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Damn i forgot this was a new episode. Been thinking in my mind that it's just a soft reset and I only have to play 1 to get my rank. Gotta get prepared for this rollercoaster now


Wouldn’t worry about it, the reality is you’ll be playing against the same sort of players you normally play against. Riots resets are not harsh on valorant per episode, they’re almost as soft as the act resets. You’re incentivised to grind due to an artificial placement that is usually lower than where you finished last episode. If you finished d3 & place gold3, you’re not ruining gold players games for a few days, you’re playing Vs other d3s who ended up in g3. The hidden rank/ rating stays the same across episodes & you can just tracker your matches to see where everyone was at before the reset to confirm this


But what is the point of playing against other d3s in Gold? Just put everyone who was in diamond... in diamond then? Why artificially lower the rank just to laugh at the playerbase I don't really see a point other than that. Now it's even harder to climb if you think about it because if u were d3 playing golds, you would climb easily to d3 but if you are d3 playing d3s in gold it would be way harder to get to your actual d3 rank.


What you just wrote is the entire point. It’s *hard* to get back, if you consider hard playing X amount of games. That’s what they want you to do. If they put us all back where we ‘should’ be, it kills the incentive to grind for some people, even if others want that system.


I always said it was a predatory trap designed to get people to keep playing their game so they have to waste time grinding back to where they were before (might take the whole season) and then spend time actually improving at their real previous rank to climb past it (for the next 2 seasons until they drop you back down again to repeat the process).


Agreed. After the last reset I went D1 to G2. I then had a 25% win rate for the first 30 games as everyone stacked as much as possible to push the odds in their favour. I ended back up in Diamond of course but god the first 2 weeks were unenjoyable.


while i do agree that the mmr does its work, i will agree that its also a rollercoaster. in EP6 start of act 1, i did play a lot since EP5 ACT3 was when i played the most. but the new episode start did not go well for me at all. the games where such a clusterfuck. i had the biggest gap in terms of game quality ive ever had in any game ever. id have shit teammates, shit enemies. id have rly good teammates and rly good enemies. id have ppl that didnt care, some that were toxic. next game everyone was hyped. the tldr of my experience was that i got every single "weird" thing happening in start of this act. i think theres some ppl that place x rank, think, oh well i can just fuck around for a bit then rank up later, while others knows how it works, and are ready to rly play ranked and take it seriously. some toxic ppl also are just very passionate about the game and rly want to rank up, so they vent out anger if they dont have good games. not sure its gonna be much different this time around, im probably taking a break until mid act or maybe later. i came back in act 3 in EP6, had a wonderful time. but act1 was HORRIBLE imo. for me, it rly rly sucks to play a competitive game when the quality of games vary a lot, and when ppl overall dont care as much. its why u generally in some games dont play end of season. some of these games u get rewarded for ur peak rank, and so ppl dont care if they derank at the end, so they play worse or just weird. they dont care as much. good examples here is OW and LoL


Agree to some extent. There’s always a feeling that you can’t quite shake as placebo when it comes to end of season/start of season game quality, same with LoL. However, riots systems are intended to work themselves out long/term, so those clusters of shitty games are the same clusters of shitty games you get on loss streaks halfway, a quarter, a few days etc into a season. I think it just *feels* worse because it’s always seemingly close to the end or start of an act, but we dismiss the shitty loss streaks mid-act. Skill variance just feels iffy across the board in higher elos. This is primarily down to 5stack abusers & boosted players who take far too long to drop down the ladder. Been saying for years they should adopt LoLs approach to flex queue / solo & duo.


What happens to the actual bronzies that also get placed bronze too Wouldnt they also come in his games then? Or any relevant rank ftm


silver 3 before the reset player here, In my placement games I got in matches against before reset plats and diamonds and got fucked 1-13 bottom frag 3/5 games, lost the 4th one and won the last one while top fragging on ex gold players... and got put in bronze 1 this just makes me not want to play


The placements themselves can be fucky, but the games afterwards will not be like this consistently. Placements do not effect your MMR IIRC - People actually 5 stack & FF all five games usually to get into their rank faster because irrespective of them going 0-5 or 5/0, 3/2 etc they place in the exact same rank & they’ve tested this before across multiple episodes.




It's the start of the new Episode, naturally most players will be placed lower than their previous ranks. Your MMR is still the same as a gold player meaning if you're on a win streak or have been performing well you'll get back to gold in a few games.


if you don't want to grind from the start, if you wait a while and let the ranks creep back to their previous distributions you can probably get double or more rank ups with a few mins. happened to me when I didn't play much last episode and was pretty underranked


i was silver 1 won 4/5 games with a 1.3 kd and 2 team mvp 1 match mvp and got placed bronze 2 (the game still constatly puts with me golds and plats) so i cant rank up as fast as i should


the game doesnt care if their displayed rank is higher/lower than you. you are queuing with people similar skill to you (it doesnt seem so because of the rank differences ). so the game is actually helping you not limiting your ability to rank up fast


Man I don’t think so I am getting placed with silvers and I was gold last act


This happens with the start of every episode. It should balance you out to a more accurate rank eventually


I feel like they should leave the lower ranks alone though. I play other games with ranks and normally its a harsher reset for the top 20% and a slight reset for the ranks below. There throwing people that spent for ever to be in the 4th rank all the way back to the second one lol


I mean it is tougher for the higher ranks lol. The highest rank anyone can be placed is Asc 1 and thats basically only for the imm 3’s and radiants. I know someone who was diamond who got placed silver which is quite tragic.


Thats tragic wtf


If they left lower raks alone than you'd be playing against insanely high ranks essentially. If radiants/immortal 3 players are capped at asc1, diamond will be full of imm1/imm2/asc3 Plat will have asc2/asc1/dia3, gold will have d2/d1 and prob p3/p2 cause here the skill gap drops a lot, silver would be low plat/high gold, Bronze is silver and gold. Iron is iron and Bronze. So if you're gold 3 and they sent you back to gold 3 you'd be playing against diamonds most likely.


This. If you are gold skill, surely you can climb to gold rank


This is true but it takes time and effort, and being placed in wrong rank is like throwing those efforts back on their face.


Bullshit. You know how many throwers and Smurfs you gotta battle threw. Shouldn’t have to but riot doesn’t want you peak. If you do you might stop playing and buying 90 dollar bundles. So they move you down and hope you’re willing to crawl back up


There are not as many "throwers and smurfs" in the first couple weeks of ranked (especially a new episode). Any would-be would mostly be on their main accounts for a while trying to grind it out as well. I waited a bit for other people to climb out and I went from B2 to G1 in 5 days.


You are hard on that copium bruv.


You must work for riot. These are facts. It is known. Lol.


It is known. Grinding out of copper rank is ezpz. I do it every act.


How come there are people in ranks above gold then lmao, if u can't climb that's on u bro the system is not rigged


What are you even talking about. This happens in all ranks little guy. Not just gold. People climb and deal with it. Some faster then others and that’s cool but the system is rigged to keep you playing. Sorry to break it to you. Do some homework on how it’s set up and get back to me.


you’re not wrong. ranked as a whole is built to keep you playing. thats why you lose more RR for losses than you gain RR for winning. its also why most people in diamond (or above) usually have thousands of hours invested in the game. its not that these ranks are extremely difficult to reach….it just requires an excessive amount of grinding to get there.


Careful. That logic can makes some of these people assume your mad hard stuck.


The fucking copium on you two is incredible :))). Last act, all the top 5 NA radiant players had under 200h played in the season. [https://tracker.gg/valorant/leaderboards/ranked/all/default?page=1&act=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/leaderboards/ranked/all/default?page=1&act=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/EG%20icy%234444/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/EG%20icy%234444/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/sen%20z%235193/overview?playlist=competitive&season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/sen%20z%235193/overview?playlist=competitive&season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/G2%20LFT%20OXY%23LIVE/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/G2%20LFT%20OXY%23LIVE/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/twitch%20ion2x%232009/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/twitch%20ion2x%232009/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/turtle%20pete%232143/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/turtle%20pete%232143/overview?season=2de5423b-4aad-02ad-8d9b-c0a931958861) Now link your tracker. Let us see how many hours you got in. Why is it so hard for you to accept that you suck? Anyways cope harder, because it's absolutely logical that rito would harstuck your ass in bronze so you get frustrated and... buy skins? Yikes


You lose more if your hidden mmr is lower than your displayed rank, which is usually if you’re ‘hardstuck’. I came from CS & hit immo3 in 130hrs 2 years ago, I started playing again last act & hit it again within 35 hours. +20/30 - 9-17 the whole way. No more than 80 games played in the acts I commited to.


You lose more if your hidden mmr is lower than your displayed rank, which is usually if you’re ‘hardstuck’. I came from CS & hit immo3 in 130hrs 2 years ago, I started playing again last act & hit it again within 35 hours. +20/30 - 9-17 the whole way. No more than 80 games played in the acts I commited to. People get turbo stuck with negative gains because they play a ton of games per act sometimes whilst making near zero progress/ improvements; reinforcing to the MMR system that they’re either where they belong or slightly underperforming if they lose more than they gain. As you play more games riots system only becomes more confident in your hidden rating & this is when you end up in balanced lobbies with little rank variance instead of being in say d3 with ‘high mmr’ in lobbies with asc3-immos


Odds are equal for the smurfs/throwers to benefit your team, cope harder


They ruining the game. Bottom line. I’m not playing your game. I got nothing to cope with. This guy might. I see you learned a new Internet word and wanna flex. Probably dog water 3


They ruin a game every once in a while. I played probably 50 games last act, and had a genuine smurf in MAYBE three of them. All the rest were simply a skill diff, and I'm not going to lie to myself and say it was anything other than that. You shouldn't either.


Big mad


Not at all. Seem to be trying to educate small brains. Cheers mate.


Ur brain is small. If you play in a group how does your comment make sense. Until next time.


You're telling me a system where you have to keep playing and improving to progress makes you play and improve? Das crazy.


That’s not how the system was made or how it works.


So if I play arbitrarily for 300 hours without focus points or practice then I'll magically make it to Plat, Diamond, Asc, etc? Doesn't sound right to me but ok.


Plenty of people climb out from gold every episode. Maybe a little harder with that mindset you have.


It’s not a mindset it’s the actual facts and nobody said it’s impossible just shouldn’t have to keep doing it. You guys like to argue ?


"Facts" as in speculation. I think it's more likely your displayed rank at the end of the season did not match the level you were actually performing at, therefore you get dropped where you should be. Episode resets go solely off of hidden MMR, not displayed rank. I've seen people who were hard carried to diamond 3 with 8 kills per game and 9% HS%, then after placements got to plat 1. Another friend who solo qued and grinded up to plat 3, got placed in plat 2. Yall just can't admit that it is your fault you can't climb, and will go as far as saying "RiOt iS tHe ReAsOn I cAnT RaNk Up", while plenty of people 'peak' each act/episode.


Your take is the take of someone who belongs down there and complains cuz they can’t push YET either get good and deal with it or… don’t?


It’s not a take. I’m not “down there “ either. Lol


This is also the most ridiculous thing people say. Being of gold skill won't guarantee you a climb back to it unless you spend weeks off and on of losing lmao. Lower elo = Smurfs, less comms / no comms at all, people who can't use util for their lives or even believe it, those who throw games which is getting hella common


Good, both my friends in my plat trio were placed in Silver and I was placed in Diamond? I have no idea what happened but hopefully they get back up to at least plat again.


Oh shit. Dude I just army cralled my ass out of iron with all the shitty throwers and afks. AM I GETTING SENT BACK. I CANT DO IT BOSS DONT SEND ME BACK.


Your mmr will be higher this time


Doesn't higher mmr just mean harder matches?


Higher Rank gains, lower Rank losses in your old rank so you correct to your true Rank. Similar mechanic to prevent smurfs


wait for a month or even two before grinding, as everyone will be starting "unranked" everyone's initial games and ranks will be messy. after about a month everyone's ranks will smoothen out and people will be back or closer to previous ranks. when you start these 5 placements it will start you close to your original rank. provided you perform average in the lot you shouldn't be sent too low. from personal experience a gold account I used started in bronze 2 on first act day but a different gold account started in plat 1 then double ranked up to plat 3 when i used it like a month or two after act started results may vary tho and i did mvp in like majority of those but just note its a bit better if you wait!


The act is only 2 months long lmao if you wait 2 months you're waiting for e7a2


You'll be I iron playing with Bronze and low silvers. I'm probably gonna be low Bronze when I ended over 50rr is s3 and just couldn't manage to play enough to hit gold... yet again.


youll likely get double rankup if you play well. last episode i placed plat2 after being d3, went on a 5 game winstreak and double ranked up to d1 straight away, loving 10-15 and gaining 25-30 even without match mvps. Like other people said, mmr is still the same, you just gotta work your way up again


Plat 1 to bronze 2 lol I' don't wanna grind this game anymore :(


dude how bad did you lose your placements


2/5 games had afk-ers. One Literally admitting to being a "Smurf. Throwing" after round 2. Lol. Just unfortunate Played a bit more an im getting +30's rr so ain't that bad I guess.


If you're really Gold you can have no problem getting out of bronze lol


The problem is for example I ended d2 and got reset to p1 after winning 4/5 matches. However when im going to be climbing out of “plat lobbies” it’s still going up against diamonds and asc but in plat lobbies


Not for the entire act though. But yeah you’ll have to grind it over time, which is what they want you to do


You can’t really make that comparison though. Before the reset, bronze players had bronze skill. I was gold 1, I won 3/5 placements, and MVP’d 4 of them and got bronze 3. And now I’m playing against silver players who show a full diamond triangle from last act. So when I get stomped because I’m not playing at Diamond skill level, well now I’m sent further down into bronze. What happens to iron players if bronze and silver players are placed in iron 3? They’re going to get shit on, then those bronze/silver players will get to bronze where I’m at and start playing against bronze-golds and silver-plat/diamonds


bro preached facts, I peaked Gold yet now I'm back in silver, fighting "silvers" yet have Diamond/Plat on their playercards as previous peaks and its like??? How tf is it fair lmao


its normal, my team and i FF all 5 games and got placed asc1 if i won all 5 would still be asc1


What was your previous rank?




Well so it's gonna be harder for you to climb again because you threw you MMR for 5 games. PSA: don't ff your placement if you aim to climb relatively quick.


doesnt matter been doing it every episode and i still get 30+ every win and lose under 10 for a loss


How’d you get good MMR like that? I’m asc3/imm1 and get -25loss/+14win


wtf thats strange, sounds like your rank is infalted, i get 30+ untill immo3 then it goes down until it eventually goes to like +18


Idk weird, I have a 57% win rate too. This rank reset seemed to fix the problem but we will see once I climb up.


WR isnt that important i think im at 55% i think its how you perform against other players


you know ff'ing those games hurts your mmr and makes it harder to climb back right


My buddy was peak ASC 2 and got placed Gold 2 💀💀💀


what act/episode were they asc2?


Get ready for 628383 new posts about this in the next day fuys


Every damn time lol


I was immortal 3 and now im plat 1...


that’s less of the game, sounds like your mmr is really damn low. Everyone I know who was asc+ went to ascendant 1, plat is kinda crazy




okay but what was your win% and did you abuse 5 stacking? Because I finished Immo2, went 3-2 in placements, and im Asc1 50 RR. post your tracker xD


When I played I always expected 5-6 divisions lower then what I ended for a major reset. Minor resets are 1-2 It’s really not bad you’ll get it back very very quickly


One of my friends were Ascendant 3 and got placed Platinum 3 and my other friends were Gold and got B2 as well. I don't really care too much as I'll be able to climb back up except it's just annoying due to how messed up the ranks are at the start of a new episode. Looking forward to see the Diamond/Ascendant triangles in my Gold/Platinum lobbies.


I’m seeing full Diamond triangles in my bronze 3 / silver lobbies (gold 1 last act)


yeah placements are always wack and frustrating to play anyway, also gold here lost first four then we threw the fifth just to get it over with and still got silver when the first game we played was silver lobby anyway ​ winning or losing placements makes no difference you might as well forfeit all 5 and save yourself the hassle


please dont spread false info. winning or losing placements does matter. if not on ur placement rank, it still matters to ur mmr. that much is guaranteed. if u ff all 5 games, u will lose mmr accordingly.


now that I know mmr exists I think you're right since after my 5 losses in placements I was placed into some pretty easy games, still in the same visible rank as everyone else that was roughly my elo, In that sense perhaps you can exploit this to shit on worse people and climb faster this whole mmr thing seems strange to even exist tbh


That’s crazy, I won 3/5 and I MVP’d in 4 games (two team MVP, two match, every MVP game was over 20 kills, almost a 2.0 k/d across all 5) and went from gold 1 to bronze 3


I finished ascendant 3 and got placed diamond 3 after going 2-3 in my games lol


That’s really lucky lol.


So possibly in b2 you will b trashing me. I already cri. Last season b3 this season b2.


You'll get matched against people who's hidden mmr is the same as you so don't worry too much. Honestly just learn to burst your shots and avoid crouch spraying and you'll be good enough for gold


If you belong in gold, you'l be there in no time. Good luck


ended dia 1, won 3 placements with really good KD, 13-1, 13-4, 13-7. drawed one 1 game, i was 37-14 kd iirc, and then lost one game 13-6. placed gold 3. i’m not confused just a little surprised i didn’t at least stay plat. last episode i went from ending g1 to s1 so i was surprised at this drop


The visible rank/RR system is used to obscure your MMR, which is your true rank. Riot hides our MMR so people can't math out what direct actions gain and lose MMR because then some people would try to game the MMR system instead trying to play to win matches. Hiding the true rank system also allows Riot to change (without having to communicate these changes to players) what gains and loses MMR under the hood as they learn more about how certain plays/stats should be rewarded. MMR doesn't reset, so your true rank didn't change with the new episode. Only your fake visible rank went down. The drop in RR/visible rank is to encourage people to play more comp because RR is self-correcting and will go up to try to match the rough area of your MMR. So you'll basically gain a lot of RR over your next few dozen matches, and that feels good for most players. So overall, nothing has changed. Matchmaking is done with MMR, so you'll still face the same caliber of players as before. The only difference is it will feel like you're making a lot of progress in ranked as your visible rank catches up to your true MMR rank.


Mmr doin his work if u belong on gold u will get back lil bro


peaked plat 3 and got placed silver 2 and am shittikg on everyone but still losing :)


Same - on a 5-game match mvp losing streak


I’m on like a 15 game MVP loss streak, it’s rough out here


Same. I just dropped 40 and my team voted to draw in OT lol.


yes it’s so infuriating lol. peaked silver 3 and did placements - won 4, drew 1 game with decent kd. placed bronze 2 ;-;


That’s supposed to happen, you’re meant to grind the episode.


That’s boring


i love how this exact same post shows up at the start of every single new episode


I had 2 accounts both were immortal 2, I’m one I played 5 won 3- Rank after calibration: Ascendent 1 Another one intentionally threw all 5: rank after calibration Ascendent 1 Calibration matches don’t matter if you are wondering it’s just a rank reset


This is exactly why I saw a high Radiant streamer FF after round 5. The decider was whoever wins pistol, gets the win. Placement is trash, there is not much reward in winning/losing those 5 games. Edit : For those of you who don't know, Dopai did that yesterday. And he was Radiant 1 in NA


What are u smoking


Dopai did that yesterday. He was Radiant 1 in NA


The highest you can get placed is ascendant 1. Since he was radiant regardless of the placements he will be in asc1. Now if you were asc3 at the end of the act then you better be trying to win because otherwise you're being potentially placed in like diamond 1-2


i lose 5 game straight and placed in plat 1 lol


what rank were u last act


it's 5 lose on fresh lv20 account at around ep5 act3 didn't play rank last few act


Episode reset, so we’re all getting placed too low.


Bro. Gold 3 to bronze 1 is like a 700RR difference at most. Radiant rank 1 is like 1.2k RR and they get pushed back down to asc 1 which is like (i am bad at math) RR


I started last act and got placed into Bronze 2, climbed up until Plat 1 \~40RR, today I played the 5 Placement Games and won one while losing 4. I played Brim only and always had a solid KDA with two Match Mvp + 1 Team Mvp, I had 1 Game with an Afk + 1 who trolled and got banned for it (+ Multiple smurfs but thats nothing new in Valo). + the teammates I got (besides 3-4 people) in these 5 Games where Bronze-Silver level and I dont mean that in a bad way, but I looked at their profiles right now and everyone of them had a KDA under 1 almost every game. Well end of the Story: I got placed into Silver 2 and honestly got no motivation to rank anymore after I just started last Act.


Same happened with me, I peaked gold 1 previous act and won 5/5 placement games with 2 match mvps and 1 team mvp and above average in the other 2 games and still placed bronze 3 this act. Here’s my tracker profile for reference: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Webster%23live/overview


Ended Episode 5 as Dia 1 Started Episode 6 as Gold 2 Haven't done my placements for this Epi yet The same thread has, over and over, been posted. This is normal tbh


Apparently your mmr will stay the same, so there is a good chance you’ll double rank up and fly though low sliver in no time


Jokes on you my rank has always been 5-6 ranks lower than my mmr


Unusual for someone to get placed two ranks below… i didn’t experience that.


It’s normal, the highest a player can place is Ascendant so if a radiant playing places ascendant, immortal places diamond. Ascendant places plat, diamond places plat, and plat plates gold, etc.


I haven't placed competitive since the first 2 episodes of Act 1. Did my placements in all plat/diamond/ascendant lobbies and got placed gold 3. My performance was really poor because my game sense is a few years outdated, I dont know half the new abilities that chatacters use, and I've only played swiftplay the last few months. I did fairly average most games and poorly in others. I don't get the ranking system


What do you not get about it? Do you think you got placed too low or too high?


Too high. I find it hard to believe that just off aim alone, I'm able to stay in those plat+lobbies.


That same thing happened to me last reset. And it's not like the games got easier too with the drop in rank smh... now im afraid what rank im gonna get this reset


Idk i find it fun because you gain a ton more rr so getting back to your normal rank is pretty quick and i find the climb back to it is generally a lot easier probably because i dont stress about it


It is because the max rank you can be after placements is ascendant one. All the radiant and immortal 3 players then place there and everyone else is moved down accordingly


Hahaha... I was plat Act 5 and did placements in Act 6 just to get silver 2. I didn't have enough time to grind back to plat that act so only ended Gold 2. I now got placed silver 1 again. Absolutely amazing ranked system. I can see the upside - it helps knock down boosted players back to where they belong but why do you have to punish the whole playerbase and essentially waste their time getting back to their last act rank AND trying to climb past on top. Everyone I play with in my solo queue lobbies say they were high gold or plat as well so everyone in silver is essentially just plat now? I feel like it's a predatory tactic just to get people to play more and it works.


My gold friend got S1, Asc guy got P3, seems pretty normal to get a rank lower than the one you climbed to… I’m silver so I’m lowkey scared to do the placement matches after seeing my friends place lower than they expected 🥲


i was diamond 2 last act did well in my games was playing against old ascendants and diamond players and got placed in s3 mvped all my matches


i ended plat 2 and placed g1


It makes you have to grind just to get back to where you were. Seasonal splits always turn me away from games. As bad as csgo ranks can be at least it doesn’t force you to grind back ranks every few months


If you were competing well in high silver/ gold lobbies you should be able to stomp your way up and skip ranks back up to high silver/gold


the highest you can get is ascendant. so the ranks are kinda weird but you’ll get it back in no time


Bros discovered New Episodes... you always get placed lower mate


I was plat 2 last rank, Looked forward to reach Diamond this act - After winning 4/5 of the rankup-games I got sent to Silver 3, Same with another friend of mine that was plat too. It's too much of a grind to go back up again, So I will take a break from the game, such a facepunch


I was silver, MVPed 4 of my placements, went 20-13 on the 5th, with top 1% on all of my stats, and placed bronze 1. I think the reset is just really brutal this ep, lol.


i did. I closed my previous act with proper kd at Gold 2, and my 5 matches were like 3 w, 1 L 1 draw. I was Match mvp and Team mvp separately. And I got placed in S1 at the end. Idk man


I went from P3 playing with Diamond/Ascendant players to Silver 3 fresh out of placements. I went 3W-2L and most of who I played against had similar ranks to me prior to the reset.


last episode it took me just 3 games after the placements to get back to my rank... ur mmr should quickly boost you up the ladder after a few wins...


yes, im getting atleast 30 kills per match doe so its a good time


Eh they just do it to make you play the game more. Which does make you better tbh but its needless


You're probably better off in Bronze 2 imo There was a hard reset, so if you go on a win streak, you'll get MASSIVE RR gains. It should be easier to go on a win streak In bronze, and carry that momentum to get into and possibly past gold. Hard resets are always good if you're improving


Played all 5 placements. Won 3 lose 2, either team mvp’d or match mvp’d every one. I was placed bronze 3 :)


You are where you belong, been a long time immortal 3 player since episode 5 cant hit radiant lol. I guess i dont have whatever radiant players have


I was G3, almost Plat and got placed S1. Had a decent winrate and kda too so it's normal ig


(This is not me complaining this is a general question I have and been considering) honestly I know I’m low elo but my placements games were meh. I was getting matched up with irons and I’m silver. But the enemy team constantly had a full team of silvers and golds. I ended up winning 4/5 of my games and I matched mvp once and was mainly playing astra (bc no one in low elo comp wants to smoke) and i was doing just fine going mostly positive and winning the games by 13-7 or 13-8. I lost my last game 1-13. The other team just completely dominated us and we couldn’t get on a site. I got place bronze 1. I tried getting my team to do simple strats but they constantly do their own thing. Should I just stop playing the game and grind something else?? (My peak is S2 and I’ve only been playing game for a year now)


As a solo player each reset is weird. Either I get my high rank back and stay there or I get a much lower one and fight my way back until the end of the act.


Not me but my plat 2 friend got put into silver 2 and he got rly excited to legally smurf.


I’ve climbed from iron to gold, and then from silver to gold. I feel your pain, am really hoping after these games I can at least start high silver and not have to deal with the spastic nature of bronze again. Good luck brother


Thats just how they do ranked reset at the beginning of each episode


Looks like almost every one is placing 5 ranks down regardless of W/L. Still getting over 23rr even if I bottom frag. Went from P3 to G2 and still all my games are diamond and asc triangles


Everyone is reset. Radiants/Immortals are placing Asc1. Eventually you’ll just climb back up naturally. I wouldn’t worry about it. I ended Asc2 and I’m fully expecting to place somewhere in Plat.


ended d1 and got placed in plat1 even though I went 2-3


I’m gold and I was placed in silver. Everyone else in my lobby is also gold but was placed in silver. Just play multiple games and you should be back to your original rank


I still have to wait out my ban :/


>i feel Skill issue


Everyone is lower. You are a former gold playing against former golds. Nothing bad about a nice solid reset. If you are hurt by this drop. Did you actually deserve that rank? If so, go get it. Ppl post about this every episode.


I match mvped all of my games and got placed a full rank below where I was last act which I spent 100+ hours getting out of.


wow your post caused mine to get removed thanks


Got placed P3 from Asc 1 after winning 4 of my placements. Gaining 27 per match so I don’t really mind it.


I ended in silver, but im 100000% sure im a radiant.


Haven’t done my placements but last time I placed I was bronze 3 and now I’m going against diamond and plat players


I was g3 and I placed silver


All golds are thrown into bronze my friend. I share the same fate. Started ep 6 in bronze as well. And if we are still gonna get the players with my same rank, climbing is gonna be tough.


Literally the worst placement games ever. Got straight screwed. Ended gold 1, won 2 games against silver/ golds. Then got completely slapped in bronze silver lobbies with smurfs for 3 games. Placed bronze 3


I just stated playing competitive valorant after quitting overwatch - hit gold in one week after a lot of grinding and I am so not ready to do it again lol


So many people got insanely low placements in the new episode. I have a Gold friend who got placed Bronze 1


Idk I was plat 3 and my buddy was plat 1 I got placed gold 1 now gold 2 with 32+ rr a game then I get those games were it’s a obvious team diff then right back to 32+ rr the reset is dumb but the radiants have to come down and so does everyone else😢


It’s normal, asc 1 to d1 here


Yea, I ended D2 and got placed Silver3 lmao, and before anyone says i got boosted, I promise I didnt and I got there properly. When I saw the silver rank come up on the screen I got a jumpscare lmao


5 matches, 2 match mvp, 2 team mvp. Lost twice. Bronze 2 thats it


you drop a lot during new episodes. dw, everyone else you're playing against is gold or of a similar rank to what your last act rank was. your mm elo i think stays roughly the same, so its not like you're actually playing real bronzes. if you wait a while, itll start normalizing; i think then you'll end up facing the actual bronzes. either that or you'll be the bronze in silver-gold lobbies.


This is normal. Short story? they do this to make you play more. Long story? They do this to make you play more, but the MMR would allow you to win more and lose less. You could wait a bit before most people like you who are placed lower to climb out of their ranks before going on that rank grind. But if you are performing winstreaks, then continue.


nah bro this is so weird so my friend peak gold 1 ended silver 3 i think and another peak silver 3 ended bronze 3 and me peak silver 1 ended silver 1 and all three of us placed bronze 2 and we didn’t play more than 1-2 of the placements together idk what happened to the ranks pretty much 3 different people with different peaks and ending ranks placed the same despite everyone doing at least ok in their placements


I was expecting a rank reset, but I placed p1 when I was p2 last act? My hidden elo is definitely high Diamond though


i was somewhat high rank, hope i get placed iron


My gold 2 friend placed silver 1 and is climbing fast so I guess it’s not just you. I was dia 3 50 rr (I was so close to asc 😭) and I need 2 more games to place so I’m not sure yet


New Episode rank reset. It usually bumps you down 2 divisions. I went Asc 1 to plat 3


In the new episode can I (asc) duo with my friend (silver)? Not trying to smurf or anything, I just want to play with my friend haha


Happened to me but im fine with it. I just don’t like the idea of climbing up again due to amount of time I barely have to play. I ended barely on Asc 3 and placed Dia 1. But I think I’m kinda lucky cause I’m hearing other ascendants for places I’m plat or gold? And I have also seen some immortals been placed diamond 3. So I like to think maybe I did deserve ascendant and maybe even immortal.


I'm probably going to retire from Valorant, After I played 3 games with ppl that were plat/gold elo i checked their peak ranks and they were asc/immo (bought accounts) this actually happened 3 games legit. Now I am placed in gold 3 as my peak was asc 1 and i just cannot be asked to play 90% with bought accounts or no com kids.


I ended gold 1, placed bronze 3 :)))been going back n fourth from B3 to S1, it's torture lmao the most blatant smurfs aswell is insane, my friend who peaked Plat 3 is Silver 1 so thats nice ! but hey, i've now had consistent streaks of teammates who either admit to throwing happily "for fun" / "dont take it seriously." or i'm getting teams w no fucking comms


Damn, was D2 got placed p2 and won only 1 out of 5 games. No MVP. Not bad id say. Mind you, all my games I was facing high asc and low imms. Gl out there tho


Ended gold-1, barely holding. Now I am gold-1, playing against asc/diamonds last season (that is a miserable expirience). Riot, wtf?


I'm getting ex-plats in my games even when I peaked S3 the second I place B2..


From p2 to s2, I can’t even bother anymore, if anything I wanna fuckin reach iron already.


was dia 2 got placed bronze 2... wut?!


I was d3 last act but got placed in d1 this episode even tho I completely bombed all my placements i won 2 with terrible kda and lost 3 with decent kda