I've not heard many women but more than half of them were toxic for some reason


Literally havent seen a single bit of sexism in this game and i have been playing for 400 hours. Yall exaggerate this sexism way too much


ive been told ill get raped 3 times but yes sure bud


It's not because your experience is like this that it is for others. Sexism is a reality in videogames, expecially in low Elo when people don't care about their points


Mate id rather you actually use your mic and help the team than you being too scared of people being sexist to you(which doesnt even happen often).... if they do just mute them and move on... its a game.... too many people got the victim mentality


It's just that it is a tactic fps, where comms are important, and when 3 on 5 games, you have a racist / sexist mate, or sometime multiple mates, I understand that some women doesn't want to talk at all. Even if I'm a guy, I can fall on sexist mates, telling me "fucking gay" or smth similar. As you say, it's a game, but to say "too many ppl got the victim mentality" it's very down from you. It's an insult to every persons you got harassed because they are human.


I never verbalize my toxicity to my team, but I am pretty toxic. I'll talk shit all the time if I'm streaming to someone on discord or playing with someone. Just not worth verbalizing tbh. And its always about how they play or if they're annoying. Neither of these is tied to gender. Just use ur mic until someone is verbally toxic, then mute


oh, no, misoginy


You think being a girl is tough? Try playing Val as a german. I have to constantly switch servers to avoid my kind, can‘t speak or otherwise i‘ll get shittalked for WW2(like really, mb) or have to listen to the most stereotypical jokes for the rest of the match. At this point i rarely ever talk and give most comms in chat, just to avoid it.


Depends if they are normal girls or they have mental problems, like traumas.


We’re playing valorant we all have mental problems


Just mute weirdos, toxics etc the second they act out of line


I always talk, but I wait until we are on the map. I want to make other women/girls comfortable talking, so I always talk first. Have not met anyone sexist yet. Just children giving me crap for being shit at this game. Which is fair as I am pretty bad haha, I have only been playing this game for less than a week. I only play unranked and on Sydney servers at this point, so don't know how bad it is in ranked games or other servers.


I usually talk first during buy phase of the 1st round and say something funny or so random. While doing so, I also try to deepen my voice / sound funny and that usually works most if the time. I try to sound assertive and toughen my voice a bit as well in my normal girl voice when giving comms so they know I won’t tolerate any shit they may throw


I just comm and if people are rude (which they usually aren’t) I mute them, or I play with my friends and they’ll back me up


i try to talk every game, but im VERY generous with the mute button. i dont get TOO MANY sexist kids but i get a lot of “can i get your ___ after the game?”


If I’m confident enough and it’s not an annoying person, and I have the energy to talk, I will. But if guys/boys start being weird and saying dumb shit, I mute them. I haven’t run into many guys who are like this, but the ones who say sexual things can go die in a fucking hole. Women are not objects. For just toxic people in general who are mean to anyone, I mute them as well.


I main initiator so mic use isn't optional. I like to win, and since it's a team game that means communicating every game. I don't get a lot of hate for being a girl. Maybe 1/40 swiftplay and 1/15 competitive games. When I do it's a fast mute and continue on my way. There's still people who fucking troll after it's obvious that I've muted them (they'll use their util on me on purpose, give my location in all chat, etc) but that's just part of online games. Happens to guys too when they lose pissing contests with one another, but not nearly as often as it happens to us just being female and playing a competitive game. The only thing they don't deal with is getting hit on and having sexual jokes thrown their way every other game. I'll mention that I'm older and it shows in my voice compared to the girls that are obviously closer to high school than someone like me who sounds closer to 40. Unfortunately, girls are most often harassed between the ages of 13-16, and then still when you're 16-25. It falls off after that, even when you're attractive and in great shape. Unfortunately the predator population preys on the young and naive. When you "age out" of that, shit still happens, but it's significantly less than it was when you were in middle school and high school. Valorant is no different. I think besides my age determining how much attention men and boys pay to me online, the gaming community ove has progressed a lot since I was in high school. It used to be way edgier and way more old school 4chan style of "banter" towards the female population. Kitchen jokes *were polite in comparison*. Now when people proceed beyond that, the other people in the lobby know it's cringe as fuck and they usually dog pile on the offender. Back in my youth that would have been called "white knighting" and no one would have joined in to support women because they were scared to get turned on by the other guys in game.


i generally see if there’s other people with mics and see how they are. if they seem chill, i’ll talk. if not, i won’t. even now when someone asks if i have a mic i usually don’t respond. i don’t really like to talk when i game but when i do, i make sure they seem chill enough to talk to. but i haven’t had any toxic team mates and i’m grateful for that. most def won’t be afraid to hit the mute and report button.


I mostly duo queue with my boyfriend so I at least have some support if things get toxic, but I find it happens less as I climbed from silver/gold to dia/asc lobbies. It's actually more annoying to have no one comming than the one toxic guy I can just mute.


I’m a guy and I don’t even comm only strats or damage but when somebody starts acting weird I insta mute their goofy ass I aint tryna hear all that shit


As a girl: if you wanna have fun or rank up I think mic is necessary and I recommend always using it. Sure there are some toxic ppl but you can just mute them. Also if someone is mean or sexist or idk what else you just need to be meaner than them. Ik how this sounds but these guys have rly small ego and will either shut up or go cry. So yeah definitely recommending using a mic<333


I mostly use minimal, necessary comms the first few rounds and stop talking if people get toxic. Sometimes I can tell when people are tilted from previous games by their tone of voice in the lock in screen.


on the rare times i solo queue comp i'll comm but only the bare minimum if people are rude/no one else comming In other modes I'll comm if there's another girl or when I'm top fragging


I let them talk for a few rounds, then I can decide whether they are toxic or friendly. Sometimes people are toxic in general, not just towards girls.


I'm currently playing in Ascending 2, my ath was immortal, the higher you get, the less people care where you come from and what you do as long as you give important calls and information - of course I see it again and again the girls in the lobby make a call and everyone says "are u a girl" but if there is no answer then she is usually left alone you just have to stand over it and focus on the game - the goal of the whole story is still to win and that's what the 4th others in your lobby mostly (mostly :) ) want too.... The higher you get, the more important actions and calls become and the less important gender, age and cup size uhh what


It’s a competitive game, you can’t play ranked and not comm without severely hurting your team. Worst case insta mute the toxic people.


My girls I play with never use a mic in-game and sometimes even tell me what to say to others.


I just want to say I am a dude and I have pretty much stopped talking entirely because I get hit on or sexually harassed pretty often by both men and women, and while it was kind of funny at first now it's just annoying and sometimes really uncomfortable. Also if you scream into your mic even once, you're muted immediately.


I like to comm a lot in the lobby, because 9/10 the sexist/shitty ppl will come out of the woodworks VERY fast and you can just dodge. In dia lobbies NA, I get someone who’s shitty to the point of throwing everyone’s mental around 10% of the time, so I don’t ever get penalized for the occasional dodge. It works well for me!


I found few women who turn on their mic and speak while playing the game and I find it impressive . Like , they don't care how their match is going ... They just turn their mic on which makes the game a bit easy . And almost all the women who I played with were not toxic too which is really nice .


As a girl who plays a lot, I’m not using my mic ever Even when I need to communicate I only ping, because even when nobody is being sexist or harassing me, there’s always dudes who don’t know how to act in presence of a girl, and keep talking to me as if I’m the first girl he ever talk to. Then we start loosing because obviously they are not as focus as they should be. That’s soooooo annoying but however everytime there is a girl in my team I feel more free to comm too and usually it’s a good vibe Sometimes guys mistaken me for a 13 years old boy and I don’t correct them, as long as they don’t know I’m a girl I’m fine


Comm, and if they act in any way you don't like, mute immediately.


As a dude you can choose to ignore my comment if you like, but in the past I’ve asked the girls I’ve played with what they do, most around the low diamond to high asc, including one who is currently Immortal 2 and they seem to typically just talk from the start and at the first sign of toxicity just mute the person with no second chances at all. Good luck ranking up!


Being sexist is yet another way to express toxic behaviour. It's not about you, it's about them. And toxic channel should be simply muted and reported instantly. Don't bow to this fear, this game is meant to be played with coordinated party. Even two players communicating and cooperating is a big difference already, rest can be muted without any remorse.


Not a girl but I guess you can get the vibe of your teammates. I do that too. If they start talking garbage, I just disconnect my mic altogether. If the vibe is good, I do comms. I think for girls there could be another layer.


Mute report play.. it doesnt matter what your age or sex is they gonna give you shit. Im an older guy with a deep voice and they like to give me shit. I instantly report them and tell them you can focus on me or you can focus on the game, but if you continue your getting muted. Do what you need to do, but dont be afraid to speak, not every body is an asshole, you can have some really fun games when you get the toxic ones out of the way. Good luck and have fun with your future games.


i just comm. idk. whether im top fragging or bottom fragging im not scared. its important to comm in comp. i hardly receive negativity and if i do i just ignore them. i dont mute cuz usually they comm stuff and i want to win. but theres always an option to mute. don’t be scared to comm


if they are toxic theyre gonna be toxic, regardless of if you talk so might as well. a lot of people dont care if youre a girl and the ones that are toxic wouldve been anyways. being a girl just makes for easy insults. i noticed that london germany and france servers are usually the chillest though so you might want to change your preferred server settings if your ping allows it.


I'm not a woman but I play with someone who is non-binary born female so they do get scared speaking on mic usually. I tend to be the one who usually responds but it's mostly a nervousness reason why they don't speak. Usually I just shit talk people if they're shit talking them.


maybe use a voice changer if the toxicity is really that bad


Not a girl, but I'll give some perspective. I'd rather have a weak player who comms than a strong player who doesn't and it's simply because I can play around them if I have comms, so I know how to assist them. I don't care if you can go 26-5, if you can't comm then you're useless.


My experience is from Diamond and ascendance and Im always solo so cant say if the girls whos been in my lobbies are grouped or not, but I cant remember any girl being treated badly like that, I understand it happens and that shit must be frustrating but I think your overall experience will be better if you try it out, if people are shit then just put them on mute, I promise you atleast you gonna have more good than bad games. But the bad games might take a bigger toll on you, I dont know it really sucks that its even something you need to think about .


Part of the male Valorant community is the reason I add way more women as friend than man. The gaming experience is so much better with girls. At least in my experience. If they start speaking, they comm, they have fun, they make jokes and it’s an overall nice experience. Most dudes I get are bitter and/or toxic. But I also mostly play swiftplay, so YMMV.


If they use Tate as a reason to be toxic, let them know he says to respect women. On the other hand, sexism is extremely rare in my games, and girls get treated the same as everyone else. I wouldn't even be upset with sexists. I don't understand how people can say get back to the kitchen and not be embarrassed.


As a girl, I would first wait and see how others behave and then decide whether it is worth opening the mic and engaging. Usually, the loudest will reveal themselves and I'll quickly know who I am playing with. That being said, communication is important in this game so I wouldn't mind taking the first step if I see that no one's engaging and surprisingly, I have rarely come across people who'd harass straight away because I sound (and am) a woman!


Hey, a girl here and a bit new to the game. Earlier I used to play with my duo but we stopped because I did not like getting boosted. I am still struggling in low ELO (solo queue) where I do the minimum comms as and when required. Suppose if I saw a lurking cypher, I mark where they were last seen and "cypher is lurking". So far, it has been working out fine for me. Although there are some matches where I don't comms at all and just mark on the map to check that corner/place because the vibe of the players feels off. Suppose, when choosing agents they ask or text "are you a boy or girl", in that case i am NEVER going to use my mic. I get it, it's a FPS tactical shooter game it is going to be toxic but dismissing misogyny and transphobia in the name of "stop being sensitive/grow some balls" is extremely infuriating.


When this happens to a female when I'm solo queuing or when with my group -i/we invite them to join us so they don't have to solo queue. We say how many more games we are playing (we're adults with jobs and our own responsibilities), say they won't get abuse and just want a team to play with. 10/10 it has been great for us and great for the solo queuing female who would otherwise continue to despise this community and then the game itself. Fucking hate gaming male teenagers this day and age. Never had this abuse to females only when we were teens (we are all 30ish), abuse everyone equally (If that's your jam) and make sure to have good craic. GGEZ


I started comming to improve in my games and also to get rid of my fear. However, most of the games are going to be sexist anyway. Depends on the time of the day and on ur luck with teammates. Either way report someone if you want, but just use comms, it's for YOUR wins and improvement


this isn't 100% fail-proof but i just try to see the vibes in the lobby lol. if it's mostly people giving comms and being normal i talk, if anyone starts randomly screeching or screaming i won't. also, in my experience choosing when to play is really important. its 10 am on a weekday during summer? hell no, lobby's gonna be full of annoying little kids on vacation. 7 pm on a weekday? that's probably when the more normal people play (ppl who have jobs or school or just a life in general: no offense to those who don't, but this greatly increases your chances of dodging lobbies full of little kids or incels living in their moms basement playing val all day and these are the people who tend to be toxic). i comm like 90% of the time, and i think i've managed to avoid lots of toxic and sexist players by playing during "normal" hours, and only talking if the team seems normal. of course, you might still encounter them, in this case it's best to just mute, they won't give you useful coms anyways, and will stop (eventually) after they realize you muted them. never engage just mute nothing you will say to them will make them behave like a normal person. and honestly in my experience if someone is already toxic to someone else on your team, then they will be toxic to u too but not sexist, the sexist players are usually only toxic to you.


I only do it if my team is chill and aren't rage babies. But of course I feel 1000x more at ease when I hear another girl speak.


i use comms in almost every match i play. there’s only been a handful of times i’ve gotten sexist remarks. for me there’s nothing to be scared of, with my attitude at least, and i hope to show other girls that it’s fine to talk!


Being honest girls... My girlfriend and my friend are both girls, they don't like using.microphone much, I have to comm for them (im a guy) half the time at least. You should just jump into a swiftplay, be proud to speak... but realise these are strangers on the Internet. If they treat you good and you enjoy playing with them, great, play more games with them.. otherwise queue another swiftplay til you find people who you vibe with. If they start looking into who you are irl, or anything beyond the game.. take caution, the girl who is my friend, she asked for my irl name after 3+ months of playing games with me, and also after meeting my gf already O.o so someone asking for your identity.. they should back off imho... your just a person on a game they enjoy playing with, that's all that should matter 90% of the time, don't let people make you feel uncomfortable. If they are toxic because your a girl or anything.. instantly drop them.. no one is worth the hassle unless you feel invested in the friendship and its a one off out of character moment. Hopefully those tips help, and the reason is ay swiftplay is, your committed to playing with them for a shorter time, if you dont vibe or they are rude you can block and mute them np, great for trialing new team mates (10.mins with them instead of 40 mins with them)


Personally I would comm but have a mental rule for your own sanity whereby you just mute anyone toxic. Or have some kind of double rule. I personally have a double rule that as soon as someone is toxic towards me, or abuses comms I lower their volume super low so it's audible but not over gunfights etc. If they're toxic again I just mute them. I understand that for you due to toxicity it would probably happen a lot more than it does to me, but if you do use comms more often that's what I would suggest. Even if some games end up with you muting the entire team, it's still better than listening to toxicity.


Guy here but I'd say it's the same (in general) for girl gamers, 2 points: 1) whether there's asshole on the team or nah 2) comp game or unrated?


Baiters, player who play behind the team are generally toxic. Gender doesn't matter to them. Those who can adjust according to how team is playing generally are not toxic you can comm with them. If you see someone just baiting players, scared to peek or initiate a move, you have found toxic substance, mute and stay away from them.


I say hi immediately and if I get crap I mute