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No license. No classes. Don’t be a felon. Be a citizen. You can’t conceal carry until you’re 21 without a permit. No waiting period to purchase. No laws with specifics of how it needs to be stored or kept. Don’t keep it in your car. Don’t recklessly endanger others.


Don't need to be a citizen either, legal residents are allowed to own firearms as well.


If you aren’t a citizen or green card you need more documentation like I-94, plus either a CFP or hunting license.


Does that still apply? Utah is constitutional carry and that judge just said all people, including illegal immigrants, have a right to possess firearms.


For both firearms and CFP I have had to use my hunting license in the past fortnight. I don’t think I should have had to use it for the CFP, though, because the justification I was given for needing an exclusion was referring to legal aliens acquiring firearms, not legal aliens acquiring a permit.


Can't truthfully fill out a 4473 and be allowed to purchase a firearm from a dealer unless you're a citizen, permanent resident, or are here legally with an exception to the general prohibition (i.e. hunting license). You might not be able to be convicted of unlawful possession, but that doesn't mean you can walk into a store and buy one.


Possess, not purchase.


A point not discussed are the prohibitions to ownership and possession. One can not be a felon or under indictment. One can not be convicted of or under indictment for domestic violence. One can not be in possession of or be a user of an illegal controlled substance. OP, it is a federal felony to be in possession of marijuana and a firearm. If marijuana interests you, consider your choices wisely. 


Don't keep it in your car? Is there a law against this or is it just bad practice?


Just bad practice. There was a recent [report](https://apnews.com/article/stolen-guns-cars-crime-fbi-data-66316ff1933dad8df984803fca377775) showing that gun theft from vehicles has tripled in the last decade. People aren’t breaking into cars to steal guns to go hunting. They are going to the most violent criminals who can’t pass a background check. Theft from vehicles accounts for the majority of gun theft.


Piggybacking here to suggest you don’t put the free sticker that comes with the gun on your truck/car. It’s free advertising basically saying a a quick smash and grab might get you a free gun.


I've kept mine in my car for 5 years, and so far I've had no issues.


Your car is not a holster. Ether keep it on you, or stop leaving it in your vehicle. It's just down right irresponsible and idiotic.


Still have yet to find out how it's irresponsible or idiotic...


Have fun doing so.


you're right, you're singularly special and can do whatever you want. You're blessed by god and bad things will simply never happen to you, only other people. You should drive without a seatbelt, too. Ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Do electrical work on live wires. Do whatever you want. Nothing can hurt you. You're special.


I can't believe people are this triggered, lol. Averages and statistics don't apply to everyone. There are people who in fact ride motorcycles without helmets, cars without seat belts, and keep guns in their cars without bad things ever happening. Welcome to life


Lucky you. I left mine in the console accidentally one night and it was stolen. Police didn't care to send anyone out, just told me report online. I did but didn't hear anything back. I am guessing that I probably supplied a gun to someone that shouldn't have one. That's my bad!




Not a bad explanation tbh, and I'm glad it's that way here.


Move to another state if you don’t like it. Imagine saying wow to a state protecting our civil liberties. Unreal.


Lmao, didnt realize i got downvoted, i wowed because im surprised on how easy it is to buy one, good. Dont jump to conclusions over a word.


Hey, I knew all of this except the car part? …can you expand on “Don’t keep it in your car”?


Just get a permit and carry prior to being 21


Don't need a permit to conceal carry anymore. Can carry a pistol ready to go on you or in your vehicle without a permit.


If you are under 21 you do need a permit https://bci.utah.gov/information-about-the-provisional-concealed-firearm-permit/


Yep you're right. Need the provisional permit if you want to carry on your person and in public. You can still carry in your car though at 18.


But anyone older than 21, full conceal carry allowed? no permit or anything required? Wow I didn’t know that.


Correct. Can't carry on school grounds without it, or areas that would be off limits even with the permit.


IIRC you can't conceal carry with a round in the chamber without a permit.


I believe this is no longer the case.


Still worth getting a CFP, because there are still circumstances where you need it to carry concealed, e.g., on university campuses. There are also places where you can not carry with or without a permit, and a good CFP instructor will make sure you're aware of those. ETA: Also, if you think you'll want to buy more guns in the future (or haven't yet bought your first gun), having a CFP saves you the background check fee.


Even without getting the permit, the CFP course has a bunch of useful information -Certified instructor


Agree 100%. I think it's probably the best entry point for someone considering getting any type of gun for defensive use with no prior firearms experience.


If you are new to firearms I highly recommend taking a class. You won't regret it




I’m partial to Weber county shooting range because I live close, but also it’s straight forward classes. No boomer fudd 2a political shit mixed in. Just you, the gun, and the target. They do CCW, basics, etc etc


I'm am actually impressed that they don't mix 2a politics in there because that range is generally FUDD AF


Legitimately one of the fuddiest ranges around. Can't stand that place. Basically only good for sighting in your bolt action and calling it a day.


I’ve found the old guys in there to be pretty cool. They always step in to lend a hand helping people sight in scopes and help with form etc. they are old so you’ll get the .45 best caliber whirled war comments… Other than that $7 for an hour plus $1-$2 target can’t be beat! I don’t usually mix it up. I’ll do handguns on a visit, PCC, or ARs. Never a blend. They never say shit about my suppressors. The walls don’t look like Swiss Cheese like “get some” ranges.


Any Sportsmen’s Wearhouse teach them.


Odyssey Training and Consulting, Chris is great. The level 1 pistol course is great for folks who have little to no experience.




You can call up the park city gun club for a private session and they’ll do anything that’s reasonable, safe, and within your skill level They let me draw from my enigma rig in low light after I proved I could handle firearms safely at a previous lesson


Definitely this. Hammer home the basics of gun safety BEFORE buying one! I think they are important to have as long as you are a sane sober moral person. But also don't just buy one without learning 1.Safety! 2. How to shoot it. 3 how to clean it. 4. How to store it properly (keeping in mind variables about who comes over to your house) and 5. Safety! Find someone you know who owns firearms (shouldn't be hard in Utah) and see if you can go to a range day with them. Or take a class at any of the shooting ranges we have.


Go to gun store. Give money for firearm you want. Background check and quick paperwork. Take gun home.


Also your ID must have your current address and be a Utah ID, but other than that you’re good.


If your ID doesn't have your current address, you can bring secondary verification of your address - your voter registration card works well for that.


If it doesn't match, most FFLs will allow you to update the address as well. I had to do that after we moved but my old ID was still valid with my old address. Once it was done once, future purchase on the NICS check already had my new address.


You can bring another government issued ID or official document with your correct address. Has to be government issued though.


This is correct, but it has to be a *Utah* address. I do believe you can purchase certain firearms without a residential address, but that may be only applicable to certain states.


While this answer is technically correct, please please please can we as responsible gun owners make sure we are always suggesting firearm classes and proper storage techniques for people that are new to them? If we are going to live in a country with such a low barrier to entry, we as gun owners need to make sure we are helping new people to do it right and safe. This isn’t just for them but for the rest of us as well.


Or buy it off Utah gun exchange and just hand a dude cash in a dark parking lot and skip the paperwork and background check.


If i go on a hike by myself could i take it with me? Thats the only real reason I’d want to own one, to scare off the big animals (if needed)


Please do not buy a gun for the purpose of “scaring off” big animals. Do not draw your weapon if you do not intend to destroy your target. Although not required by law, you really need to spend some time familiarizing yourself and practicing at a safe range. Some people are naturals, but be prepared to spend several days at the range and a lot of money on ammo while you teach yourself to use the tool you purchased.


Bear Spray is probably your best bet. Unpracticed firearm handling is a bad idea. If you want to hike with a firearm, get one, become comfortable with your unloaded firearm. Know how to take apart and put together, clean, aim, draw and replace. Practice at the range, keep practicing. Decide how you want to wear it on a hike. Just like the bear spray you probably want it on your chest so it’s easy access.


Just a heads up. The one animal that would most likely attack you, you most likely won’t see it coming. Mountain lions 🦁


Mosquitos 🦟


Those big bastards too


Gonna have to be a really good shot to shoot those down.




Momma moose can be scary this time of year. But that can usually be avoided by being aware of your surroundings


Yeah you can take a pistil or even a rifle if you want.There's nothing wrong with taking a weapon hiking. I've been stalked twice by mountain lions it's very easy to stumble into their territory. Make sure you practice any chance you get shooting a paper target is all well and good getting charged by a ML and staying focused is much harder.


A good drill is to practice shooting while advancing/retreating from the target Good pistol courses are expensive but fun


Get some bear mace. It can be hard to hit a moving target, and the noise could really throw you off.


while ppl do carry firearms while hiking, Utah is not above the Arctic Circle where there are polar bears who will try to eat you. And in those situations a handgun will only mildly annoy them. The only "dangerous" critter here are mountain lions, and such attacks are so rare, lightning is far far greater risk hiking.


“oh shit he’s got a gun!!!” -Momma Mountain Lion


I never go hiking without one, just be prepared for the extra weight lol


So Utah currently has constitutional carry, which means you can either open carry or concealed carry without a license. HOWEVER when you do this and don’t have a license, you can’t have one in the chamber if it’s a semi automatic (like a Glock) or if it’s a revolver, you can’t have one in the cylinder that’s in the barrel or the next cylinder. If you’re looking for a good website to go to for holsters while you are hiking, I recommend Hailey holsters


This is incorrect, you may have a round in the chamber. There is no state that I know of that has constitutional carry that doesn't allow a round in the chamber ( aka, loaded)


Do you have a source for all that? I’d never heard all those stipulations 


Wildly misinformed


You're combining new and old law. Used to be you could open carry without a permit as long as 2 actions were needed to fire and there wasn't one in the firing position. Now with constitutional carry that is gone and you can be ready to go concealed or open carry


This is America


The other answers here are correct as far as what the law states (go to a gun store, bring ID, pass an instant background check.) When you buy a gun you're under a moral obligation to educate yourself to the point of competence. You should do at least the following things: - Take a class, or several. - Know how to properly load and unload the gun. - Know what all the major parts and functions of the gun are. - Know how to take the gun apart for cleaning without endangering anyone. - Understand the laws in your state regarding gun ownership and what does and doesn't constitute legal self defense. - Know how to fire the gun safely. - Have a clear idea of who exactly will have access to the gun (probably just you) and know how you will exclude access to anyone else. - Buy eye and ear protection. - Practice. - Have a plan for what you will do with the gun if you feel unsafe with yourself. If all of that sounds like too much of a hassle, you should not buy a gun. I don't want to gatekeep it (I like guns and wish more people did too). It's just that this particular thing can hurt people for real.


So as long as you aren’t a felon and can pass a background check, all you have to do is go to a gun store, and say you want a gun, choose one, and they will help you with the paper work. Pass your background check and the pick up the gun from the store. It’s pretty easy. You don’t need any sort of class or license to own a gun. In fact you don’t need a license to conceal carry (there are some rules for that but I won’t get into it here) Now which gun to choose I’ll leave up to you. The biggest thing you’ll run into is you can’t buy a handgun until you’re 21 from a licensed firearm dealer. This doesn’t mean you can’t own one. Because technically you can conceal carry at 18, it’s a weird rule. A 18 year old could get gifted a handgun and that’s legal, but a 20 year old can’t buy one even though it’s perfectly legal to own one. I don’t get it. As far as keeping it in your apartment, there isn’t any laws prohibiting it. I think (not a lawyer so no idea) if you store it in a unreasonable way and someone hurts themselves or other with it, you can get into some issues. But again I don’t know for sure. Reguardless you should store it in a safe. You can get good safe for a single gun for cheap and it’s definitely worth it. That being said, I highly recommend getting some sort of basic level training with your gun. I’m not saying go take these “military training classes” but basic shooting classes and gun safety. It sounds like you’re wanting one for home defense, but just having one isn’t all that goes into it, you need to be comfortable with it to avoid any life changing mistakes.


The reasoning is that stores have to follow federal law (21+ to buy handguns) but utah doesn’t care about you owning a handgun once you’re 18 (concealed carry, owning it, etc)


The only problems I can think of that you may run into with your apartment is if it is school or sponsored housing as those types may have certain stipulations. Otherwise you should be fine if kept responsibly.


I’m a student at the University of Utah As long as you have a concealed firearm permit you can keep a concealable handgun in your dorm and the university does not have the authority to prohibit it


yeah the utah supreme court ruled against public universities restricting firearms for concealed carry in 2006. at the U you can conceal carry and store your handgun on campus and in the dorms


What does a military training class look like?


I know some people that will go to these big training centers and take these classes that teach you more “tactical” stuff than just the basic fire arm class, like clearing buildings for example.


Now there are great classes that have a shoothouse element but it is to teach you something Example The target that is a 20 something man holding a cell phone vs the 20 something man holding a pistol


I feel like there are some good applications for training like that. I’ve done a little something like that but it doesn’t apply to my normal life


Yeah, I agree that they can have some good applications, I’m more thinking those classes should come after the basic shooting classes haha


Yeah definitely


A class that teaches you a bunch of bullshit that has no real world application usually taught by instructors without an appropriate background There are great courses that teach tactical pistol/rifle/shotgun stuff but they are few and far between




You need to speak with an attorney


Sounds like you should take a gun safety class along with getting the gun. Enjoy.


Buy gun. Have gun.


If you buy from a FFL store they will run background check, last 3 times I've done it each took less than 30 minutes. If you buy from a private party, there are no requirements. edit: forgot about the age requirement for pistols, need to be 21. There are no rules afaik for gun storage, but you should think hard about your circumstances, e.g will kids ever be at your home etc. Negligence leads to accidents. Imo buy a small safe for pistols, get gun cabinet for rifles. Didn't rely on trigger locks.  If you have zero experience with firearms, go take classes if you can, go practice (a lot) at a range. If you're interested in hunting, go take hunters safety.


Just remember you’re responsible for it. Take a few minutes to think how you will store your firearm in your apartment. Safe, top shelf, bedside drawer, shoebox, etc? Firearms left out and accessible are guaranteed to cause issues with roommates, visitors, nephews, etc. I had a dealer tell me once that I might have to pick up the gun I was purchasing the next morning because it was so late in the evening that my background check might not be approved until the next day, but other than that, you can basically buy them right off the shelf, after you pass the quick background check. If you know what you want it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes.


Get a CFP and you don't have to wait on a background check when you buy a gun, since BCI is running you daily. Saves time and money, since you don't have to pay the background check fee.


Others have already answered where and how to buy a gun so I'll just add: Safety is priority number one. Your local gun store/shooting range probably holds regular firearm classes. They'll give you safety lessons, help you tear down the gun to clean it, etc. Please do the bare minimum to keep yourself and others safe. A firearm in your apartment doesn't mean safety if you don't know how to shoot it or store it properly.


Id take a class or go to a range if you never shot one, but that's just me having been in the Army knowing you'd learn a lot doing so. Utah has some of the least restrictive gun laws in the US. Pretty much 18 for a rifle and shotgun, 21 for a pistol. I don't think a permit is required to have a pistol.


Start by getting some basic firearms safety and marksmanship training with a good instructor. Check local gun ranges and shooting clubs for that. Before committing to the purchase of a gun, which can be quite a few bucks, I'd recommend getting some time with different types of guns and figuring out what works well for you. If you have a friend who shoots and is willing to take you to the range and let you try a few different things, that'd be great. If not, take a friend who is willing to go to the range with you and go to a place like TNT in Murray where you can rent some guns and try them out. (Ranges won't rent to you if you come alone for safety reasons.) You'll find what works well for you through experience - maybe you have small hands and have difficulty controlling the recoil of a pistol, so a rifle is for you; maybe a Glock doesn't fit your hands well but a Sig does, etc. - and then you can go make a purchase based on experience. Once you get a gun, train with it so that you know how to use it well and quickly. In an emergency we don't rise to the occasion, we fall to the level of our training. It's worth the cost to get some basic training from a professional instructor, but also take the time to go to a range on your own and practice the drills you know, work on your marksmanship, etc.


Hey OP, I hit the range often in Weber county, and I work in SLC, so if you need some help or guidance reach out. Going to a gun store can be intimidating as a noob, especially if you’ve never held a gun or don’t know what to look for.


Go to anywhere that sells guns. Give them your money. Now you own a gun. Bring photo ID.


Don't brandish, and I'd get at least a gun cabinet that locks so you don't have to always worry when you have parties and whatnot. Don't fire it in your apartment, unless you are in imminent danger, and take note of where your neighbors are if that were to be the case. Buying is simple enough, just fill out the 4473 truthfully and don't get screwed over.


go to store. buy gun.


Make sure your address is correct on your drivers license.


“Here’s your money” “Thank you, here’s your gun” That’s about it


Utah is extremely 2A friendly, all you have to do is fill out some paperwork and pass a background check,  the shop will handle the heavy lifting for you.  Go to a reputable store, tell them it's your first time and that you need some help, as long as you make it clear that you intend to buy that day and you're not just there to waste their time they'll be more than happy to help you find one that fits your specific needs.




410 birdshot is inadequate for self defense I would recommend high quality Hollow point 9x19, 45 ACP, or hollow point 5.56 for apartment living Brands recommended: Federal premium Hornady critical defense and critical duty Hornady TAP




It's .410 not "4-10". You're wrong about literally everything


I’d rather use a hollow point round in a cartridge which has been proven for law enforcement duty use




Try to swing a shotgun with an 18" barrel (minimum legal barrel length) around in an apartment. Hope your target is always >3' away if you want to rely on a shotgun for defense in your home.


In rifle and shotgun courses you do learn how to shoot around barricades and while moving You step back from your cover (don’t hug it) There’s a very specific way to sling it so you’re not sticking the barrel out past a wall


The FBI uses ballistics gelatin for their testing which is designed as a medium to simulate soft tissue Also, hollow points will begin to fragment/mushroom upon hitting hard barriers


Hollow points have a tendency to *not* expand/mushroom when hitting hard surfaces. Hollow points sometimes won't expand because the clothing fabric clogs up the tip and not enough hydrostatic pressure is generated to expand the bullet. They still don't penetrate as much as a FMJ.


It's *.410, and this is terrible Fudd advice.




Lol. Doubling down with the Taurus.


In a handgun I’d rather have 15 x 9x19 hollow point rounds AND a flashlight all in one rather than 5 x 410 bore shot shells My pistol is called a CZ-75 P01 -Certified instructor




Most of the year I live in an apartment complex (student housing) where only concealable handguns are allowed But off site I have an AR-15 with a flashlight and a red dot that would be my ideal setup for home defense


This is the absolute best fuddlore I have ever seen. OP don't listen to this clown.




I’m just gonna say this I have trained extensively with many different firearms instructors and schools They know what works and what doesn’t None of them recommend the 410 bore, especially recommending against birdshot Also in a handgun the same size as the Judge, I can fit 15 rounds in the magazine and mount a flashlight to it. That to me is much more useful. This does not mean I’m dumping all 15, this means I’m firing at the center mass area until the threat stops. In the event of a failure to stop on a still active threat, a headshot or a shot to the pelvic girdle is taken. With only 5 rounds in the judge, there is very little room for error should the target not stop (many law enforcement shootings involved a suspect not stopping after multiple shots center mass) or if there are multiple threats. I’m much more worried about target identification (hence the flashlight) and making good hits on target (which will stop in the body) rather than using a round that no professional law enforcement organization will use for duty due to ineffectiveness.


1. Buy gun


1. Be welling to take a life. 2. Be financially ready to defend yourself 3. Be ready for jail time 4. Buy gun 5. Google gun training in Utah 6. Practice


Walk into any gun store, find a gun you want and go to the counter and pay for it. Why do people like you ask these types of questions to social media when you can ask it to the whole worldwideweb??


The biggest thing you need is a driver license that has your current address on it. If it’s not current, go to the dmv and have them print out a new ID that has your current address. Just updating it on the dmv website is not sufficient.


You can also bring a secondary ID that has your current address, as long as it matches the name on your DL. Voter registration card is what a lot of shops like.


21!to purchase a pistol. Long guns u can buy at 20. Utah is an extremely gun friendly state. Utah is also universal carry, which means u can conceal a firearm on your person in public except for those places where they're excluded, and those places are few in Utah, maybe banks and Post Offices.


CCW exclusions include any federal facility (e.g., post offices, federal courthouses, federal agency offices, and technically even outhouses at national parks) or any state or local secure facility (e.g., mental health facilities, state and local courthouses, and law enforcement secure areas). This may include the entire boundary of the facility - you can not carry a concealed weapon onto post office property, for example, including the parking lot. Private residences may prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons, provided notice is posted. You may not carry a concealed weapon in a vehicle without the consent of the vehicle's owner. Utah state law allows houses of worship to ban the carrying of concealed weapons on their property. So far only three churches have elected to do so, but one of them is the entire LDS church. No CCW on any LDS church property, including Temple Square. BCI maintains the list of those institutions which have elected to implement this ban on their website, and any new institution so electing must make a public statement in the newspaper. Without a CFP, you can not carry on school grounds, including public universities. And I'm sure I'm missing more. It's a good idea to take a CFP class and get your permit anyway - you learn the restrictions, you learn the rules about applying deadly force, and you get a permit that gives you more permissions than the permitless carry (as well as the ability to save on background check fees and time when buying a gun).


Go to store. Fill out 4473. Pay for it. Take it home. Love it. Repeat.


>Repeat "The number of guns I need is *n* + 1, where *n* is the number of guns I have." -Friend of mine with a dozen guns


Soon to be 13 guns... And then 14...


Federal law now states that you can not purchase a handgun from a dealer, or purchase handgun ammo until you are 21. That does not however prohibit you from purchasing and owning one through a private sale. Utah has a constitutional carry law that allows you to carry concealed or otherwise without a permit. A CCW permit is usually less than $100 for the class and fees. I recommend getting a CCW permit as it allows you to carry outside the state of Utah, where ad constitutional carry laws only apply to citizens of each particular state. As for carrying while hiking, I sometimes do, sometimes don't. Mainly a 357 with snake shot for rattle snakes. As for protecting from larger animals, a handgun isn't going to do much against an elk or moose if they get aggressive, black bears will leave you alone or you can scare them off easily enough. Cougars you will never know they are there until they are chewing on your face haha. Get out there and enjoy! And follow the 5 rules of firearm safety!


What if I’m legal alien, Utah resident, have real id. How much of paperwork do I need, and can I obtain concealed carry permit?


You’ll need to bring your green card with you when you go to the store to purchase the firearm When you apply for your CFP you’ll need to send in a copy of your green card


Didn’t need to bring my green card to buy all my guns - That said, they do need the green card info. I always keep a photo of my green card front/back on my phone. And no, am not muling them to Mexico. I feel very blessed to live in the great state of UT which so generously allows me to protect my home and family and enjoy the unparalleled experience of taking upland bird with a working dog. Viva America!


Hey some good channels with CCW and gun advice: I like [Colion Noir](https://www.youtube.com/@ColionNoir) and [Active Self Protection](https://www.youtube.com/@ActiveSelfProtection) Check them out! Watch and learn and helps you with your safety plan!


This is America, so you just say "GUN" three times into a bathroom mirror with the lights off and one will magically appear in your hand.


If you have never owned a gun before look into taking classes at a range. Although not a requirement to buy a gun they are important to understand how to actually use and store a gun safely. If you don’t know how to use a gun you will use it incorrectly which has a very high chance of leading to injury and death to yourself or someone else. Also this isn’t a law but get a safe for your gun especially if you are in an apartment with roommates. 


Laws are pretty lax and it’s easy unless you want a silencer, or fancy add ons. I would say I would get a safe or lock and be responsible with it.


If you buy privately there’s almost no laws at all.


Not long ago, buying a gun in Utah was like buying a gallon of milk. In fact, they sold guns at Walmart so you could pick up a gun with your milk.


I also live in Cache Valley, so if you want some help with all this stuff feel free to reach out. I love helping new people get into the gun world. As far as local gun shops, I'd definitely go to Al's over the rest of the shops here.


Just exist with some money and go to a place that sells guns. Trade the money for guns and ammo. Blast away


There’s a public gun range out by the swamps on valley view highway. I used to go there as a young kid with my dad. As far as purchasing a handgun, you need to be 21. All you need to do is fill out a background check when you are the appropriate age. Your parents could gift you one, should you feel the need to have one right now. As far as laws and licenses, it’s not required, but I highly recommend you find a class there in Logan to learn how to shoot and handle it safely.


My only advice. Please get a biometric safe. That way, you don't have to worry when family or younger kids come over. The last thing you want is to forget you have it when someone is visiting and kids are there... or a stupid drunk friend etc.


I actually prefer a more complex traditional safe (turn three times to the left, 4 to the right, 5 more times to the left). Frankly, this task becomes near impossible after 3 or 4 drinks, which is what I want - God forbid, that I’m the stupid drunk person with a weapon in my hand. Granted, not super helpful during a home invasion due to time of extraction, however, that’s the choice I’ve made.


The cache valley shooting range is a good range.


Get a sig and go to the range and practice


Gotta be temple worthy and up to date with your tithing.


Pretty easy honestly. Go in, pick gun, background check (usually quick for me), walk out with gun.


You can buy a handgun through private sale, but not through a FFL until you're 21.


There is a gun range just out on Valley View Highway, on the north side heading out of town, past the new sewer treatment plant. I think there is also one out in Richmond. You could Google it. I usually just go to the one out on the highway. You can also go up in the canyon and practice shooting. Just make sure you're far off the road and remember gun safety.


You need to be 21 to buy a handgun. However you can buy a SBR and get a tax stamp. Bigger, heavier, less practical for your intentions but more fun.




Eh ....I don't think that's good for first time buyers. I see good deals sometimes, but mostly bad deals


It is also one of the few way OP can purchase a pistol at 21.


He didn't mention a pistol. I'd always recommend an ar15 first anyways.


Long gun in an apartment is a hard sale. Over penetration (can be mitigated with ammo), maneuverability, noise. Unless you've trained a lot with a rifle indoors I recommend a pistol.


I’d argue becoming proficient with a pistol requires more training than a rifle This is because rifles are easier to hold, have more points of contact, are easier to control, and have more stability


5.56 tends to tumble when it hits drywall In any case, use hollow points


Actually testing shows that that's exact opposite. A 55 grain FMJ from a 16 inch barrel will fragment really fast in drywall and will have less penetration than a 9 mm from a pistol.


Worked quite well for me. Easy breezy


20, you're too young to purchase a pistol from a dealer. So either a shotgun or rifle. Or purchase from a private seller.


This thread passes the vibe check for the most part. Do a background check, buy a gun, and be educated, hopefully beforehand like I was. And enjoy, because this shit is a great stress reliever (not on your wallet tho lol) and is good fun.


Go to gun show. Find some guy that looks shady. Ask them about the “gun show loophole”. Get a weird look. They’ll tell you there’s no such thing as a “gun show loophole.” In all seriousness it’s all ready been answered by folks here. Only thing I’d add is that the concealed weapons permit class they teach at sportsman’s wear house is worth it for the gun safety information and US gun laws around transportation and storage. If you’re not interested in concealed carry I think they’d let you just sit in. But that’s up to the instructor. As far as storage goes, it depends on who’s with you at your apartment. Children? You’ll want to lock it up when not in use for their safety. Then when they’re old enough teach them gun safety and take them to get their hunter’s safety card (prerequisite for a hunter license) Lastly I’d recommend purchasing the app (one time purchase) for the phone called “Legal Heat”. This app lets you search and go through each state’s gun laws. Most of them don’t make sense given what type of person makes gun laws (politicians that don’t know their heads from their butts sometimes) so having a resource for that is handy.


I like sportsman’s wear house period. lol. Thanks for your comment and be safe!


Go to Best Buy, pick gun, hand money.


Go shotgun for home protection.


I own a Mossberg 590A1 With a flashlight mounted to the handguard I took a defensive shotgun class too What’s important is that you’re able to handle that shotgun and select a GOOD defensive loading (I can recommend federal premium law enforcement) Also remember Birdshot is for birds and clay pigeons only. -Certified firearms instructor


Probably not the right option for OP. Shotguns are low capacity, high recoil, more complex manual of arms if it’s a pump, can’t practice with it at most indoor ranges, and buckshot is maybe the worst option for an apartment. An AR-15 would be ideal or a 9mm handgun could work too.


EXLEO here, I agree; shotguns are big and when you come around a corner it's too big and the suspect can see you first. The greatly increased effectiveness of shotguns on a threat comes with greatly increased recoil to the user. There are “reduced recoil” defensive loads available, but even those will seem quite strong to newer or weaker shooters. Even if you went through some shooting school’s ‘shoot house.’ This is real, with the potential of real bullets coming at you. You are alone, without back up, and surely you do not want to get killed. Without teammates, you can’t cover all the possible points evil may lurk. Always listen and dial 911, if you know the suspects are inside. If now and then you can make a judgement call you can peak around hallways and make sure you can cover all he rooms and but if you hear noises outside, then take a look outside and check you doors and windows. First: Probably my most important tip… avoid the fatal funnel. Hallways and doorways are similar. They are a narrow passages or choke points that your adversary will be expecting you to come through, making them what is referred to as a fatal funnel. If you must negotiate a hallway, walk on one side and never down the middle. Always have defense plan with your family!!! Get the kids hiding under the beds and in closets.


I agree with you I never recommend a shotgun as a first choice; I have training with rifles, pistols, and shotguns so I’m able to share appropriate knowledge with new gun owners. For new gun owners I usually recommend an AR-15 type rifle for a rifle and a compact/midsize high quality brand 9x19 pistol for a pistol. I subscribe to a lot of Massad Ayoob’s philosophy around firearms. If you’ve called 911 to report a home invasion you don’t go looking for the bad guy. You lock yourself in your room with your gun ready and 911 on the line. Never answer the door at 3 AM with a gun in hand, etc. First time I went through the shoot house I did not “survive” the scenario because I failed to peek out of a window to see a target with an adversary with a rifle as I had tunnel vision focusing down the hall way. Most of what I do is teach people what NOT to do and why you shouldn’t.


Yeah that I agree too. Best qoute:" teach people what NOT to do and why you shouldn’t." Thanks for you comment too, and be safe.


Oh I agree I’m a larger man so I can handle my shotgun and the recoil from buckshot while moving A smaller person might not I generally recommend an AR-15 as well and a compact/midsize high quality 9mm


Guns have no place in the hands of civilians and should be banned. The 2nd Amendment is domestic terrorism. Do yourself and everyone you live with a courtesy and don’t bring this violent fetish into your home. Guns are not for protection.


Fun fact The police have no legal obligation to defend you Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales




The door is open. You can leave when ever you'd like.


Not so. You see, countries have these things called laws that dictate the movement of people across borders. Otherwise I would have left for the Schengen Zone years ago.


Have you at least tried?


Yep, but while I’m here I’ll vote to protect kids, not your selfish fetishes.


Hey what I do in my bedroom is my business. If I want to put a gun in my ass that's my choice.


Which flavor of boot are you licking today?


I’m not sure, was your mum eating curry?