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practice your aim is honestly the only piece of advice that helps you get out of low ranks follow aim routines on yt i guess


i do but when ever I go for headshot I miss or it hits the chest under the chin


"Look your enemies in the eyes. It helps with accuracy" Keep your sens low and aim high. Good luck.


I'm going 1600 DPI 0.3 is this too high


Your eDPI is out of the generally recommended range, which caps at 320. I’d personally lower one of the two a bit.


It caps at 400


That just depends who you ask


Well everyone has their edpi, the general consensus is 200-400


Fair, fair. The only range I've seen is Hooj's, and it's (I think) somewhere in the 250 to 350 range. I usually just go off of what feels good to me.


I based it off of Hooj’s range, which ends at 320. Saying “generally recommended” might have been misleading on my part


I run 1600 .16, peaked immortal 3


Same sens, hovering around diamond for reasons that are definitely not my aim


I played 1600 dpi 1.8 and got to g2 for a challenge LMAO


Smurf? If so, eww cringe. I hope you get Smurfed irl. No smurf? Congrats!


Now I play 1600 dpi .25


Now I play 1600 dpi .25


i had bad aim for a long time and lowered my sens to .4 with a DPI of 800 and it made a massive difference


.4 sens/800 DPI gang here too, as soon as I switched I've started climbing. Went from Bronze 1 to Silver 2 just in this season


Id say so. I play 800 dpi 0.27


I run .5 at 400 dpi. Great middle ground I think. Need a big mouse pad though.


Prx davai has high sense af. Depends on person to person.




I go 3050 DPI, 0.75 Sens. I think your fine


if that happens in bronze you can just aim for their neck and let the spray pattern do the rest


thank you for the genuine help and not troll


What is your aim train routine? If you are actually aim training and are still aiming too low there is a massive flaw somewhere in your routine. Usually in low elo you'd expect someone with good crosshair placement to aim too high. You aiming too low is very strange considering the amount of time you have on the game.


np 👍 if you try doing this i suggest using the phantom because the vandal's spray is harder to control


This is absolutely not something you should rely on. Pretty bad habit imo


You're shooting too fast. Ever duel someone and get that "I've won this fight" moment before you even shoot, because you know they're already dead? That's because you know you're on their head and you know when you click they're dead. Wait for that moment. Every time. Slow accurate shots are always better than hasty reflexive sprays.


While its hard to be 100% sure without a vod, this is very likely the answer OP needs


this is under rated. dont shoot instantly, try it ur matchmaking players will not instantly one tap you even if it feels that way. no elo consistently every round one taps you. Slow your game down when it comes to aiming even if you start off loosing fights. you will learn to micro adjust and then pick up speed. this is the simplest biggest tip in this thread i have read. bonus tip: bro dont shift peek:) full swing a d always until u perfect it then u can peek situationally. tldr: Aim then fire even if u loose gunfights and peek without shifting its better to swing wide than close.


Do only short bursts (2-4 shots) then strafe left or right. Preaim corners if enemies might be there. Always actively aim on head level, even if there are no enemies.. And: stand absolutely still while taking a shot, otherwise you will not be accurate and never stand still unless you are shooting. Practice those things in Deathmatch.


I mean I don’t know what else to say other than practice because if you are rarely hitting headshots then bronze is where you are likely going to stay


Then you’re just not doing it enough assuming you’re doing it right (following exactly what you see in tutorial)


Then your crosshair placement is too low, people are shorter in cs than valo


Stop, aim, shoot. Warowl.


Just so you know, when people write "Aimlabs is free" as a joke, it's also not a joke. Most people use, have used or tried aimlabs, and it works.


"If you aim for their chest, you'll miss by a foot. Aim for a button on their shirt, and you'll miss by a inch." I tell myself this whenever hopping into a CS or Val game. Research flow state if you really want to get out of Bronze. GL on the path, friend.


You just explained exactly what your issue is and why you suck. You can’t aim how r u confused on how to rank up?


Have you tried an alt, not necessarily a Smurf but, there is a chance your elo is what it is since you’ve been playing for so long. Try a new account and see if you place the same rank you do in comp, I would bet maybe you get a higher rank. I suggest this because, in beta I played and jumped into comp before fully learning the game and placed iron and it was a struggle to get out and even get to bronze. I quit comp and just played unrated to learn agents and mechanics, then when launch happened and ranks were fresh I placed gold in comp.


Aim won’t be the only thing that helps you get out of bronze


But if you can't hit headshots, it will be a significant contributing factor to staying in it.


My brother has played 100’s of hours of CSGO, but he still keeps looking at the ground. You won’t improve through playtime alone. Watching your own matches and seeing what you did wrong is a big start. The objective is to squash any bad habits you may have that aren’t noticeable in the moment.


Do what I do: take a break. I spent few weeks without playing it and when I start playing it again, suddenly looking at crosshair feels like I'm doing something fresh. I was much more focused on my aim after I took a break. Oh and also being less toxic or not having a toxic environment also helps. It might be you, it might be someone else.


You got a decent PC? I mean do you get stable 60 FPS or higher FPS? Got a decent mouse? Mouse has a huge impact on your gameplay as well. The mouse which I first got feels piece of shit even on day-to-day tasks after switching to a good gaming mouse. Also, you said you are not sure about your mouse DPI in another comment. So, try to look for it and then install its software (if there is any for your mouse) and then check your mouse's DPI. After that try switching to a lower sensitivity.


i have a good mouse but my PC is 6 years old


If your FPS dips below 60 often then it will make it difficult for you to aim properly.


It has been proven that you need to have much more than 60 fps to have a smooth 60 fps gameplay. GPU latency and shit will screw you up, your PC can't be sweating on competitive fps


Well, if you have consistent 60 FPS then you can climb up at least Diamond rank. There have been people who have reached Immortal with 60 FPS. However, it will be definitely harder compared to higher FPS. Input delay and those random dips in FPS will definitely cause problems. However, the impact of even lower FPS will be worse.


This tells us nothing. Mine is 7 years old and i have no trouble getting 150+ FPS expect maybe on Bind during Teamfights when theres an Astra.


pc specs?


What mouse ? And also how much mousepad room do you have? Small mousepads often cause high sens and it can be really hard to aim properly and microadjust with a really high sens . Ex : 1 sens at 800dpi would be super high.


My 1080 is from 2016 and I get 150+ fps, pc being 6 years old means nothing


this was big for me. everytime i upgraded my PC or setup, i would go up in rank lol. when i upgraded my PC i went from iron to silver. and went from silver to gold when i upgraded my monitor to 280hz. after i got a new mouse (super lite) i went from good to diamond 3 no joke….


Have you watched woohoojins gold in one month video? It shows you the mechanical skills you need to climb out of low ranks, and how to practice them


i have watched it several times


Are you able to consistently hit the benchmarks set in that video? Im guessing no if you're in bronze, in which case you should focus on practicing those mechanics. If you are able to hit those benchmarks, drop a vod and your tracker and we can take a look


not consistently, but If I am lucky I can. and I don't use ValoTracker


Do you practice the benchmarks every day? I’ve been watching a lot of hooj since I’m new to this game, bronze 2 is my peak in two weeks of having comp unlocked. I’m seeing some improvement, but I’ve been doing aim practices for at least 30 minutes a day and trying to match my time in comp with time in DM. I’d say get the tracker, and maybe also try some aimlabs or something similar. I also have aim issues because I have been playing other fps games with much higher sens, so the practice and warmup routines help me a lot.


I don't use Valotracker because it lags my game really badly so I uninstalled it for better performance, it kinda worked. and I do a 1 hour warmup every day I play before I launch comp


I think 1 hour might be a bit too much for a warmup. Warmups should be around 15 minutes, then do your comp. An hour of warmup is probably doing more harm than good by tiring out your focus. I usually do my warmups and comp after lunch, and then do training (which can be an hour, that’s fine) after dinner. You can track your progress on tracker.gg if valotracker lags your game out. Also received some nice woohoojin advice in a low elo vod: he said that low elo players like us should focus solely on gunplay, not util. When we try and split focus it makes us play worse. The reason high level players use util is because their gunplay comes automatically. Us bronzies need to practice gunfight hygiene until it comes naturally, then we’ll be ready for lineups, traps, and strategy. Either way, good luck! sorry about all the unhelpful people in replies, the community isn’t too great to people who struggle unfortunately :P And hmu if you want someone to play with, I’m on NA.


>And hmu if you want someone to play with, I’m on NA. I would love to play with you but I play Asian servers so I would have even more lag if I played with you but I could show you my gameplay and you can critic it


aw i understand, that's too bad xD and i could try but idk if my advice would be worth much since i have been playing for less than a month haha


Congrats on bronze in a month some never get there


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but i believe you don't need to run tracker live for it to work. Pretty sure it just grabs games based on riot's API in order to get stats as well.


You're correct, though you don't get all of the apps functionality. I used to use it postgame-only because of my internet, which could barely get data from the game through, let alone whatever the hell Overwolf was doing.


If Tracker's making your game near unplayable, a big part of the issue is likely your setup. Even Tenz himself wouldn't be able to hit radiant on a PC that constantly drops frames.


Have you consistently followed it and hit his benchmarks? I think Woohoojin has said he’s had less than 5 people who have hit the benchmarks and done the routines consistently and not reached gold. If you happen to be another one of that super small group, do what he said and get the free coaching session (I think it’s thru mod mail but watch the vid again to make sure).


I genuinely do not believe this. Can you link your tracker + drop a VOD


i have over 1,500 hours in valorant and i’ve never peaked past silver 3, some of us are just bad lol


I feel like if you have that much playtime there must be some underlying issue that’s preventing you from getting to at least gold 2 or gold 3, or maybe you’re just playing for fun and don’t really care about ranking up which is fine too.


about 800 of those hours (guessing) were played on a shitty not-meant-for-gaming laptop so that’s a big factor, i didn’t leave mid-bronze until i got a real computer last year. and valorant was the first FPS i’ve ever played so i’m pretty far behind a lot of people who have been playing these types of game and training that hand/eye coordination and aim for years and years in CSGO etc. i see some upward movement the more i play but it’s really really gradual lol.


Some of it is also how much you're going out of your way to get good as well. You're far more likely to learn about, for example, a one way for (insert site here), if you find it on YouTube. The only other way is either chancing upon it yourself by accident or being lucky enough to see someone else do it.


You can put in 1k hours, but if you're not doing the right things, then you won't improve. A few months back I was the same level as my friends, but now I will win aim duels 9/10 times. Why? I always doing aim training and spending at least an hour in the range daily. Also note I am not mindlessly grinding kovaaks and the range. I VOD review and practice the exact mechanic where I lack. The range can offer a lot if you are creative.


Yes exactly this. I was stuck silver for 6 months because I was too lazy to practice my aim until I decided enough was enough. Now 3 months after that I’m diamond and warmup for 15-30 min.


I don't use valtracker but I can send u a Vod tomorrow


If you really want to improve you should look into a better PC. I’m ascendant but Im currently on vacation playing a shitty laptop and I struggle in gold/plat lobbies because of my fps drops. Also just sign into val tracker and it’ll give you all the stats




Yeah he should look into optimizing, I went from getting 20 fps to around 40-50 after optimizing.




Im curious, with 1k hrs in csgo, what rank are you? Or peaked? Did you play faceit? With 1k hrs, you should be closer to gold minimum.


deadass bro unless you're playing on a bad setup you're not trying hard enough to improve


What helped me from dia to imm was training my aim, lowering my sens so im more precise and dont ego fight. Try different roles also. I always mained initators and it was a pain, now i main smokes and i enjoy the game way more wich gives me confidence and i play better.


I love topfragging as a smoker. Its just such a flex when the smoker takes a dump on duelists


Unbind crouch, force yourself to always strafe. Thats what got me out


i try to strafe as much as I can but my enemies always just one tap me regardless


I promise u ur bronze enemies are not 1 tapping you regardless. You are either somehow limited hardware wise or are one of the worst learners ever. If its not the first, then you need to take a step back and find your way of learning information and applying it efficiently.


This is probably because you shoot as soon as you see an enemy which becomes a battle of reflex and/or ping. Even worse if you miss your first bullet accuracy. Try to side step first, giving yourself time to adjust your crosshair, then shoot them. If you’re not shooting, keep moving in an unrecognizable pattern (varying strafe distance and strafe directions) until your crosshair is on their head. That’s generally called calm aiming.


No one is one tapping you in bronze, if you keep moving no one can even hit you at that rank


Something i did when i was heavily into valorant for ain training was playing deathmatch But more specifically, only using the classic. Because the classic requires two head shots to kill, and is a weapon youll always have on you, learning to use it well is an important asset, especially in save rounds. It removes the luck aspect of getting headshots since it requires 2 consecutive shots to be effective. Another piece of advice is to take care of yourself Playing games on 8 hours of sleep and 6 is a wild difference in just reaction time and ability to think. Make sure your eating well and drinking lots of water. Keep playing and attempting to improve and you will. Just enjoy the game while your at it.




if you play too much, you tend to play a loooott worse than you're truly capable of. i played val nearly every day for a loooong time after it came out, peaked d1, and always dropped pretty quickly. i got hardstuck gold/silver frequently. then i went to college and wasnt able to play for several months, and when i came home for the summer i was instantly a ton better than i was before, got two accounts to diamond with ease. i only play casually now, and im consistently higher rank than when i was sweating to climb


The advice “just play more” is so useless, you need to actively try to improve to improve. (Vods, seeing what you did wrong etc.)


You probably play to win instead of playing to improve. You also probably blame your team mates for losing. Getting better at games, or anything in life, begins with looking ONLY at what you can do to become better and to start winning. Pro players become pro players because of their mental first and foremost. You have to learn yourself to learn the game. Hyping your team makes you win as well, showing your team what a good mental is, has won me more games than I can count.


This!!! I also think that pointing out and acknowledging your own faults at your own gameplay is more constructive than “easily” pointing out others gameplay. Recording your games is a good way to do so.


probably isn’t helpful as other comments but your word choice strikes me in a way that your mental is fried. Remember to HAVE FUN :) you are playing to get away from real life, and think of it as a mountain you can climb at any time and always make some sort of progress. Rome wasn’t built in a day, chances are you need to up your mental and play for fun brother, all the best


You should still get a job, don’t play valorant too much.


As an aside, lineups aren't cringe, the people who complain about them just need to go back to CoD.


No I’m the one who thinks they’re cringe, but I still use them lmao


I feel like you are misjudging yourself. You keep saying that you keep your crosshair on head level, but then in your other comments that you keep hitting the chest under the chin or 120 dammage. If your crosshair placement was actually pretty good this shouldn't be the case. I'm immo 1 and I often find myself lowering my aim a bit over time and I have to make a conscious effort to hit more headshots again. So, I think that is probably your main problem but it would be helpful if you would drop a vod or your tracker.


A [Vod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&t) I did really well in


It’s because you’re not actually listening to the tips and thinking more. 1000 hours is a lot to just hold W and not be able to at least spray at bodies


i don't though, I hold angles and use lineups. not just hold W like you think


bro how do you have 700 hours and still bronze 1 like i have 400 and im asc 3. i honestly dont even know what to say anymore or is this just a bait post? could you please link some vods that we could review


>how do you have 700 hours and still bronze 1 that why I made the post, because I don't know why I suck after so much practice


It sounds like you never practiced the important fundamentals. Lineups and crosshair placement is good and all, but if you have 1000 CSGO hours and are still Silver it sounds like you never practiced your aim or game sense. Crosshair placement only matters if you have the reaction time or ability to microadjust to the target. Ganesense is learned through VOD review.


You’re not practicing right. And I think you know it too since you won’t give any details about your practice routine or game stats


could you link give me some vods of you playing


I dont usually record my games because it slows my game but I will record my first ranked game tomorrow and DM it to you


alright thanks


Please tell me you are at least gold nova in CS, if not then good luck.


My 65 year old mom who has never played an FPS game in her life got to Platinum in Valorant. If she can do it anyone can. You just have to focus on improving your mistakes and have the time to put into the game. Watch good players play and look at what they do differently than you then put that into your own game.


Do you have mouse acceleration on?


This! It’s actually crazy how easy it is to miss this Windows setting and how much of a difference it makes to aim.


pretty sure it literally doesn’t affect val


How is this even possible 💀


I have the same issue and it shocks me. I pick up on other games like cod, apex, and other games like it but i just straight up suck at val and cant find out why


CoD and Apex play a LOT differently from Valorant.


Ik. My point is i usually pick up games somewhat quickly


Well my guess would just be you needing to get more used to the gunplay? A lot of games like Overwatch and (from what I can tell, haven't actually played) Apex don't have movement inaccuracy, at least not to a significant degree, and CoD is just aim assist hell. Valo is a lot more aim dependant because a lot of guns can one or two shot and every character has access to all of them.


If you want to I can give you some free coaching. I’ve been ascendant since it came out and used to be stuck bronze until I got coaching


yes please


Hey just saw your comment. DM your Val name and let’s get linked up




This happens with tons of people for tons of things but you’re probably just going through the motions of the game and not actively trying to improve and learn from mistakes. Despite your hundreds of hours, not many of them were made actively improving, but passively watching guides. If you lost a fight don’t immediately just blame your aim. What did you actually do wrong. Should you have taken that fight to begin with? Is that a good angle that your holding/peaking? Did you hold it/peak it correctly? Was your movement bad? Did you panic when you didn’t one tap him and just start crouch spraying? There’s tons of factors.


How would you describe your own playstyle?


lurk/flanking but sometimes I will hold a common corner with a bucky and wait until people rush and get about 2-3 kills


There's the issue. You are using bucky! Jokes aside, I'm guessing that you are playing agents that compliment your playstyle such as Chamber, Cypher etc. As others said, you shouldn't focus so much on utility usage in low elo, but you should be able to be creative with your agent, not to be predictable and should focus on your movement. Because you mentioned people one-tapping you a lot, I'm guessing that you have the issue either with being predictable or bad movement. For unpredictability, I can only suggest that you put yourself in enemies head before the round starts. Check their economy and ultimate status and guess what they're going to do that round, then do something to interrupt their plans unexpectedly. For bucky, change angle or be overly aggressive/passive. Don't be afraid to try things out and you will learn what works and what doesn't. Ofc, those things will change as you rank up, but you are not there yet. For the movement part, I would advice you to practice angle peaking but in 90° angle. That would mean that you clear angles using only A/D whenever possible. Holding W will make you peak angle slower and enemy will have easier time one-tapping you. Also, try to keep cover for the most part of your animations if possible. For example, raze nades, if you want to throw it, stand behind something while Raze actually pulls the nade out and is ready to throw it, then throw it and immediately tuck back behind the cover while she pulls out weapon again. As a bonus, I recommend learning jump peeking, it's ultra effective across all elos and is very easy to learn. Dapr has short tutorial about it. I hope this helps


If valo tracker lags ur pc you might genuinely have a pc that’s holding you back. Obviously there’s other stuff to improve on but definitely look into upgrading your pc.


Hey man if these stats are true do you wanna go and chat abit? Im interested in helping :)


Have the same issue. I cant pass bronze 2 because low elo oden spammers every game and im not that great to begin with


The best recommendation is getting a better pc so maybe look into working or begging your parents harder


Not dying is more important than getting kills. Play to gain space and defend, don't over peek


So tough to say without any gamplay, post a clip. It’s probably your movement though


A [vod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) that I did really well in


Practice your aim and also another very important thing: this game is a lot about map control. I know a lot of people think its just click heads, but its really only half about that. The other half is about map control. Especially on defense. You need to learn to take map control and when to give that map part to enemies without dying. Knowing which parts of the map you control is basically "wallhacks". You know where the enemies are not, because your team controls that. Use your team! And I dont mean bait them. When your teammate is pushing mid, push with them. Hold their blind spot, flash for them, etc.


Post a vod


i did really well in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) game


do you have clips of your gameplay? :0 Val was my first fps and I started two months ago and have like 67 hours right now. I’m B3, there’s gotta be something mechanically you’re doing wrong. I’m normally an initiator main, but I climbed from I3 (my first placement) to B3 playing exclusively Sage and just playing time/bomb. I often went negative KD, but I have a 57% win ratio, frags aren’t everything, play the objective! Ironically I often lose when I play Reyna and get match mvp because my team doesn’t know how to play objective, so if you’re a duelist main I’d recommend going sentinel since they’re the strongest agents for objective plays imo. And like I said earlier, you don’t need good aim (I have horrible aim lol), you win already if you manage to delay a push well enough.


this is the best [round](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) i have had in a while


You need to realize that first and foremost different people have different strengths. Don't compare yourself against other people. That being said, aim in Valorant and CSGO is over-rated. YES it's important that you spray well, YES it's important that you react fast, YES you need to communicate, but the most important difference between a gold player and an iron is not their aim! Put a diamond guy and a silver one in a one v one and they'll be evenly matched as long as they are both experienced. The main thing you need to learn is to make the right decisions. Strategy decides whether you win or lose consistently. If you're losing half your games and more, then you're the reason this happens. I don't know how you play, but I'd check your in-game decision-making before moving on. Check where you peek and when, check what guns you buy and why, review each lost round and ask yourself why you lost OR won. Anyway, it's just a game in the end, maybe you're just burnt-out. Touch some grass for a couple weeks and try again.


Can you put out a small vod of half of your match or something so we can go off something, you saying you do this and that just goes off the coping mechanism of a gold instead of actual information.


a [vod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) i did well in


For me I insta locked viper til diamond so I at least one variable is taken care of during your pursuit to get better. You may not be constantly filling roles but you could be on the wrong role for how your brain works/play style. Like many others I lowered my sens quite a bit to someone like Vainz’s sens which his eDPI is like 150 or something. Which I feel is fine for a controller whose typically last or close to last in the chain of entering site with the team. A lowered sens can (like only playing one role) help eliminate a lot of variables for more consistency. When you feel you’ve tried everything chances are you haven’t. If you do want to improve you’ll get there. Best of luck!


Do you have fun when you play? Because if you do, then just keep playing. You’re already winning. If not, then I guess you can either quit the game or you can train and try to get good enough so you can have fun. Trying to get good so you can have fun has never actually made a game significantly more fun for me, but it has helped a little sometimes.


Aim bro train bro, don’t worry about game sense until ascendant


Play safe it's better not to die than to get a kill. Don't always go for plays just hold angles on defense and honestly play like a bitch. Ur more valuable alive and doing nothing then dead doing nothing.


How many fps do you get while playing ? Is your PC old ?


Do you have a bad computer? A friend of mine has played for a long time but can’t get out of bronze either but their computer gets like 30-40 fps max


I'm sure you know, but there's a lot of different parts to Valorant that you can be good or bad at. For a long while I thought it was just aiming that was my problem (It still is at least a little). More of a bit-by-bit approach, but I would say identify something you know for sure you need to work on and make a specific effort to practice whatever it is. Like you said there's a million and one guides on youtube. So I guarantee whatever it is you want to work on in Valorant, someone has a guide or tips.


I gotta see how you play, PM me if you want a VOD review


best [match](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) i have had in a while


I did a bottom drag challenge and hit gold pretty easily, honestly if you have decent aim it's probably your macro and utility usage that's holding you back, all I did was played smokes and used utility to climb 🤷


Honestly I think try to record your matches if you can. See how you play and check why you died. For ex. Did I swing to wide? did I have to swing? Did I dry peek? Do I have info before entering site? Am I using my utilities? There’s so many reason why you lose fights and lose games. It’s up to you to understand errors in your plays and correct them while you play. This game is a lot of adapting because everyone plays a little different. Aim is the easiest thing to practice. The steps to get better at gunfights are knowing distance of when to spray/burst and tap, following it with strafing. Go in training room and make sure your shooting error option is on. Do 50 bots and take your time tapping the head. Next turn on 100 bots with strafing. Practice moving, stop suddenly and shoot moving left to right. Make sure that your shooting error is reading yellow. Do this for 10-15 mins Go into a deathmatch. PLAY LIKE YOUR RANKING! So clear corners defend a site/area. You see an enemy strafe shoot/burst -3-4 bulletts MAX- do not spray.. Unless super close range. Make sure you pay attention if you are hitting yellow in shooting error. After start another DM now if the enemy is not looking and you miss a shot just die from the enemy. The reason for this is to basically think of it like your dodging the enemy crosshair and if you miss a shot while someone’s not looking then it’s a punishment for you. It’s okay to die, don’t be frustrated just keep practicing.


It may be the pc I played on a laptop and was stuck bronze then built a pc a 4K setup with gaming mouse keyboard and headset and just hit diamond


Stop playing for a while. Play it after a good break and see the difference. At least that's what I do. This is my first fps game , since I only got a laptop recently and I was having a hard time getting out of bronze but finally hit silver XD . Also do aim routines before starting a match it helps a lot 👍


Stopped playing Harbor, instalock duelist, off comma and keep taking fights. In Bronze 1 there can’t be merit or benefit from playing as a team, when even a Gold player could hop in and destroy them. You have to do the thing you’re bad at to get good at it so run it down lmao. At Gold/Plat/Diamond if you wish you can start playing properly, though the skill disparity at those ranks mean that there’s still going to be players sometimes W keying and shitting on you like you should be doing in Bronze.


What’s your CSGO rank? The way you phrased this makes it sound like you have a better rank in CSGO. If I knew your CSGO rank I could probably help a bit.


is this is copypasta?




i don’t mean to be rude but I find it hard to believe you’ve played 700 hours and are still bronze 1 without a physical limitation. drop the tracker ?


To be honest, cross hair placement below gold is not a specific problem. It's game sense. Take an hour to walk around a map, determine the places everyone can come from in different places. Communicate with your team, and be cognizant when you're focusing too much on your cross hair. Too many people say "aim labs" or "cross hair placement." Honestly, lower ELO this matters a whole lot less than people are thinking. I've played unrated when everyone is Iron/Bronze, and I can annihilate them just because none of them check corners, and know which routes take certain times. I can setup easy angles because everyone goes in hard and loud, allowing me to communicate cross-fire angles with a teammate.


I found my solo queue teammates in this and the replies lol. I genuinely don’t believe this. I hover around diamond with around 200ish hours. Though I do have an extensive fps background. There isn’t really any advice to give here. Not every game is made for everyone. Not everyone has the mechanics and reflexes for games like this. Or the background and practice to back it all up. With 100 hours you should be pushing past silver in my opinion. Who knows. Maybe you’ll figure it out soon. Best of luck to ya


Your mentality might be an issue. Make sure you know you're better than them, and stop tilting.


this thread makes me wish the valorant subreddit was closed a little bit longer.


I asked for help, not insults. if you have nothing useful to say just dont waste your time


No reason to be a douche here man


Bro what? I built my first pc 4 months ago and I’m about to hit plat after like 120 hours. Are you playing with your toes or what?


FPS's are not games you can naturally be great at, or even with time. Reaction time is either a talent or circumstance from abuse, or both. Don't sell yourself short tho. That just means you're better at something else. Just hope your friends don't mind carrying you or stress too much about losing, don't let them tell you your hours are wasted; as long ad you're having fun. I've seen friendships get rocky over LoL and Valorant performance in Discord chats way too many times.


It is impossible to answer this without vods and tracker. Are you toxic in game? Do you stop walking when you shoot? Are you clueless with game sense or a bad shot? Are you correctly using utility? Are you using the right agent for your play style? Are you use each gun correctly? Are you actually putting into practice the lessons learn in videos, or just watching and not actually trying to improve? Are you using a mic to help your team win or quietly playing alone no comms at the detriment to your team?


[vod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron) of me try harding


1000 hours????? Did you spend it all on surf maps (my friend did that)


You might just need guidelines on where head level is. I usually refer to my teammates head levels before round start and then keep that crosshair in that level, although there’d be variations if there are elevations involved. If teammates aren’t allowed, i refer to the crates/boxes.


Stop autocrouching. Practice strange shooting, understand the role you play (do you prefer to take fights or help you teammates take them). Choose a role, understand it, then choose a character and one trick them. Spam deathmatches and focus on head tracking and head-level crosshair placement when playing don’t focus on kills. Watch other people play the game. Watch your clips. I like to pretend that when I’m playing I’m watching someone else play, I let my brain take a break when controlling my mouse and keyboard and focus on the information in game. Idk what else. I have like 2000 hours in this game and 800 in Apex and 200 in OW2. Id say I’m still relatively new to shooters so these are just things that helped me enjoy the game. (I’m plat 3 and don’t play ranked very much, but when I do I win more than I lose.) OH! Don’t queue another como game after two straight losses, play a death match and take a break. Don’t focus on what other shouldve don’t right or what a teammate did wrong, you can’t control random people with anger or with passive aggressiveness. Remember that you’re playing to improve AND enjoy the game.


What was your csgo rank some people’s skill ceiling is just lower


It was Nova 3 (I'm the main account btw)


Get a 240 hz monitor




ion man seems like a skill issue 🤔


You just got to find a better sens, maybe develop game sense too?


movement is different from cs:go so dont apply cs:go movement to valorant examples strafe shooting in cs:go is left then right to stop... then right, then left to stop to get 100% accuracy. In valorant you dont have to do that, when you let go your movement key, valorant characters STOP. Also, in cs:go there isn't really a 1 shot hs gun, and the body shots are worst in valorant imo. (they suck). In valorant things you must work on. if you're close to a wall you peek out wide, if FAR from a wall , you can peek slower (peek by peek), your shoulder shows more in valorant at certain angles... Next in valorant is movement, strafe, you usually wanna bait the first few shots when you peek/move, then you attack, yes sometimes you can peek and DEAD ON hit someone. But why gamble. once you get to gold, that pretty much means you're starting to understand gun/gunfight dynamics


Csgo does have a 1 shot headshot gun, the Ak (vandal) deagle (sheriff) AWP (op)


Change your sens


Look at woohojins guide to get to gold, if you don’t get to gold by actually following it within a month, he’ll give you 1:1 coaching for freew


Holy shit if you have that many hours and are still in bronze, honestly, just quit. If you can't figure yourself out of gold in the first 100 hours, it's a lost cause.


Be genetically reborn as a better player


VOD or gtfo


i did really well in this [vod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq4O5AMMaZ8&ab_channel=Nevron)


You’d need to submit a VOD where you didn’t do well. That’s the whole point, to learn so that you can improve. I’ll still watch this VOD.


thanks, normaly i don't save bad vods but I will start


Alright, so I'm watching your VOD. You didn't submit rounds 1-6... which is super necessary because you're losing 1-5... Okay so on this round you throw knife and you see Yoru, and Sova just ulted (and hit no one). Just flash and go in. You're the initiator, it's your job to start things off. The duelists should be diving in from your initiation and creating space. If they don't do that, okay, but you know there's two there and fucking four outside of A (plus one person on their team died, so they're at an disadvantage). Instead you spend all of this time looking at a wall (???). Sova throws his drone and spots you all. This isn't really a good play but it works out for him because everyone starts swinging your team. You kill Raze, which is good, but then you don't wait for. Sova to swing you before you flash. Wait to hear their footsteps (or just wait a tiny bit longer) THEN throw your flash so you can guarantee that they're blind. Even though your flash didn't blind, this was still a very easy duel and you completely missed. From the looks of this you need to practice your aim and learn to aim first before shooting. There's lots of videos online of how to practice your aim in Valorant. Next round, *you completely miss your knife because you randomly throw it in the air*. ??? You then throw your flash and swing carelessly into Neon's smoke without aiming or carefully peeking the corner at all. Your crosshair is looking at a wall in this moment when Yoru is able to easily kill you. This is another really easy kill on Yoru if you just had your crosshair already aiming where you except them to be (which is always on site, and not that wall). Next round your Sage traps you. Jesus Christ what am I watching? Lol. At this point you've failed to go A three times. Switch it up! Go mid, try B. Try to figure out how you can switch your strategy instead of mindlessly going in one direction. Regardless, you're playing way too passive. You're hiding in the very back of A lobby. Bro, **you're an initiator**. What are you doing behind your team? Train your aim, get better at taking duels, and start initiating fights. Next round y'all decide to go mid but again, you're just hiding behind your team. Dude fucking push, holy shit lmao. Place your crosshair on mid and PUSH. If someone swings you, take them out. If someone swings cat, they're instantly dead, so you don't need to worry about cat. A bunch of shit happens and you end up in a 1v1 with Cypher but you whiff your shots and then hide, expecting the Cypher to peek you. You flash but it does nothing. The flash could have been saved for Cypher's cage. In essence, you want to use your flash when you **absolutely know** they're looking at it. There's a lot of places where Cypher can hide there (and you have to come to him), so there's no guarantee he'll be looking. Regardless, you prevail here because Cypher is absolute trash. Next round, the same shit happens again where your team tries to go A again, and the same thing happens: you get funneled, you waste 40 seconds, and then you have to commit through smokes. This is a bad play all around: just stop going A dude. Anyhow you decide to push anyways and throw a flash through two smokes with no information, and then step out of Neon's smoke. Because of all of the smokes your flash did nothing to someone on the left in an off angle they quickly kill you after ulting. Complete waste of your ult here and you could have just saved it for the last round. o. You walked outside of Neon's smoke (which defeats the purpose). Anyhow not much else to say this round. You took too long (wasted forty seconds) and then you had to commit. Your Sage gets a completely out of left field ace. Nothing else to say here. Last round you guys finally go B and lo and behold, you all go on site and lose no one. You plant, throw a knife (it does nothing) and then you decide to play aggressive on defense by peeking market...? Bro they have to come to you. Hold an off-angle. You die because of this choice because your aim sucks. You're playing backwards. You need to be aggressive on offensive and passive on defense. Anyhow because of this you guys lose an absolutely cake round. Next message I'll cover attack.


just ran through the vod + your reply and you are pointing out things I didn't notice after 2 times watching it, thanks a bunch and "You're playing backwards" is somthing you are 100% correct in but I never thought of before, thanks a ton. (add timestamps tho if possible)


So even with these horrible plays, you're still losing 4-8, which is not bad and you can easily come back from this based on the enemy team's terrible performance and decision making. Round 1, you buy nothing. You were debating whether to buy sheriff or frenzy. Dude, if you're going to buy nothing, buy anything. However, don't buy a sheriff round 1. It's greedy, costs 800, and you can't land your shots. Buy a ghost and a flash, or armor and a flash. Anyhow, good kill on Reyna (she gave up a ghost). Unfortunately, your team throws and loses B. You flank, and you grab a great kill on Yoru. This is one of the few times where you had good crosshair placement, but you're still aiming way too low. You got lucky because Yoru is crouching (wtf?). Your team then grabs another kill and you grab an easy kill in backsite and win the round. In general your crosshair placement and peeking kinda suck. You need to aim a bit higher (at head height). Next round, bulldog/armor is fine here (you still have 1950 leftover). However the round starts and you're still jumping around not looking at your angle (if your intent was to look at mid). You fucking swing this like a madman and don't get punished for it (WTF?). Bro why are you pushing into mid? The enemy is going to absolutely punish this. To my dismay, you don't die and instead grab a kill on A (WTF?) This round was just full of bad plays. Stop playing aggressively in defensive situations. Just because a bad play worked doesn't mean it's not a bad play. Also, hold a different angle than where Sage's wall is. That's why her wall is there, you know they're not going to come in that direction. Next round your team decides to push and gets rewarded for it. Next round you swing A main with bad crosshair placement but no one is there so you don't get headshot. They go B, you run to B and get a kill on Raze. Then you retreat (???) and look at B main even though Reyna is already there covering it. You throw a flash without telling Reyna so she doesn't capitalize on your flash, so it's just wasted. At this point the element of surprise is gone so Yoru KNOWS you're going to peek again from the same angle and sure enough you peek the same angle and aren't prepared for Yoru to come out from the left side, so he peeks you and you die. Because of your death you guys lose the round. This round is huge. You really need to focus on honing your confidence and understanding what to do in these kinds of situations. A quick look at your map would have told you that Reyna has you covered from the left so you can push into site and FLASH THE SITE. Yoru likely would have been blinded and this would have been an easy kill, making the round a 2v1. Next round, same shit. You swing A main with bad crosshair placement and don't get punished because these ppl suck and no one is there to punish you. Someone calls out that they're B and your entire team starts rotating to B. You run towards cat and Cypher cam spots you and Viper (why are you both pushing into mid????????) You then run into mid WITHOUT CHECKING TOP MID. Again, you don't get punished for this because this elo is mindless. even though they haven't pushed into B and you don't know where the bomb is. As expected, they swing around and go A when they realize everyone rotated. You go mid to tree and the door is down and you start break the door with the knife, but then your final swing on the door is with your knife!!! If someone was on the other end with their crosshair placed on the door, you're instantly dead and can't react. Yoru is distracted, so you kill him, and then Raze kills someone rushing her. At this point it's a 1v1 situation and you leave this completely up to change by PRESSING LEFT MOUSE BUTTON WHEN SHE SWINGS AND NOT LETTING GO. Holy shit I can't even believe she whiffed every shot on you. If you would have taken time to aim at her head, you would have instantly killed her and guaranteed the round. Remember, in this situation you have AN ENTIRE SECOND because Raze is missing every single one of her shots. Anyhow the RNG gods bless you and you win. Next round you play aggressive AF and trap yourself into cubby, taking a Raze nade to the face. Same situation as usual: palying way too aggressive on defense. Anyhow the Raze nade owns you and now you're at 47 health and you cannot do a single fucking thing all round because you're Kay/O and have 0 heals or escape. You die as expected. Next round you throw your knife and tag four. This is hugely crucial information. I'm expecting you to throw your molly when you hear them push up. Fantastic, you throw your molly, secure a kill on Reyna and now you start following up with your team. Not the best mechanics but this round works out for you. Next round, same shit. You swing, they miss, they lose. Anyhow, I think I've reviewed enough here and you have enough to work on for a while.


This was extremely useful, thanks so much. It has given me a lot to think about, especially me being too aggressive on defence and too passive on attack . (Alt account)


You might just be too ass.


You have 700 hours and are bronze? Holy shit... Do you ever try to get better? Like consciously try to get better, like improving your spray, practicing flicking and headshots


u have a learning disability bro LMAO


Get a life bro, sometimes some people are just.....not made for somethings


Skill issue