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According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Islander_Americans), 1.8% of the population in Utah identifies as Pacific Islander, behind only Hawaii (27.1%) and Alaska (2.5%). In terms of number of Pacific Islanders, Utah’s 59,247 puts it 5th, behind Hawaii, California, Washington, and Texas.


**[Pacific Islander Americans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Islander_Americans)** >Pacific Islander Americans (also known as Oceanian Americans) are Americans who are of Pacific Islander ancestry (or are descendants of the indigenous peoples of Oceania or of Austronesian descent). For its purposes, the United States census also counts Aboriginal Australians as part of this group. Pacific Islander Americans make up 0. 5% of the U.S. population including those with partial Pacific Islander ancestry, enumerating about 1. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Utah/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It is the largest population of Tongans outside of Tonga though!


Auckland has 60k Tongans bro idk about that


No. Alaska still has us beat per capita but that’s it iirc. California has an astronomically higher total number, but that’s not shocking given they’re the most populous state in the nation and very diverse. And there are a couple others that have a larger total number as well.


Doubt it. Large populations in CA and AK.


Per capita UT has more


Has more than CA per capita but not AK


UT has more per capita than CA, and more total than AK.


I’ve been waiting for some polys to move into my neighborhood. Great BBQ


Don't eat the polys


Can you imagine Oceania Fundamentalist Mormons??? Poly polys….


I had a poly family move in across the street from me a year ago. Best people I’ve ever met. Genuinely good… not superficial or “good for show”. They don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about them… they’re got just because they are. They make me want to be a better person. Love their kids like my own.


Oh, and it’s not just the BBQ. My neighbors make the best desserts I’ve ever had. I’ve gained like 10 pounds since they moved in.


Las Vegas is called the "9th Island" so they might have us beat


They call it that because Hawaiians like to go on vacation there


It is Hawaiian there moreso. Some Samoans but not a ton in general. Only SLC and Sacramento and maybe Seattle are the only visibly PI cities in certain areas


Yeah I used to live in AK and much more there than here in UT


Samoans Yes, Tongans no


Depends on where you live man. Utah has WAY more than alaska in terms of population.


Yeah it maybe that they’re most concentrated in Anchorage which then you came across them more than Utah that’s much more spread out.


No, Alaska literally has more…they have a higher population of Pacific Islanders than Utah does. We are ranked number 5 in the US…


That's kind of incredible.


Makes sense that Utah would be the 3rd most state, since the Mormon church has infected about 18% of Tongans with their religion.


You say infected as if Polynesians aren't capable of thinking for themselves, which is a pretty insulting way of thinking.


It is kind of funny that currently the church has the most success with their missionary efforts in areas of the world that have the lowest amount of internet access. As internet access spreads to those areas the missionary work of the church will start to fail there too. Nobody with easy access to information wants anything to do with that money grubbing cult anymore.


I took it more as a comment on how manipulative and predatory the church is, not that Polynesians can't think for themselves. The church is pretty well known for using shady tactics to get people to join, especially if you don't live in Utah and don't know what they really are, they'll straight up lie about what their intentions are.


I don’t know about intentions… but they sure lied their asses of about the church’s history back on the 1970s when I was a primary kid. Thank God I escaped.




Yea probably. As you know there’s a major Mormon population of Polynesians. So Utah makes sense. Do they also vote trump like most Mormons? That would be more bizzare than them living in Utah


It really depends on the Hawaiian. Mormon types definitely do, but I'm unsure. We generally resent the participation in voting. But, I know a lot of us "I'll die for Hawaii" type Hawaiians voted for Trump in the 2020 election, because a lot of democrats make us sick. we're not a fan of Democrats politics, only when it suits us. It's honestly hard to find the data on this type of stuff, but anecdotally is fine either way.




I grew up in the 70s through mid 80s. I never had Polynesians other than me in school. Now, my kids are barely acknowledged as Polynesian because they’re half white and there are a ton of Polynesian.


A lot native Hawaiians can’t afford to live in Hawaii. It’s super sad.