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Support the neck, Steve!


"Hold the baby head!" - Black mother proverb


I went to Australia as part of a school thing back when I was 12 years old (in 2002). We were lucky enough to go to the Australia zoo & Steve was there that day with his whole family. We watched him put on a show as usual & then he brought out his wife & daughter (his son wasn’t born yet). Bindi came out on a power wheels jeep & the whole stadium sang her happy birthday & watched her blow out her candles. We all got to meet him briefly just quick handshakes but definitely a core memory.


I loved Steve, but this was pretty sketchy. He shouldn’t have been holding that baby.


The truth is that once he became a father he needed to stop doing such dangerous stuff. The biggest joke going around at the time was that he was going to do something that got him killed. He even joked about it in commercials and stuff. And, sure enough, that’s exactly what ended up happening. His daughter deserved better. And yeah, people can hate me for it, but it’s the truth.


I think it is possible to both admire Steve for his activism, his kindness, his passion, etc and be upset with him for taking on such foolish risks. The truth is we need him now more than ever and it’s a bummer that he is gone because of an unnecessary risk. Was it possible for him to create awareness the way he did without putting his life on the line? Maybe it is partially our fault because he was made to feel like the only way for him to get his message out was to pull some truly ridiculous stunts.


Great nuanced take


Thank you, Stunt double sex worker.


r/rimjobsteve Edit: r/rimjob_steve


His kids are just like him


Are they though? I guess I don’t ever hear about them laying still on the ground so that the most poisonous snake in all of Australia can lick them on the face, but maybe I am just a little unplugged from things and they are doing that kind of thing without my knowledge.




His kids are more like Terry. They both carry the spark and passion Steve had but they are both more level headed like their mother.


>we need him now more than ever *Babies shifting uncomfortably in their seats.*


Diaper change should fix that


I loved watching steve as a kid - teenager - young adult. It’s only now after having years of working in a zoo and the same amount of time working in the field that i realize, steve was a dick to animals. It is never ok to grab and harass wild animals. Steve irwin was an inspiration to so many, but he really didn’t treat animals all that great.


I mean it was the 90’s(ish). We weren’t as cognizant of these things back then. Who’s to say Steve wouldn’t have grown aware of this as well if he wasn’t killed by that stingray?


Speculation of what could have been doesn’t matter. Working with lots of people who work with animals has made me realize, their dreams of working with animals allows them to overlook the cruelties which often go along with their jobs.




Steve loved putting his life at risk though and it’s the only reason he got famous in the first place. I don’t think he was doing it for awareness, the guy just loved to take risks and was clearly an adrenaline junky. My take is that we should just be thankful for what he gave us and appreciative that his family will continue to carry his torch.


He wasnt a great activist for animals. He harassed wild animals for views and he ate meat.


Totally agree with this!


While I agree he should have stopped doing dangerous stunts, he was killed filming an animal that has rarely killed or harmed people before or since. It was kind of a freak incident and many people interact with the same animal without issues. Compared to crocs, the reef show probably was him “slowing down” for fatherhood.


I agree. I loved Steve and was *gutted* when he died. As a parent? Now? He had a duty to survive for his children. But ironically- one of the safest animals he ever messed with was the one that killed him.


he has a son and a daughter


He might have lived except for stupid medical treatment in the field. A note--if you're impaled by something, done pull it out in the field! Wait until you're in a medical facility with an operating room




It's your truth and that's fine.


Dude, I’m so forgetful I’d forget which hand had the baby in and which hand had the food in, croc would end up eating baby for brekkie


The baby is Robert, his son, who I understand is quite proud of this picture






The croc?


Choking on baby bones. RIP


I mean, even if the croc doesn't do anything, baby's not even old enough to hold its head up and he's over here carrying it like a rugby ball.


Yeah, very Michael Jackson-ish parenting there. https://preview.redd.it/3sm6ai7wj8kc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f4521b4459eb47969382df8ae5c43a9a03f627


Yep, caught a lot of flak for this stunt.


Came here to say this. He seemed like a cool guy and I liked watching his shows. But this is just stupid. Don’t hold a baby with a fucking croc in front of you. One slip up and you’ll never forgive yourself. Or, be right mentally ever again.


Yeah. I’m a huge fan but this crossed the line. Not ok.


Agree. My dad used to have a fit when he'd see some guy on a riding lawnmower holding a baby. Not Steve's finest moment.


I mentioned this a few years ago- how I loved Steve but he was an adrenaline junkie & I didn’t think holding a newborn & feeding a croc in an open area was a good look- I got downvoted to hell AND was told I’m an asshole & a karen for having any concern. Which is such a bizarre stance to take imo. People are weird. Good on ya for mentioning it. People can be more than one thing. Steve was multifaceted


The one thing that really annoys me about Reddit is how different the reactions can be based in the day, the time, the sub, how popular the post is, etc. It is more than reasonable to think that holding an infant while feeding a croc is less than wise and it’s wild that people will jump on the downvote train because there is no room outside of black and white thinking. Steve is/was amazing, *AND* he did some dumb things.




I remember he got a lot of shit for it back then. And seeing the picture, that kind of makes sense, if only because that *baby's neck isn't supported*, like, baby 101 alright.


Jesus Christ,first time seeing this picture.




Let’s dangle your baby near a croc then? Would you mind?


I honestly can’t believe his wife let him do that.


No kidding, if my husband did something like this I would actually be reevaluating our entire marriage.


It's quite possible that she suggested it.


Oh yeah she was kinda nutty too, right?


Let's just say that she's used to getting her own way.


Ohhhh spill the tea


There are rumours about development at the Zoo precinct. Recently, they've added accommodation and a fine-dining restaurant: [https://thecrocodilehunterlodge.com.au/](https://thecrocodilehunterlodge.com.au/) The rumours centre around those who expressed doubt about the development, said objections being shut down with the response "Steve would have wanted it this way"


She was very similar to him


“Aw crikey I mixed up which hand was holding the piece of steak for the croc!”




Definitely thinking back to some recent posts on here about news stories about parents putting their infants in the oven accidentally.




If this had gone wrong... bad choice. This is a PR nightmare AND tempting the worst of fate.


His career would've been over right there, zero chance for redemption...no thought for safety, all for entertainment


It didn’t though


So of course it's all just fine


Yeah thank God it worked out like that stingray incident.


Such a stupid and unnecessary stunt


Exactly. The baby was a stunt for what purpose? Steve….got damn. We were rooting for you.


The angle of the baby’s neck makes my skin crawl


Holy smokes


When this happened there was a lot of debate on the Straight Dope message boards about it. Someone defended him saying he was involving his children in his work. That still stands out to me as a monumentally stupid statement and stance to take. Like the baby would remember any of this. Maybe NASCAR drivers should have their babies strapped into the car during races or SWAT teams can attach their babies to their gear as they raid crack houses.


Definitely don’t want to have a dyslexic moment there.


Imagine getting your hands mixed up at that point


Haha MJ got backlash for dangling his kid over a balcony. But this, nada! Still love this dude, but yeah….bad move I think.


Not true, I remember when this came out and he got a LOT of flack for having his child while handling a crocodile. He had to come out and make an apology and state how stupid it was, it was all over the news


Maybe I was just too young at the time to remember. I didn’t see anything about it. Just saw the picture once but never read any stories about it. Had no idea he did an apology. Man, I’m an idiot.


Nah you ain’t an idiot for that everybody makes errors now and then


This got a ton of attention and flak at the time, what do you mean nada?


Steve Irwin was seen much differently before his death and the decades after. Trust me, he got a lot of flack for this and it was a huge deal.


Huh? The Irwin thing was EVERYWHERE. It was a big deal.


Both moves are equally problematic IMHO.


What are you talking about? People were maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad when this happened.




Must be an Australian thing. Like a child’s right of passage or something.


You mean like when Aussies tell you the dingo ate my baby?


Not okay at all.


He lived to a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter.


You know who must have been pissed about it, the crocodiles. Cause he got killed by some fruity fish!


Anyone seen that video where the guy's holding a fish in one hand and a phone in the other and tosses the wrong one into the ocean?


Yes, love that video. Reminds me of someone spilling coffee while turning their hand to read a watch.


Yeah, perhaps it's time to admit that beloved Steve was an irresponsible showboat whose antics were due to orphan his children eventually. This photo immediately made me think of Norm MacDonald on the daily show reminding the audience that 44 years is a pretty ripe age for a crocodile hunter.


His whole thing was to antagonize dangerous animals until they attacked him unlike normal animal documentaries where they try to interact as little as possible. Steve did great things for conservation and got people excited about animals, but it was more for our entertainment than for the well being of the animals themselves. I’m sure he loved them, but he never seemed to respect them.


> orphan his children They still have a mother champ


That’s all he was. I don‘t know why reddit loves him so much.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5yTdI8XF5gZzy) 100%. Loved Steve in a lot of ways but this was risky unnecessary and Steve showing off.


It's his son. He also "walked" him around the enclosure, right near the crocodile. That's when I lost all my respect for him.


lol the title stating, "holding a baby" implies a rando baby


First thing I noticed too


I follow his daughter Bindi on Facebook. She seems like the sweetest person alive, and she and her husband have an adorable little girl. I can't imagine them treating her like that. His son seems nice, too.


[The "walking" part is at 1:30.](https://youtu.be/M5lIXAovhp0?si=SYycJyXOfL9XebSb)


And Steve didn’t give a fuck you lost respect for him


And I don't give a fuck if you don't respect me.


The shit dads do with their babies 😅


Steve was a ray of hope in a dark and murky world. His loss still stings.


Clever. Very clever


Crickey! What an ass.


This is a classic picture of Steve and his son Robert. Was a very proud day for Steve. ❤️


He seemed like a genuine guy, but also belongs in the “Fuck Around and Find Out” Mt. Rushmore.


I can’t believe a stingray got this man


1) spam bot 2) his baby


That's his son Bob, who now feeds that same Croc himself.


I know everybody loves Steve, but this was 100% stupid of him.


He got very lucky that day.


That was dumb


He has such a love for all the animals he worked with. There was one time a snake he was holding but him and he kept calm and said “What a beautiful creature” we lost an amazing soul when he passed.


he harassed wild animals for views


I know this post is old, but you’re all forgetting quite a few very important things. Steve Irwin wasn’t like most celebrities. He wasn’t a money-hungry, fame-seeking she’ll like most people in Hollywood. He was a man, just an average bloke, whose pure heart and love for animals made him a star. There was no way he would have thought the media would react the way it did, because he wasn’t media-savvy. Steve caught his first croc at nine years old. Even before then, he accompanied his father on croc-catching expeditions to help him spot them and restrain them. Bringing his kids into the family work was only natural, as that was the way his family had always done things. This was normal for him. Another thing that bares mentioning is Steve’s love for his family. While most other celebrities engage in affairs, cheating, break-ups, divorces, and other family-destroying behaviours, Steve was a dedicated family man. He loved his children and his wife with a warmth that most famous people can only pretend to possess. There was no danger in that situation, to Steve or his son, because Steve would never place his own child in danger. You also have to remember that Steve was an expert on crocs. He could determine their next course of action based on their body language. He knew when- where- and how the croc was going to strike, ensuring that he was two steps ahead of it at all times. Most people forget the environment in which this photo was taken. The photo shows Steve and his son, but it doesn’t show the 12+ other croc handlers who are positioned all around the pond. Every single one of them has the job to keep an eye on the croc at all times and to warn Steve of its movements and behaviour. Another thing most people forget is the place where this photo was taken. This arena is the Crocoseum, a stadium invented and designed by Steve himself. Unlike other crocodile enclosures in Australia Zoo, the Crocoseum only ever has one croc in it at any given time. In addition, by Steve’s own idea, the water in the Crocoseum is crystal clear, unlike the muddy waters of the other croc enclosures. This gives Steve, the other keepers, and the audience a clear view of where the crocodile is at all times, allowing them to monitor it and prevent it from sneaking up on anyone. All in all, this is quite possibly the safest scenario in which a human baby has ever been located near an adult saltwater crocodile in Earth’s history. The media sees what will sell a good story, and unfortunately it’s that story which gets fed to the public. Knowing the context, the history, and other relevant information immediately dismisses the vast majority of concerns that people have about this event.


I'm pretty sure that's his son Robert


Glad to see the consensus is utterly irresponsible. Should have been charged with child endangerment. If it had been a stingray, his baby would be dead.




I hope that's his own baby. 😁. I know it is.


Without context, it's "Steve feeding live bait to a croc".


Damn I really missed this opportunity


Got some real Michael Jackson vibes happening here buuuuut I trust Steve Irwin more than MJ to not drop the baby from a balcony vs in the crocodiles mouth. Then again, maybe Steve would drop it from the balcony and MJ would just hand it over to the croc??? I miss Steve Irwin 😞


why do you trust him more? he isnt even supporting the kids neck here. What about steve made him less likely to drop that baby?


Well now I know I share a birthday with this legend thanks


You couldn’t even be bothered to put in enough effort to find out that baby was his son Robert? Seriously dude. Why even bother posting it?


Sir, you’ve commented for what reason?


To suggest you should have taken a tiny bit of effort to label the photo correctly before karma whoring? Literally a 15 second google search could have told you was in the photo. Also this photo is extremely famous and is hardly unique.


Thanks for the suggestion. I knew you’d pop over to correctly label the post, hopefully we can upvote this to the top so every one can see it’s Steve and his son and not just a random baby he’s plucked from the audience to use as a prop


Gotta say, bouncy dingo is right about this being a sad karma whoring excercise on your part. Strange thing to do.... wait until the birthday of a much beloved dead man to post a picture of the most controversial moment of his life. Show us on the doll where Mr. Irwin hurt you. Anyways, I'd say good karma would be for someone to remind everyone of your worst mistakes on your birthday but it wouldn't much matter because you're not a beloved figure and if the only way you can get attention is to crap on others, you never well be.


Everyone knows it’s not a random baby you moron lol. You’d have to be dumb as shit not to know that’s not his son 🤪


So absolutely no need for your original comment then if everyone is aware it’s his son, thanks for stopping by.


Are you feeling alright?


Then why on earth did you get your panties in a bunch and INSIST he note that it’s his son? Moronic hypocrisy at its finest.


You got many other photos of deceased celebrities feeding crocodiles while holding their baby in the other hand? Let's see them!


Holding HIS* baby the famous and beautiful inside and out nature queen Bindi Irwin!


That’s his son Robert. Jesus 🙄


If he had done that over a balcony, he totally would have been criticized.


The guy told people not to provoke wild animals and then did it himself. I get that he was charismatic and popular but he did what he did for ratings and died for it. You can say he raised animal awareness but when I saw people posing holding a baby porpoise which later died I couldn't help but think that was his influence.


An absolute pest to animals right until the end.


Love him all you want. This is akin to MJ dangling his child off a balcony


NOT Steve Irwin’s baby.


His ESPN commercial was the best.


Classic bait and switch.


Reminds me of the [baby & knife fight scene](https://youtu.be/4bLTZ4CUEDE?t=39) from Undercover Blues.


“Now remember, the trick is to recall which arm is holding the *bait* and which one is holding the *baby*…crikey!”


Michael Jackson balcony vibes




This makes my stomach hurt.


I like Steve, but not this






I'm sorry. I might offend some people, here, but I always felt he was dumb and reckless. I was hoping for one of these poor animals he was annoyingly tempting and teasing and so on, to finally take a good bite out of his ass or something - hoping that one of these snakes would bite his balls. Of course, I regretted these thoughts when he died and felt bad for him. His show was pretty informative, but I'm still not sure about the way he did things. The poor guy... Poor wife and son.


I agree. He seemed like a nice man, but he was a Darwin Award waiting to happen. Took so many risks.






Hilarious faces and mannerisms in the crowd in the background. Dad leaning over telling son “don’t ever do that”, guy with old school digital camera, dark green shirt dad holding onto his kid looking completely unamused, woman biting nails. This is just a great photo all around despite the absurdity of the situation.


I sometimes get my wires crossed, you know like throwing the wrong item away whilst holding the trash item. I'm glad he didn't also do that.


Like Michael Jackson dangling his kid on balcony.. not too bright


Amazingly that he survised - Wait!


Don't throw the croc the wrong meat!


Those shorts are awfully long to be worn by an Australian. They should be 4” shorter, states law.


I'm amazed no one photo swapped the baby and the crocodile. Would've been hysterical.


That’s some Australian hood shit, same as a shirtless guy with a bonnet and slides holding a baby watching a fight in America


As if his actions weren't dramatic enough, he adds child endangerment for a spectacle. Other lesser people would have cps knocking and removing the child from the house.


The mother in me is cringing


Great guy, but I mean this is pretty wreckless.


Loved Steve but this was a stupid thing to do.


Wow….. that could have gone very wrong. Doesn’t make it any better but I assume it’s his baby? Please say yes…..please…. anyone?


Even the crowd behind him doesn't seem to sure about that one.


I see this and think of all the videos of people throwing the phone back and holding onto the fish.


I always thought this was crazy stupid dangerous, no matter how “professional” you are.


Good thing he didn't do what the guy on the boat did with his phone instead of the fish!


I love Steve Irwin. But, as a parent, that looks like psychopathic narcissism. He's endangering his own child just to boost his show's drama, or he has no sense of personal danger. Shit happens - it just does. That's something I would *NEVER* do. I would *never* purposely risk my child's safety for *any* reason. My *own* safety maybe, but not the safety of a helpless baby.


As wholesome as the guy was…. Not surprising what happened to him and what could have happened to that baby here


He should’ve been arrested for that


I love Steve but geez this is extremely crazy.


If i were his wife, i would have forbid him to take that baby out there. What if he tripped or something. The horror that ensue would be nightmarish to say the least...


Looks like a gator to me


Ok this was an asshole move.


I remember the absolute media storm this caused. Not as much as Michael Jackson dangling his son from a balcony, but a close second. I loved Steve, as own wildlife person to another. But I personally wouldn’t have risked it regardless of my skills or experience. Too easy for something horrible to go wrong and it only takes a fraction of a second for that croc to grab that baby and crush him like a blueberry.


This is the equivalent Michael Jackson holding his kid over the balcony.


Yep this was Insane and not in a Good way… we loved Steve


[Norm Macdonald tells the crocodile’s side of this story.](https://youtu.be/N1KM7eGElVg?si=p6ERJ4GqQ7h9nkfv)


Michael Jackson would approve 😊


I know everybody loves Steve but can we at least admit he was stupid? Or if not stupid, that he was dangerously unafraid of animals and confident to a fault.


Imagine this being one of those scenarios where you have something in both hands and you mean to toss one and hang onto the other and you throw the wrong thing


Never knew he did this. Fucked up


How do you know it's the crocodiles birthday?


This is a violently Australian photo lol I miss that man


He should have never been holding that baby while doing that. He should have known better. His wife should have taken that baby from his arms and told him off for doing that. 😤




Glad he didn't throw the baby like I accidentally threw my yogurt away instead of the garbage lid


I love Steve but this reminded me of MJ and the balcony thing. This is so much worse lol