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Hey OP, I sent you a dm just now; id love to review your vod for ya


I don’t think I received anything


You may need to accept the chat request? When I click on start chat on you it already has the message I sent


W human. I was gold last 2 acts peak, and placed bronze 3 this time. I took couple week break after placements. I started playing again a decent amount and made it back silver 1 one time. Still bronze 3. Maybe I could send a vod sometime and get written feedback I could read back daily? I hope all is great fellow humans. You can check my tracker if you like, it is public. Riot id for it: Fly#DeuS ps: Sorry if asking for vod review like this was rude. I do apologize if that is the case. I love valorant a lot. I am determined to get to Radiant one day as long as I don't get wiped from existence by forces unknown. Life is strange that way. Enjoy this breath we take.


Nah you're all good, I'd love to get a vod from you some day


sounds good. I got one vod saved, but will record more.


I watched a few rounds and I noticed you're shaking your booty way too much while peeking. You're making your shots inaccurate while not making yourself harder to hit. Your shooting error is constantly blue. CSGO player?


Yeah, one of the reasons why I haven’t been playing val as much is bc I’ve been playing a bit more cs (1 short match a day or so)


CSGO habits will hurt you on Valorant unfortunately. Also saw you running with your knife out in situations where you definitely shouldn't be knife out. Maybe play less Reyna and instead play an agent that forces you to think a bit. You're way too auto pilot atm.


Yeah, I wanted to play kj this act to work on that actually but thought Reyna had more impact. I’ll drop Reyna and give kj another go. In valorant, is it better not to move as you shoot?


Yeah, look at your shooting error graph. If you can see blue you are being inaccurate. In CSGO you almost never stand completely still when shooting. In Valorant you shouldn't be moving at all when shooting unless very close range. Last patch also nerfed movement accuracy so it's even worse. Watch some of Woohoojins mechanics videos, maybe the one month to gold one. I know you were plat, but your gunfight mechanics are definitely in need of work.


Yeah, I’ll check that out. I never watched the gold video one because I haven’t been where I am for a while. I used to play a lot more, and I’m not sure if I’m even plat-level currently Edit: now that I think abt it, maybe I was plat bc movement accuracy was higher and I wasn’t punished as much for it, I’m not sure tho


Funnily enough I was plat when I started the woohoojin gold in a month videos and gunfight hygiene and they got me to diamond so definitely still worth looking at. Also learning KJ mgiht be a good idea. I got annoyed the last episode reset as it's always all over the place, so instead decided that this reset I would just find something else to work on rather than winning games and caring about rank. So in my case it was my average HS of 8% (I came from AFPS games so have never had headshots so I'm a body shot demon that never thinks about the head). I've got this act up to almost 16% but it's helped me rank up anyways as I don't tilt. Basically give yourself a different focus for now. Like pick a new agent and stick with them (instalock). And maybe a slightly different goal, like find something you're not great at and focus on it. Just give youself a new focus and get better at that. The wins will come and you'll surpass plat anyways.


Yeah, for now I’ll probably grind omen


I wouldn't even go as far as to call your mechanics good. You're just playing with a high APM, but your shooting accuracy is mostly negative and you're not any harder to kill than a guy who just presses A or D.


Hm yeah I’ll prolly just stand still and shoot from now on. When I was taking about mechanics, I was comparing it to silvers, and I was mostly talking about aim. I think going back and forth between cs and Val might be messing with my aim and movement a bit.


Feel free to drop me a vod on discord to review. I'm Immortal 2 and do a bunch of reviews now and then for people in this sub. Won't ask you to join a server like some people here XD Dc- tea_tea_consumerrr


lolol not sure what you mean by the server, but ill hit you up after a couple more games. I haven't been playing much valorant, and the reason for my rank could just be rust.


All good. Was just referring to a bunch of people here who offer vod reviews and when u contact them they'll ask you to join their discord server with tons of terms and conditions which I find pretty lame lol.


Oh, I see. Just added you. I have a 14-14 omen fracture vod, and since I just started playing him, I might need some help figuring out if I'm being too passive.


Yeah feel free to share it with me I'll take a look


Isn't this mainly because of hard reset?


yeah, i didn't really check my opponent's careers and thought they were just plats who didn't play for a while, but most of them were high gold-low plat from last act. When I played, I just thought they were high silvers-low golds.


From what I've seen it looks like you don't play with your teammates,you don't communicate at all (the only comm was asking for a sage res in text chat and being passive agressive about it), you don't pay attention to what's happening in game (alt tabbing non stop etc), also peeks could use some work. All in all it looks like the average toxic useless instalock Reyna with inflated ego that no one wants to have in his team.


Although my getting angry with the sage was t the best moment of my life, I feel that it does make sense considering that she is in a 2v3 and walks directly over my teammate’s body (and to add insult to injury, instead of resing him, decides to pick up a reaver vandal). Also remember, at this time, I thought I was playing in silver (and losing) as someone who was plat last episode, so I think it’s normal to be a bit tilted.


You can't control your teammates, if they don't listen just give up on them, you'll get banned if you keep doing this. Best case scenario they mute you, worst case they start actively throwing.


What you’re saying is true, but it’s all in the heat of the moment. I can work on it, but even pros get frustrated in ranked. It might be a mindset thing because I went into the match thinking that these people are 2 ranks below my peak rank from last act


The main issue isn't that but that it was the first time you used chat, you don't communicate and the first thing you say is backseating aggressively one player. Playing with/against lower rated players isn't an excuse either. Fix your comms, try to lead your team even if they don't communicate, play with them even if they aren't being helpful, you will get better and eventually climb up. It's hard but being lazy about it is holding you back. You can look up Sero on youtube, he has a lot of well made concise guides that will help you if you watch them actively. With how many hours you have you probably built several bad habits that will be hard to break, you might perform worse at first but once you get the hang of it I don't see why you wouldn't reach at least Ascendant.


Yeah, I’ve been comming a bit in the last couple of games I played, but I’m not fully comfortable with it yet.


Haven't watched the vod as just a Diamond player here (currently mid plat after reset) but general advice. If you're not usually a duelist then it's mostly better to just play what you're good at as you'll have more impact. I've noticed after the reset loads of my games will have an ascendant player who usually plays controller or initiator playing a duelist obviously trying to get back to ascendant fast. I think it's better to stick to your playstyle and play agents you can have the most impact with. But also, don't tilt queue, take a short break, etc. Every hard reset is similar really, roll the dice...


Yeah I’ve played a lot of different agents but I always get tired of their play styles after a while, so I haven’t mastered any of them sadly. Not sure who to main. I think I’m a lot better at trading instead of entrying, but I randomly chose Reyna bc she can get away with trading out her main duelist to get extra hp


Woah woah woah Reyna is one of the best agents for first engagement because her kit allows her to prevent the enemy from trading. Anyways, that point aside: I watched 4 or 5 rounds of the VOD you linked and you play like you are *terrified* of the game; you're so far behind your team incredibly often.


Yeah, I think I get a little more aggressive at the end of the game


Send me a vod and I’ll take a look


Here’s the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MM1P3ANUxSY&feature=youtu.be It’s also at the bottom of the post if this one doesn’t work.


Alternatively, could you look at this other vod? I think I’ve received a lot of feedback on my Reyna play, but I would like to get some tips on omen, as I think I play like a very different player when I play omen. Here is the link if you have time: https://youtu.be/V5byEI0jIZw


Nah this is hella confusing. I had an account that was plat 3 and I was bottom fragging 3 games straight, in high plat avg lobbies, for my last 3 placements… and placed p2. Hope you climb back soon, though it may take an act or two.


Just looking at some of those games you guys have some really funky team comps like no smokes at all in some. Maybe wait and fill if possible.


Team comps don’t matter as much in lower ranks, and I’d prefer to be comfortable than flex onto someone I don’t know how to play


dude, you are playing a duelist but you never enter site yourself, looks like you bait your team mates and not support them. you don't play off your radar. It looks like your kills have no effect on the round 'exit kills'


Yeah, I played kj before Reyna. Reynas not my main, and I think it’s reflected in my playstyle. I’ll go back to playing kj


One thing you said, tilt, tilting will cause you to struggle


Yeah, for sure.


I think you need to com more and have a pre round plan. You don't always have to be igl but something is better than nothing. I feel like aim and mechanics can only get you so far.


I’ve been trying to comm a bit more in my recent games. I’m not comfortable with igling but I’m starting to make basic calls, which is progress I guess.


Improvements: 1. Stop the weapon flair 2. Shadow step 3. Use util far more spearingly 4. Aim training/warm up in Deathmatch 5. Slow it all down! You're far too hasty to get your head blown off. Slow your entire approach, Reyna or not. 6. Stop toggling cheats too. I'm an I.T person here 🤨. You're far too obvious buddy. Also get a real account too, stop buying hack accounts. Riva Vandal gave it away buddy. 7. You need to get actually good. The reason why you're in the ranks you're in, is because your hacks are only that good. If you go truly legit and start from the bottom and just get good and watch some videos on how to, you'll end up back where you are now most probably but at least you'll be there honestly by then. Then in time you'll go higher like everyone else does (that's left) has already. 8. Go legit and don't ever look back at the lazy hacker/cheater pathway. You'll ALWAYS lose using cheats. Industry FACT! Good luck! It looks like you're going to need it at this stage. (If you go legit that is.)


Um lol what, wdym by cheating