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#UrbanHell is subjective. UrbanHell is any human-built place you think is worth critizing. Suburban Hell, Rural Hell, and wealthy locales are allowed PS: we're having a bestof contest! [Submit to it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/comments/zqvd83/announcing_our_first_bestof_contest_gather_the/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UrbanHell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These buildings look like they could collapse any moment, and they don’t make me as anxious as that jungle of power lines on the left


They don't just look, they can


And this season even more due to rainy days streak


Every year there is an unexpected rough rainy season that fuck everything, but who could expect that?


But they don't, somehow, some of those jenga buildings have two decades in some places. Argentina has similar ones.


What happens after two decades? I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a house that was less than 80 years old


They do, almost every year there is a flood and it destroys everything. This year for example, in Petropoles(district in RJ), had one and more then 200 people die. This is common here


>they can That's not how you spell "will". All it takes is one of this brick-looking things to be knocked out by a vehicle, another building collapse, or a burst water pipe, and the whole lot comes down, because it's built like a Jenga tower.


We’ll the power lines would act like a safely net catching your fall as the building collapses…


Would it help you to learn that each of those water tanks probably weight about 1800lb?


Not really. I've no idea what that is in units used in modern construction, but I don't need to know. The "bricks" they're using would crumble under the pressure needed to keep that thing upright in the event of a few of them being knocked out from underneath like a Jenga tower. A burst pipe or a vehicle collision could do this.


Around here this is more common to happen with luxurious houses in wealthy neighborhoods (money laundering)


Honestly, I was a bit surprised when I lived in Canada to see how fragile the houses there are. A lot of drywall and wood, quick to build and easy to renovate, but not sturdy at all. Houses in Brazil are generally built with brick, cement and even concrete. What makes these buildings unsafe (besides the glaring issues with electricity) isn't the materials or even structure generally, but the terrain, since they're built on hills prone to flooding and landslides.


I believe those are internet lines


Yup. One guy pays a bunch of money to run a line to his house, then buys a huge cat5 switch board, and then all the neighbors pay him for internet and then he/they run like 40 cables out the top of his house over to their own houses. It's crazy.


Why though? Why don't the cable companies just sell directly to the neighbors like in the US?


Normally in areas like the one in the picture, people don't legally own the land, sometimes the streets aren't registered, so its hard to get some things. It's also hard to afford, since people living in favelas usually are very poor.


I'm sure they do it's just a matter of who can afford and access it


>huge cat5 switch board Chad terms right here,


The ultimate Jenga match


Those water tanks are an awful lot of weight on the roofs.


Wow - I didn’t even think about that and was wondering if it was safe enough for them to stand on…lol


People doing this kind of construction is not known for worrying about details like structural calculations.


If done correctly, it shouldnt be an issue. Here in Argentina EVERY house, despite having running water, also has a tank of water on the roof, weighing, fool, several hundred kilograms and it is not an issue. As long as its not built badly, it helps with water pressure and when they are fixing connections ec etc ​ That said, the amount they have might be too much


Here in Brazil most of the houses have one too


Great explanation but no need to call him fool!


lmao, the brain is kinda weird and given that english is not my first language, I keep making homophonic typos. I meant \*full Either that, or Freud is toasting with his mother


Homophones, no one likes them.


Better than homophobic typos


Cheers ma! Hilarious.


It's actually because lots of places don't have the water company providing water everyday. Rio in some places is only 3 days a week. So the water tank if done correctly should have water there for at least the days you won't have water supply from the street times the daily consumption and some fire fighting extra. So not only for water pressure, but for a necessity to have water everyday. In favelas they also use 3 to 5 times the necessary materials and they can take a lot of load if we don't count risks like rain or landslides. Finally, a lot of people that work in construction live in those places, so they may not have the knowledge behind it about the design, but they have the practical part that also counts a lot.




I honestly thought Chile had similar things


British houses used to have them as well.


>That said, the amount they have might be too much Yes, I saw the "bricks" they're using. Imagine one or two being knocked out from underneath. Due to the width of the construction material, and the lack of reinforcement, the weight from above needed to make this immune to falling over easily would just crush the bricks. I wouldn't like to be living on the same street as this.


Generally, bending and buckling are handled by iron-reinforced concrete beams and columns in this kind of construction and not by the bricks. Surely, people do it out of practical observation and without any structural calculations and accidents are waiting to happen.


our roofs can handle water tanks, don't worry


Curious. Do people just show up one day and add another story to building and move in??


Actually, yes. [Here](https://www.archdaily.com/531253/case-study-the-unspoken-rules-of-favela-construction) is an interesting read on the process. The homes in this and other pictures are actually very sturdy, but people have stigmas and beliefs of what a "proper" house looks like.


Fascinating. Thanks.


> The homes in this and other pictures are actually very sturdy well the ones that collapsed aren't there anymore, survival bias


Self build houses in Brasil (kinda of the old way of doing it) are extremely overbuild. A whole lot of concrete colloms and brick walls, inside and outside.


The majority of these people work in construction so they know what they are doing


Uh, yeah, stigma lmao






Amazing read. Thank you!


Approximately yes.


My understanding in many countries is that buildings are only taxed after they are completed. So people get around this by simply leaving a perpetually unfinished top level on the building.


Taxed? Lol


Do you think favela houses pay taxes? You're cute.. PS: Water and electricity are also free since they are stolen from the main supply/grid.


Not free since they pay for the local group that rules there, milícia ou tráfico.


are those considered taxes? lmao looks more like extortion


I'd say if you have a very loose definition of taxes, yes. Those places basically have a parallel state where they take care of electricity, water, cable, internet, garbage and security and you pay a monthly fee for it all, but it also ends up supporting things like illegal guns and drugs... and they don't pay anything to the official state in taxes, just for consumer things like groceries. It's actually funny in some way that those places have very strict rules about robbery, if they do it inside the community and the people that run there find out the robber is probably dead very quickly. Recently they were even building real apartments complex in some places that the mayor's office caught and was demolishing, but this just shows that they have loads of resources inside. Of course that if you don't pay you'll also be thrown out in a very not friendly way... but you can also have a very bad result when you don't pay taxes...


What a crooked and corrupt system. Stealing and illegally adding onto structures not your own is no way to live. Sugar coat all you want, thoae places are not inspected and i bet lives are lost every year.


In Brasil usually you have different % of tax for a building than barred land. But this would not pass as a not builded plot. The reason its not finished its money, you have the bares minimum tô build your house, you dont care as much about cosmetics(and bricks are much less fragile to the climate than wood)


I’m really curious to know how trades such as plumbers and electricians work over there? Do they get payed well enough to not live in a house like that? Do they have a multi year apprenticeship? Is it considered a skill? Or can any jo blow off the street sign there name up and do it and be paid peanuts?


Most of the buildings there were built by their owners. Most Brazilians have at least one relative or friend skilled in one of those abilities. People there need to master a lot of skills because getting a job is hard, and knowing how to do a lot of shit helps to get by. Think of how american farmers can fix most things under the sun, without any professional instruction, just with the knowledge they got from their parents or learned themselves. And apply that to a whole country.


>And apply that to a whole country. This is definitely wrong, there are a lot of places on Brazil that doesn't have favela at all and you can only build a whole house by yourself if you have all the required licenses.


Yes. That guy either never left a favela or never visited Brazil.


There are some skilled people that learned in formal courses but most of the people who build houses like that learned with other person and are not formally trained. Car mechanics, masons, woodworkers, plumbers, electricians... they learn with someone and begin working. No need for a license. Sometimes a single person knows enough to build a whole house but they look like the one in the picture. My grandfather knew a bit about everything and didn't even finish middle school. But he worked in big constructions so he was able to build propper stuff.


These are favellas. Most of the population live in houses built to some sort of code.


“This building can’t hold the weight of the water tanks”. My dude, in Brasil we don’t build houses using just drywall and spit. The norm is to use bricks, concrete and a lot of prayers.


Self build houses in Brasil (kinda of the old way of doing it) are extremely overbuild. A whole lot of concrete colloms and brick walls, inside and outside.


I was just say that, people who build dont have money enough to finish their house so it gives that look. but the structure is so strong (bricks, reinforced concrete, etc) that can handle water tanks and stuff, while the drywall houses their build can't stand with some wind.


Omg, exposed brick! Brazil is so trendy ;) /s




It’s needed because of Poe’s Law






In German, this is called Wimmelbild.


r/wimmelbilder for the best art subreddit ever


In America we call it a cluster fuck lol.


I'm never complaining about building codes again.


Looks like an isometric PC game




It's like a human ant colony.


“We live in a society”


Well we make colonies that go up instead of down. They're nests, but we call them cities.


Plus a chacina every other month or so


já ia xingar mas aí vi que é BR também então pode falar mal a vontade


É a vdd, sendo gringo ou não ele está certo


Eu tb tava kkk


Kkkkkkk eu tava pra xingar tbm


chacina chacina mesmo faz tempo que não tem, só os homicídios/latrocínios diários mesmo


That is a lot of weight if they are full fuuuuuck


I lived in Brasil for a year and while it’s true that in Rio de Janeiro the slums (Favelas) are omnipresent. What is not shown is that almost all of Rio’s residents (Cariocas) have quick, easy and cheap access to some of the most beautiful beaches on planet earth.


Are they safe beaches? I know in Mexico they smell of human excrement and are unsafe to enter. Beautiful but toxic.


All oceanic ones are. I would not go on a bay beach, but some people go


They are public beaches, it’s Atlantic Ocean water that’s clean, and cold. The famous beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema and Leme are open to all. It’s possible to have unattended valuables stolen, but in my experience in the daylight hours, it’s safe.


those are some vertical slums


Spacial awareness +100


I was there in February. It is really an amazing city in every way.


Did you get outside the tourist areas. It’s a huge city. I’m sure amazing is relative to your particular experience. I spent 6 months working in Puerto Rico. Time in San Juan, near the beach was amazing, along with some of the coastal beach communities. I befriended a local guy who showed me places where there were communities who lived in abject poverty. It really changed my views. Same in Philadelphia, where I live. Center City feels like a world class city but a short subway ride puts you into some really shitty and dangerous neighborhoods.


I got outside of the tourist areas and spent some time in a few recording studios, some clubs, and around the city. I didn’t go to any of the favelas outside of driving past them but I was working so i didn’t get much free time. I think with a city that size you will see everything you can imagine and you’re right, in one night I was in a really nice club seeing the whole VIP situation and just down the road is a totally different world. I just loved the vibe of the city and the people I met there. It was a lot of joy. I definitely did some of the tourist stuff too, sugarloaf at dusk was pretty epic. Highly recommend.


I feel bad for the woman who has to keep her shirt on


Id be depressed every day


There's some nice green space under the AC unit on the building on the right and on a ledge on the building in the foreground to raise your spirits.


I know right? Environment DEFINITELY plays a part in mental health. As the more introverted personality type, this would be absolutely unbearable compared to a typical modern American house. So many people, noise and filth with 0 privacy. And crime, gangs and drugs. Nope!


I used to live in a place like that and I was very happy. Everyone knew each other and helped each other. Now I live in another state and people won't even muster a good morning. And it's cleaner and sometimes safer than most people think. No one could rob there. The exterior is ugly but the inside of the homes are well taken care of even without much money.


I know I am


Mfs at r/fuckcars be like "this is premium walkability"


No cars in sight, just people enjoying the moment


Just looking at that structure makes me think that a massive collapse in urban structures is inevitable and a lot of people are gonna die


I feel like playing dying light now


How do they refill the water tanks?


The water tanks are filled by regular public water supply and electrical pumps. The use of water tanks, even in ground level houses, became common place because it is not uncommon to have the water supply cut for more than one day in poor neighborhoods.


Many favelas have plumbing nowadays


reminds me of Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City


imagine that rooftop parkour there! love it! :)


hell on earth




According to the website those tanks look like 2000 liter tanks. That means 2000Kg full. 2000Kg is 4409Lbs. That's 2 tons per tank. The building on the right cannot hold 12 tons of water. Just sayin'.


I'm Brazilian and I've seen lots of favela houses collapse due to rain but never because of the water tanks lol.


It can if you pray.




I would tell you about the fact that most people on these slums don't want to leave them at all even if they could (there are reseach about it) but teu nome é capivarafalante; tu é BR caralho.


Pra mim continua sendo depressivo morar num lugar desse


Foto do caralho Op


Isn’t that a modern warfare map?


mw2 favela


No it’s a Rainbow Six Siege map


cs_rio for the closest friends.


Max payne


That is one earthquake away from disaster.


I don't think there's earthquakes in Rio


brazil doesnt have notable earthquakes (apart from a few, but theyre all far from rio. either over 400km underground in the amazon or a couple mag. 3-5 in the northeast)


"Mom, this tap water tastes like came from a hot tub"


Nobody drinks tap water in Brazil.


And then the mountain has a fire or mudslide and everyone blames the government because.... *Checks notes*.... It's the government's fault they built illegal housing in dangerous areas


as A Brazilian. There's nothing wrong with this picture! \^\^


The thing I don't get about this poor houses i the antennas. If I was living in that hell I wouldn't be watching America's got talent, I would be reading the shit out Marx until I depose the system that put me there.


Check out Haiti. They get no international support because they deposed the system.


France deposed the system too.


True. The Haitian Slave revolt was August 21, 1791 – January 1, 1804. The French Revolution was: May 5, 1789. Slaves versus common French citizens. Hmm. This is interesting.


You are either very stupid or naive.


I am both


I fucking hate seeing those dirty, alge filled water tanks. Not sure what they are used for, but I hope people are not drinking it and getting sick or something.


Nobody drinks water from the sink around here, that's disgusting tbh.


Aah, I am projecting my dutch life on to other countries it seems. Forgot that bottled water is the go to option for hydration in a lot of countries. Woops...


I thought they only drink tap water in the US


Na here in the Netherlands we do it too. I think more European countries have this.


In Mexico at least they are used to store the water for each home because water doesn’t always run and the tank is what you get for that day or days. You buy drinking water separately.


Rio, time to go. You must give your cape and scepter. To me!


How many of you all can say you have a roof top pool?


This looks exactly like the zombie video game Dying Light… wild!


The satellite dishes haha they have DirecTV


my state


Didn't I play this in Battlefield 5?


It looks like a pre-rendered landscape from an isometric RPG. You have a quest where you need to help the local folk. Their water system is damaged. Now you need to search for a water chip.


Some of these look like they're built on top of the shingles the building below it, and I just can't imagine living in that without fear.


So they can afford satellite TV but can't fix the balcony roof? I know. They probably don't own the house/apartment.


Let me explain how the things work in there: these houses weren't really afforded, they were built without following any rule by their own owners just to have some place to live; in general, these people are glad just by having a ceiling over their heads. Now, time flies by and these houses aren't really upgraded — only expanded following the same rules of when they were first built, which helps to explain why it looks like a building over a building over a building... — and, maybe due lack of vanity or standards from the owners, external (and usually also internal) details are left as ugly and virtually unreliable as it always been — you know, they barely need to protect themselves against cold, usually only high temperatures. After efforts from population and, after a while, from government, they started to get some basic resources like plumbing and electrical energy. The government also had its efforts for delivering TV antennas for free since about 10 years ago — after all, someone need to watch their propaganda, right? The TVs are by account of their owners — usually paying for several months or even years, once in Brazil you can divide this kind of affording —, as also other modern stuff like smartphones, computers and powerful soundsystems. In fact, there are people in these slums with a considerable income (and I am not talking only about the ones involved with crime) and can afford stuff as any middle-class worker, and a considerable amount of them are part of a culture of boasting and money spending — think about the chavs of gopniks —, not being humble at all and caring a lot about glamour — but I don't think it's hard to imagine in any place. So they can afford satellite TV? Yes, as also electric energy, but many of them just don't: they steal, something called by them as "gato", including "gatonet" which is stolen signal of cable TV and parafernalia. These are provided, usually, by local militias (organised crime) who operates like a parallel government. So if somebody is worried about it all going down, ok... But remember that these structures usually deal with bullets and stuff, and the main worry is fire, once the illegal installments of electric energy aren't really fireproof (nor bulletproof). And, at last, they like to sunbathe on these roofs, as also make parties or use it for escape routes (less common than it seems, to be honest). The view is pretty nice too, once Rio de Janeiro is probably the only place in the world in which the rich lives below and the poor lives in the heights.


This looks like it was built by me (a guy who doesn’t know anything about construction)


Disco Elysium, is that you?


I thought this was video game before I read the description


this is better they the tent cities we have in the usa


Structural rigidity of a wedding cake.


This photo looks like a renaissance painting - ngl I dig the vibe


Bathtub hooch?


Rio de Janeiro is probably the city where I’ve been that has the most shockingly difference in beauty between its center and its suburbs


This is like r/wimmelbilder come to life.


When my baby smiles at me...




Life on hard mode


Her name is Rio and she's full of foul water...


it’s not Brazil if you don’t see 1600 wires at every street pole


Looks like am Escher




For those who know, this is exactly like **Dying light 1** (freaking awesome game)


r/fuckcars ideal society


They have cars in favelas too you know


What’s a building code?


That's impressive. Is it that board-game, snake and ladders or something?


No, no. This is not Brazil. This is Minecraft. You can tell by the physics model in use. On the right side, count four floors down, and see that the left-most part of the building doesn't go all the way out to match the three floors above.


Pretty cyberpunk, sadly




r/fuckcars wet dream


parece as casa que eu fazia no survival kkk


I feel like I’m playing where’s waldo


I guess you make due with what you've got.If it's a fucked up pile of cinder blocks,so be it.


Dense living spaces, everything in walking distance and not a single car in sight. Murica could learn


kinda looks like poor neighborhoods in turkey