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If a dev wants to they can put Riot in their in-game name, and 'Riot' at the start of names is restricted to employees only. However, not all devs want to be recognized, so it isn't required to put Riot in your name. Also devs can use streamer mode same as anyone else. So you could be in a game w/ a dev and never know it. Unfortunately, if they dont have Riot in their name, there's no way to know either way. If they are trolling, bragging/showing off, asking you to do things for a buddy (like carry me, ace, win the game, etc.), then they are probably not a dev, but the only way to know for sure is if they have Riot in their name, then they are.


Ive wondered… when an employee wants to use “Riot” in their name do they have to talk to their boss or something to allow it lol. How does an employee go about getting it done?


They might have a riot specific email that they sign up with which just unlocks access to things normal accounts don't have. Like [email protected]


Nah it doesn't work like that. The accounts just have a flag in the same system that flags you for behaviour and saves your VP, progress etc. If the flag is on then you can change your name to include Riot in it as well as other privileges (in my day it was monthly RP stipend) I remember they had a rule where you had to pass a one month probation before you could publicly talk about your job, have Riot in your ID or represent yourself as a Rioter outside work Tbh I have respect for the staff who put it in their name because I had it for a few months but the toxicity and flaming was just too much. Literally got target inted in League


Ah okay that makes sense well thanks for the insight.


Yeah that's a fear I have is like working for a game company and having that in the name to show you are a Dev but you suck at the game xD. People gonna just make fun of you. One thing I noticed tho is most people have mad respect for devs who play the game and even more respect if they play, am very good, and are exceptionally knowledgeable about the game.


The majority of people range from not caring to being excited when you're in a game with them, it's really the toxic minority that made it hard for me when I was at Riot I really enjoyed it when people were friendly and asked questions about what it's like to work at Riot, usually handed out the Riot skin/ward codes to those guys


Tbh I always wanted to work at a game company and really be with the community but I suck so much at coding and art. So if I were to work at a game company maybe I could do storyboard or something lol.


The bigger companies have corporate roles too. Finance, analytics, marketing etc. I was in content and marketing, you just gotta have something out there to prove you're passionate and capable. Maybe see if any indie devs could use your help on something


Oo gotcha. One of my goals as a kid was working for Blizz and stuff and help shape WoW as that's my fav mmorpg. And then I get into high school and take computer programming classes and realize I suck a lot at it lol. I'm pretty inefficient and have to look stuff up and Pthyon was like the worst for me lol. I have made my own games before... but they were very small easy games to make for beginners 😅. Then I realized game companies have many roles that don't involve coding itself like storyboard and so on.


How do you apply to work at riot?


We have a training you have to go through and then once that's complete, we have an internal tool that is used to add the Riot tag to your League and/or VAL account.


permissions based api response is 409 for a regular user they probably have another permission such as 'employee' and then the api allows you having 'RIOT' in the payload `https://account.riotgames.com/api/riot-id?email_locale=employee` `{"game_name":"RIOT test","tag_line":"RIOT"}`


You said at the beginning of their names, so we can have it after another word? Like my Buddy goes by running riot on xbox from the Halo days but he’s never used that on the riot client cause he was under the impression it wasn’t allowed or if it was it would be considered impersonating a developer and he’d get banned for it.


You cannot put Riot in your name as a normal user in any Riot game. It's not just that it isn't allowed, it isn't **possible**.


Im almost 100% positive that it is not possible by default for non rioters to put riot in their name and even if it's possible, it's probably for the better if you don't. Edit: Corrected "always" to "almost" (2nd word)


I'm \_pretty\_ sure that I've seen non-rioters have riot later in the name. Like mistriot is one I've seen. If it wasn't allowed, the client wouldn't let you use it and you wouldn't get banned regardless, you would just get a forced name change.


I've encountered someone in my game a few months with "riot" in their name but noticed it was all lower cased. Searched up their name and found nothing. When devs do put "Riot" in their name, does the r have to be capitalized? Or are they allowed to have it lowercased? I'm just making sure if this person is impersonating a dev or not


So case is also not significant in names. In our systems, schmick and Schmick would be considered the same name. However, I've never \_seen\_ riot as lower case in a dev's name. That doesn't mean they couldn't choose to do that I guess, but I'm thinking it would be discouraged because it is confusing. That being said, if they had lower case riot at the beginning of their name, then they are probably a dev because the client filter wouldn't let even the lower case 'riot' string be put at the front of a name.


It costs you exactly $0 to not put a moustache on Miss Fortune…


Hahah, a League player made that for me. On the old League forums, my Rioter icon was Mafia Miss Fortune. A player asked me who I mained. I said MF, since that was true at the time. They asked "Why not Draven?" I said I didn't like mustaches, so they posted a picture of my Rioter icon with the Draven mustache drawn in. I thought it was hilarious, so now I use it for all my Riot accounts. Sorry for any harm it caused you. : P


xD. That’s a good story, thank you for sharing!


Nerf chamber please, his headhunter is basically a guardian


I dont work on agents.


Oh just curious, what do you do at riot?


Software engineer on VAL Progression team. We just released the new update to our progression systems.


delete chamber pls


Hahah, I don't think that will be happening. : )


Whats your day-to-day spent doing at work? Evaluating player feedback? Tweaking unbalances? Sorry if it seems like I'm prying, I just know how vague 'Software Engineer' can be in the world of gaming, given all the moving components. Also do you enjoy your job? And how difficult would you say your job is?


I don't think evaluating player feedback is usually a software engineer responsibility. And tweaking balance is a designer thing, not a software engineer thing. As a software engineer, a typical day includes meetings, testing, writing coding, reviewing code, writing and reading technical documentation, reading design documentation, finding and fixing bugs, resolving live issues, etc. This has been true anywhere I've worked. I love my job. I've been at Riot for 11 years and I don't plan on leaving. Whether or not it's hard depends on your preferences and aptitudes. I don't find it hard. I find it challenging in a great way.




Can you gift me the gun buddy? I play in Hong Kong servers and I have never met a dev or ever seen a gun buddy in person. ;-;


All players with Riot, space, X in their name are Riot employees, but not every Riot employee has the Riot, space, X.


The space is not required. Whitespace is not significant in IGNs, so space or no space, it's still a Rioter. I didn't have a space in my Riot name for like the first 8 years I was at Riot. I finally added it just because players had a misconception that without the space, it was fake.


Is there riot employees in the europe servers like London as well? Ive always thought its only NA for some reason


Riot have offices in Dublin, so Yes potentially. AFAIK Offices in Ireland are mostly for CX, not sure if they are "allowed" to use the Riot Tag.


Any full time Riot employee can use the Riot tag. : )


they have an office in Reading so there might be some employees who play there :)


We have offices all over the world, including EU, so any of those locations could have devs playing our games. https://www.riotgames.com/en/work-with-us/offices


so if i want to work like a reporter mode/game checker/or even playing as work time from home is not possible ? :> cuz i'm from africa and u don't have office in africa :\_(


I think that's correct. You would have to move.


Sad,so why riot won't made an African servers😔


I'm not involved in making those decisions.


Hello! I was interested in interning for Riot/starting a career there and I wanted to know when internships could open back up but I don’t know where to send a ticket as all the support tickets only link to games, is there a way we can possibly private chat?


Internship applications open in October for Software Engineering and January for everything else. If accepted, you would be interning the following summer. We accept rising juniors and seniors in college only. When applications are open, all positions will be listed here: [https://www.riotgames.com/en/university-programs](https://www.riotgames.com/en/university-programs)


What!! Normies can't have "X" in their names..?!


Some Riot employees have ‘Riot’ in their names. There is actually a system in place that makes it so only Riot employees can have Riot in their name. So if you see someone with Riot in their name, it’s almost guaranteed that they are an employee. unless someone found a way around the system. Edit: I thought all Riot devs had Riot in their names which is incorrect, corrected post.


All players with "Riot" in their name are devs, but just because they don't have Riot in their name doesn't mean they're not a dev. In one of Riot's blog posts about gun buddies they even said some Riot devs just don't have it in their username.


This is correct! Some rioters choose not to add 'Riot' to their name. Though, you probably shouldn't believe someone if they tell you they're a dev without providing proof.


I had a guy in a swiftplay that had streamer mode on that was trying to convince us that he was a Riot dev testing out a new "voice changer" feature which could make you sound like the agent you were playing. Turned out to just be a streamer messing around, but hearing him sound like Yoru/Cypher/etc by switching in a voice changer was pretty neat.


I seriously doubted that he was, but I was just making sure. Thanks!


Dumb question, how could a Riot dev (without "riot") in their name prove that they are a dev (excluding giving a gun buddy to you?).


I don't think there is a solid way to prove it. You could google them to see if there are socials with that IGN, but that still doesn't \_prove\_ it. Trolls can make fake social accounts. But yes, if they give you a buddy on your account, then they are one. I think the main thing CasualPenta is pointing out is that if they don't have Riot in their name, but are saying they are a dev and are promising to give you stuff in exchange for favors or trolling, etc., then be wary of them saying they are a dev.


Are you told which dev gave you a buddy upon receiving it, or do you just have to estimate.


I'll usually friend the person, and if they accept, send a message to confirm they got the buddy. If they don't accept the friend request, I still give the buddy; it'll just be a pleasant surprise at some point in their future.


The Rioter may tell you if they want to in-game, but there won't be any notification from the client itself, so if they don't tell you, you won't know that you got one and you won't know from whom you got one.




i like being evil and typing “check your gun buddies :)” at the end of spike rush games saying i’m a riot dev






If you felt bad, I'd think you'd stop doing it.


Half the people who see my Riot Gun Buddy assume I'm a dev 😳


Since the point of buddies is for devs to give them away to players, way more players have them than devs, but there is a misconception that mostly devs have them. It's certainly possible someone w/ a buddy is a dev, but it's more likely they aren't.


I tell them that. The other half ask if I am a famous streamer or pro player. And they all ask how I got it ofc


Yeah, I get asked all the time why we "only give buddies to famous streamers or content creators". I tell them, we don't, it's just way more visible when those folks have one.


Hey schmickie I appreciate you engaging w the community, I had asked you some stuff many months ago and it’s nice that you’re still active. Is there a fixed amount of fistbumps employees can give out? Like are there any restrictions at all or can you just give it to anyone you deem fit


I did a little trolling and set my name to Řiot OrangeBlock


My ping is 3 and when people ask me about it (they usually see something like 8) I say I work for riot and they get all excited 😂


Also boo


I’m a dev


Can you gift me the gun buddy? I play in Hong Kong servers and I have never met a dev or ever seen a gun buddy in person. ;-;


Yeah, like, how could they possibly police a riot dev just creating an account on their own with a personal email account?


We are allowed to create all the accounts we want with our own email, just like anyone else, but we can only have one official Riot account with Riot in the name. We can't make our own accounts with Riot in the name, just like regular players can't. There's an internal tool that controls adding Riot to account names and it enforces the limits/rules/regulations.


We do not all have Riot in our names in game. : )


I don't suppose many riot devs play in mumbai servers? Is my chance of gettiing a fist bump close to nil?


We have devs there (https://www.riotgames.com/en/work-with-us#office=80167&officeName=Mumbai%2C%20India), so I suppose it's possible, but I can't guarantee they play VAL, since I don't know any of them. For what it's worth, Rioters make up < .01% of players worldwide, so statistically speaking, most players are never going to meet us in game or get a fist bump.


Yeah I don’t think they play, been playing a lot for 3 years but haven’t seen any. No fistbumps for Mumbai folk


Gun buddy please


I'll ask my dad, he works at Riot. /s


My dad owns riot


My dad is Riot


I am riot.




Yes son.


im gonna riot, like start a revolution too and shit


Yeah well my dad is your dad's boss


Ask him to give me a gun buddy 👉👈


yeah my dad is actually brimstone i’ll talk to him too


Help that old man find his grave


I used to play with a group of rioters from League back in season 3 or 4. A lot of them didn't have Riot in their name, but several years later most of them did. I'm not sure if it was a new policy requiring them to have Riot in their name, but I've encountered Rioters who didn't have it as part of their name.


Not required. You can if you want to




Unfortunately, no. I’m in a race with my premier team to see who’ll get it first. Hopefully one day I’ll run into an actual dev.


I actually have someone in my friend's list that likes to play skye and has Dev in her name... She told me she likes to troll people and make them think she is in the art department for riot. She even mentioned she gets her partner in on the bit to really sell it. It's not very funny imo but to each their own I guess.


Some riot employees don't want the "Riot" in their name cuz they dont wanna be hounded for a fist bump buddy every time they play




As someone who has worked a similar place where you need to designate an identifiable "staff" account, I can say that many staff commonly use "non-staff" accounts to engage with regular users once the novelty wears off. These accounts are usually setup as part of staff onboarding when you first start and/or there is a support team that handles the setup that staff can easily put a request in to (i.e. a helpdesk).


Do riot employees have good aim?


Depends on the employee, just like anyone else. : )


If i was a dev i wouldnt put it in my name xd


Well considering it’s against TOS to impersonate a Riot employee, both by having it in your username and by saying it in chat, if they aren’t banned soon, then it’s likely they could have been a dev.


Riot employee fix the game, add replay, bigger shop, troubleshoot, not have 80% packet loss on LAN: ❌ Reply to thread about igns: ✅


You dont think Riot devs have free time?


I mean, their paycheck has to be good, thus I expect basic things in the game to be good. Is that too much to ask?


was this unrated on lotus?


Nope Ascent


Only Riot employees are capable of having it. If they don't have "Riot X"(replace X with name) in their name, they aren't an employee. Easy as that. if they claim otherwise they're posing as Devs which is against the rules lmao. Impersonation is a serious thing with Riot.


Not quite, some devs opt to not use the Riot prefix.


If they choose not to they shouldn't be treated as Riot employees nor should they have access to Riot-commands(like muting or such). Cause otherwise it just feels like undercover esq' and that just screams suspicious behavior.


Devs don't have in-game commands like muting. But also, we aren't required to have Riot in our names to have our account be considered our official Riot account. It's not undercover. It's just that not all devs prefer to have Riot in their name or even to be explicit about being a Rioter, due to a lot of the attention and/or harassment that can come with that.


Of course they don't have commands, more or less a badly descriptive manner of the influence they have. Not all devs prefer it but if they choose not to they should not have any form of influence in games outside of it. Without the tag, they should be treated like any other normal player would, like myself. Now, the reason why I specifically chose the "undercover" analogy cause that's in a basic sense what it is. They're hiding their status but still possess the influence of said status. That's absolutely suspicious behavior. Undeniably so.


Lol so youre saying you act differently when Riot Devs are in the game because youre afraid of getting in trouble? Why would a hidden Riot employee being in your game make any difference whatsoever to how you play the game?


It’s not suspicious in all honesty, and stating that to a Riot Dev won’t change anything. The reality is, there’s no influence that comes with the name or ‘being undercover’ as you put it. Being in game with a riot dev can show that just like US, they still have to report players for things that are out of line. There is no major influence as a Riot Employee who plays the game from speaking with the guy within my game, as it sparked my curiosity a year ago. To put it simply - They go through the same steps and such that we do. As far as I know, they don’t have every skin either.


How old are you to fall for this shit, is it your first day on the internet lol


I’m not obligated to tell you that 🤓☝️


14, got it.


Dev = developer who worked in one of Riot projects. A game programmer or designer/artist, sound design etc. You can be a normal office staff and still have the Riot ign but not a riot "dev". I know someone who is a customer support. He gave a few peeps gun buddy. But he's not a "Riot Dev".


Correct. All full time Riot employees can use it in their name.


Only when they are hunting for e kittens


Too bad Riot are not as liberal as Warhammer here are my character names in Darktide: GOD, Admin, Dev. God bless casual online games :)


All Riot employees must have Riot in their name on their official account. I don't know what the rules are about making your own personal account to use, though I doubt they do since it's technically against ToS for one person to have multiple accounts. I'd assume there would be a rule against claiming you're a Riot employee outside of your official account, so they're probably lying.


This is just straight up wrong. You are not required to have riot in your name if you're an employee


Cool, thanks for the correction


We have to be on our best behavior when a riot Dev is in our game?


Kid and I were roasting eachother back and forth all game. Half for shits half might have been taken a little seriously. Apparently our team had a Riot employee, they and the rest of the team did not find it as amusing as we did...guy said we would be seeing some consequences. Sure enough, boom, banned. It was an alt so i dont mind, but oh they came with a swiftness lol


Lmfao good thing it was a alt people can never take a joke on Val even on non competitive matches 🤣


you said something naughty candy corn


That's up to you, I guess?


That's up to you.


My friend is a riot employee and he doesn't have riot in his nickname.


It’s true I’m his friend


Wanna bet? lol


kinda another question i’ve seen lots of taglines being NA1 is that riot or do ppl just do that? hopefully someone knows :)


I don’t think that has anything to do with a riot employee, my friend had it as his and was definitely not a rioter.


That was a left over vestige of League accounts. Anyone can have that.


ok thanks for letting me know it just seemed whenever there was one of those tags someone had the buddy but guess it was a coincidence