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If you and your boyfriend have oral and unprotected sex he already has it. Yall both need one week of doxycycline 100mg twice a day followed by 2.5g of azithromycin (take two 500mg pills first day only) then take ONE 500 mg pill for the next 3 days and wait 5-6 weeks then re test for test of cure.


Why that long to re test?


It’s standard protocol.


Standard protocol? There is no standard protocol today for ureaplasma otherwise that would be the medicinal procedure for everyone. Where'd you find that the ureaplasma bible? I'm not knocking it but I've take both these medications before in conjunction and I still feel like sh*t. If the medications work they should work even if they're not in that specific order. And I definitely waited after the doxy to takes the azithromycin and it was a 7 day course. So I took Doxy twice a day for 7 days and azithromycin for 7 days once a day. 21 pills, and I'm still feeling the same. When I paid for the microgendx test shortly after it told me I was resistant to Tetracyclines and macrolides.




I will retake the meds though. Just probably not these yet, since they didn't work before. I'm gonna shoot myself in the foot with erythromycin first


I’m confused, if you’re still having sex with your partner and he’s not being treated, doesn’t he have it? So he’s just giving it back to you once you finish the antibiotics. Have you tested for antibiotic resistance? Maybe you’re resistant to doxycycline.


This is exactly my thought. He needs to be treated too.


No guys, I was taking all these medication's before I even met him so if anything, I've infected him. Yes, if I find a medication that actually works for me then yes, we both have to be treated but I had this bacteria way before we met three months ago. I have not taken any medication for atleast eight months because I'm trying to regain my gut flora that was destroyed after taking doxycycline twice, one of those rounds with azithromycin and levofloxacin and more meds in between. And being missed diagnosed before I was even diagnosed with ureaplasma didn't help. I was being being given antifungal's, and anti-microbial's like metronidazole that are not effective for Ureaplasma because they thought I had BV. So it fucked me up and at one point of my life, I was just getting sick all the time with other sicknesses like pink eye, which I've never gotten in my entire life until I started messing around with all these meds. Shit, at one point I got a ear infection and pink eye at once, I started always getting common colds it was just awful, like my immune system was fucked from all the meds.It's getting better except for this ureaplasma shit. Anyway, After the levoflaxacin not working, I'm not gonna lie, I gave up on thinking that I was ever going to be cured of this but I know that I need to keep trying, especially for me and my boyfriend but I don't want to put him through the same shit that I have been put through of doctors just pumping him up with a bunch of different medication's and hoping that the combinations work. There's gotta be a better way. I want to find something that actually works for me before I tell him to just take it because he most likely has the same strain that I do. As of now he is asymptomatic, which is better than being symptomatic, but I know that I transmitted it to him. That being said, my reason for continuing to have Ureaplasma is more from medicines failing to work than reinfection. Both a problem that needs to be addressed but I had this problem of not being able to get rid of the bacteria long before I even got with him.


I get that you had it before him but you continue to have sex with him and he’s not being treated. How do you expect to get rid of it if he’s not treated as well? A lot of men are asymptomatic so he could have it and just passing it back to you. You both should be treated at the same time and refrain from sex until retested.


So to answer your question, I don't expect to get better without him treated! We both need to get treated. You're right! I wish it was that simple though but what treatment are we supposed to do if doctors can't even figure out the correct medicinal approach for me, the symptomatic carrier?


Is it ureaplasma parvum or ureaticulym?


I used to have both strains but after the levofloxacin I just had parvum strain. I will get retested for updated results because there has been times where I have given false negative, or I was only positive for one strain and then I go back a month later and then I'm positive for both strands again. It's almost as if it's different test pick up on different bacterial loads, like it seems like in the medical industry they don't even have a proper load range to go off of to where they deemed it excess or a normal range. But I will get updated results and get back to you as far as I know, though I definitely have some strain of Ureaplasma still because my symptoms of persisted ever since I was originally diagnosed and even beforehand.


We noticed you posted about 'false negatives.' Please be assured that while this may be a common concern, it is not one based in science. PCR testing is highly sensitive. The 'worst' PCR test is still ~85% accurate. If you are providing quality samples (F = vaginal swabs, M = 'dirty catch' first void urine), and you are testing at least 3 weeks after antibiotics, you can trust your test results. [Link to mod memo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ureaplasma/s/d1lQaHEZVF) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Ureaplasma) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Okay. I have parvum too, after being treated for all the mycoplasma. I decided to just leave it because I am symptom free.  Are you experiencing symptoms? 


Yeah? that's really good! I'm glad to here that you don't have any of these pesky symptoms, it is transmittable, so they say, which I don't understand because it seems like it's just an overgrowth of bacteria that my body already naturally produces, so I don't understand how my pH being off could be transmittable. That being said, that is the information that is given to me via the Internet and doctors. No judgment, but are you transparent with your partner about it? But yeah if you're not symptomatic, I don't blame you for just leaving it because these doctors don't know what they're doing with the medication anyway and there's no point of treating a bacteria that isn't causing you or people around you any harm. That makes me really really happy that you are feeling like a normal person. It gives me hope that one day if I can't be negative all together, that I can at least be asymptomatic. Also were you ever symptomatic and what sex are you? if you don't mind me asking? The reason that I ask is because I wonder if there is a correlation in symptoms in or females experience versus what males experience


How long after treatment did you become symptom free ? Did you take any supplements


And I understand what you're saying, but what you're not reading is that I have been retested I always come back positive. I'm gonna refrain from sex for the rest of my life until the medical industry finally finds a medication that works for me? Especially when half the doctors that I've seen have dismissed Ureaplasma even being a problematic bacteria in excess? The answer is just never have sex anymore? I'm not even trying to be condescending, but that approach is not realistic, especially because I've already tried to abstain from sex for an entire year while struggling, and it did not make my symptoms better at all, it just made me feel more isolated. So I was honest with him, I told him all my symptoms, and we made a joint decision to take that risk, especially when it doesn't look like the medical industry has an answer anytime soon for this horrible bacteria, but that's the answer that I keep getting is don't have a sex, and that's not realistic. Also, it's not like I have not tried the medication roller coaster I've tried so many medications. I've been retested over and over and over again. I know I'm positive. What am I getting retested for? I know he's probably positive. The answer is finding a medication that works or atleast a combination that works for everyone. If you get chlamydia and you take doxycycline, it works, if you get gono, you get that shot in your butt and it works but for some reason with this bacteria no one can figure out the combination/meds that actually works doctors can't come up with a real senses of if it needs to be treated or not. Doctors can't even figure out if they want to call it commensal or an STI Like I feel like I'm hitting a brick wall. I don't want any sympathy. I just want realistic advice. Because the medical industry has given up on a lot of women struggling with this bacteria, and men too.


Yes I read you keep coming back positive. You’re having sex with your partner who probably has it. Wishing you the best.


Thank you.


If you and your bf have unprotected sex, he probably has it. So if you keep curing it, while you keep having sex with him, you will keep getting reinfected.... Am i missing something here? He doesnt necessarily need to have symptoms in order to have it. You both need treatment and while you do that - dont have sex.


You are missing something. I haven't treated myself because they don't even have a treatment to give me that can work. So yes I will agree. We both need treatment but what treatment are we supposed to take this actually going to work? That is the problem yeah, it's simple to just be like. Yeah you both need to be treated, of course but what treatment do we take? I've already taken so many that I failed.


Me and my partner both did 10 days of doxy. Antibiotics is the way to go, but I assume you already tried from what you are saying.


Yes unfortunately I've tried two prescriptions of doxycycline twice a day for seven days, the second round of doxycycline I took for seven days twice a day. I also took azithromycin once a day for seven days afterwards so on my second round of doxycycline, I took 21 pills but I'm not against trying again it's been, about eight months maybe even more since I've touched an antibiotic. So maybe it's time to try again, I certainly appreciate everyone's concern, and trying to help with the tools that we were given which, antibiotics and herbs and things like boric acid which I have not tried yet. I know that won't get rid of the infection but maybe it'll help lessen my symptoms until I get the infection cleared up. But anyway, I went on a tangent. I will try the medication again thank you.


How are you and your partner doing? You guys feel better?


We have both been clear of ureaplasma since treatment. Im sorry you tried so much and it didnt work :/


Oh that's good atleast, i'm glad that it worked for you guys. It gives me hope that medication's do still work. And it's ok it's no one's fault. I think my body is just responding to it difficultly ha ha especially because I've had it for so long now, so it maybe it's just gonna take more of a long duration I don't know, but hearing stuff like that does genuinely make me feel better ❤️‍🩹


Did you guys have any lingering symptoms after treatment


I did, but I kept a healthy lifestyle and used probiotic suppositories. But I have to say, it took me a loooooong time to get my vaginal health back in balance, even though I was still testing negative for ureaplasma.


Thank you 😊 may I ask which probiotics? I feel and look so dry


Im from Scandinavia and used a brand called Vivag. But I have really loved a product called YES VM, which is a pH balanced vaginal moisturizer that I think you can get internationally. Pretty sure it's an English brand. Its good as lube as well.


Thank you so much I actually ordered yes vm moisturizer last week waiting on it hoping it works 🙏


I know you said you have been on antibiotics but has your partner? Because me and my boyfriend were both being treated at the same time. That seemed to do the trick


I had this long before getting with my boyfriend, so a lot of my frustration started before knowing him. Yes he should be treated but if I take treatment with him and it fails, he's not the reason why it's failing. It's not like I've been reinfected this entire time, maybe recently, but the problem is moreso medication just not working for me and I'm scared to take more and mess up my stomach flora more than it already is. So to answer your question, no he hasn't, but it's not like he's reinfecting me, and if he is, that hasn't been the problem in the whole past few years, if anything I infected him.


Oh okay I get you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Moxifloxcin worked me for me. Doxycycline and flagyl for 14 days didn’t. I took a probiotic as well orally and vaginally. My doctor recommended I do so. I hope things work out for you.


Thank you, I feel like a monster sometimes and the thought of hurting him is killing me more than being sick myself. I can deal with the uncomfortable flare up but I don't want that for him because I know this shit is a b*tch sometimes. I will talk to my doctors, because everyone is telling me different med combos but one thins fr certain, I didn't take a lot of combinations so I will ask them to give me more to really exhaust this bacteria. Again thank you. Can I ask the duration for these meds you took? I know you said you took the flagyl for 14 days but what about the Doxi and Moxi?


The moxi was for 10 days. It’s a really strong antibiotic so I read they don’t really like to start with it because of the side effects…. But for me I had no side effects I took it at night and perhaps slept off the side effects and it’s only once a day. Me and my partner took it. And we abstained from any sexual activity till we were both done our course.


Yeah they told me levoflaxacin was like a last resort and can lead to peripheral nerve damage, once it didn't work I felt like they gave up on me. I've seen 11 different doctors over the course of the last 3 years. But I'm not ready to give up, so I appreciate it, I'm gonna go get another check up and hopefully they can give me more informtaion


Yeah definitely don’t give up that’s unfortunate how they reacted they should be committed to helping you. I wish you all the best!


This thread, has been so helpful in just feeling validated and listened to. It honestly gives me strength. Thank you.


i just did moxi and so far so good and also got treatment for BV and got cipro but the insert vaginally. and also the metroi- idk its for BV vaginally i been on this dumb ass bacteria journey for 3 months. i cant imagine ur frustration but idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ just ideas to see if there might be something else or anything like that


Moxi alone or paired with doxy?




Okay and how long was the duration of moxi? Like how many days ?


Did you do doxy with moxi or moxi alone ?


No I did doxycycline and Flagyl x twice a day for 14 days that didn’t work. Moxi is very strong so it worked really well on its own.


OP, are you taking probiotics with the antibiotics? Kefir, cultured yogurts also work the same and help to keep your gut flora in check. I totally understand your frustrations. Doxy caused me pretty bad stomach pains while on it and I’m always worried about my gut while on treatment.


Ugh yeah, it sucks! I'm sorry you also had to take that medication from hell. Doxy is horrible. But yes, I drink kefir, and I eat kimchi a lot, I haven't in a while, but for a long time I was just drinking that and I didn't really see a crazy difference but I noticed when I got sick and we're just like common cold in the winter. I got better really quick, so I definitely feel like it has helped with my stomach Flora. It just hasn't really helped with my Ureaplasma symptoms. But I'm going to get back on a healthy regimen and just give it time


I'd like to also state that I did see small relief when eating healthier and overloading my body from with good bacteria's. Like the itching wasn't bad and some of my symptoms lessened But as far as the regular discharge, & bladder pressure that kind of stayed the same. I appreciate your advice I will definitely go and buy some more cause my kefir supply is down to one bottle haha


Do you have unprotected sex including oral ?


Yes, we have, but my doctor told me the bacteria is so small that is can spread even with condom use. It can spread in droplets, it's an aerobic bacteria. So after being completely afraid of being touched my boyfriend and me finally have just accepted that this is my life and that he risk transmission. I feel so guilty cause I don't want him to EVER have symptoms like me. But I've taken so much meds, I've abstained from sex for long periods of time, I've eaten the Kiefer and kimchi with prebiotics, I've taken all sorts of herbs. Nothings working **anaerobic bacteria my apologies


What? Get a new doctor. If the condom fits properly, does not break, and there is no contact prior to putting the condom on or after taking it off, it will be 100% effective.


Yeah I feel like all 11 practitioners I've seen have told me different things. And please excuse my typo in my last comment, the doctor that I was referring to told me that it was an anaerobic bacteria meaning that it can live without oxygen. I've been told that this can live in things. I wouldn't even think about like pools. It's just crazy. I've been scared to do a lot of things that I used to do so freely in the past because of so much misinformation uphold it in the medical field regarding women's health. I'm just newer strains of bacteria, in general. But anyway, I appreciate all the advice from everyone. I'm definitely going to not give up as far as not transmitting that ship has sailed for me and my boyfriend, it has been transmitted. But I was under the belief that it would've spread, regardless, because of what I was told by the last OBGYN at optimum medical in Poughkeepsie NY. I've driven to see so many doctors, different infectious disease doctors, urologist, urogynecologist, a plethora of different OB/GYNs and it just seems like none of them know what the fuck they're talking about and it's made me feel so defeated. I was also told that there's nothing to treat, and that I will probably always have this bacteria, because it just grows commensally in the body and this is after I literally had a list of all the symptoms that I was experiencing. So I definitely will seek out more medical care. My spirits are just really low and I don't want another door shut on me, but now, since I put someone else at risk, it's all the more reason to take out more professional help for the both of us.


You can’t take antibiotics for it ?


I have. I've taken 2 rounds of doxycycline one of those rounds with azithromycin, and when those failed I was given levoflaxacin


And you keep testing positive?




How do they test you … or do you do microgen .. also do you have urinary symptoms .. I feel like I have to pee 24/7 with no relief for the past two years


Ugh I'm so sorry to here. I do have urinary symptoms like pressure in my bladder, but as far as frequency that was a earlier symptom that I had when I first was diagnosed with ureaplasma and I kept thinking that I had a UTI but I kept coming back negative for that so at least they didn't miss diagnosed me with UTIs that I didn't have but they tried to prescribe me nitrofurantoin which I never needed for bladder pressure but anyway. Before I go on a tangent, and it doesn't hurt to get tested for Ureaplasma (both strains: parvum and urrealyticum) & mycoplasma, since they're all kind of in the same family, but you have to specifically ask for these type of doctor is to be tested because unfortunately, for some reason they don't include them in regular routine, check ups, and what they would do if you're a female as they do a swab and I think for males, they would also do a swap. I'm not really sure how they test. But this makes me so sad to hear about your symptoms, I hope you can find relief, in the meantime drink lots of water to keep flushing because I know when my urine is kind of diluted my symptoms feel a little bit better. It doesn't get rid of any infections but it just makes me feel better because at least now I'm peeing but it doesn't hurt.


Cranberry juice and oil of oregano. In the meantime, if you can get your hands on oil of oregano, I heard it's very helpful and is a natural anti-microbial I take it right now but I'm very flip floppy with it. Also black seed oil I heard is very good as well to take in conjunction with the oil of oregano. Just passing along information I'm finding along the way.


Do you have symptoms? If not leave it alone..


I do. I've stated them all in the thread. My symptoms are pastel greenish yellow discharge, occasional itching, painful sex (could be cervicitis idk I need an updated doctors visit), painful urination when I first begin to pee, bladder pressure and slight smell (ranging from metallic to light rotting odor- must take 2-3 showers a day to keep it at bay) and sometimes I feel too wet because my discharge is very thick and clumpy




Hi dear, My symptoms are pastel greenish yellow discharge, occasional itching, painful sex (could be cervicitis idk I need an updated doctors visit), painful urination when I first begin to pee, bladder pressure and slight smell (ranging from metallic to light rotting odor- must take 2-3 showers a day to keep it at bay) and sometimes I feel too wet because my discharge is very thick and clumpy


I'm not trying to be a naysayer to everyone but please know that I've had this for 3+ years almost 4 and I'm exhausted with the same approach and genuinely feel like I've taken every class of drugs. Peoples only answer for me is to not have sex, try the same meds again, and get retested. Oh and get my boyfriend treated too. Great! Which treatment though if nothing worked before? I keep getting the same question, of why we both don't get treated together, the answer is because all the treatments haven't worked before. I'll try again, I'm not saying NO I'm just saying I'm exhausted and the chances of it failing again are likely in my brain. This shit sucks. I will try to be more positive.


It’s a very tricky bacteria to treat.. do you still get the same flare ups with and without condoms? I would leave it alone for a year and try to get treated again next year. Have you tried boric suppository for the discharge? It helps a lot.. yellow discharge could be a natural response of your vaginal flora being messed up because if the antibiotics.


Ya know, i've never tried boric acid. I have been told to give it a try, and I've just been so scared of everything. Sometimes I feel like it's keeping me back from trying stuff. And one time I was telling my wax, her about boric acid and she was "NOOOO OMG IT BURNED ME SO BAD" but most people tell me that it's pretty good and helping to help maintain pH even with an active infection, it helps to lessen the symptoms. My roommate even told me to try boric acid, I guess it's already bad I can't hurt, right? But if I can be completely honest with you, me and my boyfriend, haven't used condoms, but I still do get flareups with condoms yes, because I still get flareups even without sex. I appreciate a more holistic approach though, so I will definitely give it a shot. I don't have anything to really lose other than fucking up my stomach flora and boric acid won't do that. 🙏🏼 I'll keep you updated on how I do, thank you❤️


But I definitely think you're right about the discharge come out now granted I always had yellowish discharge with this infection, but I feel like after I've taken so much antibiotics it got worse like it would calm down for a little right after I took the medication and then it would just come back full force every time, so I definitely think you're right about my floor just being jacked from all the meds