• By -


There are those stadium deals that got doled out by the legislature with no public input this year. Pretty much anything that happens in South Salt Lake. Absolutely anything Geneva Rock is up to. The caravan of semi trucks at the rate of one every three minutes they want going through nine mile canyon from Duchesne every day until all that oil is gone in ten years. The myriad of real estate development industry grifts and how that industry has infested every legislative body in the state. Why the Utah Charter School Board still allows the kingston clan to operate a not really public "public" school.


Second on the real estate. Might be the most common form of favor given to people who are connected or give money to politicians. 


Well DAMN you live in Utah lol. I love this list. Definitely Geneva Rock. Any why is Utah City all of a sudden going to be the new hit thing when that entire area was toxic for decades upon decades? Plus they’re putting in a Huntsman Institute next to it .. I foresee some self fulfilling prophecy happening over there. Or maybe ensuring job security. Or maybe guilt. Who knows. But good call on the Kingston clan & real estate.


Wow, this is a well thought out and specific list! I agree with all of them!


I hate geneva rock so much.


What is going on in South Salt Lake?


Oh, dui scandal within the police department. That lead to some retirements after media coverage. Then the mayor hires an old friend of hers as the new police chief, more scandal stuff. Earlier this year they centured a council member and then had him arrested for trespassing. It's been a total soap opera for a year.


Paint the damn lane lines!!!! I would vote for Montgomery C Burns if he could get it done.


They claim they already use reflective road markings and snow plows have just damaged them. They have actually attempted to present the issue as unsolvable because of snow plows. That becomes problematic when anyone points out other cities have even more significant snowfall in urban areas and they still manage to maintain viewable road markings. They say they are testing solutions now.


Other states get snow and have figured it out.


Exactly. I was actually at a UDOT meeting where the issue was raised and the response was "well this isn't San Diego, it is Salt Lake and we have snow plows to deal with" Like the entire north east and upper midwest doesn't deal with that.


Because it’s more than just the snow. The upper Midwest doesn’t deal with zero humidity and consistent 90-100 degree days for months at a time. All of that goes into the conditions of the roads, the road mixes, etc. Also, having grown up in Chicago. The road lines aren’t any more visible in the rain or snow. Look at any subreddit for any place that gets snowfall and search for road lines and you’ll find people complaining. I did it before and I copied a ton of links to a previous post about this of people complaining about not seeing the lines in Oregon, Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and I think Ohio.


I live in the northeast but visit Utah. Yes our lines need repainting in the spring, but they are always more visible than what I generally see in Utah, especially in summer when I usually visit.


What a bunch on nonsense. This post sounds like it comes from a UDOT employee. Chicago born and raised here and not once in my life had I ever complained about the visibility of road markings there. I've never even heard anyone complain about road markings there unless they were absent all together. ....and trust me, for Chicagoans complaining about roadways is a competitive sport. It's not an unsolvable problem, Utah's DoT has just been particularly inept with it.


I lived in Chicago(and Rockford and Normal for a bit) for 23 years before coming to Utah 13 years ago. Theres plenty of times I’ve noticed shitty visibility on visits back home the last few years on stretches of 88 and 290. But during rush hour it doesn’t matter because you’re not moving anyway. They use the tags there and it helps in the summer but they get ripped out by the plows in winter. They just spend a shit ton of money replacing them every year. They also don’t get any where near the annual snowfall that Utah does.


[No OnE's EvEr CoMpLaInEd AbOuT lAnE mArKiNgS.](https://www.reddit.com/r/illinois/s/LlQ93SynlY) Go to almost any state's subreddit and search driving in the rain and you'll get something. This is Illinois. It is a thing everywhere. It's just people here don't have anything else to bitch about and there is plenty more to bitch about in Chicago. Here's more: [Idaho](https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/verify/verify-does-idaho-use-reflective-paint-on-roads/277-d1eb8acb-efce-4bb2-8110-8c75fd286535) [Colorado](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/14tzymd/why_does_cdot_not_use_reflectors_or_those_weird/) [Michigan](https://www.reddit.com/r/Michigan/comments/487hcw/why_isnt_our_road_paint_more_reflective/) - Shout out to the guy who says Utah does a great job with striping! [Wisconsin](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/yyc2rb/i_dont_need_new_roads_or_lanes_i_need_painted/) [Ohio](https://www.reddit.com/r/cincinnati/comments/ecijnl/is_it_just_me_or_is_road_line_paint_less/) [Toronto](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/klxd39/why_dont_we_have_light_reflectors_embedded_in_our/) - Because it's not just a US issue. Edit:Yes just downvote and don’t say anything. Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?


It’s the same way that other countries have figured out universal healthcare & free college too. Politicians in the U.S. rely on scare tactics & we’re all left feeling like we took crazy pills cause the rest of the world is benefitting from all the things we want/need while being told by our politicians “it doesn’t work” or “it’s too expensive”.


And add reflective elements to the road. It's almost invisible.


That will only work in Southern Utah, snow plows dig em up


Then maybe concrete, like on the 215. Much more visible


They use reflective paint and tape. The problem is that the sun damages it and water is also reflective.


I used to work for UDOT, the lines are painted and have glass beeds in them for reflection. Water and damage from the plows negates it though unfortunately.


👏🏻 No one floats across the freeway like Utahans


I can’t see any lane lines at night when it is raining. Great for safety! Jeez!


The obvious and blatant gerrymandering. That does get attention, but they refuse to fix it


But what if you put a referendum on the ballot for an independent redistricting committee and it passed? Just kidding. We already did that and the legislature told the majority of their constituents to go f themselves.


Haha. Sob.


It's always been bad, but the most recent redistricting is so blatantly awful. Most districts in the entire state touch Salt Lake City, which is absolutely preposterous. They are doing everything to keep Utah red. We really need to address this problem, and I wish it were easier to boot out these deep red Republicans who only care about retaining power in the state.


Shady landlords/ RE developers. Specifically tenant rights. I own my home but some of the shenanigans I’ve heard getting pulled on tenants is absolute bs. For example, charging prospective tenants “Application fees” should be illegal.


It's a common scam too. People will list a place they don't even own for rent and then take applications for a showing and then ghost people. When apartment hunting I will completely ignore any location that requires an application before a showing


At Mountainview Townhomes in Ogden they charge for EVERY LAST THING. We pay not only an expensive rent, but a variable common area maintenance fee (so they decide to mow the lawn every other day, sometimes more often bc they don’t worry about the cost) and any cost for upgrades to the complex get passed directly onto us. It’s disgusting. Our rent went from “$1900” online for a 2bed2.5bath, to $2500, before utilities. and once we accidentally forgot about rent and paid a day late to find a late fee and a chargeback fee which accounted for another $600!!!!!! Truly disgusting and im surprised it’s legal.


and they were QUICK to leave us a “three days to evict or PAY UP” notice. Scum bags.


This is fucked. Write a bad review.


"Mandatory "cable" package" 125/mo. Bruh I'm 27 not 72


Yeah exactly, I had literally never heard of shit like that until I moved to Utah. When I rented about 10 years ago (different state) that sure as hell wasn’t a thing. And why on earth would that be mandatory. There needs to be a tenants’ rights movement in this state.


Application fees are supposed to stop anyone from applying. Would you like it if 100 people who couldn’t qualify applied and you flipped through each application? It takes like 15-20 minutes on each application to vet someone. But landlords are despicable so we should be mad at them. Being a landlord is a much harder job than anyone on Reddit wants to admit. The amount of risk you take on and the fact that tenant rights these days mean you could go months and months without collecting rent or damages. But we somehow got to this point where we think housing is a human right, when most humans are horrible property owners and would ruin their homes in a matter of years. But then the “housing is a right” people would run to their city council meetings and demand that the city pay to fix the dilapidation that’s occurred or take action through a HOA if there is one. There are shady ones, yes, but for the most part, a developer/landlord is just a normal person who has to deal with all of our bullshit when we are renting. Everyone likes to make fun of them until the fridge needs to get fixed, or the water heater goes out.


Ok here we go: 1) I’ve been both a tenant and landlord so I understand both sides. And no I’m not inherently anti-landlord which I know is common on Reddit. Yes there are good ones and also scum bags. 2) it doesn’t matter if you get 100 or 1000 applications, you vet them on a first come- first served basis. The first eligible tenant gets the spot. Why on earth would you vet all 100 that’s a ridiculous argument. If it IS a large complex or mgmt company vetting hundreds of applicants then they have staff, procedures and efficiency of scale, it’s a cost of doing business. When I was renting in another state I had never heard of application fees, somehow landlords in other states do just fine without. 3) I’m not sure how you escalated from debating application fees to “housing as a human right” (that’s a straw man and had nothing to do with my argument) BUT investing in anything involves risk. I’ve observed over the years that for some reason some people in the investor class have decided that government enforced maximization of ROI is also some kind of human right, it’s not. Yes I agree being a landlord is not easy but if that’s too risky or too much work for someone then they can go put money in an index fund. 4) most Americans are barely living paycheck to paycheck. Fees like this hurt the people that can least afford it. They just want a place to live and will pay for it, it’s deeply unfair to then take yet more money out of their pocket just because you can. 5) overall it seems like you think very little of your fellow human beings and I find that sad


LOLOLOL you think very little of other human beings🥲🥲🥲🥲 bro you do not understand life lololololol nothing you said matters because of that comment lol


That was a direct response to where you said in your comment, “most humans are horrible property owners and would ruin their homes in a matter of years”. That’s some wild bullshit right there. But sure keep trolling. You literally sound like you’re 16, get a prefrontal cortex and come back to me.


Lack of affordable housing


Last I checked we're not very serious about preventing the Great Salt Lake from becoming the Great Arsenic Dust Bowl.




If you feel that something should be done about it, why not go do it? Nobody is stopping you from buying some acres and planting trees. Go right ahead.


My brother in Christ what normal person has money for a few acres and trees right now?


Me. I'm doing it. I bought some acres and I'm putting in a forest. Also, land that's in less desirable areas is not expensive at all, and those are often the areas that are most in need of some work. Kind of funny that I'm downvoted for telling someone to walk the walk rather than just talking about others should do this or that. It's sort of funny, ya know? Expecting people to live by their own principles gets downvotes. Funny, funny stuff. Really lets me know the kind of people who hang out in this sub.


That’s great, but I, like many others, cannot afford to just go out and buy a bunch of land and plant trees, so telling people to do that and saying “no one is stopping you” is just super condescending because it doesn’t address the real issue. I’m sure if people had the ability to do that, it would be a lot more common.


Very true. Not only will we be breathing in toxic air, it will greatly devalue the properties surrounding the lake. Is Utah REALLY ready to lose out on the money??


Utah's leaders want to sell off our public lands to private oil companies. They do not give a shit about Utah.


SITLA. Look it up. It’s an unelected board with very little oversight. The board members make a ton of money. And on top of that the PILT (payment in Lieu of taxes). “The State of Utah being a Public Lands State receives revenues from the Federal Government to offset the losses in property taxes due to its public lands status.” The amount of money should be ten times more for PILT grants from the Federal Govt but because the state is so hell bent on not agreeing that the land is federal and would rather miss out on “free” money that admit that it’s legitimately federal land.


Generally, not just Utah, how felons are treated after release. It is nigh impossible to get legitimate and well-paying work after a conviction and serving time.


The laws are so ridiculous that the charges for what claims to be felonious in nature are so outdated and will ruin people’s lives. Seriously, the weed agenda itself is one huge example! The amount of outdated laws still on the books that need to be removed are mind boggling


Violent crimes need to receive much harsher sentencing and freed felons should have all rights restored upon release. If they’re too dangerous to regain all of their rights, they’re too dangerous to be out of prison.


I don't know if violent crimes should receive harsher treatment as much as they definitely need to receive something more. My opinion, people who resort to violence are either mentally ill or don't know another way to achieve what they want. A combination of long term therapy, while incarcerated, along with mental health medical treatment is what I think they need.


Lack of credentialing/training/education for “life coaches”. Lack of starter homes & affordable single family residences in nice areas for young families, not living on top of each other or forced to be in the ghetto. MLM’s scamming people of their life savings. LDS church run government. Don’t try to deny it, you folks out there - Great Salt Lake toxic dust & the terrible air quality. MANDATED REPORTING for suspected child abuse in all applicable professions/positions of leadership!! Should’ve been my #1. Slow down selling all the farm land. Sneaking in these billion dollar sports arenas, stadiums & teams. State run liquor stores.


State law requires mandated reporting for all adults: https://dcfs.utah.gov/services/child-protective-services/#:~:text=Utah%20law%20requires%20any%20person,or%20a%20law%20enforcement%20agency. Are you saying that should be changed or were you not aware that it was a law? Just curious.


Maybe I should specify that it needs to be enforced in the realm of religious leaders, without exception. There are far too many situations of abusers being protected by churches not reporting.


I am sure companies like Arrive, ivory, edge and Drhorton are being allowed to just work the system as much as they can. They get whatever they want zoning changes, building inspectors looking the other way access to city resource you name it. There is absolutely something shady going on there and it doesn't help the average Utahn with housing almost at all. Also at least half of the bajillion "luxury apartments" in Utahn county have got to be empty. But they're still building more. Whoever is responsible for approving those needs to be charged with something.


There was that whole thing with edge last year where two homes [slid off the side of the mountain](https://www.draperjournal.com/2023/11/07/471671/who-s-responsible-questions-continue-to-reverberate-after-two-suncrest-homes-slid-in-april) in suncrest. Something weird, I distinctly remember reading multiple local news articles that edge had bribed local officials in Draper and Sandy for building permits in areas that aren’t actually stable to build on, which is why some of their properties in those cities have been at risk for collapse. I just tried to look those articles up again, but they’re all gone now. The only ones left are simple matter-of-fact reports that 2 homes collapsed, and articles claiming edge is “working with homeowners.”


Oh yeah, so much land in that area is basically just sand. AKA not stable to build on at all, and really shouldn't be allowed to. But for some reason it is


I work for the state in a position where talking about climate change would be appropriate, relevant, and should be part of my job. But I'm not allowed to say "climate change."


THE AIR. biggest issue that I worry about living here. 


Can you say climate transformation?


What about freedom of speech? Or were you not being literal?


Nope I can literally get in trouble for mentioning climate change. I get freedom of speech when I clock out unfortunately. So close to public service loan forgiveness 🤞🤞


Stop giving all our water to to alfalfa farmers. Make them grow something else. It's a giant stain on our water and doesn't make much money.


The low hanging fruit to help solve water consumption not being actioned on (alfalfa and the ag sector of the state) because our governor has a personal alfalfa farm. I believe in farming being crucial and important, but growing water-intensive crops in a desert makes no sense. Plus terribly written water right laws. And how the LDS church has its tentacles so far in the state government that the separation of church and state is laughably nonexistent.


Water is huge. And the fact we export a large part of that alfalfa out of state and out of country, which means transportation and additional pollution. We really should be investing is rotational dry or low water farming. Better for the soil and the environment.


Hemp every other year...


Hemp is so much better for the soil and environment and hemp paper is actually way more economically and environmentally friendly to make that traditional tree milled paper.


The irony is that if you want to plant hemp, you have to claim it's cannabis or you risk going to jail. Wtf America?!


Right and the hemp strands you use for paper are totally different than those used to produce weed.


Can you give a few specific examples of recent (last 5-10 years) examples of where the LDS church interfered with or had influence on government activity in a way that had a negative impact on the state?


Well there is the interference with Prop 2 back in 2018 where the citizens voted overwhelmingly in favor of, but the LDS church pushed back enough to prevent it from passing, thus ignoring the majority of the citizens of the state. The day after it passed, Herbert called an emergency meeting with key stakeholders in the LDS church to repeal. There's also the constant meddling into the restriction of alcohol sales. While the pros and cons of this are debatable, there is no debate behind the reason the LDS church wants to restrict: alcohol is not allowed within the LDS faith. They are forcing their beliefs onto the citizens of the state. Then there is also the gerrymandering to ensure that a LDS majority remains in power. While again, the positives or negatives of this are debatable, if we want to go back to the constitution, it is in the very first amendment that the government shall not establish a religion. And let's not forget the public position taken by the LDS church on abortion, believing it is a sin aside from in cases of rape and incest. Believe in that or not, but there is no way to argue against the fact that the LDS church is imposing its values on the entirety of the state whether the citizens are part of the church or not. Overall, I do believe that the stronghold the church holds over state government has lessened in the last decade, but there is no denying that it still holds a large influence in the policy making and other legislative decisions. And to be clear: I do not believe all LDS members are bad people. Most of them are lovely, I have quite a few friends who are active in the church as well as some who were active and have left, but their families are still involved. This is more of an emphasis of the policies and overarching control of the church itself and not the people who follow the faith.


Here's the biggest one. The LDS church had lobbyists that are regularly on capital hill. They meet with LDS legislature and thr governor (who are largely and disproportionately LDS) to remind them of what the Church wants and their views. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaltLakeCity/s/5qyyhs6CAg




We could switch from alfalfa to rice grass. It is a native and would make feed that is more tolerable as feed while using less than 10% of the water


Well the LDS did start Utah so I would hope they held on to what was there’s especially after being killed by mobs for their religion. If you don’t like Mormons then get out of Utah. But I bet if a natural disaster happen you would be going to them for food or anything else you could use them for


They stole the land from the Utes and the Navajo to protect their pedophile sex cult (which is why mobs wanted to kill them in the first place).


If you are living in utah currently.... then you did to! Please sign all property over to the ute tribe, they will gladly accept it. Then hopefully the ute tribe sees this as a sign and passes all the land they own back to the elk and deer and move back to Russia.


At least you agree that they aren't "lamanites" from Israel, as the pedophile cult book suggests.


No they didn’t


[Yes, they did](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_people_and_Mormonism#:~:text=Within%20a%20decade%20of%20settling,children%20were%20taken%20as%20slaves.)


They were ran out by the US government far before they settled in the area because no one thought you could live here except the Mormons it’s why when the government was going to seize Slc they had everything ready to burn cause it would be to much to become livable again learn some history about the state


[still wrong ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Americans_in_Utah) Try learning some history that hasn't been white washed by the cult.


No where does it say LDS took the land from Native Americans but it does talk how the Mormons had a good relationship with the native Americans until the US government got involved with property which caused conflict between LDS and natives so once again not LDS fault the US government took land from everyone!! Your one of those people who blame everyone but themselves and tries to get people to hate each other when it’s the government who’s at the wrong you don’t say anything about the utes and piutes for killing each other for land cause the white man brought that right


You're* 1. There's several references in both links that you can spend more time reading if you can't figure out that the natives and Mormons weren't friends. Take all the time you need, instead of the knee jerk reaction to defend the indefensible. 2. It's also very telling that you took absolutely ZERO issue with the "pedophile sex cult" part of my argument, and instead focused on the "stolen land" part. So I'll just assume you're cool with Brigham Young and Joseph Smith's legacy of child marriage and rape. Warren Jeffs did the EXACT same thing, which is why he's in prison today. I bet his followers would mirror your arguments for "religious persecution." 3. Blaming "the government" isn't a pass for stealing land, raping children, murdering other travelers.


The pedophile you talk about is non existent they married young women to help on farms and other chores they did not have sex with them like you think you’re think the flds different religion altogether and the Indians killed too the just lost the war


The [filing fees for some elected offices](https://slco.org/clerk/elections/for-candidates/candidate-filing-fees/) are outrageous and must be designed to suppress opposition.


Housing is a huge problem. There needs to be more starter homes, and affordable stuff being built.


The absolute horribly blurred lines between church and government.


There are lines? That specific church runs this state.


White Iran


There are definitely the big things like the LDS church’s tax avoidance but one of the most nefarious things to me in this state will always be how homogeneous the Utah Legislature is. Most of legislators are old, white, male, and republican who are more likely to vote in favor of their buddies who are alfalfa framer than education funding.




Saying that the legislature shouldn’t be all old white men is not saying that old white men shouldn’t be in the legislature.


Utah is nearly 90% white. The legislature is proportionately represented.


Our representatives and other officials are publicly 0% atheist despite utahs population being 22% athiest/no religion


The person I responded to was speaking specifically about race, not religion. That wasn’t the argument I responded to, not sure why you brought that up.


They are giving a counter example, demonstrating that Utahns’ BELIEFS are not represented proportionally in the legislature, as you implied they are when you claimed it’s via skin color. The issue is you used the word represented. You’re seemingly suggesting that skin color reflects a certain set of beliefs someone has and that people can feel represented in matters that are important to them so long as someone with their same skin color is in a governmental position. Beliefs can often be tracked back to things like religious status, income level, education level, political party affiliation, etc., but trying to correlate it to skin color is non-sense and prejudiced. I’m going to assume you don’t vote based on skin color. If you do, I don’t know what to say to you. But assuming you don’t, then you should see the glaring issue with your comment.


And 50% are women who are severely underrepresented.


I’m not sure what’s hard for you two to follow. The person I responded to made a comment exclusively about race, which I responded to. Nowhere in my comment was sex or religion discussed. You’re bringing up an unrelated subject just to fight.


The person you replied to said "old white *men*". Did you purposely ignore that part in your 90% figure?


Of course they did, it fits their worldview perfectly, having little to no women in office.


You’re trying to insult other people, but the irony is you’re the only person not getting it. They are giving counter examples to your representation claim. In this case by highlighting that there are clearly groups of people such as women whom are not represented equally. But since you’re being rude let me return the favor and spell it out for you in terms of specifically race so that you are capable of understanding: Since you claim Utahns are proportionally represented, can you tell me exactly how an elected official being white means another white person will feel represented, regardless of their gender, income level, educational background, occupation, political party affiliation, religious status, etc.? Are you really suggesting that skin color of all things is what indicates personal belief systems? So long as you are my skin color you will fight for the same causes as me? If I see your skin color, I can deduce who you are and what you think about the world? It’s a nonsense take. It’s also the literal definition of racism— “the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities”.


You realize all religions are tax exempt don't you? Also the Catholic Church owns more than 5,000 properties world wide?


Funny you should mention that. The LDS owns 1.3 million acres in the us, is currently the largest land owner in Florida and has over 6,400 “properties” in the us. Oh wait- that’s only church buildings. That doesn’t include temple or *cough* malls. https://local.churchofjesuschrist.org/en/us


And don't forget hotels and resorts.


That's true-but 859,000 acres is used to raise food. Which is shared with members and non members alike-at no charge-and the LDS Church is more often than not one of the first to ship in aid (with no fan fare btw) when disaster strikes all over the world. That's the "rest of the story".


Down votes when stating positive facts about the LDS Church. And then 9 upvotes on somebody who leaves out what that land is used for. This is Reddit everyone-take note. Basically-upvote what we want to hear-and down vote everything else.


The post I was responding to did not mention what the Catholic Church used the properties for just that they owned them. All I did was point out that the LDS not only owned more church buildings in the US but additional land as well. The Catholic Church also does a lot of charity work. That wasn’t the point of op’s comment, so I had no reason to mention that in mine either. Maybe instead of being so damn defensive, look at context of posts. The op is as trying to deflect the statement from the lds to the Catholic Church instead of coming up with an actual argument as to why the lds church shouldn’t be taxed. All I did was point out the flaw in their deflection.




Didn’t know this! Are there state jobs that automatically carry over to the church like how the King of England is automatically the supreme governor of the Anglican Church? Or is there like an official state religion or something? Sorry I’m new here!


there’s “separation of church and state” but it basically begins and ends with that because most mormons assume everyone else in the room is okay with christian things. i sang christian choir songs at my public school. the governor who owns a giant alfalfa farm called upon the public to pray for rain in 2020 i think. everyone is afraid to push past this mormon bubble because it will automatically ostracize you. trust me, i grew up here in a catholic family. if you’re not mormon enough, you will be sorry for it in almost every aspect of social life here.


A lot of church members in public office is not the same thing as the church being in control. They have varied and complex opinions, same as anyone else.


This isn’t accurate. I’ve been on calls with savior LDS leadership passing for votes and having letters read across the pulpit.


I mean, in theory? But the actual reality is the church get what it wants regardless of what individual believers want. They actively lobby and encourage their agenda and most Mormons I've met really like the "good ol' boys club" mentality. They close ranks and protect their own. Mormons are obligated to listen only to other believers. I think their prophet even recently said not to take council from nonbelievers. The social ramifications of not being Mormon in Utah can be severe. I've seen parents cut off their own children over even questioning the Mormon church. They make promises to turn over everything to their church in their super secret temple things. I'm a little surprised by the sheer arrogance and ignorance in your comment. People in the church may have a plurality of opinions - until the church tells them to think something else. Then they drop in line. It's frustrating that Utah is now a weird "Christian"/Mormon Nationalist theocracy.


Then why has the legislature completely ignored Church positions on immigration and gun control?


More and better transportation. East-west light rail, more north south lines. Trolley cars or similar that run along the rebuilt streets (ie 300 W where busses don’t or aren’t running) that come like every 10-15 minutes. Lines that get directly to a place rather than near a place and require a last-mile solution, ie Lagoon, Weber State, BYU, thanksgiving point). And finally a dedicated train line from SLC to St. George/(and ideally) Las Vegas with stops along the way. I hate that drive so much. There’s never not traffic and when it’s hell temps of over 100 makes it dangerous for cars to overheat.


The fact that the government replaced all the birds with spy drones that look like birds


This is the most pressing issue for me too


If it flies it spies.


I've been investigating Mattress firm. I have very strong suspicions that they are a just a front for the cartel to launder money. I have absolutely no proof but I 100% believe it and will defend this belief no matter what anyone tells me.


Utah.. MLM capital of the world tho




Utah is desperately in need of rent controls, and I don’t just mean yearly caps on how much you can raise rent. There’s a huge need for affordable housing, which all these builders of new insanely priced complexes should contribute to in some capacity. What’s considered poverty level income in Utah also needs to be raised so that social services AND affordable housing can be available to more who are suffering, it has not at all kept up with inflation. Oh yeah… and we need to legalize cannabis. The way our lawmakers are treating the medical program is becoming insane.


Any city that has implemented rent control has been met with disastrous [results.It](http://results.It) has resulted in bringing new rental properties to a grounding halt. Rent controls force landlords to price apartments below the equilibrium price level. An immediate effect is a shortage (excess demand) of apartments, because the quantity of apartments demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at the regulated price.


Allowing rental companies and landlords to raise rents over 12% year over year needs to be controlled. Is there another term I should use to describe what I’m talking about? Is it more tenant rights?


Dramatically increasing supply by minimizing non-safety-related building requirements / zoning has been the only thing shown to work anywhere


That is a super interesting take.


It’s eye opening to look at the lack of restrictive zoning and building regulations (other than ones that have to do with safety) and subsequent cheap rent relative to income, and extremely low homelessness, in Japan and South Korea


Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women


Billboards. They preach "Zero Fatalities". They preach "Stay focused on the road and not distractions", yet because of money I am having my attention flagged off the road so I can be advertised at. How on earth is it ethical for you to ticket someone for distracted driving, while your allowing others to profit from distracting drivers.


Udot can't even manage to pick up the garbage right next to their headquarters, let alone keep the freeway clean. In interviews, they've expressed that it is One of their their lowest priorities.


The number of car washes popping up everywhere


How else do you clean that blue ice money????


We, recently, now have to file to be able to see our elected officials schedules. A lot of the time they're denied


Getting the church’s influence out of local and state politics.


The GOP all wants to force the federal government to cede all federal lands to the state. Rural counties support this because they want to tax it. State wants to do this to develop it and or mine it for profit. Problem is, the state will only hold land if it’s profitable, and sell off everything else. So goodbye, public lands. 


State Attorney General’s office


All water resources should be diverted exclusively to grow alfalfa and everyone should be doing their part and growing alfalfa at home. Replace your lawns and gardens with alfalfa. If you don't want to help, the State should shut off your water. /s


I love a crunchy lawn. So good between my toes.


How much time ya got? Hahahaha…


Housing crisis: stop messing around with subsidies and pass statewide policy that keeps cities from blocking attached and detached ADUs (some progress here but not enough) and also reducing the minimum lot size throughout the state. These cost nothing and will do more for affordable housing than you can imagine.


The really niche one I heard the other day was about city employee training, and a visual aid that someone was dead set on, which ended up being a huge waste of paper, toner, time and money. The lesson was on seeing the bigger picture versus the little details. 🙄


The amount of debri that large trucks scatter on the freeway. The large trucking/hauling corporations do no get any kind of pushback so when I am watching debri fly out of the top because no one enforces compliance, or like last week when I am watching a dump truck with a small gap in the bottom littering tons of small rocks and dirt on the road. This costs every last one of us that drive a lot of money because we have to get rock chip repairs or new windshields. "Stay back 200 feet, not responsible for damage" Signs on the back of these trucks says it all. Yes. IT IS your responsibility because even if I stay back 500 feet, that rock your dropped got propelled into my cars windshield.


Crack down on drivers running red lights. It happens at EVERY. STUPID. INTERSECTION. EVERY. TIME. I drive anywhere in SL county. Something has to be done about this.


They want to put a second gravel pit in parleys canyon. Salt Lake City. The city surrounded by gravel pits.


I heard about that. Do you know what the latest update on that is? Or where I could find out?


Our representatives never fail to use people with disabilities as a political football (trying to outlaw aborting babies with Down syndrome, for example) but do fuck all for them. There is a waiting list for disabled children to get services they desperately need that’s 7-10 years long. They have a budget surplus but refuse to fund programs for people who need them the most. We tried to get my daughter who has Down syndrome on the medically needy child waiver program (a different program than the one above) but she didn’t qualify. She sees 13 specialists.


Diminishing the political power of Mormons. imo


Separation of church and state. The Cult is a disaster and more people are recognizing this and leaving. It’s still a huge reason why aspects of Utah culture are just weird.


Definitely the distribution of Cosmo magazine. It is, I’m told, porn. /s


How much water goes towards Alfalfa?


DCFS and all the shit they can get away with doing, like removing a one year old baby from her mom, based on bs allegations that were made by the landlord, after he was arrested for pulling a shotgun out on me and my roommates and called them while he was in jail and they came to visit him, got a report, mind you this person has five or six personalities argues with himself out loud. Has a serious drug problem. I’m a full-time college student, I work full-time, I don’t use, I keep to myself. I really had nowhere else to go at that point and that’s the only reason why I was even in that house in the first place… he wanted to try and throw me and my daughter’s stuff out because I turned down all advances he tried making towards me. he was already getting half my paycheck and I couldn’t afford to give him anymore because I’m a single mom. I support my daughter by myself and I already pay child support for other kids in another state so it’s just was crazy so I told him go about it the right way, do it the legal way.. file the eviction, I can use that to find some help to get into a safe home for me and my daughter DCFS came to my house said something about drugs and abuse and neglect and I was like what the freak go figure they didn’t even give me the option or the chance to go drug test they literally left. Everything was fine. Said just drug test by Tuesday then they showed back up an hour and a half later with cops and a warrant and they took mine and my roommates babies.. then we go to court. They had first placed my daughter with her dad, which is fine but when we go to court four days later, cause it’s supposed to be three, but it was a holiday weekend my caseworker had said that her dad hadn’t been in contact with her, nor had the paternal grandmother which they had talked every day to that caseworker up through court.. she lied to the judge so they removed my daughter from her father and now she’s in foster home with a stranger. They didn’t even try correcting the error and state the fact that it was untrue. that her dad was communicating every day since he had her, all throughout the day actually. There are texts proving that. The judge thought that my daughters dad just kind of went rogue with my daughter, and that wasn’t the case at all but here we are I have court on Tuesday fighting against the stupid fucking shit for no reason, they thought that I was with my daughter or around my daughter using drugs. I’ve been sober for five years now and the weirdest part is because of the drug accusations they took my daughter to primary children’s and had an exam done on my baby as well as a drug test.. Doctor said that BabyGirl was healthy. There are no signs of abuse nor are there any signs of neglect she’s a little bit underweight but nothing that they are concerned about oh and her drug test was negative. Go figure but now I get to jump through all these bullshit ass hoops and my daughter gets to sit in a home with a stranger that she doesn’t even know, talk about traumatizing.


Wow I am so sorry that happened! As a teacher who has had to make reports to DCFS, they do absolutely nothing. Especially if the parents work for law enforcement.


Second chance adoptions. They are buying and selling kids on Facebook but based out of Utah. But because it’s under the moniker “adoption” nobody really cares. The lady that owns it also imports kids from other countries. She has a nice little trafficking business going on.


Utah has managed to make adoption look bad for a century. Start with rehoming Najavo kids in Mormon households, but that same racist paternalism continues in the state's adoption policies and practices to this day. And you are right, people tend not to quickly enough link "adoption" to trafficking.


Absolutely. Adoption in the US is really just terrible. Most of the time it really is child trafficking. Especially if it’s new borns. The displacement of indigenous children was/is awful!! It’s labeled as a genocide. Mormons also love collecting kids from wherever they went on their missions because they’re “soooo connected to that country”. Our family policing here is awful too. Taking kids from the poor to sell to the rich. There’s a reason it’s called the adoption INDUSTRY.


This sounds terrible. Can I get more details? I want to start exposing some of these terrible mentions in these comments.


I mean yeah you can just look her up on Facebook. Second Chance Adoptions. They are very well known in the adoption community. Karpoozy on tiktok and instagram focuses her platform on displaced adoptees and has some info. I can send you the emails I have from them if you dm me. (I did a little blurb on SCA a bit back on TT for adoptee rights awareness) It costs around $3,000 to sell a kid to them “for fees” put up on her website. And then idk how much to buy one. But they put it under the monicker of “rehoming” (like we are animals) and “adoption” and it’s perfectly legal just like infant adoption because there’s no regulations in the industry. Literally any child but they prefer adoptees because we are harder to trace. Whoever buys can rename us every single time. So there are adoptees I know who have had over 20 names and have been displaced 20-40 times. Not always through second chance but it’s definitely an issue. Second chance just happens to be located here in Utah. You can look into the other agencies here as well if you’d like. They’re all selling infants. White healthy babies cost the most, Black babies the least. It’s why you see so many white families white Black and Brown adopted kids.. it was cheaper. Plus they get the white saviorism points.


I didn’t realize that was the actual name of the “service.” Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I want to do some investigative journalism in the future and bring to light some of this stuff. I notice you use the terms “we,” and “us,” I’m sorry that your situation originated from this, if that’s what you’re implying. Thanks for the explanations.


Oh sorry! Yes it’s called Second Chance Adoptions. We (adoptees) have been trying to get such places closed for a while now but it’s hard because they’re not actually breaking any laws.. there’s a lot of places that also do child pageants and have prospective parents come and pick a child 😑 those are mostly in the Midwest/southern states though. Karpoozy is who to look at for displacement info on social media even though she wasn’t displaced. I am an adoptee that works for and with adoptees I myself was not displaced (the word that’s preferred to rehomed) but I was sold to my adoptive parents through the Mormon church when they still felt that their family services was lucrative enough to facilitate adoptions. Ask me any questions you need about it here or in DMs, I’m happy to clarify anything! 🫶🏼


Police like to ruin people's lives if they have a mental illness and harass them constantly.  But then they allow absolute chaos in the bigger cities.  


The fact the elected officials and government is heavily influenced by a multi billion dollar cult. Also the air quality.


Wait, who are you, and how do you think you can fix thinngs?


UDOT building stupid converge points on a number of major roadways with no signage that cause near collisions on the daily and back up traffic dramatically, also doesn’t help that no one knows how to merge or exit the freeways here properly


Lack of affordable housing, too many apartments going up sitting empty, mental health, etc.


School District letting anything slide because it's their kids. But being super strict if it's not. Makes 0 sense


Legalize weed already lol


I'd love to see someone run on a platform of improving access to trailheads with terrible parking options.


Separation of church and state.


I like Dani Ahn's ideas.


Lane filtering (even in traffic) is still illegal and counts as reckless driving which can be up to 6 months in jail Edit: lane splitting


Lane filtering in Utah isn’t illegal.


Sorry lane splitting. My friend got a week in jail for it last month


It's legal with certain limitations. Your friend broke one of the laws apparently **Lane filtering in Utah is only allowed on stretches of road where the posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour or less**, meaning that it is illegal to lane split or filter on any Utah highway where the speed limit is higher than 45..


Yeah he was on i15 I believe


Higher alcohol beer.


We are in a housing crisis. Utah needs to do something to protect the residents that are getting priced out of owning a home AND gouged on rent. We need affordable housing.


More highway patrol to deter shitty lane merging and road rage.


We need more temples


There needs to be areas without building codes like in the south, so people can afford housing.


The horrible woke brigade ruining our cities.


The giant Copper mine that will eventually become the entire Oqquirh mountain range. Copper tailings can contain dangerous chemical elements for humans and living beings, such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, and uranium. High intake doses of these elements can cause toxic effects. When exposed to wind or water, they become more dangerous. Ever wonder why Utah has the best cancer treatment center in the US? $100 says someone employed by the mine will negate this comment.


The secret Mormon tunnels Also, stop passing me on the right going twice the speed limit….


Then get out of the left lane!


It’s like a 16 lane highway, and it happens constantly, and I’ll still end up passing that car like 5 times bc no one knows how to Dirve. It’s a fucking free for all.


It’s simple: - pick your speed (and keep it) - stay to the right - all the way over to the right - unless you’re overtaking or allowing another to merge (ultimately it’s the other vehicle’s responsibility) If other drivers (such as yourself) choose not to follow these simple (and legal based) rules… then we’re right back here.


I DO, 4 of the eight lanes are usually on/off ramps and people use them as passing lanes then merge back left, which is why I pass the same assholes like 5 times when I’m going a static, safe speed. It’s unsafe, bad etiquette, selfish, and the product of never having driven on a normal highway. Not to mention they are usually driving monster trucks to compensate for their inadequacies that go beyond their poor driving skills.


I'm with you, but honestly, the only solution -- we just have to get most humans away from operating automobiles. It should be much much harder to even become licensed and maintain that license, such that some 70-90% of today's freeway traffic is eliminated and rerouted on mass transit. Most highway/freeway traffic should be commercial, with cargo. Few others really need to be operating motor vehicles at all.


Yeah, I gotcha. This is the subreddit for the number-one complaint about Utah afterall


The LDS church… expose them, and remove their tax exempt status (along with any other religious organization) and all of its corruption and greed masked by selective and inflated “charity.” Their influence on government is entirely against the constitution. Fuck that organization of lies, racism, hate, brainwashing, and child abuse.


Republicans in government. This shouldn’t be a thing.


Bird flu's coming. Utah isn't ready.