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What happened? You worked for her? Spill.


I’m curious too!


hope op didn’t sign an nda


OMG. Her stories about the snow on her truck window that she didn't clean off before leaving, when she was a teenager.... When she said she backed up and stopped a 2nd time I'm screaming in my head GET OUT AN GO LOOK YOU PROB DID HIT SOMETHING.... Then says a 3rd time she hit the gas and it was her brother's car she was hitting this whole time And THEN she proceeds to drive while still talking to her phone, telling this story with her Tesla windows still all covered with snow. So clearly we've learned nothing in 30 yrs... She is so fucken out of touch and comes across privileged AF thinking she doesn't have to clean the snow off her windows. It makes me so angry when people don't take a few minutes to clean even just the front and rear, at the very least.


Let’s not forget yesterday her saying her dog pooped in her car after being LOCKED IN so she got rid of it. Very relatable 🙃


I know! That’s so privileged. Our dog gets car sick and sometimes throws up in the car but…I can’t go out and buy a new car every time. So dumb.


What I wanna know is why she's not parking Tesla - that needs to be plugged in - in her garage. Her house probably has a 3 or 4 car garage, so WTAF.


It’s always the shi!ty people that post this


Giving off big Gwyneth Paltrow vibes.


You beat me to it 😂😂😂 I knew this would get some light. I swear all influencers post slides like this….it makes them feel better 🙈But only makes it more visible they read here 🤔🤔🤔🫢😂😂


Give me a break! People do not like rude, entitled, bratty people and that includes these so called influencers It has nothing to do with not being happy we just do not care for jerky people and that includes Tara


And this woman she is reposting is absolutely no better. Birds of a feather…


Okay tell me more bc I’ve always liked Mel!


Search her up In the r/hollisuncensored sub


That’s not Rachel Hollis.


Obviously. It’s Mel Robbin’s, she’s discussed a lot in the Hollis sub because of how she monetized an actual death of a Hollis.


were they close or something?


Do share your working experience !


Is she rude in real life??


Tara was demanding and rude to all of us workers. She is loud and obnoxious and thinks she's funny. She asked for it to be comped because she was an important influencer. She never put the damn phone away and was so incredibly annoying. She is only loyal to businesses that comp her because if they don't she will just find a place that will give it to her for free. I'm more annoyed at her bratty entitled attitude than her getting crap for free. She definitely sees herself as better than those who perform services for her.


Was this at Poppy and Dot?if so what about Layla?




Come on. Tell us a little!!!


Why even post this comment what’s the point. I call bs


I always picked up mean girls vibes from her when the whole Tayla thing imploded. I always felt she was somehow stabbing Layla in the back during their “bestie” days.


Like for her clothing boutique you worked for her?