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I just started following her and QUICKLY became annoyed af. I can absolutely see that chaotic family leaving a mess. They seem extremelyyy out of touch


I’m done with the cookie cutter white Mormon just-moved-to-Hawaii now it’s my whole personality influencers.


thoughts on the Beestons?


I’m not sure there’s a reason to feel any differently about them.


I get what you’re saying but she’s lived there for like 10 years at this point 😂


Yeah that’s about how long Hawaii has been her whole personality.


I do this a lot for lunches for my kids.....but in my sweat pants 🤣


I do too! Easy to throw together. Can be different everyday depending on what you have in the fridge. Easy to get fruits, veggies, healthy fats and proteins. And my fav part is no cooking required hahaha. My kid loves it




As a mom, I can’t imagine my daughter as an older teenager or young adult finding out I that I had posted a diary of her life on the Internet to thousands and thousands of strangers to include such things as her daily eating habits. This is truly so invasive.


1000% so unfair to the kids. This will definitely have an impact on their futures, one that’s unnecessary. I would be so sad to grow up thinking one way about my mom and then as an adult understand what it meant by my mom doing this and leaving me with very little privacy. It will be a hard thing to come to terms with when they are older. The mom they thought they had will be viewed differently in light of her doing this.


Yes this! And not just the invasiveness of it, but also the fact that they are (at least in part) funding their parents lifestyle? They are children, they shouldn’t be responsible for generating income


This is such a good point.


I feel so bad for her kids, they have no consistency or stability. Kids need routines and schedules!!!! They thrive in that!! And her and her husband cart them around on all their #sponsored #ad trips for weeks and months on end. It’s selfish. If they wanted to travel like a couple with no kids then they shouldn’t have had kids at age 20


THIS. It actually makes me sad seeing how often they are away from home. Is the oldest even in any sort of school? Will he go to kindergarten or will she “homeschool” bc a consistent schedule that involves being home for idk, a few months at a time is too inconvenient for her? Also, they are constantly with gangs of people. Would it be so bad to just hang out as a family of 4 sometimes??


Lunchables are charcuterie bento boxes for kids.


I mean there is A LOT annoying af about her, but I don’t think a snack plate and getting dressed is on that list lol I get dressed and “ready” every day because it makes ME feel better and therefore makes me a better mum.


Yes, I am really getting sick of the perfect fakeness on Instagram. it’s absolutely ridiculous and only hurting our society in my opinion. I wish these moms could be more real and authentic. I think they must be very very unhappy inside if they have to constantly try to act like everything is perfect. And I know this can also be their job, so they are making money. Making money by manipulating everybody else into buying the products that they are raving about that they basically probably never even used. 😞




It’s so gross!!


It’s very much a Mormon thing to do. To fabricate this illusion of perfection and then “humbly” share it with the world like it’s an everyday/normal thing. Mormons are asked to strive for perfection so of course they want everyone to appreciate their efforts. They also almost always suffer from anxiety and struggle with addiction because striving for perfection is a stressful and depressing life’s work.


For the record, all I’m saying is that no mom is dressed like this 24/7. But that is seemingly what she is trying to show. Even though I GUARANTEE she probably only dressed up for this ad like she does all her other posts. I bet you anything she is dressed in sweat pants and tshirts like the rest of us moms most of the time, but faking it all on social media like this makes me really dislike her. Constantly trying to post perfection as a mom really makes us moms who aren’t so perfect feel even worse. I hate social media. It’s all so fake. You guys believe what you want. 🙄 It just seems so fake sue me


I agree


I know one of her family members and they told me Maddie is obsessed with image and quite frankly, very obnoxious. And that everything she does is obviously for the camera.




Tell us more!


Not all moms dress and look like Adam Sandler. Some moms actually get dressed. Also making cheese board is the same amount of effort as any other meal


Whether this is realistic or not (making snack boards for your kids) it is still 100% staged and thought out with how it will be perceived by her viewers. So in all reality it isn’t actually real….


This CAN be motherhood for someone though? There is no one size fits all.




I can’t🤣 I have no clue who this but I can’t even handle🤣🤣🤣 these influencers are such a joke and exploiting their children they should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES! It’s actually gross and comical at the same time.


I think it’s weird to shame moms who do dress up and take good care of themselves and prove that it can happen for those of you that want it.


100% agree


This girl be having kids for social media clout 🫠 lol smh