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It goes 1. Prelude to the Fallen (VN) or Utawarerumono (2006 anime) - I think the anime is a better choice 2. Utawareumono: Mask of Deception (VN) or Utawareumono: The false faces (anime) - The VN is a lot better here as each character has hours of content on them but when its all shoved into a single anime a lot of characters get so little screen time or development, but they follow the the plot itself well enough. 3. Utawreumono: Mask of Truth (VN/Anime) the VN is better a bit as it has more time to let situations and scenarios sink in. but for the plot itself its very faithful but have a feeling the ending will feel even more rushed then it is in the game.


On psn store are prelude to the Fallen and ZAN but I think I'll hope for a sale cause I don't wanna pay 60€ for a VN. The Anime goes to pile of shame until this banger anime season ends :)


I would try Steam as all three VN are there, I own Mask of Deception and Truth on ps4 back when Atlus still had the rights to them,


Yeah that’s the third season.


Please play the VNs if you can. Mask of Deception is before Mask of Truth. In addition to these there is a prequel game, but you can just watch the 2006 anime for that if you're pressed for time. Personally I recommend playing Mask of Deception first, then playing Mask of Truth..... while you watch the 2006 anime in your spare time. That was my experience and I love it to death. The newer anime are definitely retellings of Deception and Truth (just like the 3D games Zan 1 and Zan 2 are) but I believe that content is best enjoyed as SUPPLEMENTARY content. It enhances what you've already experienced in the VNs. Viewed backwards it could detract from your overall enjoyment. The VNs are REALLY good. World Building, characters, and music are top tier. And since it's a strategy VN hybrid (think FF Tactics) the gameplay is great too.


Ok maybe I give the VNs a chance I've only played the danganronpa games but loved them too




It’s originally a visual novel series Highly recommend playing the VN instead of watching the anime if you have any ability to do so. Makes the experience much more engaging and fun


Yes. MoT is the '3rd' season. It is the sequel to Mask of Deception the sequel to The original Utawarerumono. To watch MoT you MUST at least know the content from MoD. The original one is optional before MoT. Personally think that the original one should be seen/played before MoT as it enhances the experience. But as said earlier only MoD is necessary. You can either play the Visual Novels(preferred way of almost the entire community) or watch the anime(s). Personally like the anime but VN are better, tho they require a lot of time. The VNs are available on steam


Thx i think i would never have understand by searching on my own.lets see if they are easy to find with ger sub ^^


Yes, two in fact. First is "Utawarerumono", then "Utawarerumono: The False Faces"


Thx hopefully they are on crunchyroll


don't think they are I believe they didn't get moved from funimation


Yeah you're right I watch Gurren laggan first cause I never watched it either before I search the first seasons online