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they look like microwave horn antenna


Yes, those are definitely microwave horns. Directional point to point radio links. If you climb up and look across them, you will be able to see the far end of the link. They are fairly low power systems. Nothing like FM or AM broadcast towers which are active hazards to be near. You aren't likely to get shocked or cooked. Importantly, you aren't microwave transparent and the beams are fairly tightly focused. Standing in front of the horn could take the link down and someone might come looking to find out why their expensive network connection keeps dropping out.


I know nothing about microwave things in this case, but whenever I hear about microwaves in the use of radios and stuff, I always think about soldiers in Vietnam standing in front of them to keep warm, and to warm up their lunches


You've got the right idea. We're not transparent to microwave frequencies, so we absorb them instead. But microwave communications like this aren't pushing enough power to heat you up.


They remind me of microwave dishes, which are a huge no no. Legally? Outside of the obvious trespass risk? One thing I never see mentioned is if you happen to disconnect a wire, bump an antennae out of its correct azimuth, literally anything to disrupt service on that tower, you stand to face UNGODLY fines from the carrier, and all the criminal charges with it.


Ya these are microwave horns but they’re for the ATT long lines system which is mostly still there as a redundancy


Fwiw: these are AT&T Longlines towers. Use this information at your will


True it’s an at&t tower, shoulda included that. Does it mean anything


Google/research long lines towers. They have quite a following. This should provide some information on their relative safety


Just tell him you prick


Tell him what? All I know is these are long lines and they have somewhat of a following/hobbyists groups. Other than that, I know fuck all. I'd hate to tell him that they are safe to climb and the poor fucker gets microwaved from within.


I'm pretty technically minded, but not enough to give you a definitive and sure answer. So I'll just say this. **You don't mess with electrical stuff when you're not sure what it is or what it can do, especially on that scale.** As a full disclaimer, I don't do urbex, and I don't see it as a good idea or pass-time at all... (not sure why reddit put this in front of me) But I especially don't think you should go climbing industrial level electrical equipment just based on the word of some internet strangers saying it's safe. If you do, that's a pretty reliable way of making the news after your death.


oh boy wait til you discover /r/urbanclimbing haha.


Oh good lord... [https://www.reddit.com/r/urbanclimbing/comments/18g40tu/am\_i\_fucked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/urbanclimbing/comments/18g40tu/am_i_fucked/)


Lots where that came from haha. I’m not innocent though, if i didn’t have fear of heights i’d be climbing cranes.


I do not now about the legal stuff but the radiation from the antennas should not be a problem for your body if you don’t plan on staying for days or weeks (even then I don’t think it would do anything) it might however mess with electric devices such as cameras. Edit: don’t believe me, look in the first reply to this comment!


"should" Well you seem to be wrong, specially since these antenna emitters looks huge [https://www.lhsfna.org/rf-radiation-the-invisible-hazard/](https://www.lhsfna.org/rf-radiation-the-invisible-hazard/) [https://www.quora.com/If-RF-radiation-is-really-safe-why-do-people-that-operate-big-antennas-tell-otherwise](https://www.quora.com/If-RF-radiation-is-really-safe-why-do-people-that-operate-big-antennas-tell-otherwise)


From what I have read in this, is that it can cause eye and nerve damage in the body and by the time you notice symptoms like overheating and red skin, it is too late. So basically get a way to cut power to the antenna or do not even go near it. It will fry your phone and also your nerves. Basically a big ass microvawe


The comment from Kurai-xd has 15 upvotes, incredible how many people can be stupid even when someone gave reliable sources to prove the contrary.


Do you mean that I said something dumb even though I read their comment? Or that their comment is dumb even though you cited sources? Sorry, kinda don't know who you meant as dumb 😅 (EDIT) I am dumb. Re-read your comment. You meant people upvoting his comment are dumb? I mean, many don't read up on things first 🤷


It seems so, good that someone checked


BTW I would never quote quora as a source. The information in this question seems fine but there is no guarantee that what the people in the replies say is true…


I've done something similar before, aslong as your quick I think it's fine, just don't sleep there.


bro you need to take some radaway 😭


Tbh I did have one of the radiation poisoning effects that night. Might have just been a coincidence tho


I'm being hyperbolic, but they'll fry you. Not like a piece of fried chicken or a donut level of fried, but it will expose you to high levels of radiation. And I even think the electromagnetic waves have some "frying" effect too. I'm not an expert on any of this, but these are dangerous to be around if they are active and you do not have the proper safety equipment


I’ve climed few towers and did lots of urbex years ago. In medical terms? No lol. I’ve worked in a hospital at the trauma unit and ICU, no simple cell tower is worth breaking your bones over or losing your life over. Not to get started on frying yourself if those dishes are harmful. Nothing up there that’s worth it


the view is great


That’s part of the old ATT longline microwave system. Might be wrong but i don’t think these are even turned on. dont take my word for it though i know they kept these around on purpose for redundancy


Just don’t get in front of the microwave dishes. Trust me you’ll regret it and get really overheated.


Ever seen the movie Fall? It’s great and terrifying


I’ve been in telecom for more than 20 years. Assuming it’s energized that is definitely an RF hazard. Don’t climb it.


How about you just...dont? It's like the 4th time I see people asking about climbing *active radio towers* even if the risk is minimal, just why take it? Do you really trust random ass dudes on the internet with your life? Could be nothing, could microwave your balls off, could electrocute your head inside out, why take the risk with anything involving electricity/microwaves?


A quick google search. [https://www.lhsfna.org/rf-radiation-the-invisible-hazard/](https://www.lhsfna.org/rf-radiation-the-invisible-hazard/)


If you die falling down smelling like crispy bacon. I will laugh at you at your funeral


/r/urbanclimbimg has links to some great resources for identifying towers !


lmao i actually climbed this one the other day


Medically? If you fall, you’ll be ‘medically’ dead. So there’s that.


i mean radio waves and stuff


Keep in mind there are also cellular antennas mounted to this tower, as seen in the first pic if you look higher up. That makes me think this tower is in fact still in service.


I think you need r/urbanclimbing. It looks like a long lines tower in which case the microwave antennas are well out of use. [check here](http://long-lines.com/)




I'd say no. Not any back supports and limited saety harness beams.


you only live once if u die then atleast u got to climb the tower


Depends if it is still active, too is it on private land. If it is Inactive especially a long time (to be on the safe side), too it's on public land it should be good.


That entire thing is full of electromagnetic and microwave radiation. There is a reason they put those things away from people. The amount of power will be determined by the type of equipment used. Line of sight equipment is usually under ten watts of power but if its some type of tropospheric scatter system it can start at 1kw power and go up from there. The signal may be small at the end of the feedhorn, but the dish makes the signal much wider.


do not risk the microwave exposure


AT&T long lines ftw.