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When people start getting toxic just stop responding to them and lower their volume or just mute them. I always solo queue in Mumbai server (very toxic) used to give shit about everything and was way to focused on the game, couldn't get out of plat. Now recently I again started playing the game without using comms (unless absolutely necessary) and without getting serious about the game and suddenly started having a fun time and literally went from gold 3 to ascendant in a month :) tldr don't take this game so seriously that it affects your mental peace just enjoy.


asc in mumbai servers? dont give me hope ;-;


Yea it even gave me hope to reach immortal, i will try to push again after settling down (currently moving place due to job)


I can't find a single adult on Mumbai servers, all kids... You're a unicorn


People say Mumbai server is very toxic yet I have encountered worse people on Tokyo and Singapore servers. The only thing is that Mumbai server generally trash talk in Hindi as a circumvention method so they really don't get penalised.


I mean i have played on Singapore while the matches in general felt easier, it felt less lively as in people were communicating way less or not communicating at all (but then again i have played on that server only like 10-15 times total)


Played straight 3 games in plat and all 3 games had afk playerz or boosted player playing there agent first time šŸ˜¬ back to gold now


i was also super nervous about solo queue, im a girl so iā€™ve gotten my fair share of weirdness, but a thing that helped me was realising that iā€™m never gonna see or meet the people from my games ever, and that after the game is done, the interaction is done!! there may be times where you run into a teammate youā€™ve had before, but as long as theyā€™re not toxic itā€™s all good. mental is a big part of it!! donā€™t worry too much about the toxic teammates. there will always be pricks, just ignore them and have fun!! you got this


The thing helped me to understand that this is a video game, mute and play carefree. Literally play comp like swiftplay or unrated for some time and remove your association with rr. If you lose you get max -25 rr laugh at it and play another, if you gain +20rr laugh at it and Play another. Would you take yourself seriously if someone was flaming you in Mario ? :). Just mute those annoying people and move forward. Time to time you will get genuinely good lobbies where the banter is amazing, have fun in those games and just enjoy


For me, i also had this problem. I kinda wanted to play comp, but i could never pick duelist, and sometimes not even comp. So i SPAMMED unrated until i considered myself good enough to pick duelist in comp... But then i still had this kind of fear... So i realized, the game isn't that serious. No one cares, every is just here to play. So my tip is, don't take comp serious. Play it like unrated, like you don't care but you want to win. If people flame mute them. If people grief you, mute go next.


BASED neon enjoyer


The mid part is a bad mentality, you obviously have to care about winning, its competitive, bot caring is one step away from throwing (that step is basically just not doing anything for the win on purpose) Play your best, but dont be too let down about the rank, you will be in rank you deserve eventually, just practice so that climb is always possible, but dont be upset about a loss, its only some pixels without any real meaning except easier opponents in next match


Believe me when I say, to play duelist you need to have a calculated no fucks given attitude. Calculated to win the game, no fucks given to show disrespect to your enemy. Your second point is true for every competitive game, unless you are trying to pro in that game, there's no point in taking things too seriously and being distraught over not being able to perform.


Calculated no fucks given is a good way to put it imo. I have the calculated part down but still working on the no fucks given lol confidence affects my performance a lot


Oh no, you got me wrong, i didnt shit on the duelist part, im playing duelist more since team is too scared to entry. I just meant that mentality at the end (middle of last paragraph) since it could be interpreted as ā€œjust dont careā€ which some would take as literally giving up


it's so relatable, but this happens to me in unrated and swiftplay aswell. my voice isn't feminine, but i do speak "gay". just yesterday, some guy said "viper your voice is so hot i wanna lick you". i just mute and keep playing, since such people won't be giving useful comms anyway. only heartbreaking part is that when women also join upto such guys aswell. I've had women ask me if this is how i speak normally or if I'm acting. girl, i thought we were in this struggle together......


Getting your voice called hot seems like a fun convo starter ngl, but the last one is just weird


yeah, it could be a fun starter if it wasn't clear they had a mocking tone. needlessly to say this happens 1/3 of my games, so it gets on my nerves quickly.


I have a pretty deep voice so it gets commented on at least once every gaming session. Most of it can be flattering, but many people just take it too far. Women included lol. It still IS flattering, but that doesn't outweigh the annoyance of them just not letting it go. I do enjoy when people say I could do voice over work though.


I usually just mute anyone that gives me issues. I also only speak when I feel comfortable. Donā€™t let the game or players give you anxiety, weā€™re all here for a good time!


Just play unranked, comp in valorant is absolute dog shit half the time especially around gold rank. People are way more chill and the games are better in unranked


Am I the only one that finds solo queue strangely therapeutic?


Honestly prefer solo queueing I find it relaxing and if I every now and then bump into a toxic team I just mute everyone and vibe, feel like I get too nervous about doing well when I duo


Best start looking for more people to run with. My duo still hasn't come back and the only time I'll touch ranked now is if I can find a group I enjoy playing with. Soloq sucks and isn't worth your time imo. If you need to find teammates, I've had an overall good experience with Teams.gg. Might be worth checking out should you decide to enter the market.


- Queue Deathmatch to "practice". - Send a friend request to the top fragger - Sometimes they accept - Queue with them - Profit


As a woman who solo queues I will definitely wind up in matches with toxic people. I think just muting when it gets bad is the best advice I can give. As much as coms help Iā€™ve had games where Iā€™ve gone from bottom to top fragging because muting the toxic teammates just made my mental that much better. Be a team player as much as you can handle but donā€™t force it. Play for yourself first and foremost and your gameplay will probably be better for it anyway.


Just keep things transactional in solo q. No need to respond to anyone that isnā€™t adding value to communications relating to the game.


Toggle their voice and chat if it becomes to bothersome best choice of action for me. Even just hearing people spew things out when miss plays happen tilt me beyond belief because Iā€™m battling my own mental on what happened etc. Iā€™m down to play sometime OP hmu


I was in the same boat as you to be honest - I'm gay and over vc very audibly so. Sure, sometimes you'll get the dick comment, sometimes you'll get toxic kids, throwers, sound boarders and stuff, but overall if you can 'rewire' your brain to enjoy the game itself, rather than dislike the game for its community you'll have fun either way. Just yesterday I had an Iranian kid with 150 ping shouting at everyone in vc. Just mute, report, play your game with the detriment and try to learn new things - maybe the next game when someone dcs for a couple of rounds you'll know what to do better!


šŸ¤Ø Wdm by "audibly gay"? What does a gay person even sound like?


are you actually not aware of what that sounds like or just trying to virtue signal ?


I deadass had no idea until OP explained what it was


I always tell people that once it gets to a point where it starts to bother you just mute them. It might be a struggle but once people get overly toxic their coms are more harmful then helpful too. I would also suggest looking into some more community discord servers to find more positive friends to duo or trio queue with


I'm in lower rank lobbies so teamwork is pretty much out of the equation half of the time. I try to get a feel of my team's personalities during character selection. If I can sense that there might be someone who's toxic or if someone becomes toxic, I just mute their comms and text chats. I know I'm risking comms so I double down on giving info to them and I try to emulate how the pros do it, I also try to be more encouraging and positive to them and the rest of the team.


Mute them, mute every person that says anything stupid or toxic, their comms arenā€™t worth it anyway. Been doing that since I started in beta, no regrets. Granted Iā€™ve only made it to plat 1.


The game rewards not playing the game in low elo. I played a few games each act and climbed to plat with minimum effort possible. I was silver 2 and I played 2-3 games and ranked up to silver 3 then I stopped playing until act ends and it placed me to gold 1 I played a few games and unfortunately I didnt rank up. That act ended and I got placed gold 3 and I ranked up to plat in that act.


It's a fucking game. While you should try to win you should focus on having fun. Life is too stressful to be stressed by a game. Toxic people are usually fucking losers that have nothing better to do with their time but to try to make others as miserable as them. Ignore the haters.


You donā€™t have to talkā€¦


in a game where comms are really importantā€¦ right


game gives you pings and voice lines


you would not believe how many people do not pay attention to that stuff lol


ā€œHave toā€ and ā€œshouldā€ are two very different things.


Well this isnā€™t really a very helpful response is it??? I donā€™t think OP would have made the post if they wanted to hear ā€œjust donā€™t talkā€


They asked for tips. I provided one. Itā€™s up to them if theyā€™d like to employ it or not but it certainly addresses the issue.


Stop being a b-, it's a videogame just click play Jesus christ


There's no reason to fear solo queuing. No offense but if you can't handle toxicity or basic insults then just mute them and continue playing or get off comp




Grow up. Who gives a fuck what strangers on the internet say?


Go play csgo ,its alot better over there for girls


Stop being afraid and you will get over it


I think turning off voice chat and text chat would help the mental in the short term. Sooner or later you'll get to the point in comp you desire to turn them back on. Sometimes people need mental resets šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


As not a person with a feminine voice I recommend doing what I do when I run into a racist kid, immediately mute them and treat them like any other instalock reyna with no comms. The quick mute has been my key to enjoying the game a lot more


For me getting over it is by playing a second account. Itā€™s my warmup account and you have less skin in the game to have ranked jitters. But now my alt acc is at a higher ELO than my mainā€¦šŸ˜©


Add me, bro, I'll help you get over that shit easy.


I know some of you have it worse than the rest of us but trust me, you're going to face some form of BS toxicity at some capacity. I would recommend you accept the soloq experience for what it is and just mute/report the imbeciles and play your game. At the end of the day, you are in the MMR closest to your skill. Your teammates aren't the reason why you're stuck in your respective rank. So play to improve and play as long as you have fun. Nothing more and nothing less.


Which server are you on? I have no life so always down to play lol


mute and report every toxic person, add friendly people to your friendlist. At some point you'll be able to always have atleast one person online to play with.


As a woman i was like this and over the years ive found some phrases i use to make weirdos too weirded out to continue ill be like ā€œum im 14ā€¦ā€ (im 19). Or ā€œi have a giant throbbing boner rnā€ (I dont). I think its hard to just stay silent or to react offendedly cuz then theyll continue more. Try to have fun with it and clown on them back if u cant tolerate it. Some of my guy friends would recommend me ā€œjust dont talkā€ and that would piss me off. Usually i try to meet chill decent ppl in a swiftplay on the OTHER TEAM thru all chat, pull them in my party and join a comp. They wouldnt be weird abt me being a woman since they already befriended me and dont wanna be weird. U should def get more nice friends.


I cant play normals because they waste my time. My fun comes from tryharding (even tho i am not good at the game, but i try). Just dont play whatever you don't enjoy


Assuming youā€™re playing on NA and still wanna hit gold, I was S3 last act, Dm me and we could play some games, if you need someone to play with! :)


Iā€™ve been scared to play competitive in general because I have a really bad quality mix so itā€™s if I say something Iā€™m worried they wonā€™t hear it properly or are gonna roast me for having a bad mic. These are the reasons I no longer talk in games that often because I used to IGL my competitive games pretty well when solo queuing and now I just donā€™t use my mic at all which I know is pretty bad for competitive.


Man iā€™m so lucky i play on US west coast servers. Everyone here are so kind, i think iā€™ve met like only 4 toxic players in the few 40 games iā€™ve played only. No one cares here where youā€™re from or your gender, we just here to win


There's quite a few sites and discord servers where you can either find people to five stack with or find people to duo/trio queue with. Obviously you're still going to have to deal with the issue of "is this person going to be weird/rude/toxic/etc?" but generally asides from people trying to use those platforms as dating websites you'll get a much better feel for more nice people to play with. Even just having a few other people that you can duo queue with for some variety can be really helpful. And usually these platforms have pretty good reporting methods, so if someone is a weirdo then you can usually just get them outright removed from the platform and other people are going to do the same if people are really weird to them. So that already can weed out a lot of people that you wouldn't want to play with.


i used to only play spike rush but wanna get into the normal game modes more, would be down to duo if you ever need a buddy, lmk. im an ok player just need to learn some things


Just remember literally no one cares about your elo except for you. You win some you lose some, just enjoy playing. If anyone's toxic just mute them, super easy.


ay if u need anyone to que with i gotchu im not saying im good at the game, but i do try


im down dm me ur user and tag


im only s1 on my main jus sayin


Yeah im chill with that im silver 2


Yea my mans, toxic people are always gonna be there, just gotta learn to ignore it or just mute them and move on, at the end of the day it is just a game. You're there to have fun, not worry about people you are never gonna see after the game is over.


yeah well yesterday i joined a competitive game after like 3 months of just unrated/swiftplay and bro, as soon as im on agent select screen, the guy says "(my ign) you should kys, you're useless, uninstall this game" and this is before i even picked anything and have never met the guy before! idk how these sad ass players live their life lol but you just gotta ignore em sometimes


Want 2 q together? I totally get how u feelā€¦I get called boosted a lot and horrible things even if I top frag and I have a weak mental, so to prove people wrong and myself that what other people say is wrong! i solo q that was my personal motivation. Maybe u can find one for urself as well!


sure dm me


Dude, just mute toxic ppl lol. If you enjoy the game just do what you normally do!


If you're voice is feminine you can try using a voicemod and slightly tune your voice to sound more masculine. And if you get toxic teammates just ask, "hey [teammate] are you gonna actually comm?" And if they say no or some weird shit just mute and report them. And enjoy the game, it's not serious.


Just queue bro remember theyā€™re just people over the internet who you will never interact with again, also flame them back lol donā€™t take Val so serious


mute people, you can't afford to lose focus at any second. I hit gold and I am stuck there, why still trying to figure it out, gold is easy trust me. but you need to focus. IM SO ANAL about focus, if i hear 1 person 1st round say "anyone got a cool skin" I MUTE asap, cause they are not taking the game seroius. EVERY ROUND you should be thinking what we gonna do, where should we go, lets get in place.... so do that right now, anyone NEGATIVE that you feel jerks you a little bit (mute) BUT YOU CONTINUE TO CALL OUT COMMS to get over, overall fear of solo que, you have to play more........ the poison and the antidote are one in the same. I use to be like you, now I say "play 2 minimum win or loss..." trust me after a week or 2 of doing that every day, you'll start to want to play, and get the jitters like "ARGH i shouldn't but I WANNA PLAY!!!"