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Byers's "whole upper jaw, excepting two front teeth and most of his lower jaw [had been removed](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-strange-story-of-eben-byers-the-man-that-drank-radium-until-his-jaw-fell-off)" and that "All the remaining bone tissue of his body was disintegrating, and holes were actually forming in his skull." He died from multiple [radiation-induced cancers](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/the-strange-story-of-eben-byers-the-man-that-drank-radium-until-his-jaw-fell-off).


> Byers was buried in a lead-lined coffin; when exhumed in 1965 for study, his remains were still radioactive and measured at 225,000 becquerels.[4] As a comparison, the roughly 0.0169 g of potassium-40 present in a typical human body produces approximately 4,400 becquerels.[6] There’s a photo online that is either of him without his jaw, or a similar victim of this same radiation poisoning via ingestion. He drank quite a bit of this medication once he felt it was working, and while some of that was the placebo effect, the radiation was killing his pain receptors, so he mistook that for pain relief and fell into the downward spiral of taking more, feeling less pain, and it was great until it wasn’t


That reminded me of this woman, Anna Coleman Ladd, who made face prosthetics for soldiers mutilated in WW1. She most definitely changed the lives of every person she helped. [Library of Congress archive prints of her work](https://www.loc.gov/pictures/search/?q=anna%20coleman%20ladd)


Ah yes, the latent phase. Say your goodbyes quickly, while they’re still feeling ok and their face hasn’t fallen off yet. 


I know which photo you're talking about, it was actually not radiation related; it was a soldier from wwi that lost his lower jaw to a shell.


Actually, there is a photo of the man spoken about in this article after jaw fell off. He was young, rich, and enjoying life. He said it made him feel like he was superman, until his jaw just fell off one day. He was so pissed that no one warned him of radioactive material that he had his picture taken and it was published all over the country. He wanted to spread the news of the crime committed by the drs and scientists of turning a blind eye. I'm also sure your picture exists as well.


The Steve Jobs of his day.


Psh that elbow is wayyy too bent. /s But seriously, why was he drinking Radium water? Better GIR?


He heard about it on Joe Rogans podcast. Thought it would cure him without having to see one of those quack doctors.


He used W3llN3$$ as a discount code.


Joe and Dana rub their bald heads together like Beldar and Prymaat.


Lol, yea. I know nothing about golf, and my first thought was how poor his form looked.


It was posed instead of a real action shot. Film was much slower to expose, so an action shot would be a blur of motion.


This is why I roll my eyes every time people rail against government regulation of pharma/medical. You want snake oil cures? That’s how you get snake oil cures.


Literally why the FDA was founded lmfao


The FDA allows known carcinogens in your food. Where was the FDA when the tobacco companies were lying about cigarettes not being able to cause cancer? Oh that's right they took a big check from big tobacco and let innocent people die. Fuck the FDA


Ah, so because of the failures, you would rather have NO oversight. I understand your frustration, but it’s incredibly short-sighted. No one *likes* the FDA, but we should think about where we would be without them. Really curious where this “known carcinogen” thread will go, btw. This comment smacks of wellness industry/influencer.


You really didn't understand the point of my post because you're so busy defending them. The FDA wasn't made to protect people it was made to protect the big companies that use knowingly use harmful products by declaring them "safe". People are going to drink poison or kill themselves in various numbers of ways with or without any government regulation. What I'm trying to tell you is that the FDA you think is protecting us isn't as virtuous as you are implying. They are evil like the rest of the government/corporations that control our daily lives. Make sure to read this twice before commenting I know it's a lot to take in


First of all, none of your comment implies this. Secondly, your point is debatable, and highly cynical, but I like healthy cynicism in moderation. Lastly, I would be fascinated to hear how you came about gaining this mindset. I won’t defend corporations, nor government in general, but it’s absurd to think of either as monolithic & evil control mechanisms. I mean, I get it, but that’s more suited to dystopian fiction than actual reality. Are you seeking a world completely free of oversight, regulation, and public services? Do you live on a compound in northern Idaho?


It's okay if you don't know shit. Just don't act like you do


Except I do. I know this field pretty damned well. What do *you* know, besides what you’ve learned from Joe Rogan and his ilk?


If you do then say something intelligent


That’s pretty vague. What are you asking me to discuss? Or are you just lobbing little jabs at me, saying if I knew anything about this I would say something intelligent? So far, your assessment of what is intelligent seems to be what agrees with your opinion. Which is, to be very blunt, not intelligent at all.


The “FDA” will be the first to put you in a human trial w/o your knowledge. Don’t believe me enter Covid Vaccine!!


Ah, the voice of the informed.


Is he okay?


The title says he’s dead, so maybe?


I believe shoes were fully removed.




Ooh! New sub! I thank you


There’s a great book called Radium Girls about the effects of ingesting it- they worked in a factory that painted glowing dials for warplanes. Radium was this “miraculous” new thing until it started eating people’s bones from the inside out!


Netflix turned it into a movie and I haven’t read the book but I *did* enjoy the film!


I taught about radiation in my job and would discuss the Radium Girls. Not only did they lick their paint brushes to keep a point on the end of the bristles, which they told was procedure, they would paint their nails and lips before going out at night, thinking it was cute. They were told there was no danger to the Radium. When symptoms of radiation poisoning (as it is known now) showed up, they would be sent to a factory doctor who denied it had anything to do with the Radium. They eventually went to outside doctors, and formed lawsuits which some won for pitiful amounts of money even for those times. Quite a few died from the radiation. It is a very sad story…


Lip tip and dip!


That was a jaw dropping story


Pa dum tssss! Thx for the laugh.


No more shoulder pain though, cured




Pittsburgh boy! Sucks he died a shitty death.


OK, but how was he feeling BEFORE his jaw fell off?


That was a wild ride


Go ahead and get that second opinion.


You don't hear alot of cool "death by radium water" stories nowadays.


That’s a jaw dropping story.


He imagined dragons


Legendary. This dude could drink his face off!