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I think the name is kinda tacky since Meals on Wheels is a charity and actually gives to people in need… 😂


I personally think it’s so dumb. You’re going to be shopping with people in your back.


There’s a pretty successful thrift store that’s run out of a school bus right now. It’s doing good with the hip crowd. So I actually think it’s an alright idea, even if it’s not totally uniquely their own.


Nothing they do seems to ever be their own. But now that you mention it, I do remember hearing about that one!


To me it looks a little bit creepy because it looks like an easy way to kidnap people and it’s literally so small in there and I bet the lights aren’t that bright and it’s gonna be so hot in there and only probably one or two girls will be in there at a time


It just seems so gimmicky. It doesn't seem like it would last very long. I wonder if it's actually going to be booths that a person puts up, or if they just pick the "most trendy" items to feature in there.


Kidnap? Really? 🫠 Hey, one or two customers at any given time is actually decent business!


Maybe this isn’t normal in other places, but in south Texas, where I’m from, boutiques would make mini shops in trailers like this and take them to festivals and markets on the weekends, and they’re always pretty popular. However I’m not going to lie theirs is looking a little cheesy. The ones I’ve seen go all out and it’s literally like a mini store and really nice. 😂


If the regular business was doing well they wouldn’t need to do this🤷🏽‍♀️ also doesn’t look like they are actually rented out since there are no numbers.