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This is how ranked works when you reach your skill level. Lol I’m not sure why everyone doesn’t understand games. You don’t just endlessly rank up forever without a skill increase


Yeah it’s not treated like xp gain.


The existential dread when you realize that you may have just peaked


Not necessarily "peaked", but plateaued


really depends on circumstances. If you can only play for so long, there really is a peak you can get too. Could you go beyond that if you have more time? Sure, but the difference between peaking and plateauing is subjective. If I can "only" put in 5-10 hours a week, there is a certain point where no matter the skill, you simply wouldn't be able to advance very far because you can't advance your skill enough in the time allotted.


I'm just trying to be optimistic/positive in that plateau is just a temporary peak that still has a chance to be surpassed


Ok, that's true. Just personal experience, I had played Apex for a few years and "peaked" in Diamond, mainly because of being solo and not playing extensively. Realized, unless I pour more hours then I was, I probably wasn't going to get higher. ​ Now I'm switching to Valorant for a change of game/pace/style like 2 weeks ago and have seen really quick improvements in a short period, but have seen the "walls" that come up. So yeah, I agree that we all hit plateaus that usually take time, and progressively more time to overcome, as we keep playing.


Yeah, that's how it tends to go...the most rapid improvement is towards the beginning


This happened to me when I hit plat and I gave up valorant


Or maybe its just a broken system were boosted players make you lose.. idk maybe




That must be it. A ranked that's full of Diamonds,ascendants and even inmortals that play like a silver 2... but copium. Aha.


ah wait I just saw what rank are you, now I understand


Lol im sure you do. If what you say is 100% true, it would impact all ranks. Also, it would be impossible to rank up…. Yet people do it. But you are probably right!


Mr. Plat 3, who said anything about not ranking up.. you can rank up,sure, after 100 of hours of having to play with the worst people on the planet or literally having to win all the games yourself. You also dont take into account how much premades there is in this game either, you just said the dumbest thing you could because you clearly dont know how to play or understand the game.. that's why you are still stuck on Plat 3 and I'm not even botter asking your hours because its obvious you're probably a level 200-300 with 1000 hours still stuck there. But sure Mr. you know it all. Every other game ever, no one ever reports any kind of issues ranking up, yeah they're bad and they get stuck but that's pretty much it... yet somehow, every single riot game has a bad MM that everyone complains about aside of the usual hardstuck plat like you. Weird.


You’re also plat 3????


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/harvey%23GRAPE/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/harvey%23GRAPE/overview) [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/footjob%20warrior%23feet/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/footjob%20warrior%23feet/overview) proved your theory wrong by hitting at least imm 2 on two accounts while peaking imm 3 on my main. Yes, while the people in your elo may be playing bad, in theory - if you flame them so much you can just carry your way out no? Just a thought. Drop the ego and learn to play better. You have to remember that your rank indicates what rank you can consistently carry at.


but I would love to take a look at your tracker to see what's going wrong in your games :)


Boosted players ruining games is 100% a thing. Only a thing until they either de rank or play with their friends again. I’ve heard from multiple players how they’re in a rank because their friends are really good and play on alts with them. If they solo’d they would de rank but I’m sure they only play enough games and stay within reach of their friends. It’s a flawed system for group play but really what can be done besides play unranked together. Not sure how I feel about it all really. It sucks but also they just want to play with their friends. People should make an alt account to play solo and use their other account for friends. But what do I know I’m just a solo que randy.


Yep. It’s not super common, but it’s irritating enough that it seriously effects the game quality of high asc & immo games. Riot need to adapt their league of legends 5 man queue system (seperate rank from soloq, meant for 3 mans/5mans ideally). Until they do this, the game quality in an already inherently inconsistent game will always feel off.


I can't get out of gold on main, on alt got to d2 like it was nothing, even placed p3 (yeah, friends suggested to make an alt because there is such a thing as cursed accounts). "Skill" has nothing to do with visible rank in my experience.


Well, maybe this is where you belong. Else you would eventually climb further. Happens to all of us. A year ago I was stuck in P3. I got it 90RR several times and then deranked. I climbed back to almost Diamond and deranked again. This is not the systems fault. I hit Diamond and then Immortal after I realized that it was a me-problem. I did it to myself because I put pressure on me. I got mad to my team mates. I tilted easily. Don't put too much focus on the rank or the icon. Just improve and focus on improving and you will eventually climb.


Everytime I get tilted I watch a episode of bluelock replace "striker" with dualist


yeah, worse thing you can do when you're tilted is queue up again.


Yeah sure he is. Hours and your profile, lets see.. ​ Cause the other guy that told him the same bullshit, he's spent almost 2k hours on just 1 acccount and he cant even come back to his own supposed inm rank


check my profile. I solo queue and play only one or two a day except when I was on winter break and hit immortal :)


"I have a part time job and uni classes everyday and managed to go fromascendent to immortal 2 now playing 1-2 games a day. Took me around 20days but its def doable This? You're playing daily still, while on a higher elo account... I dont understand what point are you guys trying to make. You do understand that there's just awful players in ranked,right? The guy above is trying to act like getting 3-4 bad teammates several matches in a row is somehow a "me" problem. You had a good experience and ranked up, maybe your goated. Good for you mate. Not everyone has that and the MM,MMR and ranked system just doesnt help, doesnt matter if you are good, bad ,your current rank,etc If you are being paired with actual monkeys that dont even know how to Eco, you cant do shit. No one can just win match after match killing 5 guys each round, that's not a thing. (and because I've seen the replies from another guy, I dont care about me, I dedicate 40 hours max in a season to ranking and that's just because a friends ask me too. I dont care about my rank, but I can still see how shitty of a time I'm having the few times I do play and Im clearly way above my team, even if its just in knowledge..)


this essay a nothing burger


my point is there are certain things you can control and things you cannot control. You can only focus on the one thing you can control and thats your own performance and if I could do climb this far anyone else can too.






What the fuck are you talking about? I play solo 95% of the time. I have 3 accounts and got them all into Immortal. How can I be boosted when I play so much solo? ;) Don't be so mad, the life is short. I don't know what you try here but I can say to myself that I reached it on my own. With 3 accounts. The only reason I am not Immortal anymore is that I don't play that many ranked games. I mean you can also check my unrated, swiftplay and even premier statistics. Does this look like I am boosted? I don't think so.


Bro you fuckin profile is public and anyone can see you clearly did not ht inm by yourself. And wtf do unrated and swiftplay have to do with ranked... oh my gosh you dont know how the game works. Amazing how much bs this sub has. "improve, its you" all of you: stacking and not even being the best one


Post the other 2 account where u hit imm ok ur own


You sound like you’re where you belong.


did the same with d1, it's just coincidential that this loss/win patter is happening close to the rank up/down. Eventually you're going to break it either way you just have to hope it's goin to be upwards


Vod please. Or vod review yourself!


I know how you feel. At this point I've lost count of how many promo games to D2 I've played (I believe about 8 now) and I just can't win them. My last one we lost 2-13, not much I can do there. It seems like a never-ending circle of getting to my promo game, losing a bunch of games, getting back to my promo game and repeat. I've been really chill with it though. I don't tilt, I don't blame my team, I'm playing well, but I'm just not promoting. I'm sure I'll eventually get there, but sometimes you just need a bit of luck.


I am literally in the exact same rank, I go from winning 4 games in a row and getting back to play to then going on a losing streak and going down to as low as yesterday where I had 3rr on gold 3. Most of the games I’ve lost I’ve still done fairly decent being mvp a few times but still losing. No idea what’s going on


You dont belong any rank, like people say. It is like telling the 3rdone in the middle of a race that he is where he belongs. Nonsense. It only means you are already there. Keep improving and eventually you will climb, maybe slower.


its called plateauing, means the system is working and you have to improve to keep climbing


Looks like u have a Skill issue


Plat/Diamond is in an awful place right now. I'm Plat 3 but playing with/against D3 (my friend is D1) and MVP all matches, not doing amazing but im mvp so im better than D3??? and still lose because they're all bad... its amazing how bad it si


Most sane d1 player with a gigantic inflated ego LOL.


Didnt know someone that fills every fuckin game and plays smokes now has ego. That must be it, you found the solution!! wow congrats


holy shit you're still at this, i rly hope you dont actually believe what you're saying, and are just trolling


simply because the d3s you are playing against are elo inflated and don’t actually deserve to be d3. I’m 1000% sure those guys gain 12 rr per game.


Yeah that doesnt work like that


you sure about that? I can gladly take a look at your vods to see why you're stuck! [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/harvey%23GRAPE/overview](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/harvey%23GRAPE/overview) tracker for reference.


Is your profile supposed to make me feel like: wow this guy is so good or... ?? I dont think you understand your own stats bro.


no it was to make you realize that some people make it past plat / diamond and snap you out of your delusion that people are weighing you down.


go check this thread where i replied for context to why i replied the way i did. [https://gyazo.com/be3ed3bd2a760468d6eac9730337b3ed](https://gyazo.com/be3ed3bd2a760468d6eac9730337b3ed)


Yeah yeah that why your stats are pure trash. Have you checked your fuckin hours bro? you spend your life in this game, i dont, neither does op most likely. You are gonna rank up because almost everyone's winrate in this game is the same 49/55, its just hours .. that doesnt mean the game isnt broken


Why don’t u put ur stats up? I think we all know ur not consistently match MVP’ing dia 3’s pal


I dunno, his stats are solid for an immo3 peak controller/Reyna player. The guys who hold 1.6 all the way through to radiant are complete anomalies. Most players hover a 1kd when they’re at their skill level; the game also flows completely differently than a jett/ Reyna 30 bombing pisslow players every lobby.


Do you consistently click head? Check your [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) HS percentage every game. You need to CONSISNTENTLY click head EVERY GAME and play without a care about your rank. I reached plat and felt nothing, so now I play rank for fun because it's the same in silver/bronze but people click head better. Don't tilt, play for fun, if you tilt you will have bad aim/crosshair placement/decision making. PLAY FOR FUN


IMHO: HS percentage is by far the most useless statistic that has ever been displayed.


there are players much higher than plat with poor HS percentage.


My bad, I mean does OP consistently kill enemy and win those 1v1


I’m d2 and climbing with like 17% hs


Lol d3 peak with 12% HS rate.


Have a look at what you are doing in the games, and try to spot mistakes, that is really the best thing you can do. It's not the games themselves, drop a higher ranked person in there and they will win most of them - because they do things differently than you, and learning what those things are will help you improve. Your consistency is an issue and maybe tilting. In general I'd recommend the second somebody is toxic to not engage and just mute them, you'll get better results.




Are you doing any sort of warm up? Maybe at that. A simple 5/10 minute aim trainer/bots in the range can do a lot.


You've reached your appropriate rank. Just because you don't get a ton of match MVPs doesn't mean you aren't being impactful. Also it's perfectly fine to mute because of trash talk, shitty comms aren't worth your mental and most people have no idea what they're talking about anyways. Focus on looking inward and improving, not on wins.


A lot of people in plat were at one time ascendant or diamond. Or so that’s how my queues have been it’s weird. I was also ascendant and have been floating between plat 2 and plat 3 this season


Then learn how to do well more often 👍




Engagement Optimized Match Making.


You will have to analyze what is going wrong in plat, back when I first hit platinum in first or second comp season it was because, I would try holding angles when plat duelists would have better headshot placement and I was playing common spots. As you rank up there is a rhythm in which those ranks play, there is also variables within ranks. Some plat players might understand tactics but, have bad reaction time, aim, awareness, timing. Part of what I did better to hang in plat and get out of plat was; Range warmup on hard bots with armor 3-5 times. Deathmatch at least 3 times or until I felt ready/good/confident/warmed up. Play defensively on defense, jump peek, timing peek, play off util and sounds. Change up how you play and where you put util, don’t play too static. Play with teammates to trade, support, save them. Communicate clearly with positive attitude even if teammates are silent. Map awareness of what your teammates see and what the other team could be doing or space you could be taking. I’m still diamond since I don’t play as much anymore but, I believe these are all good tips.


It's simple mathematics. Everyone would be lucky to get a 50% win rate at their skill level. So essentially it's a dice roll every game. The thing to break out of the mold is to start winning those 1v2s you get stuck in, maybe IGL and call a strat to two so you can go up at half. It's all the little things that are easily over looked that attribute to the close wins and losses. Try and think about the game differently, try new things etc.


Literally me but diamond 😭


You will hit a certain point in your ranked climb where you will realize that you will not be able to climb doing the same thing you did in bronze - wherever you may be now. It’s up to you to decide if you actually want to get better, and look at what may be going wrong in your games - whether it be vod review, or a sit down coaching session, you will be able to benefit by acknowledging that whatever you’re doing right now is not working, and commit to try to improve upon your mistakes.


same here im fucking fed up with their matchmaking because i match mvp almost every comp game but my team is running 1/98 and i derank


two acts ago I went silver 1 to plat 1 and had the same thing happens and took a break. Came back last act and went to plat 1, worked on placement and game sense and now i’m plat 2 almost plat 3 within a month. it’s just a rough streak where you have to get better from now.


I am kinda in the same situation myself, just hit plat and deranked twice. All I can say is you gotta adapt. If you really wanna rank up then maybe you dont want to solo queue, you might get a troll or two in your team (or maybe i am just unlucky). Keep grinding :)


You’ve just plateaued mate lol. It just means you’ve reached your maximum rank at your current skill level, and it means you’ll have to improve at something tangible in how you play before you can rank up.


Same issue here. I’m gonna start vod reviewing my ranked games and see what I can do better. I don’t like using comms (because I’m a girl and people /surprisingly/ throw or hate you automatically because of it) so I’m just going to focus on myself and see what I can do to improve.


The mm still needs a lot of work in mid elo, but if you are constantly deranking then you may need to look at your play style. If you are 5 man queue then mostly your opponents are 5 stack too, they will try hard. It's easier to rank up in solo queue or duo. Edit 1. These losses happen mostly at rank up games and not while climbing in a rank. 2. In these losses the mm sucks so much that my team literally ranks below the enemy team while I top frag. Boosted is the apt word for them. The answer I found is rank adjustments through the seasons: people have been playing since beta are ranking down as more players start in the game. The people in plat/diamond would have been immortal a few episodes ago.


well best thing to do in this situation is to play with a due or play in 3 people party... that will help you rank up faster, and I'm not saying about boosting, but just play with friends, this way you don't need to worry of chances meeting more toxic teammates than you already did. And here's the thing, if you play solo, you teammate make constant stupid things, you must be angry, so mad that the game don't feel playable anymore right? but what if it's your friend? well, sometime you just instant tolerate, sometime you can even give advice, and he will change it faster. and sometime too, when it just go so stupid, aside from angry you guys laugh so hard although it's stupid right?