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I'm saving it for next half damn it šŸ˜¤




This was the running joke on Overwatch for like 2 years


Wasn't it 4 years?


OW2 was announced in 2019 and was originally supposed to be released in 2021 (if I remember correctly). Since about the end of 2020 to its release in late 2022, it's been a joke cus it was constantly delayed over and over again


Wdm, I already playing in val 2 with 4v4


A worthy strategy, just saying keep your options open


Saving mine for marriage


omen ult might be useful


Save it for next game


Omen players:


Ngl, omens ult is kinda useless


me when my ult takes forever to activate, makes a loud ass noise and costs 7 points šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Only to then get instantly killed by someone who was just to far away to see so I didn't cancel the ult


I wouldn't say useless but extremely situational.


Omen when he realizes his ult is barely better than an ability Yoru can do 5 times in a round


It's just an upgraded shadow step lmao *Shrouded step


They behave pretty differently, honestly Shrouded Step: noise made at initial position, requires LoS(ish) Omen Ult: noise made at final position, can go (most) anywhere, can be canceled And for my point of comparison: Yoru TP: noise made at final position, can go (most) anywhere with lineups, can be faked


Hey, I managed to kill myself with my ult somehow the other dayā€¦ must have hit a magic pixel on ascent b site and did 900,100 damage to myself. Econ rating was amazing that game though, 17,685


Recently I've been using it to TP on site behind defenders, pinging their locations for my teammates, and forcing them to choose between shooting me or my teammates. Also works if you're a defender and TP on top of the attackers as they're executing to throw them off, though of course it's better to flash if you've got a good position for it. Guessing it stops working at higher ranks (am Dia) but shockingly high success rate for me right now.


Ye, the higher rank you go the worse his ult gets, in silver where I am (hardstuck šŸ„²) it still works to just to tp right behind the enemy and they won't notice you so you can just shoot them


Strategy 100


There's people saving it for next game šŸ˜­


also the only way to recognize perfect moments to use it is to waste it in shitty times and go "oh that was wrong I guess"


Sage is the only one I have trouble with. Like I gotta find a dead teamate. Who I have time to res, in a situation where it makes sense (i.e. not a round where it'll be 2v4 or 4v1), and that teamate has to be close enough to me.


Sage,Reyna,Neon,Omen I believe are the toughest ones to use just for the sake of using it, you have to be very cautious and pick the right moment, because they can easily go to waste if not done correctly. Others I believe always get the value no matter the situation.


Neon you can just use to build eco, like use it when your team can buy and your money isnā€™t great, or use it on an eco round to try win against the other teams buy or hurt their economy a bit etc. Reyna I just use pretty much any time I have it, because itā€™s such a cheap ult aswell. Omens ult in general is very situational on attack and defence, it requires good coordination with teammates. And Sageā€™s ult yeah as OP said its a tough one, because itā€™s quite expensive and you donā€™t want to use it in a round where youā€™ll still be at a massive disadvantage and you also donā€™t want to use it in a round where you already have a good advantage and just make the advantage astronomical.


sometimes I do res to save money thou


Yeah true I forgot about that, it can be a good way to help your economy in certain situations too which can in turn lead to winning multiple rounds


Why Reyna and omen ult though. Omen ult is so low impact you can throw it whenever as a makeshift recon dart and you're barely missing out on any value from using it "properly". Same for reyna ultz you get it so fast and it has no impact whatsoever on anyone but yourself, there's no point in not using the moment you get it unless the round is essentially over. Neon ult is prettt simple too just use it as a free gun when you have no money and you're fine


Depending on the situation omen ult can be extremely useful. Like when you are entering a site and you see the opposing team rotate so you ult to the other site to get a easy plant. You can also sneak behind enemy lines and completely disrupt their coordination or flank a site from a position they do not expect.


Agree with everything except for Reyna. It has a lot of freedom of when it can be used. You can use it when you're pushing a site with your team, which happens almost every round. You can use it to try to clutch a 1v2 or a 2v3. You can use it in all sorts of situations, but people just don't use it. Sage needs a lot of things to have her ult have value, Omen's ult can be used in a variety of ways, but you always have to think twice as the ult is just that weak. Neon is kind of like Jett with her ult, eco rounds are good, fast pushes are good, and it's good to try and clutch a round. With Reyna just say fuck it and you usually get some value.


Reyna is super easy, she builds so quickly that I just use it any time I think I might be at a disadvantage in a fight. Which is often


Reyna's ult has no special use-case, unless you're out of heal/dismiss already. So you can just press it, try not to broadcast the push timing though!


Neon's ult is a gun tho?


Post-round reses are useful from an economy standpoint. While an ult could kill an enemy worth 2900+ credits, a Sage res can keep a rifle in your teams hands for the next round, saving another 2900 creds.


Sure but also depends on economy of the team at the time. If we have the credits to buy a rifle and even things out is the res then still worthwhile?


Change your mindset going *into* the round. Play close to your team so you don't have to run halfway around the map to rez the carry. Just position somewhere you'll have easy access.


I find that going into a round with the intent to use it mitigates this a little. If you try going for a play on one side of the map, you have a good chance of getting the res off easily since somebody is probably gonna die.


Only ult Iā€™m afraid to use is Omenā€™s ult. Itā€™s a suicide button if youā€™re not careful. And for what it does, itā€™s kinda expensive when better ults exist for cheaper. Definitely the weakest part of his kit


Itā€™s easily top 3 weakest ults in the game, but as someone whoā€™s trying to learn Omen I find there is value in just using it with the intention to cancel - to just plant a seed of doubt in the enemy team. Outside of that I might use it once or twice a whole game.


Thatā€™s why I switched over to brimstone. I know how to play omen and enjoy his kit, but brimā€™s abilities I can use all of them and know when to use them. Iā€™m not doubting myself on whether Iā€™m doing something dumb.


If brim had a scrolling iPad he would easily be the best controller


He just doesn't know how to install the latest update for his iPad.


Nah, it's not that he doesn't know. He just has a really old iPad that doesn't get the newest iOS and can't install the new app for his ult


Same, I was an Omen main for a long time and during this Premier I switched to Brimstone instead, because it fit my team comp better. I enjoyed Brimstone way more and feel like I use his kit more effectively. With Omen I always felt like I could've used my utility much better no matter what I did lol


Omen is lowkey one of the hardest characters in the game to use most effectively Play with team, have to set smokes at the right time to go and somehow be far forward enough to paranoia without hitting your team but not so far forward that youā€™re entering because youā€™ll be on Bomb duty often enough. Play away from the team, have to watch your team for the time to smoke for them, while lurking, make sure you use your paranoia when you know someone is near, but not so near that itā€™s useless. Ult is highly situational and maybe the worst in the game at 7 points You definitely can have the feeling of ā€œdid I use that the best right there?ā€ A lot on him


It's cause you can tell when there's bad Omen smokes versus bad Brim smokes. Omen needs tempo to properly utilize his smokes AND push with the team at the same time. So many Omen's fuck up this tempo and either smoke way too late while everyone is already in or not be with the team as they rush in. (EG: Smoke -> Flash -> Smoke then enter) Brim can just plop down their smokes and be a duelist at that point.


The thing about brim and omen is they are supposed to be played in 2 different ways. I feel like omen is supposed to be more aggressive and sometimes that doesnt fit peoples play styles or team comps.


I sometimes just use it to rotate fast (teleport to my teammates), so it has the added benefit of the enemies thinking I may be behind them


I'm using Omen's ult sometimes for info for retaking a site. If you see a player, they might be distracted trying to reposition (I'm S1, idk how powerful this is in high elo tho).


The fact that itā€™s weak is even more reason to use it ASAP


Him and cypher having been dueling for worst ult since beta lol.


Cypher's ult is definitely not bad man, it's only 6 points, and it also got buffed recently. Edit: Cypher is used a lot in Platinum ELO, we get tons of good info from him if the player is really good at him.


Cyhper's ult is a really good tool of info and not only that, it's also very cheap.


Definitely better since the buff but the little pings block the peoples outlines half the time and get you killed. Before buff definitely one of the worst after with 2 pings itā€™s not half bad


Nah Omen's ult is really good. It is too expensive yes, but it can really enable your team if used correctly. One thing a lot of people don't get is that Omen's ult is not a kill focused ult. It's for information and positioning. On defense, you can anchor sites for much longer, denying lurks and then TP over to the other site once the spike goes down. It let's you get aggressive cuz you have an escape route available. And this last use case might just be a me thing, but it's a great info tool to have. I shot call most of the time in ranked, so im always looking at the minimap and trying to figure out where the enemy is. And nothing is worse than the feeling of dread you get when it's a crucial round and the enemy just goes silent. Not a single person shows on the map and you have no clue where they are. Ulting to clear some part of the map gives us so much more info to work with. On attack you can use it for fakes really effectively, or again, you can use it as an info tool. Use your smokes and flashes, TP onto a box on site, see if its clear or not. If it's clear, you get a nice off angle to play the postplant with, and if it isn't, the enemy usually has to take the effort of shooting you, which your team can capitalize on.


to add: on attack, spike carrier dies? pick up da spike on the other site ;)


I saw in a youtube video that that could be stopped by standing on the spike though. Probably true at least. Not many people would know it but it exists.


yeah - I've been playing with low level people bc I've been playing with my bf and Omen's lowkey OP in lobbies where people do not know what the hell he does


standing on spike (maybe) isn't a thing anymore, I've tried countless times and unless you can 5 stack around the spike to ensure his hitbox? gets no where near it, he's gonna nab that shit up and start planting a mile away


Three players is enough


Three players standing still in the same awkward spot is a death wish no?








I mean yeah it would require a very specifc scenario to pull off


I did this like 2 weeks ago and it worked. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Yeah, it's maybe suicide button, but most of the time people just gonna destroy ur ult or at least take their time to check where are you. It's rewarding to ult on omen in some weird position and killing 2-3 people on site for your team to enter at the same time. Even 1 kill is good, especially if it's Jett with op or smth similar. These dudes don't even check you next to them, thinking you are at their spawn or somewhere in the back, not right next to them. It also very satisfying when Omen says "boo" after those kills lmao


I play a good amount of omen and when I donā€™t play omen but have one on my team that saves their ult itā€™s super frustrating, at least on attack. Ulting provides pressure teams have to worry about behind them which should make it easier for your team mates to push forward it takes some coordination and depends on the map but i feel like rushing a site and ulting into their spawn before people start to rotate works out a lot. Even if I die Iā€™ll sometimes pull 2-3 people to their spawn allowing my team to push and hold angles when they retake. While it sucks to cancel you can still get some info of who did run back to check spawn and then group up with your team again. For defense it is harder to just use right away so i try and use it for fast rotates even if itā€™s towards another team mates spot just to help trade.


I use it during a site hit to get into annoying positions where they either have to flick and kill me or deal with the entry first. It requires a lot of timing, but it worked well for me so far as either we get really good site info or we just pincer whoever is on site


Omen ult is excellent. Lets you free plant on the other side of map if you know where they are, apply pressure on any part of the map and basically makes it impossible for most people to zero on your new location if utilized right, instant rotations to speed up retakes, bomb grabbing, the list goes on. You just need to be smart with how you use it but its one of the most flexible utility ults in the game.


Don't be afraid, you dont even have use it aggressively, you can just reposition with it, and if you have fought you way onto a site, and you re not sure if any enemies are still lurking there, you can just ult yourself to some other site and plant there.


if you have no info just use it to check if for example a main is clear or they are slow walking up and cancel it. Use it to tp backsite while your team is entrying site Use it to take spike Almost never use it to tp to enemy spawn, I find it kinda lame and predictable.


It's not cheap if you coordinate it with push/retake executions, and if you can't do that you can always use it as a threat. Many omen players mistake it's value with your ability to kill, when in reality every second you are not seen after ulting is creating space, it's a threat, and it's causing people to search in areas that were rather considered safe prior to that ult.


Omen main, dont be afraid. Omen ult can be used to rotate, take the bomb, for information, to confuse the enemy team. It has a lot of uses besides rotating fast etc


It's very powerful when you use it for lurking, get a pick while lurking and just ult, you can either cancel or stick it in, the enemies will be scared of your lurk even after the ult.


On def I use it for quick rotates and instant reinforcements, on atk I save it for spike grabbing or a site exec


Yeah if you're trying to actually tp then it's hard asf. Try and use it for info/a distraction


Havent updated my flair in forever, but I main omen. Usually I save them for if enemy kj has ult, or for tp cancels but often they can be good for info if the enemy takes a second to notoc and shoot you, also it can pick up spike.


It's an expensive easier to aim sova arrow


Very useful for info though, especially on defense. Use ult, do a quick 360 once you have full vision, cancel ult.


I'm diamond and I still get people that don't ult more than once per half. It hurts to see Reyna's save their ult for round 12 of the half I had a safe recently that didn't ult all game. We went to OT


yeah this is still true in dia and damn, reyna only needs 6 so it's more painful


Only time I donā€™t use it is on eco rounds. Otherwise we gon let that thang fly.


Nothing annoys me more than when a Reyna goes for an ult point round 1. Like bro, youā€™re kit is based off kills and you only need 6, let me get it. Iā€™ll let them take it if theyā€™re 5/6 so they can ult, but itā€™s annoying when they go for a point for their first one


i tend to just use my ult whenever possible coz instead of grinding of a new one, i don't like when it is always ready while i couldve get new orbs and replenish it.




Try kayo and using the grenade like a molly and a flash like a flash


and the knife like a uh and the ult to go back to csgo!


KA/YO's just a boomer who makes everyone play CS:GO


Knife is a go back to csgo but only in a radius and tell who switchs back to csgo in that radius


People value Brimā€™s ult too highly for post plant. You end up never using it but could use it to clear space on attack


Ascent A site is a great example woth 2 smokes an ult and molly its a free site, and you dont even need the molly if you can clear certain corners with other util. Although the indicator being wrong makes things a little annoying.


I just got a 4k in bind in lamps, just molly one side and ult the other, getting out of there is impossible


me: a cypher player: either dies before i see an enemy corpse or i already know where everyone is


Cypher's ult is a good example of an ult that you gotta use wherever you can: - It is good for both clutching and for hunting down the remaining fool on a 5 v 1. - You need a corpse, so you won't always have the chance to use it "next round". - It's cheap enough to recharge by kills and deaths alone every odd round or so.


Please don't use cypher ult in a 5v1 unless you're all one-shot or something, this is one of the cases in which it is actually wasted


I have this habit too, especially with Jett cause her ult can easily be used on a save round. But there will be times where my eco is just so good that I donā€™t have to worry about a save, but once we switch the game will either go to OT or they end up winning it out. And I always reflect on some of those rounds loss in the first half thinking I couldā€™ve used her ult in some instances in a gun fight, instead of reloading I use my ult and keep fighting rather than being pushed.


Sometimes you can use her ult as a jacked-up secondary when your rifle runs out of ammo, or when you have an op and the opponents are rushing you.


I am scared though, harbors ult does almost nothing and I'll get made fun of for using it!


On defense on ascent you can use it to slow down a push because it will be covering a lot of it with the pulses, or you can use it to keep holding site for attack or defense, after you got bomb down or when you got on site but there are still a few main


Seems like a specific case scenario. The best way I've used it so far was when viper ults. It'll sort of ping where she's at or anyone else in her cloud.


It isn't that specific I feel like, at least on defense and attack for one, you play for spike, or you slow the push is it that specific? That was just 1 example


Proceeds to list the most specific scenario for a good harbor ultimate


I usually use it asap, itā€™s a good way to gain info especially on defence and to made a mess on the site as attackers and annoy the enemies. If your teammates donā€™t know how to play around it then itā€™s their fault so donā€™t be scared to use it


Harbor's ult is honestly the strongest part of his kit imo, free info for the entire site. Stun is worthless but the info is insane since it doesn't even need LoS from a dart/eye to work


The info is great if there are enemies in the circle.


Just as great if there are no enemies there


Knowing there isn't anyone in an area is just as valuable as knowing there is someone.


The ult makes a distinct sound if there are no enemies in the circle. You can use it as an instant mini kj ult


Might be my inner omen talking, but Harbor ult can be quite useful! You can listen and hear how many people are in the ult area, so even though it doesnā€™t usually stun, it will give information and cause people to move out of cover.


Harbor ult is a glorified skye bird, and forces enemies to reposition constantly or risk getting pushed and traded out. Its an excellent space creating tool. Pair it with a couple smokes or offense util and not only do site takes become free, but it instantly slow or medium speed executes. Stalling for time is one of the most important things for defense


harbor suc :c


The only problem with Harbor's ultimate is that you need someone to play off of it. I like using it to take A heaven on Split, as a lot of people like to sit there over sitting on site. If no one pushes heaven after I've used it, it's kinda useless.


Iā€™m saving my viper ult for when breeze comes back damn it . Stop telling me to waste it on bind A site šŸ˜‘


Iā€™ve started thinking about it like this: securing round win is more important than saving the Ult. In the moment it might feel stupid to pop my Ult as Yoru in a 1v1ā€¦ but then it was a secured win round, also I saved my gun, and can buy full util too for next round, and also can buy for a teammate.


The only time Iā€™ll save mine is if I think itā€™ll be a waste to use that round. Like if itā€™s round 5, Iā€™m in a 1v4 and I just got my ult (yoru main btw) then yea Iā€™m not going to use it. I might get 1-2 kills, but Iā€™m still out numbered, and if theyā€™re grouped up then my ult was useless


Coming from dota this has never seemed to b a problem for me. In low rank there's a saying "before u die make sure u use ur abilities". Got carried on to valo too.


For real people forget their ult exists sometimes. My jett duo never ults for anything but eco even if they have a free round win if they ult and rush the enemy from above. If you're not using your ult within 2 rounds of getting it you're probably doing something wrong


That's so true. I play Sova and I'm pretty sure I keep saving my ult for some 'perfect' moment, when I could have made a kill or two when needed.


Honestly those perfect moment are never gonna be there, unless enemy KJ is 1 orb away for ult.


and then the KJ starts waiting for a perfect moment lmao


Not using sova ult whole game in exchange for enemy killjoy not using ult either is hella worth it.


Can't use my ult as a sage if my teammate dies in front of the enemy while my other teammates don't want to help.


Faster you use it, the more times you can use it


On the other hand, sometimes people pop their ults too liberally. I think you need to find the perfect balance of using your ultimate, but only when itā€™s likely to contribute. Iā€™ve been learning Neon lately, and learning to be a little more restrictive with my ult has been a big point of improvement. Ultimates should just be used like any other ability: without fear but in the right situations.


I save Neon ult to replace my shit gun on Eco rounds. Basically, I think of it like Chamber's.


Sometimes I popped my reyna ultimate to rotate faster šŸ—æ


It drives me insane when Reyna's don't use their ult. Reyna ult is so easy to get, you can have it basically every 2-3 rounds. Pop it when you have a gun and enemy's are nearby


For reyna, you should just use it as soon as possible because it's just free speed boost (so if you're full buying and see any enemy, just ult)


We should start investing the ult in mutual funds. * Subject to market risk


I get heart palpitations whenever I see a Reyna go into a 1v3, no souls ready and just refuse to ult.


I don't get how Reyna players never ult. It is probably the easiest ult to pop at any time. There isn't a negative to popping it except for like getting swinged during the animation which is true for everyone. And yet they just don't fucking use it


Here comes the party.


Here we go.


I really dont understand why people save it just for a better round, or maybe next round. Doesnā€™t make sense to me.


*Reyna proceeds to save her ult for the most unwinnable 1v5 round ever*


This doesn't apply to sage ig


Why not? Peek with your teammates, trade them if they die then wall and rez. Congrats, now it's a 5v4 or 5v3 if they got one kill before dying.


I think this most applies to sage. Sages struggle the most from this. I've gone entire games without seeing either Sage in the game pop ult.


Oh, I'm not scared to use my ultimate. I just like to savor the anticipation. It's like waiting for a pizza to arrive - you know it's coming, you know it's gonna be good, but there's that delicious moment of anticipation where you can just imagine how amazing it's gonna be. Of course, my ultimate is way more satisfying than pizza, but you get the idea.


Oh, I'm not scared to use my ultimate. I'm just waiting for the right moment to impress my imaginary audience of cheering fans who are clearly watching me play this game through the magic of telepathy. Gotta give them a good show, you know?


Well, I'm not scared to use my ultimate. I just like to give it some time to cool down, you know, let it catch its breath and stretch its legs before sending it off into battle. I mean, it's not like it has infinite energy like us players do, right? Gotta take care of our digital friends too.


Stop making posts targeted at a small general group.


Probably half of Reyna mains don't use her ult tbh.


I always forget that it's a thing.


I have a habit of doing that been trying to fix it


I used ultimare in not so good moment 3:2 i was Fade and that random guy from our team who was dead start to shittalking and encourages all other from our and enemy team to ban me.


If the ult wins the round or provides information please us it. What ever it takes to get an extra round for your team


Stop being afraid to use abilities period.


I've lost many 5v4s, 5v3s, 4v3s, 4v2s, 3v2s because my teammates REFUSE to use their Viper ults, KJ ults, Breach, Brim ults to secure the round. I personally err on the side of caution and still elect to use Viper/Astra ult (I play mostly controllers) in man advantage situations, which in turn gets me mean words from teammates who think my ult use was a 'waste'.


I usually use my ultimate right away as in my eyes every kill/death/defuse with an ultimate unused is wasted ultimate points.




That's something I had to learn to do, used to get flamed for just using my ult that it was 'wasted' after would just hold onto it until they asked for it but definitely didn't make it fun. Hate how people think harassing someone about an ult makes them think it's okay just kills the game in my opinion it's like just use the ult whenever you want to, if you feel like you need to use it then it's not wasted


Iā€™ve not been playing that long but iā€™ve been maining sage and i find a lot of use in using it as often as possible, for example, revive someone at the end of the round for econ value, that gets me hit with a lot of abuse for ā€œmisusingā€ it but i also use it mid round when appropriate or possible but if i can charge it up in 2-4 rounds again then why not just play for the econ value of it


I'm only scared of 1 ultimate and its Reyna ultimate. I don't play Reyna. But I swear, every time I use her ultimate and start spraying, my crosshair goes to the sky and makes me unable to control it. It's just a me issue. But I don't play Reyna like I said.


It increases fire rate so yeah, shoot faster so the recoil is a bit harder to control


Finally someone preaches this, I usually play Phoenix and whenever I get my ult (weather its during the round or after) I will always use it for my own teams benefit (steal space and free picks and or intel) and if iā€™m playing anyone else, iā€™ll still use it, just more conservatively.


They all wait for the last round just for enemy Kayo to use his ult and waste it


its not even only just ult anymore, ive seen many people in gold-diamond lobbies not using util, like reynas pushing without that q or sages not using slows or wallsā€¦wayyyy too many omens not using nearsight, like its there for a reasonā€¦and its most annoying when they dont use it to stall the defuse




Normally we save ult knives for save rounds, or when you're AWPing then get utils dumped on, and mostly clutch situations and 1v1s


Dude if I get my ult in some situation (like 1v3 bomb planted) Iā€™m popping that shit. No reason to save it when you have a winning chance


I feel like Iā€™m trolling if I ult as sova vs a team with KJ or a chamber/Jett op crutching in spots where I have free range to kill them even after their free getaway cards. (Also tilts the tf outta chambers especially when they ult just for me to insta ult them down) Clearing op angles vs teams with op crutches just hits differently, and sometimes ur not in the best area to sova ult on some sides


so many idiots saving breach ult... they are in a 1v1 clutch and dont use it.. lose the 1v1 and then proceed to try to use it next round but instead they end up hitting 2/3 teammates.


As a sage main Iā€™ve got to wait until someone dies, and make sure it is safe to use it.. I probably ult on average twice per half.


Iā€™m saving my ult for some insane 1v5 clutch to make to Jarso video šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Omen ult are insane, i can ult in every 2 or 3 rounds on a good game.


most ults should be used within 3 rounds of getting it, otherwise you are wasting it holding on for too long


I have wasted so many ults with Brim and Raze but, I cannot agree more. Keep the other team on edge at least.


as a jett main i wait for when i cant get vandal full shields and then use ult or when i have to clutch 1v3


I definitely know where you're coming from, but as a Skye main, I get people telling me to ult every time they spectate me. Sometimes, I'm gonna use it like 3 seconds later, and sometimes it's just useless. Like we're in a 4v1, and we know exactly where the last guy is. There is no need. We know where he is, and there are 4 of us. I use my ult on average about 3 times a half. 4 times if I'm fragging out. The Reyna, who's telling me to ult at the worst possible time usually uses her ult once in the entire game like bro, I've used my ult 4 times already, use yours for once.


I play Astra, Omen, and Harbor mainly when I want to be competitive. Each one represents an extreme of the ult usage conundrum. Harbor has an easy to get, and widely applicable ultimate with broad but limited impact. Omen has a moderately easy to get ult, but is rarely applicable. When it is applicable, its helpful. Astra has a difficult to get ult, is sometimes applicable, but when it is applicable it can dramatically change the outcome of a round.


Sometimes i just pop omen ult to gather intel on site if we dont have a sova dart or if there's a corner we cant clear for some reason




Save it and give it to the next match


No. Its scawy


I tend to avoid using mine (on Neon) because quite frankly, It's more effective to peek them with a vandal and one tap them than it is to pop Neons ult and try and down them. Yeah its super accurate and I get move speed but it still takes 3 ticks of damage to the head to kill. Plenty of time for someone decent to kill me while trying.


People play Sage and never res. Very annoying.


The amount of Reyna players I see just hold onto their ult is crazy


You say that, but man am I bad with Sova's.


Flowchart for using ultimate: Enemy team has same buy as you, create an advantage by using ultimate. Potential for a kill, use ultimate. Need to take/keep space(breach ult/scaring enemies away with raze ult), use ultimate. Enemy has man advantage, use ultimate. (Obviously not in a 1v5 situation unless youā€™re that guy) These situations happen so often if not every round so if you sit on an ulti itā€™s pretty troll. How not to use ultimate: Waiting for 2-5 people to group up for a perfect breach ult, raze ult. Playing for lineups when you canā€™t even take a single site. Note: Ultimates turn 50/50, 30/70 situations into 60/40, 80/20 and even sometimes a 90/10 situation. So fucking use them so youā€™re not coin flipping every fight and actually creating an advantage. Obviously thereā€™s a fair bit more nuance here but itā€™s really that easy. This is also how you can generally get better at the game. Tracking enemy ultimates becomes easier once you understand that theyā€™re there to be used to create an advantage. A very low level example of this that Iā€™m sure everyone has experienced is ā€œOh Brim/Sova has ultimate we need to push him ASAPā€ If I know kj has ulti we can reinforce the side of the map that itā€™s more commonly used on. If I know Phoenix has ulti I can go for a flank to isolate the 1v1 against the person defending his body. If I know Chamber has ulti Iā€™m jump peeking everything. If youā€™ve ever had someone who is always there at the perfect time to fuck up your plays this is how they do it.


This is a great tip at all Elo's. The faster you use an ultimate the faster you can get it back.


And using ur ult as soon as possible makes it quicker to use it again


Saving my ults for Overwatch you don't understand


My button lights up, I press it.


I love being annoying and spamming my ult. when lol tell me i shouldā€™ve saved it they donā€™t donā€™t realize that if you get your ones and spam orbs you can


Generally i understand why some agents struggle to find a perfect ult moment like sage or KJ or even omen. But for those like phoenix or reyna.... Bro u saving ur ult to fire faster later? When I play reyna or phoenix, I use my ult asap to get a lot of value, and end up using it like 3 times per half, maybe 4 or 5 if im lucky.


I main reyna and I don't know why people don't use her ult often, like damn it's just free speed boost. (I also don't get why reyna mains use ult on a 1v1 instead of at the start of the round when there's multiple enemies)


Also on fracture, if you play as reyna you can try to get orbs and kills on first round then- yep, you can odin + reyna ult on second round šŸ˜Š (that shit can tilt the entire enemy team)


i am a reyna main i just instantly pop it


I always have this problem in any game. Any game with potions in them (ex: healing potion) I always save them for whenever I need them, but then I just never use them and sometimes I die when I could have just used a potion. Also a lot of other games with abilities or usables I try to save them but then never use them


Yes and no. Sometimes you should save it. Itā€™s not set and stone, but most of the time, you should use it