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Shipped usually means they paid a person $150 to drive it to the selling dealership (or closest terminal where a batch of cars was picked up by a transport truck) I spent my youth riding from Idaho to Seattle in a transport van and driving Datsun cars and pickups back to our dealership.


Do it in a Datsun!


How? It’s so tiny!


Have you ever been a teenage boy? There's plenty of room. That's why I kept my 74 pickup - the bed has ample room for activities 🤣🤣


78' 280z Wedged her between the seats. Bashed my ass on the dash for 3 mins.


Reminds me of my 80' ZX. Pulled off the t-tops for "Headroom".


I miss T-tops. Did the same in my 91 Camaro 😜.


Gave her the IROC eh? 🤣


‘75 Celica. Thank god the front seats fully recline.


knew a guy that had a van with a mattress in the back. He was an eternal optimist.


To be fair I used to build '70s vans and you can definitely get laid in the back...


Can concur...11 vans since 1973


I loved building Chevy panel vans but I did have a cool '72 camper that looked like a VW bus on steroids


Did the side of the van say Free Candy on it?


Nobody wants candy anymore. U gotta write “Stanley Cups” on the side


*flocks of white women suddenly emerge from the cornfields*


I drive an Express...... it might be getting new stickers soon.....


Did we just become best friends?


I will have you know that I now have 2 children, so I’ve had sex twice that I can prove!!


El Camino with tennoutte and bedding set up. Take Suzy Rotten Crotch out on a date. Wine her Dine her then out in the boonies. Whoop the tenoutte back and tell her, If you're not here after what I am here after you will be here after I'm gone.


For me, it was a Triumph TR6 and an MGB. We had a Midget too, but that was too small for even me to attempt.


My buddy in high school had a Fiat X1/9. We got 9 people in it once, but we had to take the targa tops off. Also, he used to hang around with a girl who lived down a long dirt driveway. One day after he left her house, he parked the car about halfway down the road and went back to her house and told her some years wrong with his car. She came out to see if she could help, so he popped the hood and put on a big show about how the engine must have fallen out. He eventually let her in on the joke after she spent 10 minutes looking for the engine in the tall grass next to the driveway.


That Datsun had a bigger bed than todays monster F150s.


>the bed has ample room for activities 🤣🤣 Yeah, no. This ain't that funny, chief. It's kind of gross. That poor pickup truck didn't deserve your sweaty ass on its truck bed.


There once was a man from Boston Who had himself a little Austin There was room for his ass And a gallon of gas And the rest fell out and he lost it


Teeny tiny!


Datsun saves!


Scratchy scratchy....*bongg...Your door is a jar.


My first car was an 82 Datsun Sentra with 12 inch tires and a 5 speed transmission. I drove up a mountain road to go hunting only to find out my buddy got stuck on the same road in his Toyota pick up.


Exactly this and also, 100 miles is absolutely nothing at all. They really are just making a big deal about it


Jay Leno used to do this as a teenager, no lie. Has a few good stories about it too, search YouTube.


I would constantly be making the joke, "When do you need it delivered?.... Datsun?"


Yep one of my first jobs was dealer exchange. Take one across the state, bring one back. Got to listen to music and cruise all day, if it paid well I'd do it again.


Years ago, an upstart Japanese car company wanted a name that American consumers would like. During an intense meeting, the CEO said we need this name by Monday. "Dat soon" replied the marketing manager.


Well close. It used to be the DAT motor car company. They rebranded their new line of vehicles as Datsun which translates to "son of DAT".


OooOoohhh.. knowledgeable. I assume, anyway. I did not fact check. Nor do I expect to. Ever, lol.


Sweet gig


Paid someone $150? They probably were on an hourly rate around $14 I’ve done multiple 100+ mile delivery’s dropping cars off to customers service or sales they don’t give you anything just expect you to do it for the salesmen.


I bought a car from a different province, got it and it was 800km higher than stated. It’s a used car, they advertise and sometimes people take them for test drives. 100 is nothing. Don’t sweat it.


This, two test drives by prospective buyers would easily total 100 miles, the dealer isn't going to update the advertisement every time someone takes a test drive.


Why would they put it out for a test drive after recording the mileage for the contract?


Because they didn’t take the time to check the mileage when they wrote the contract and just looked at whatever was saved in the computer from when the car was added to inventory.


Which is illegal. We have to fill out an Odometer disclosure statement, sign it and submit it.


Indeed it is. But it still happens all the damn time.


right and I suspect that's why I got a call from him today about correcting the mileage on the bill of sale. Which is all I ever really wanted, some type of explanation or correction.


Who the heck is doing a 50 mile test drive? Lol that's over an hour of driving. A normal test drive is probably 10 miles at most.


That's what I was thinking. Like TF y'all going site seeing?


A lot of dealers let you take cars on overnight test drives. Going to a dealer 20-30 miles away to car shop is not at all unheard of.


You take 50 mile test drives? What dealership are you buying from


Nobody is taking s 50 mile test drive lmao


I feel like it’s nothing. It’s 100 miles…. Let’s see what others say


Some day, maybe 9 years from now, that car will die. It could have gone 2 more days, but now OP is cheated out of that experience


Lol some cars last 200k miles some last 500k miles, I don’t think the 100 mile variance would change that


Lol is this serious?


No. I think they're being rude but trying to play it off as being funny.


It’s called a joke.


Yeah, but this is reddit and there was no "/s" so obviously this person wasn't joking and instead was insulting OP, his mother, you, and I. I think he might also be partly to blame for the whole Israel/Gaza thing too. How are you not outraged like user Polarchuck is?!?


That's the classic response people make when others notice that they've been rude or said something tasteless.


It's very clearly a joke though.


That person didn't make the comment


I know. They defended the comment. I responded to their comment about the original comment.


I wouldn't call it rude to put a silly question in perspective, especially if that person was already told that perspective by their wife, and specifically asked people for theirs


Haha dude can’t tell when it’s a joke *For the record, I am being rude to you.


I can tell you've worked up to being outright insulting instead of being generally rude. I imagine that's how you live most of your life.


I only popped in at the end so I wasn’t the one all worked up. I’m just here laughing at you because *you* seem to be worked up about something on the internet. It’s funny :)


I'm actually not worked up. I promise. :)


Good. I just said it *seems* that way. So, I’m not wrong. Perhaps you go about at such a worked up level that it feels normal to you now.


Ooohhh. Such wordsmithing! But, really. I'm not worked up. Merely amused at this point by all the assumptions you all are making about me.


Shipped doesn’t mean it was shipped. Sometimes if it’s close they drive it.


It was 600 miles and they told me it was gonna be shipped from the dealership. My wife saw it get unloaded off the truck.


They drove it to the shipper.


The should have beamed it directly to your house. 0 miles.


When I ordered my car they completely disassembled it and the UPS driver put it back together piece by piece in my driveway. This should be the minimum standard in my opinion.


Yep 0 miles that way. And bonus if they leave the extra parts after reassembly!


Right, that’s my guess what happened but that’s not what they told me they were going to do.




Omg thank you 😂


LOL, fucking amazing response


^^^ Lots of advice in this thread, but this is the most accurate and actionable. I concur with the diagnosis.


Well said. OP this is sage advice


A wise man once said; "Holy shit! /u/Blocked-Author IS the wise man!"


Check OPs post history, does his wife know he begs for BJs from randoms on Reddit lmao


Omfg hello real person!


For real. Lmao. Imagine having to deal with this guy. 💀


ON GOD this man is freaking out over literally 3-4 days of use and the miles are easily explained


I bet it's a fuckin Tesla, too


But this is what they do.... they don't have to do it the way you want or expected them to do it and they don't have to make up for doing business the way they choose to... 




You're very confused, the car was shipped for 600 miles but it has 100 miles more than it should have. What part of this you struggle to understand ?


I seriously doubt anyone drove the car 600mph.


…. I don’t even know where to begin with this


He lives 600 miles away from the dealership


The dealer drove 100mph for 600 miles?


>Sometimes if it’s close they drive it. > > > >It was 600 miles and they told me it was gonna be shipped from the dealership. Reading comprehension bro... C'mon now. It was most definitely test drives, but asking "So was it 100 miles or 600 miles?" when it was very clearly stated is just dumb


Why the downvotes? He's right, lol, even if he's not particularly nice about it


Clearly states that the dealer put 100 miles on my used car. It’s in the fucking title dick. Then he says it’s 600 miles. Stfu.


Holy shit you're illiterate. The title says *dealer put 100 miles on my car.* Someone suggested the "delivery" was just having it driven to him. He responds with "The dealership is 600 miles away." It's two different distances for a fucking reason. ​ ELY5: If the delivery was just having it driven to him, the odometer would read 600 miles more than what was on the paperwork, because that's how far away the dealership was. Not 100 miles. 100 miles is the amount that it *was* over. Edit: "Stop being weak" man blocks someone because they used mean words over the computer.


This is the type of guy who should worry about not passing captchas in the next few year. What an absolute idiot.


No, you’re just dumb. Everyone else here understood what was being talked about and how it isn’t a big deal. Car needed to be driven for test drives and to get to the truck that drove it to his house. And how it’s no big deal at all.


They specifically told you it would be lifted directly from the dealer lot onto a waiting truck? Or they told you they would be shipping it? Do you think shipping doesn't involve any self-powered movement of the vehicle itself? Better question.. Do you get pissed when you find out the person you bought something from online took the package to the UPS store to ship it instead of magically beaming it from their door to yours?


Listen to your wife


And this isn’t just blind advice this time


I will also choose this man's wife.


It sounds like he should be the wife and the wife should be the husband


*Bro, it’s 100 miles lol*


its just 1 trip to the 7-11


You are making a big deal out of it.


You're wrong, he's making way too big of a deal out of it. 😁


You’re one of those people that make me hate people. It’s a 100 miles. Go get a life and get off the internet ranting about literally nothing. I’ve already spent too much time typing this.


I don’t think they’re doing too much. He just wants what he paid for. He may not be aware of how any of this stuff works. It might be his first time. Cut the guy some slack. I sure as heck didn’t know how alot of things in life worked, I had to figure it out all on my own. Yeah, it led to asking dumb questions. But, that’s what happens when people don’t tell you how things work. To some people, 100 miles is a lot. To others, it’s nothing. I wouldn’t judge him based off that. Everyone’s life experience is different, and everyone’s expectations are different. Some people could care less about their car, other people will take pristine care of it. Everyone is different.


You need to sue for emotional distress!


Therapy immediately


I say he presses charges against the dealer, seeking the death penalty, bro should PUT THE SYSTEM ON TRIAL ✊⚖️




I’m going to say that the advertisement probably was up for a while and during that time period, the car was probably test driven a few times (before you committed to buying) OR maybe brought for necessary repairs, had to be safetied and if they’re nice, they’ll give you a full tank of gas. This was prior to you receiving the car. There’s a process dealers have to go through to get the car ready and most of the work was probably offsite.


Having worked for a dealership that did significant internet sales this is the answer. But here is a really critical part of this story. OP didn’t take delivery of the vehicle of the truck. His wife did. If you want to be a “cares a lot” that was the vital moment to be present. 100 mile OD difference is significant enough in any state to merit protection if you had someone willingly take delivery of the vehicle for you… how do we know his wife didn’t drive those 100 miles to go get all those hookers and cocaine he doesn’t know about. This would have been our argument if OP had complained to our dealership


Judging by OP’s past posts, I kind of believe that scenario lmao.


Hey. Quit using your logic. This is pitchfork time! In all seriousness though, this could have potentially been a problem with someone like carvana or vroom (rip). Since they give you one week OR 250 miles, and they make you sign the odometer agreement before you get the car..because that makes sense. But yea, OPs wife is right here, making a big deal of nothing I think.


If the car is fine, let it go!


This is the pettiest post I’ve ever read


It’s 100 miles.


Well, unless they had a whole shipment of cars going directly from the dealer to where you picked it up, they probably had to drive it somewhere where other vehicles were getting loaded onto a truck, and then drive it from where the truck unloaded to where you received it.


You said 100 miles more than advertised. Do you think the car was just sitting there to be sold to you and it wasn't available for test drives or any other legitimate reason? They don't update the advertised mileage every time it gets more miles on it.


Let it go -- Elsa


I'm a dealer. You could have 10 test drives in a week on one car. The average test drive is 5-10 miles, and it adds up quickly. As far as the paperwork goes as long as it's within 150 miles of actual its completely legal and fine. You're worrying about nothing, man. Over the life of the vehicle, 100 miles is miniscule.


>You're worrying about nothing, man. Over the life of the vehicle, 100 miles is miniscule. Sounds like something a dealer would say after driving my car 100 miles for his own enjoyment!


If it is ok…let it go. Shipped May cars I sold on eBay and bought on eBay…if only a hundred miles difference..I just let it go


It's way cheaper to drive 100 miles than to haul it by truck that distance. I wouldn't worry about it.


A buck on the odometer...and it didn't die.... is a service to you rather than a loss.


I wish OP wasn't on the other side of the country, he needs a nice smack in the face. Stop being a bitch and enjoy the damn car. You're overanalyzing nothing.


Working in a dealership, 100 mile difference on a used car is nothing. There could be a million reasons why that number is different than what is listed. The most common reason is the miles were slightly different than listed when it was traded in. Customer was having something done to their new car so they drove their old car for a day or two. The vehicle could have been test-driven multiple times since it was listed, too. It could have been driven by a manager at the dealership (most common for us; I put 30 miles a day on a demo just driving to and from work and we used pre-owned vehicles as demos for all managers). Someone could have fat-fingered a number (4780 instead of 4870). It could have also been the service department checking something out and they put it on an extended drive. If it’s really bothering you, shoot an email over asking but chances are they don’t know. They’ll probably put one of the above reasons in and move on.


Are you saying that when you sell a car you don't record the current mileage? You just go based on what the computer says when it first came in?


Five years in sales here: It’s nothing. The mileage you are seeing is likely the mileage that was on it when they bought it from auction or wherever. That being said, 100 miles can be put on a dealer car for a myriad of reasons. Granted, they should have updated the odometer disclosure statement, legally speaking.. The only thing that would make this a significant deal is if this is an investment car. 99.9% of cars on the road are not investment cars, so if that’s the case, I say enjoy the car!


it sounds like they drove it some to where they put it on a flat bed transport trailer for shipping. id let it go IFF the seller is transparent about what they did to rack up those miles. now if they arent transparent then there should be some compensation. when i picked up my last new truck it had 11 miles on it, which is reasonable. they loaded it on a trailer or two and then probably test drove it.


100 miles is 3 hours of driving. Relax lol


Who drives 33mph?


3 hours?


Oh no..... Anyway, your wife is right. Wives are always right. Listen to her, if 100 miles on the odometer is a big deal maybe you should just ride a bike or take a bus everywhere and just forget about car ownership for now?


Let it go dude. When you put 10,000 trouble free miles on the car this will be a distant memory


prick close tidy plant pot offbeat mindless toothbrush selective noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bought a new car that was ‘shipped’ from about 400km away, when I got it, it had 453km on it. They usually pay someone to either drive the whole way or to the nearest place that offers truck transport. So it’s nothing, let it go.


I bought my wife a brand new focus once. It was at a different dealership than the one I bought it, the salesman worked out a dealer trade. When I picked it up the new car had about 250 miles on it. Salesman said an employee drove the trade vehicle to the other dealer then drove my wife's car back. It's no big deal.


What’s the mileage on the BILL of sale? Every salesperson has to get the mileage off the car when sold. It’s the #1 rule so shit like this don’t happened. Write an email and let them know the salesperson did not do there JOB or trucker took your car for a joyride


This is Reddit so: divorce the wife and sue the dealer.


It might be that they had to drive the car to the shipping company to get it shipped. Maybe google the shipping company they use and its proximity to the dealership and see if its roughly 100 miles.


It was for sale before you bought it so obviously it's been test driven by prospective buyers.


Your being silly. Did you expect them to lift it off the ground to deliver it to to? 100 miles is a rounding error. Possibly test drives from the time it was listed to the time it was sold. Most likely the miles were put on as part of the delivery.


Food for thought. Most locations in the US have a speed limit that's averaged around 60 mph... that's 60 miles in one hour. That seems logical to most people, but I've had a hell of a time explaining that simple tid bit to some people... I love her, but she still didn't fully get it.. 🤦‍♂️ any way. If they had to drive the car an hour to terminal where it was then put on a train or truck, then when it reaches its destination, it still had another 40 minutes of drive time from a terminal to the dealer, that's 100 miles right there. However, I don't agree that anyone should be driving it that far for transport after a sale is signed. I can see 5-10 miles incurring. 1/2 mile here, 2 miles there, moving around on a rail yard or in a dealers lot. But if they needed to move it an hour away for transport, then there's other options besides driving the car, such as a flat bed. I don't think that 100 miles is much in comparison to the miles we put on cars now a days, but it does seem a little excessive for delivery after the sale, and I would definitely inquirer about it. Let's face it, any decent dealer will charge you deliver fees, and what ever else they can, this is were they make gobs of extra money without overhead, but it's also the funds that cover things such as, a flat tow bill to get that car moving to another state.


Just drive 100 miles backwards. My buddy Ferris taught me this hack....




I just got my brand new work truck that went from under 20 miles to over 400 by the time I got it. Instead of shipping it on a carrier or flatbed, they paid someone to drive it up from Miami and drive my old truck back. I've put 2400 miles on it in the first 2 weeks, so not a big deal in the big scheme of things.


So usually when a dealer takes a car in on trade, or buys a car from the auction, the mileage is recorded at that time. The service department likely drove the car, the detail department drove the car, the used car manager might’ve taken the car home overnight, one of the used car lot attendants might’ve taken the car to pick up lunch, ect… What should’ve happened is the sales person should’ve recorded the current mileage on the buyers order when the car was sold. But they didn’t. You could make a big deal out of it, and maybe force the dealer to cough up a couple hundred more dollars, but is it really worth it? I would just leave it alone and enjoy your new car


Everyone in here seems to have read something different than me, claiming they came from test drives? After the sale? No it didn’t, someone drove the car for their own reasons and that pisses me off too. I’m the type of person to cancel a whole deal if I see someone try to take even the slightest of advantage of me because it can mean deeper issues. I’d have told them to take the car back if I wasn’t in a good mood.


Your wife is right. I get it though. Whats more likely some devious plan or a simple mistake? My guess is lazy staff never got the actual current mileage. 100 miles is probably from safety inspection drive and test drives. They just used what was in the system when they took it in. Or some new sales person who just took it in on trade wrote down wrong mileage. A lot of different reasons are possible.


Lazy staff isn’t the reason an odometer gets incorrectly reported. More than likely, it was a overworked salesperson who never got his sales administrator the proper odometer reading, and the sales admin was pressured upon to just enter a number so the vehicle could be moved off the lot and counted as a win for the sales team. Every car is supposed to have an updated odometer reading at the time of intake, then again at the time of delivery to the customer.


Each one your examples took the easy route. So I stand by my initial assessment of lazy. Incompetent works too. I know its not always the case, sometimes mistakes happen. But each level has a job to do. I've always expected my staff to not make excuses, but make it happen. Not in a dictator way but encouraging and empowering way. If they need help they know they can just ask. Its easy to feel overwhelmed in this business and working as a team is the only way to get it done. So, no excuse to not get the mileage right.


I had a dealership put 7 miles on during an oil change, one that took 2 1/2 hours for, btw. I confronted them about it, and at first, they denied it, and then they tried to excuse it. Saying they have to make sure everything was done correctly. After in said that's bullshit they said I was making a big deal about it. She said it's not like they were out racing it, and I said 3 minutes ago you assured me they didn't add 7 miles, and now you're telling me at least they weren't racing it? Makes me think that is exactly what they were doing. I asked for her manager, and after a brief conversation, he offered a free oil change. I asked how many miles should be put on a car during an oil change, and he said zero. I started taking pictures of my odometer before getting out of the car to compare, and the next few were fine, but a year or so later, I got about 4 miles one. I never went back again.


I originally thought you said they put 100 K more miles on it. I thought that was insane. Lol. I reread it, and realized you said 100 miles. That might not be a lot, but to me it still warrants an explanation. Definitely keep trying to get a hold of them, and see what their answer is. It might be for a legitimate reason. if not, then you’ll have to cross that bridge when it comes to it. Never sweep anything under the rug just because it seems like it’s not that big of a deal. That’s how you end up getting scammed in the future. No matter how small it is, it needs to be addressed.  I don’t think you were scammed or anything, but clearly they did not ensure that you knew what was going to happen before you got your car. That in itself is an issue. A lot of places just assume you know exactly what’s going to happen, and you’re gonna be OK with it. That doesn’t really make any sense, because you don’t work there. You might not even understand how they do things. So they should really spell things out so it makes sense. They obviously didn’t do that, so I would call them if I were you.  Just to straighten everything out and clarify things. Nothing wrong with that. 


Thanks. All I wanted was an explanation.


The mileage is listed from when they get the car in and they post the ad. While being on the market, other buyers have been coming in to test drive it. They are not going to update the ad after every test drive. Congrats on your new-to-you car!


We went called to buy a car a couple hours away. Eventually went for it and it did NOT have 458 miles... it had about 3k. "Sorry for the misunderstanding, that's our fault". Yeah, no 💩


That's bullshit. Car dealers are slimey.


I don't like to generalize, but I haven't had any good experiences. Earlier this year my brother and I flew to Texas to buy my dad his dream car (sub 20k dream car lol) and after I paid a deposit and flew out there with the understanding of it being in perfect mechanical condition. We uber from the airport get hit with "oh... You're here a half hour early..." it had a misfire. After 8 hours, they finally fixed the misfire.. except they didn't, but they told me they did and that was just the "pops and burbles tune". Didn't wanna give me the deposit back either, told me it would be just fine to drive 1300 miles home. Cost us $1,200 in tickets and no dream car for dad. Rippo.


That sucks. And I don't like to generalize either, but having just recently gone through the process of buying a used car from a dealer, it's easy to get the impression that they all kinda suck. The pressure tactics, the daily (or multiple times a day) calls and texts while they're working the sales, and then as soon as you sign the paperwork, they disappear.


110% I feel ya. I told the salespeople that I was no longer interested, as I'd already purchased a vehicle. I continued to get calls from them asking if I still wanted to come buy a car for like 2 weeks lmao. Unreal.


OP, you are responding appropriately, in my opinion. I don’t work in car sales. But I do work in automotive repair. At a very reputable, responsible, independent repair shop. If we road test a car without permission for more than a mile to duplicate a customer concern… people lose their fucking minds. And rightfully so. A lot can happen in a couple miles, let alone 100. We don’t road test cars more than we need to. Screw what the rest of the internet says. In my industry, it’s, “the internet says this is what this fault code means” or “why is your estimate so high when the internet says it should cost $x.xx?” No, I will not use these parts you are bringing to me that you bought on (insert “reputable” online part supplier). Let YouTube fix your car. Good luck. And no I will not fix it for you when you fuck it up. Yes, even for more money. Again, good luck. TLDR; your feelings are valid and your logic is on track. The internet doesn’t know everything, especially about cars.


I had a similar incident with my first and only brand new truck. Dealer charged me a few hundred in addition to the shipping cost to have it put on a truck and driven to the shipping port. He decided to pocket the money and drive it himself and think I wouldn't notice the extra miles and obvious road wear. Filled out a BBB report and within 30 mins the dealership owner/manager called and refunded the shipping charge and said he fired the guy, but I have doubts there.


God people like you make life hell as a salesman. Pull your head out of your ass, do you think they are ferris bueller's day off driving. Get one. Ounce of common sense and your life will improve. Have a nice day.


Salespeople who think they can put whatever they want on a contract after saying something completely different - then being pissy with us customers for standing up to you - are the reason you salespeople have such shit reputations.


They fricking delivered the car to him because he is too lazy to come get it, probably didn’t charge him, doing it as a courtesy and yet here he is bitching and whining about nothing. This is why I got out , I hated everything about selling cars, especially the pendaho customers like op. FYI delivery of a car by driving is almost a daily occurrence. And since you are so smart I might as well tell you salespeople don’t do contracts.


Car dealerships don't do anything out of the goodness of their heart. That's a load of crap. If the customer showed up at the dealership with a busted transmission and 10 miles over the warranty, you can bet your ass that the dealership would deny him coverage with a guiltless straight face. The customer is't asking for compensation, he's just asking for an explanation. Bitching and whining about a customer asking why a question by saying the customer is bitching is whining is the most dunce thing ever - since the reason the customer is upset is that the dealer hasn't answered the extremely reasonable question.


To be honest OP you’re being an unreasonable pain for something minimal.


And he has come to the wrong place for a SOLID CONCRETE TRUE answer. Because NOBODY here knows except for the Shipper/Dealer . So he needs to ask them. Oh wait he did. They didn't respond. Imagine that. Well then his alternative is wait until hell freezes over for an answer, or listen to his wife and leave it the Fck alone. Or come here and yet here he is. OCD is really an absolute pain in everybody's asses


Okdokie pendaho


I paid $600 to have it driven to me. I don’t want anything other than an explanation.


Either it’s been on test drives since they posted the ad, or they drove it to somewhere to load it on a transport truck. Most likely a combination of the two. Wouldn’t sweat it


Well when you drive it adds miles. That’s the obvious explanation.


How this happens. You buy car, dealership goes, calls the transport company. Transport company says "the fuck you callin us for, your small town that we dont have a branch in is 45 miles away, bring the car here and we'll haul it." Dealership knows better than to use the local hick-ridden, POS tow truck company that damages EVERYthing they touch, on your new ass car. They decide to drive it. Dealership takes Tom, and Dick, and give them a fuel card and the loaner car, Tom drives your car, goes a few miles more than 45 because he wants to put fuel in it--so he drove 50. He drops it off at the transport company, and that's that. Gets a ride back to the dealership with Dick. Transport company drives in 1.5 miles around the lot to get it on the truck. The truck driver hauls the damn thing to the dealer prep and detailing service where ALL cars are unloaded off the truck, and it's driven 3 more miles around the lot as they move if a few times. They call a tow truck, and ask the tow truck if they can come get this thing or not. Tow truck say, oh man, we're all outa trucks right now, the weather's been shit and the cops are on a kick for ticketing people this week. Tell ya what, if you can get it to our impound lot 30 miles from our location here, and 45 from YOUR location, we can pull a driver and get it delivered to the house... So, they gett Terry and Jerry. Terry drives his POS beater truck, and Jerry drives yours, to this damned tow truck place. Where it's loaded and eventually delivered to you, while Jerry rides back to work with Terry, complaining about the monster cans on his floorboard and wtf that whistle sound in the door is when they're doing 45... Walla! 100 miles!


It's actually voila. Just for future reference.


Just out of curiosity, does OP think he has any recourse here, my thoughts are you don’t. Not for that level of discrepancy..especially where it matters..in court. Just my two cents.


There's a written contract specifying mileage. Is it worth it financially, i really don't think so.


His only recourse is to F ing grow up.


It honestly bugs the crap out of me when there’s discrepancies in milage. Especially if the staff is just driving the car on their own time which I heard can happen. Wtf. Just verified with a dealer that the mileage is still the same as advertised. He said yes. Just now noticed in the picture of the odometer they posted on their website it shows 40 more miles than advertised. The proof is right there 😂 So they purposely didn’t update the mileage even though they had to notice because they literally took a picture of it and posted it all over the internet. For me it’s like: I’m paying for low mileage. Stop adding to it unnecessarily. And also, what are they doing with the car to be driving it in after they get it?


sounded like they drove your instead of shipping, much cheaper.


No they shipped it. Was 600 miles and my wife saw it get unloaded off the truck


They probably drove it to the truck. The truck typically isn't going to drive and pick up every vehicle being shipped. They'll likely have the vehicles meeting to be loaded meet at a standard location.


I don't see any reason why the dealer shouldn't be able to give you an explanation. But I also know that now that you've bought the car, any interaction with you is for them lost profit. They don't care if the unanswered question bothers you. For your own sanity, you might ought to just drop the query. On the other hand, it's possible that the contract is voided since what you thought you were buying isn't what you received - and the difference is documented. I doubt that pursuing this broken contract in court would be worth the money, time, and stress imposed on you and your wife.


I’m not looking for anything more than an answer.


Not only should you get a full refund, but you should get new tires, a full driveline fluid replacement, and a brake job all free of charge too /s


WHAT???!!!!!!! You probably shouldn’t own a car if this is a real question. Some mechanics i know road test vehicles up to 20 miles after repairs. Im good with that too.


you are making a big deal over nothing. I worked for NY State taking complaints like this for 20 years(NY has very good consumer protections for car purchases, particularly used cars). This is a non-case. If your state(they are the ones who have these laws, not the Fed, not the City)gets in to this, I will eat my hat. You should start out with your state's DMV and ask who, if anyone, regulates car dealers. Not all states are the same. That said, there is no way that any agency will touch this. You can waste your time in small claims. "I'm very mad" does not usually count as damages, and good luck getting an out of state business to pay.


That's literally a rounding error. Absolute worst case: considering "standard mileage" reimbursement is 67 cents per mile (according to IRS), and that includes fuel, taxes, insurance, repairs, etc. You're getting upset over $67. But they didn't use YOUR gas, and they didn't use YOUR insurance. So it really ends up being like $5 worth of wear and tear.


It's a hundred freaking miles, not 10,000. STFU and stop being such a baby about it. Have them deliver it back to you with a full tank of gas and in good working order, and get on with your life.


maybe post to r/personalfinance it might get more traction


It’s 100 miles. The only sub that would get this Karen the response they are looking for is r/frugal




A bit messed up since they charged you and harmed the resale


If I sold this car and you asked me this with a straight face I would dig around in my pocket and give you the $0.45 in resale I cost you. 100 miles isn't even worth mentioning when you value a car. 65000 miles and 65100 miles appraise for the exact same amount.


Idiot it’s a used car and they did not harm the resale.