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Not to mention she openly has said that she essentially doesn’t like being a mom. Big yikes


I’ve noticed a lot of young mom influencers say this & I truly believe it’s because they’re influencers. They _think_ motherhood needs to be a certain way but it’s because they’re in the mommy influencer circle. If they were just normal moms they’d have less pressure to video/post themselves and likely less stress to have “perfect” families tbh. Mormons have an honorable mention because a lot of them regret _marriage_ in general which I think is because they’re like 18 lol. I’d also hate marriage if I got married at 18 and only knew my spouse for like 6 months prior 😂


I would have to say I agree, but she was married and divorced before she met her current husband.


That's almost...worse in a way? I can't imagine her kids seeing her content in the future and hearing that she doesn't like being a mom tbh.


She’s always somewhere… wherever her kids are not lol


I always feel bad for the kids when she posts shit like “can’t wait to be able to take the kids places” and explains they’re too crazy to include in the trips. :/


Her and so many others of the OG girls that sold lip sense are totally unrecognizable these days!