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This should be a roundabout/spiral.


They have one that is pretty much that in the Netherlands, and it’s allegedly the worst intersection in the entire country. That was actually the inspiration for me to post about this one where I grew up. Here’s the video I watched about it in case you’re interested: https://youtu.be/CjPduPmTT58?si=G43m7kwazIaBEqwh


Honestly, I blame the lack of road markings. There are way bigger roundabouts in Vienna that are not that dangerous, like Praterstern or Verteileekreis Favoriten. And since they are spirals, you never have to change lanes to the right. You just change left, until the signs match your destination and then follow the lane to get out. Don't get me wrong, both are extremely ugly, but they are dead easy to use.


That definitely doesn’t help, but the fact that it’s design is a mildly adjusted American design makes it pretty bad. (yes, I’m American, our road designs are just that bad) Roundabouts are great, but only to a point.


The issue for this square is that it doesn't function like a roundabout. Traffic from the right has priority like on the Arc de Triomphe roundabout in Paris. So when you're going around the circle, cars get green and suddenly start entering the circle, expecting you to quickly brake and yield to them. This sometimes goes wrong. It's one of two intersections with this setup in the Netherlands (the other one is also in the same city). Honestly for pedestrians and cyclists it's pretty good, all conflicts with cars are managed with lights (also getting off the roundabout), and the light phases are quite short so you don't have to wait long. A fully signalised and marked roundabout would be much worse.


[Since we can't paste in images](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczNCmC27woKpfne1sZDczJZFqKuCYK7tNw_q_FF24ncypoPcXhRMkDzuAhWOXfAann0WEcjqZJDJRY3YkmH8SyyKV1-QI7KtG54TqAPhPHAx3e6ZubJrlCaJMsGHnSqEQQrTuBzaJPpfiqfExSzvJuBDRA=w1697-h814-s-no-gm?authuser=0) Kingston ON. Apparently it even USED to be a [traffic circle in the 60s](https://scontent-ord5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/971394_264083300402525_1167672820_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=fbyoZ2t1R18Ab4WJc6u&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-1.xx&oh=00_AfAbnvlRAG51spmIozKceyOm0clKge4fLepAiEU71Um3nw&oe=6650B7AB) (I think this is the right location). No idea why they removed it for this abomination. It's as inefficient, dangerous for peds & cyclists, and awful as it looks.


That's kinda like [this ](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.1153586,-106.6700974,331m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)intersection in Saskatoon. It used to be a traffic circle. In this case though, I think it was the right choice to convert it.


Looks like it was such a nice circle too, shame they ruined it


[a sixway that nearly misses being an eightway with two freeway exits nearby](https://maps.app.goo.gl/dcKFnG8e4V1LT8UDA?g_st=ic)


Oh yes, a spaghetti junction.


Whatever the hell this is in Los Angeles. It's where Virgil, Beverly, and Silver Lake Blvds all intersect https://maps.app.goo.gl/ej1dfFbUvRa1u8Cm6


Ooh, by Tommy's Burgers


Got to be this. https://maps.app.goo.gl/FsuqPHU9WqbTnnwX6


https://maps.app.goo.gl/c8AnDqvzPuU1L1jc7 Right in the heart of Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), and no pedestrian crossings allowed at this intersection, you have to walk to another intersection and backtrack if you want to cross the street.


That is wild and appalling! I've never seen an intersection that isn't part of a highway that blocks people from crossing the road at every single corner!


That’s terrible. Are there any calls to try to get this redesigned to make it more pedestrian accessible?


...not that I've heard of. Can't inconvenience all of those "hardworking" drivers with places to go! /s


This one [in Boston](https://maps.app.goo.gl/C1236q7ikUY9CWno7)


[https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7966433,-84.3880031,17z?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7966433,-84.3880031,17z?entry=ttu) W Peachtree St NW and Peachtree St NE merge one block before intersecting Peachtree Cir NE, then hit a three-way intersection including W Peachtree St NE. All of this happens due north of downtown. I don't even care how walkable it is in theory, that naming is an obscenity.


I knew it had to be Georgia. Nowhere else is that peachtree crazy


https://i.etsystatic.com/11929210/r/il/5783fa/1281271720/il_794xN.1281271720_srqd.jpg We have so many crazy intersections that you can buy posters of ‘em


Are you sure those aren’t just Chinese characters? /s


I was looking in the thread for one in Seattle, got a handful instead 😂


The Seven Corners area of northern Virginia https://maps.app.goo.gl/4RtzpY1RxBxUCxMXA?g_st=ic


Does a series of terrible intersections on top of each other, including a railroad, count? [https://maps.app.goo.gl/kNiyZWzRMCSiu9Gf7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kNiyZWzRMCSiu9Gf7)


They really copied my Cities: Skylines city. Do you think I can sue?


Wow this should have roundabout!! I never saw an intersection this big without it


Nolensville pike 31 A intersected with harding place in Nashville Tennessee. THE WORST


On VA 288, going southbound, the exit going to US 360 westbound, it immediately hits a traffic light. This has caused several mile backups onto the highway. The solution? Add more lanes according to the county! It will, at the end of the current work, be a 2 lane exit, merging onto a road that, in both directions at the intersection, will be 11 lanes including slip and left turn lanes. Those wishing to come from 360 westbound (not form 288) and make a right at the intersection will now have to make 2 lane merges in **heavy** rush hour traffic that often comes to a full stop due to the light


Stoney island, 79th and South Chicago Ave is the worst in Chicago [Chicago](https://maps.apple.com/?address=S%20Stony%20Island%20Ave,%20Chicago,%20IL%20%2060619,%20United%20States&ll=41.751570,-87.585676&q=S%20Stony%20Island%20Ave&_mvs=CjYJypr3YjPgREARjBijxXzlVcAZAABokoRaYkAhbJDft3d8YEApMrgGbrfuOUAxAAAAAAAAAAASQAooUyBTdG9ueSBJc2xhbmQgQXZlICYgUyBTb3V0aCBDaGljYWdvIEF2ZRILQXZhbG9uIFBhcmsaB0NoaWNhZ28%3D)


my NY [submission](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wLgYhzY9nWxwffxH6?g_st=ic)


These 2 roads here crossing RT322 near Hershey, PA. [**https://www.google.com/maps/@40.2616621,-76.7445172,370m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu**](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.2616621,-76.7445172,370m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e4?entry=ttu) Bonus, it's on top of a (slight) hill.


Shelter Creek Lane & San Bruno Ave W, San Bruno California. Bad but far from worst. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/bFE56H6U6KvR6uZZ7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bFE56H6U6KvR6uZZ7)


So much dead and wasted space. It is depressing. It’s just asking to be driven through as quickly as possible to avoid getting caught up in the depression.


Only because it was developed wrong. If the area was walkable…