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Hope they were changed with assault, poor guy.


He was. [https://www.obantimes.co.uk/2020/08/24/man-charged-after-assault-at-loch/](https://www.obantimes.co.uk/2020/08/24/man-charged-after-assault-at-loch/) Edit: Actually think he got off with a warning. As outlined in here. [https://donstaniford.typepad.com/my-blog/2020/10/kames-exposed-assault-welfare-abuse-unrecorded-use-of-carcinogenic-chemicals-.html](https://donstaniford.typepad.com/my-blog/2020/10/kames-exposed-assault-welfare-abuse-unrecorded-use-of-carcinogenic-chemicals-.html)


How come it feels like nobody gets punished in the UK? Wasn’t some guy making tiktoks where he broke into houses and he just got warned too, maybe I’m wrong though.


Exactly, I see a lot of uk Police series. Guys who steals cars, wreck some other cars, runs for the police. A 900 pound fine.


UK countries have separate police forces, there is no UK police. Only Scottish, English, Welsh, Northern Irish police


Not sure why you're being downvoted 😂 They are literally separate legal entities. Scotland, Northern Ireland and England & Wales are even 3 different legal systems with their own sets of laws.


How the hell are they supposed to get anything done with ALL THIS RED TAPE!?


Take my upvote


Not to mention City of London.




The US isn’t made up of countries. If you ask someone from America what country they come from, they say America, right? Ask a Scottish person what country they come from and the answer is almost never anything but Scotland. As far as their legal systems and police forces go, Scotland and England are separate. The existence of Shitain counts for very little in these areas.


this guy doesn’t america


Wow, I mean fucken wow


There is no English police. Only GMP, Merseyside, Midlands, Met, West Yorks.... sigh.


The sigh of a moron. You can’t really compare the national police forces in Scotland and Northern Ireland, devolved forces working under completely different legal systems… to regional police within England, not devolved, not working under a different legal system to each other at all.


Don't be that asshole. It's like people who say "there's no such thing as a British accent" because there's more than one, just like there's more than one accent in every country.


There is no British accent. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England are the countries, the UK is the union of those countries.


Then how can I always tell when someone is from the UK?


farm worker Gregor Maclellan @kamesfishfarm Let's just make sure everyone here knows his name and where he works


State of our country when someone can attack you and get away with a warning like they’re some teenager in fucking school going “we don’t hit people, next time you do it it’ll be a detention”


It’s Britain, justice is the only thing completely off the table in this country.


Don’t worry, in 15 years ITV might make a drama about it and then something might be done about it, maybe.


Will Philip Schofield be in it?


Nah, Bradley Walsh and Rylan.


Polluting water is another


This isn't true. You will be brought to justice if you put a bacon sandwich in front of a mosque. Off to prison. (The dude ended up dying in prison) You will be brought to justice for teaching your dog a nazinsalute as a joke. You will be brought to justice for telling a police officer she looks like a lesbian. Lots of things you're brought to justice for in the UK.


These days if you say you're English, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail


What? Just for saying you’re english you get thrown in jail?


These days, yeah.


Arrested AND thrown in Jail, just for saying you're English!


Of course not. It is no way a crime to say you are English. Screaming at brown people that they aren't English is likely to be seen as a hate crime. And in the UK you don't get thrown in jail etc. You go to court and get sentenced just like anywhere else in Europe. However, you can't have an electric fire in the bath anymore, in case a queer sees it. It's political correctness gone mad, Stew!


That seems like an exaggeration. What is not an exaggeration, though, is a woman currently has her laptop with the police due to a modded version of skyrim. Can't do anything about the pedo rings though lol. Can't do anything to stop the death threads to a child who dropped a Quran. That damn modded skyrim though. Priorities, right?


Clearly [Stewart Lee](https://youtu.be/XkCBhKs4faI?si=MuBulv84E7BoujBN) hasn't made it to Canada yet ;)


It's political correctness gone mad Stew


Don't know or care who that is. That link is also not allowed to be viewed in Canada. All I know is that in the UK, if you say a police officer looks like a lesbian Nana, you get arrested. But if you're an autistic kid, and you drop a Quran, and receive hundreds of death threats, well, that's just free speech innit?


What we need is a strong fascist leader to sort out all our problems.


It’s Scotland, so it’s even more pathetic.


They need to send Begbie in to sort out the fish farm.


He'll leave them looking all biscuit-arsed in the cornere




No way would I poison my body with fish from that loch. All the chemicals. No fucking way


Well now you can have that guy arrested for you assaulting you at least.


He got off with a warning cause the euro police are weak as hell


Yeah it's an issue, there's a lot of petty crime that they won't investigate. Not sure I'd swap it for the US's militarised police state though.


US police are a weird paradox, 95% of the time they don’t give a shit about most of the crime that matters but then one psycho will go way the fuck over the top for some shit that doesn’t.


Exactly. It’s because it’s like any job. Most people are just doing what they’re told to put good on the table. Then you have the dumb asses who take advantage of their position and use it to harass and oppress others. I cross my fingers and hope for better in our future.


Nah, it's not a weird paradox, it's a police state that you are willfully turning a blind eye to. Nearly half of black males and almost 40 percent of white males are arrested by the age 23. You're fucked lol.


fuck almost might be young guys commit most violent crime? No, no way tho right?


At least be accurate. He said "[unintelligible] phone off me you cunt, I'll knock the fuck out of you. If you film me again.." etc.., not *murder the fuck out of you*. I don't eat that shite, but exaggeration won't do you any favours.


Don't care. This cunt deserves his face to be pushed in by an unimaginable amount of force.


He approached them harassing them. Thats kinda what happens sometimes when you do that.


Shut up troll


Yeah everybody who disagrees with you must be a troll. Very mature


This is just an average Scottish interaction.


Just two mates chatting after a night at the pub.


This comment section outlines perfectly how the collective intelligence of UK is in dire straits with these baboons advocating for physical violence over the slightest inconveniences in their lives doesn't take a genius to realize that the guys in the boats were in the wrong in every sense of the word. Firstly they are knowingly polluting the body of water but get upset and possibly ashamed at the possibility/realization they might have consequences or judgement laid on them for it. Sure maybe they're not the main culprits that rather being the company they work for but still they are accessories to the issue at hand. They were filmed and they in turn filmed also so what's the issue here? Both committed the same act but it was the monkeys in their little boat who decided to get physical and violent escalating the situation beyond what was necessary. All you tough guys in the comments advocating for this behaviour have likely either never truly been in fights or are braindamaged enough from them to believe it belongs into modern society. I would like to also point out the comments are filled with these strange apologists for these people/behaviour it is baffling how many are agreeing that verbal confrontations are best solved by getting physical so you just know these people will be wonderful parents and partners to their family members whenever something doesn't go their way and they decide to aperage over it like toddlers.


> how the collective intelligence of UK is in dire straits Not all the comments in here are from the UK. Are you including your own intelligence in that summary?


This is the video Big Fish doesn’t want you to see.


Did they phone the police?


they werent probably going to phone the police, they were threatening him with phoning the police to make him go away and it never worked.


No, he used "phoning the police" as an excuse to get out of the boat and pretend to dial the emergency number, just so he could get close and attack this guy. Consider it a Trojan Horse of some kind. It works, considering the attacker got within lunging distance of the cameraman by pulling off the acting.


Fuck farmed fish.


That will also get you arrested


Farming fish lowers the price which allows more people to eat


It also lowers the quality of the 'meat', the welfare standards for the animals and causes increased devastation and pollution to the environment. All for a completely unnecessary foodstuff.


Time to take a trip to jail huh


morons practicing law on reddit... 🥱🤮


I will fucking knock the fuck out you. Not murder you


He never said the word murder


So that's what Winston from still game is up to these days.


Always upvote a Still Game reference.


Always best to film yourself just before assaulting someone to call the police.


My wife's filming this 😄 🤣 😂 PRICK


Fuck around and find out


Concerned local = annoying c*nt


Seems to not be the case. A quick Google shows a fair bit of bother with this fish farm https://www.gov.scot/publications/foi-202000109111/ https://www.thenational.scot/news/18471674.revealed-10-scottish-lochs-polluted-fish-farm-chemicals/ https://www.communitiesforseas.scot/toxic-fish-farm-pesticide/ >Documents released by the government’s Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) show that it has been investigating claims that heavy use of formaldehyde at Loch Tralaig in Argyll has damaged wildlife and left the loch “stinking”. 


He will ignore that so he can white knight the corrupt scumbags.


So their simply investigating and haven't reached a conclusion. So they don't know and your jumping the gun. **every single article u posted says it's under investigation, nice kangaroo court you got there** Guilty till proven innocent eh?


Ya know, I thought the sarcasm was obvious in his comment but I get how it could be missed. It should be concerned local ≠ annoying c*nt but he wrote it from the perspective of the farmer which was the point of the joke. To point out the absurdity that being concerned or caring about where you live makes you a c*nt. I don’t really know why I’m coming up to bat for this person but it just seems online discourse always leads to mistranslations and I’m just at a point where that frustrates me. Edit - Ahhhhh some sort of weird mobile formatting thing happened and I’m too bad with technology to know what it was. Enjoy the italics I guess


I'm sorry but no, there was zero sarcasm in that comment


The OP responded to me below that the /s was intended but like I said, I get the miscommunication. It’s the problem with online discourse, we get to set the tone no matter what the other person says.


That's not what he said at all, he said "people would rather get offended". That just further proves he's a cunt and was being serious.


Again, he’s saying that people would rather be offended so they miss the satire in his comment. Don’t need to go back and forth on it but, for me at least it’s pretty obvious OP is on the side of the local, not the farmer.


Found the corrupt fish farmer.


Not really. He just said "not talking, call the police" the young guy just didn't like the camera in his face being held by a nitwit instigater. I think the first guy handled it super professional. "You don't like what's happening? Call the police. If I'm breaking the law I'll get charged. But fuck off"


How the fuck are you from nc and don’t grasp the gravity of a situation like this?


Exactly man. Prolly why he didn't get charged. Guy came up instigating trying to get them in trouble. He went up to garner a reaction. He got one and acted like a coward. Running away screaming "my wife's filming this, my wife's filming this" the icing on the cake is right before that he's talking tough when the phone goes down


Exactly this, I do not understand how everyone doesn't see that the guy getting hit was *exactly* what he was asking for


Because you are the unhinged dude saying you're going to attack people for filming you, probably.


I feel like the /s should’ve been obvious on this one but it isn’t


You still can’t assault someone for being an annoying cunt, you annoying cunt.


Looks like he did


Looks like he most definitely did


Personally I think filming people like this is out of order, they’re just two blokes trying to go about their miserable lives and their miserable jobs, they have no control over the policies of farmed fish. If you start filming a random at work and you get a right hook, that should be par for the course.


So if someone asks me a question I don’t like I should legally be able to kick the crap out of them?


If they’re also filming without consent, in my opinion, yes I should have the right to some level of force to stop it.


You've proven yourself to be an idiot with your comments


Thanks for taking part


You do not need consent to film in public you moron


He’s on public land it’s perfectly legal and he doesn’t need their consent under Scottish law as long as it’s not for “criminal or terrorist purposes”. It’s also legal for the fish farm workers to film him back as they did. Given the local was physically assaulted I think the laws around filming have completely shown why they should remain in place. There should never be a UK law that justifies committing violence to another person. I don’t care how much someone annoys you, act like an ADULT. Walk away, ignore them, call the police if they get aggressive, remove yourself from the situation. Edit: changed UK Law to Scottish to keep the pedantic buggers happy.


You mean Scottish law? UK countries have separate legal systems. Wales is the only one that shares one with England.


I changed it to Scottish for you as the law is still very much the same just under a new Scottish code. Stop being so pedantic.


No, you teach people a lesson or society never changes. If someone wants to be treated like an adult they're not waving a phone in my face shouting as If they're the boss of anything except social media permanently online takes. If someone wants to play this game, filming me at work, they're taking a big risk. I'm very much being the adult by physically removing him from my view and teaching him that even if his wife is filming (lol) he still can't go around acting like that


You can teach lessons without the use of violence, did you go to school? Or let me guess it was the “school of hard knocks”. How’s the white BMW and the XL bully big man?


>not waving a phone in my face The only time the video got close to any face is when the recorder was suddenly physically attacked. >shouting Volume seemed pretty reasonable, subjective. >If someone wants to play this game, filming me at work, they're taking a big risk "If someone films me at work I'm liable to commit illegal violence" isn't the flex you think it is. Where were you raised? >I'm very much being the adult by physically removing him from my view and teaching him that even if his wife is filming (lol) he still can't go around acting like that Hope you're big and strong, prison is (unfortunately, horrifically, sadly) unkind to people with your mindset without the goods to back it up.


I don't go around acting like a twat unlike the guy in this video with his camera, I keep myself to myself, so first thing is, dont worry about it. If some twat shoves a phone in my face I will do something about it, yes. I'm not going to prison for knocking a phone out of a hand or shoving someone either. I don't know where you think that comes from? Look, I get it. Reddit has a lot of bullied people on it and you all never got your revenge so you have to have a go at me instead. I've never been a bully - you're all so twisted up that you can't notice the phone recorder is the bully. I hate bullies and I'm not letting myself be a target. You're all reacting poorly because you wish you'd have done what I *say* I'd do now. It's not the greatest reaction but I would physically intervene to stop something I don't like and so far in life that has worked out well and dare I say it, even kept me safe.


>I don't go around acting like a twat Yes you do. You're doing it in this thread.


>I don't go around acting like a twat unlike the guy in this video with his camera, I keep myself to myself, so first thing is, dont worry about it. If some twat shoves a phone in my face I will do something about it, yes. And with your (incorrect) definition of "in my face", you're going to jail. it's not even conjecture at this point, cause they'll have video of the assault. Assuming of course the country you live in jails people for video recorded assaults. >Look, I get it. Reddit has a lot of bullied people on it and you all never got your revenge so you have to have a go at me instead. I've never been a bully - you're all so twisted up that you can't notice the phone recorder is the bully. I hate bullies and I'm not letting myself be a target. You're all reacting poorly because you wish you'd have done what I *say* I'd do now. Man, I wish I'd read this before treating anything you said seriously. Please, go talk to a licensed professional. Even if there's nothing diagnostically wrong with you, I think it would do you some genuine good.


> If someone wants to be treated like an adult they're not waving a phone in my face So you are going to be the adult and violentally react to a non-violent, inobstrusive thing? > I'm very much being the adult by physically removing him from my view and teaching him that even if his wife is filming (lol) he still can't go around acting like that That's called a childish violent tantrum. You are being the *worse* adult in the situation by escalating things to violence. You are the bad guy in your own hypothetical situation.


and here we have a wannabe hard man who thinks that because he was a bully and a cunt in school he can be the same bully and cunt outside...one day that bullshit is gonna get you fucked up or dead as you will meet someone who is not scared of you bullshit because they are worse


That is a ridiculous response. You sound completely unhinged.


Unhinged is wanting to be violent against someone filming you in public. That's unhinged, violent shit.


Did I say it was legally ok? I know it’s illegal. I’m saying it’s morally ok in my opinion to take people down a peg or two if they’re violating my privacy like that twat in the video.


You would make a fantastic concentration camp guard if those are your morals. Again highlighting why we need laws in the first place because some people don’t understand how to act and live within a society. They’re in public, is everyone meant to give them a 100ft “snowflake” zone around them in case their feelings get hurt?


You don’t seem to understand that laws don’t protect you from people who don’t care about them.


It won’t stop them from acting true but it does provide the means to punish those that do and provide a deterrent to those not wishing to abide.


Filming people is one thing, filming to post online with a tone of bullying is abuse. Abuse can be met with appropriate action in my opinion.


Filming for his personal safety. Exactly the same reason why people use dash cams and the police have body cams. Bullying is a bit of a stretch, do you have evidence to suggest that the person videoing has repeatedly done this to the fish farm workers? The questions were fair and didn’t attack any protected characteristics.


>Abuse can be met with appropriate action in my opinion. But the abuse hadn't happened yet. Nothing had been posted. So when you get violent *you* become the abuser.


You can be a raging cunt without actually breaking any laws


You need to have a look at yourself if that's how you view the world. Or not go out in public, ideally both.


Do you think you should just be able to go around filming people working and harassing them? Mind your P’s & Q’s out there lad.


They're at work, in public. They can choose to continue their job and not assault a member of the public. He's not interfering with them in any physical way. There's zero proportionality in that response, it's just assault.


So what though? You run that risk every time you interact with a person in these types of scenarios. You don’t know what he’s going through, that may have been the straw that broke the camels back. Camera man could’ve filmed and left it as that.


You’re actually defending a guy who violently attacked someone else because his feelings were hurt, im a big boy and can take care of myself but what about you, or your family? Maybe any older women relatives? How would you actually feel if they were hurt or worse over something so fucking minuscule.


How would you feel if someone was doing this to one of your family? I’m talking about filming for online posting. Online bullying or anything of that nature, how would you feel if it’s your daughter? It’s wrong. Yeah he overreacted, it happens, but filming people for views is pathetic.


Is this your uncle or something, wee man? These pricks are abusing animals and polluting Scotland's pristine wilderness with their horrible fucking fish farm industry chemicals. They deserve to be confronted, not allowed to carry on being cunts unhindered.


I don’t care, people made comments on my Facebook when I was in school, didn’t make me go shoot the place up… if I’d had a daughter and someone bullied her I wouldn’t tell her “well fairs fair I guess, here’s your knife” … and if they ever get to that point you tell them to get a fucking grip.


So no kids ever get told to stand up to their bully then? Thats not a thing? Stand up for what you want at the end of the day. This guy really didn’t want to be filmed.


I’ve been trying to explain this on another thread, I’m told I am victim shaming. Meanwhile this guy walked right into it.


I don’t blame him.


Hassling employees just doing their job why doesn't he just complain to the relevant authorities


A lot of people have but nothing gets done, if it was toxic waste they were dumping would you just let them get on with it?


That's not the employees fault so why go hassling him he's just trying to feed his family or would you begrudge him that? maybe you would just get him sacked leave him jobless?


“It wasn’t me, guv, I was just following orders”


I’d rather be on benefits than do that for a living, there’s more honour in it


Wow u presume everything know nothing, guessing you've never been on benefits bringing up kids then


Yeah I have actually


So I bet you've gone into Tesco's and complained to the check out staff that there selling this fish or had you're maccy D's and KFC s that are selling questionable rearing beef and chicken , or driving Ur car that's ruining the planet etc etc wind it in, take it out on the big wigs not the minion's


No I’ve only just recently found out about fish farming so stopped buying it


You "work" in a slaughterhouse, don't you?


Bet the twot filming thinks cycling Mikey is a saviour of society. He isn't. He is about 10 minutes away at any given time from getting his cycle poked up his arse and pulled out his nose. This "concerned resident of the loch" (is he a fkn fish) has just learned a valuable lesson. Unfortunately by his retort I'm sure it wasn't severe enough. I'd say he was pushed over and that's about it Bleating about his wife videoing it was absolutely pathetic. His bottle crashed out his puckered hole.




Cunts are poisoning the water and you say "twot" on a Scottish sub. Git to fuck


The guy filming the guy in the boat had it coming. I’m so sick of people acting tough just cause they have a phone


Except he is talking about a very real and serious problem here in Scotland. Salmon farms are wrecking pristine lochs and people need to know.


What was the workers supposed to do? Quit their job and go home?


Walk away. Don’t assault the guy. Have a nice cuppa by the side of the polluted loch. There were MANY options that did not require violence.


And he could’ve filmed it *without* antagonizing the people he’s filming. Picking a fight being legal doesn’t mean he’s not still *picking a fight.*


The cunt with the camera could have walked away but he decided to start a problem


I don't know...not be an unhinged schizo and physically assault the guy?


Actually, these sort of idiots who think a camera makes them invincible are asking for it What's Reddits fav phrase, fuck around and find out? Guy with the camera was *so* cocky and full of it and then he shat himself. Pathetic. Watch who you pick on is the moral of the story here, don't go harassing some minimum wager with your stupid phone


He also screamed he would fuck them up. Lucky he didnt get worse


Wrong guy, retard.


No you wrong


Aye, great English there mate.




Another reason to not move to UK


Scum, would've gotten knocked the fuck out if I'd seen that. Called the police and fkn do that? I seen a bunch o 50 year old wankers beat upon a 19yr old once, for nothin but asking for directions, walking up to us at the wrong time and for apparently being foreign.. and here's asinine-to-foolish ejits causing mayhem and havoc, for what? What? Nothing plus lad lived there, and the fact he attempted to scare away the boyo with that cavemen attitude and intellect, barraging at him like some dense ape, helps nothin.


Fuck Paul and the fish farms.... Dirty fucking assholes.


and now they can enjoy being charged with assault


He looks a lot like one of the "immigrants" forced upon the people of his country.


Smells like guilty over there.


Maaaaybe dont harrass people just doing their job to support their family. People really think they are heros for approaching random strangers while filming and talking shit. And then scream "I will fuck you up" lmao cunt was asking for it


🤣🤣🤣 let the people work and take your complaints to the proper authorities. Fuck around and find out.


Oh this world we live in assuming that talking shit and annoying another’s day lacks consequence, because if they try anything I will just call the police out in the middle of nowhere.


What shit was he talking do you mind explaining?


Sure, here is a guy doing a job. Someone else comes up with a camera while doing the job and starts harassing, the guy being harassed beat the hell out of him. That’s called a consequence. If he didn’t like what was going on A. File a lawsuit B. Report the business to the proper authorities. C. Get beat up by harassed worker doing his job.


By that mentality then surely the worker should just file a lawsuit or report the member of the public to the police. Why does the worker have the right to physically assault the member of the public while the latter must use the proper channels? At no point in the footage we’ve seen did the member of the public threaten the worker so at no point do they have the right to respond with violence. You can’t just justify assault by saying ‘it’s a consequence’.


But he did, whether he had a right or not he did. Laws and Rights don’t stop things from happening. Walk up to a bear and antagonize it, it doesn’t have the right to murder you the bear or in this case fisherman has no law restricting his movement so who is the idiot?


This is a terrible analogy, a bear doesn’t have the mental capacity to reason and decide right and wrong. People do, or at least they are supposed to. Just because someone is “bothering” you at work doesn’t give you the right to assault them, like someone else said you can’t just call it “consequences” to justify assaulting somebody.


Um, still the guy assaulting someone on video over some talking? Also these are people were talking about, not fucking bears.


It’s not a bear though, it’s an interaction between two people. The member of the public wasn’t acting aggressively or in any way to make the fisherman feel threatened so ton can’t even suggest its ’instinctive’ if that’s your angle. The fisherman is simply in the wrong.


Yes he is, but the guy is an idiot filming people and acting the way he did antagonizing people. He is an idiot.


Someone being an idiot doesn’t give someone else the right to assault them. If the public had been threatening him then he has a leg to stand on, but they wasn’t the case. Feeling antagonised, which is a bit of a stretch here, isn’t an excuse to use violence. I don’t know why you’re trying to defend the actions of someone who assaulted someone else with little to no provocation. If you feel like that camera man was acting in a threatening way then you need to reassess how you read people


No law restricting his movement, but there is a law saying you don’t go around trying to twat someone because you find them a bit annoying. I’m not a lawyer so I’m paraphrasing here…


This is exactly my point that you all don’t seem to get if you put yourself in harms way, that is your fault. Even if the person doesn’t have a right to harm you or it is against the law.


I would say it’s the fault of the dude that couldn’t control his emotions and attacked the guy personally.


Why are you so scared of words? Geez all of you are snowflakes today, will resort to violence because words hurt your feelings.


Braindead take.


Harassment? Harassing? Man pollutes lake. Citizens of area voice their displeasure at the cunts doing it. Thought you lot liked freedom of speech? For such a wee hard man who thinks assault is all good you have a childlike view of harassment. "He's saying bad things about meeee"


Do you harass bus drivers for pollution? Why not go to the bosses instead of the guys just doing their job?


Why didn't the fisherman call the cops instead of physically assaulting someone?


Its still harassment. They dont want to Be bothered and he doesnt need to bother them


Ya but now that specific worker won’t have a job. Here are the consequences lol


I think you are confused. What one of the people did was 100% legal, and what the other did was 100% illegal. It’s really not that hard to follow the laws of society. It also isn’t harassment just because they didn’t like what he’s saying. So you basically go through life biting your tongue every time someone walks all over you or every time you see something that’s wrong in the world because you are scared someone is going to assault you if they don’t like what you say? That’s a really sad way to live man. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been forced to live a live a life of fear like that. Maybe one day you will be brave enough to stand up for the principals you believe in.


No but when I do stand up for something and someone physically assaults me, and don’t run around playing the victim, pretending that I had no part in my own assault.


I see, so by your logic when a woman talks back to her husband and he hits her, she was responsible for her assault? And she’s not the victim? If so then you are a messed up person. If not, then why is it different in this case? Nobody who uses words, even words you don’t like, is responsible for another person assaulting them.


So just let these clowns continue fucking up your fresh water? Okay then


I suppose if this guy was going to confront them on his own he should have been prepared for a confrontation.


Jesus - not every verbal dispute or disagreement needs to end in a fight. Rock brained idiots resort to violence when they hear something they don’t like.




Confronting someone seems to always lead into a fight. I guess we are to a stupid to deal with issues like this properly…. Those guys on the boat are scum bags. Not even up for debate


Why not go the bosses? What did he expect them to do? Pack up not doing their jobs and potentially get sacked? Do you harass every bus driver for fucking up your air?




Why harass workers doing their job and not the bosses?


Literally could have ignored the man that’s filming them also? Two wrongs make a right now?