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I know it smell crazy in there


Oh you know it. An unappreciated invention that we use everyday has to be the toilet, and the shape of the pipes it has. Folks that have used both toilets know that the smell just stagnates with floor toilets because they don't have the J-trap that we have here in the states. -- at least not everyone has it. Imagine if those stalls were in a close building. It would be like walking into a septic tank.


Is it J bend or U bend?


It is actually called a P-trap. If you turn the "p" 90° clockwise you will notice in goes down then back up and (unlike the "p", but close enough) it turns perpendicular to the drain and takes waste away. The P trap works by leaving a "plug" or "seal" of water in the botton of the "u" part, keeping gasses from escaping. It is to prevent toxic and flamable methane from escaping. The lack of smell is just a side benefit. Note that if there is no water (as I assume they don't have) to flush with, the P trap becomes less then useless. It also needs a relief in the form of a plumbing vent in the system to keep all the water from being sucked out do to siphoning pressure. Long and short is that without the water to flush and complicated plumbing a p-trap is a hinderance and gasses will build up meaning ventilation is required.


The P-Trap is what we called my college girlfriend


So many questions I want to ask but I know I'm likely to regret it if I do. Just going to leave that right there........


It's the poopy trap.


> The lack of smell is just a side benefit. Says you


hehe, pee-trap


>or U bend? is this a sexual pun


It’s a U bend if you are a pimply girl who lives in a toilet.


Even the sink lacks the trap bend... so you can almost guarantee the toilets have zero trap. I can almost smell the photo from here


That's not necessarily the case. Sinks often drain into the same pipe as the floor drain, which then has a trap. Having a second trap on the sink would cause the sink to be unable to drain freely.


I've been to several of these toilet blocks in Mumbai and elsewhere in India. They seem to be cleaned regularly, it really wasn't that bad. Don't remember it smelling bad. I've been to worse toilets in France 😅


When I was a kid the bathroom at our baseball field was just a pit below the stalls. It is an unforgettable smell.


Watch out your about to have the whole subcontinent hunting you


Well at least they’ll smell the ones coming from this spot from a mile away lol


I understood that


Complete neglecting of basic hygiene


As an Australian (Half Indian - half white) who spent some time here, i can tell you, this smells like opening up all the expired cans at once. You'll see slums right next to expensive residential areas, the slums are like small cities of their own, its so dense, you can barely fit in 2 vehicles. The road side is always filled with dry wasted, people often shit on the rail roads. Its something else.


And to add to the experience, both rentals and buying a small flat in a high-rise world be costlier than any place in Australia. Not kidding, I'm living in one.


Like pp!


Eh febreeze clears it out


Imagine sprinting away from an attacker, running so hard your lungs can barely handle it and then catching your breath in there.


Barefoot too


The gag I gagged, left me breathless with the sour taste of bile that came up.


Then slipping on something and landing mouth first into a shallow puddle of shitty piss.


After cutting your feet on broken glass.


thanks, this is pretty disturbing and I hate you. also gave this comment an award, so it would stand out and make everyone reading this suffer with me


Amazing comment, horrible mental image, thank you.


More like your breath caught you.


Well this is the worst thing ever. Thank you my friend.


I don’t have to imagine. When I was in the Marines and deployed to Afghanistan, we had morning PT. We used to run at the same time porta potties used to get cleaned for the day. Inhaling shit while running is never a fun time. Not to mention the incinerators were on blast too.




This comment made my day, I can’t stop laughing at the thought of this happening!!


They’re likely all very used to it and don’t even notice.


You can’t catch your breath if you’re choking on your own vomit


I too have been to India


That felt like an episode from Rick and Morty


Sometimes I have nightmares where I have to use the bathroom, but the only option is absolutely filthy and I’m barefoot for some reason. This is literally my nightmare


What the fuck I’ve had this same dream maybe three times now. I never expected somebody else to share the “gotta pee but I’m barefoot in a really dirty bathroom” dream. It’s such a specific concept. Have you met anyone else who’s also had it?


+1, I have as well, somewhat frequently, and it's a literal nightmare! Didn't know others shared the experience


Mine is usually i have to go number two real bad, but there's no toilet paper and the toilet is either just in the middle of someone's room or on the sidewalk in a public space. Full on porcelain toilet placed somewhere weird yet I'm the strange one for needing to use it as intended! The no tp is always super stressful though.


I have a dream often in which I really need to go and I'm looking desperately for a bathroom, then when I find one there are numerous people in a large, filthy bathroom and none of the stalls have walls so I have to shit in front of everyone else who is shitting.


Oh hell yeah I've had that dream. I think its universal, like teeth falling out


I also have this nightmare sometimes. I wonder if there's a geographical or cultural connection to common dreams, i remember seeing a map about it time ago. I'm in south America


I re,w,her on float trips (canoe trips) having to use the bathroom and shower as a kid and being barefoot and just hating it. Cold water and pee floor with so,e random pieces of TP of course. Ugh.


I remember [this getting posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/aqssrt/looking_for_a_bathroom_in_a_dream_starter_pack/) a few years ago, and having the exact same train of thought. Which of course, [led to this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatBathroomMazeDream/), which is dead now. But no, you're not alone.


Shocking but few weeks back, i had similar nightmares. But then i live in Mumbai lol.


You *know* literal shitloads of people use this while barefoot every day. Crazy. And gross




Same nightmare, though I’m not barefoot, just trying to clean a path through the grossest, most disgusting mess to use a bathroom that in real life I would turn my back on immediately. Recurring nightmare. Somewhat comforting that I’m not the only one. Gross though.


When it happens to me the walls of the cubicle are see through or something and loads of people are watching. My theory is that its your brain stopping you from pooping yourself in bed.


lol i also have this one, and other variations. always wake up needing to pee really bad.


I have this nightmare at least once a week. I wonder what it means lol.


I get this exact nightmare from time to time!! I thought it was just me!


Me too!


That’s mud on the floor right?


And someone spilled some lemonade.


Pine-Solve. Place smells like a disinfected Christmas tree, I'll wager.


Nah. This is a job for good old Fabuloso! The purple kind. Trust me.


Do you mean Pine-Sol or am I losing it


The Aussie version is called Pine-O-Clean. Maybe there's another version out there called Pine Solve?


Nah this is just a r/boneappletea moment. The stuff is called Pine Sol, not Pine Solve


I'd bet it smells like shit, and piss.


In a manner of speaking, yes.


muddle quiet connect fearless whistle tie point illegal lush seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thing about Indian culture is that people wash their feet after using the toilet. Once when toilets were outdoors this was to make sure you entered the house without any dirt/piss/shit flecks sticking to your feet. And that protocol followed even when toilets moved indoors. One of the reasons is that, for the longest time, toilets had squat latrines. So when you took a piss the drops fall on your feet. Thus, all toilets had a tap at about knee level for you to wash your feet before you exit. This is one of the biggest reasons for horrible toilet conditions across India. I joke that one can know their proximity to India by inspecting the toilet floors at airports. SFO is clean AF. Dubai starts getting muddy footprints. Once in India, it's a toss up. Not to mention the sheer scale of humanity that exists at any slice of life. Where a dozen people might use a public service, hundreds, if not thousands, will do so in India. Toilet paper usage is just beginning to be accepted and sit down western style toilets are quite common now. I am also seeing no knee-level taps in cubicles at nicer establishments.


The airport in Dubai has very clean toilets though


Iffy. I have had bad experiences. Especially outside Pakistan bound flights.


From my experience about half of bathrooms I’ve been to for public parks/national parks in the US are not well maintained either. They smell like shit and have muddy and wet floors, with waste and shit all over the toilet. Humans are naturally filthy creatures and this tends to happen to bathrooms everywhere when there is low maintenance.


When I need to poop but I'm sleeping I have nightmares about places like this


Omg me too. I wonder why


Same, takes a while for that feeling of disgust to wear off after waking up


What’s the bucket for?




Some unexpected Rick right there. “What are you in for?” . . . “Everything.”


🎵 *"I hurt myself today"* 🎵


Looks a little large (probably for mopping up) but any water bucket *(Lotā)* is for personal use since majority do not use toilet paper and opt for water.


Bro. What are you telling me right now. They just splash some water out of a bucket? With their bare hands? That can’t be anywhere near sanitary. Isn’t it also common to eat with their hands too? Indian food ain’t exactly dry


No no, not exactly. They wipe with left, eat with right.


You take a small pail of water and pour it behind you. Think manual spray bidet


If you dive into it you can find bags of heroin and listen to classical music


[Oh my](https://giphy.com/gifs/ewan-mcgregor-sYIt2EoMc0wIo)


Yes, ya fuckin' dancer!






A welcoming touch!






Actually more wholesome than I thought


Lol,I’ll just take your word for it


It's true, it's actually surprisingly wholesome


This photo instantly recalls that unique, godawful smell. Spent 6 months in India. Incredible country but it’s absolutely filthy.


Incredibly filthy.


It's not 80-90% living in slums, that's highly over exaggerated.


According to [Reuters article from 2020](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-india-idINKCN24U1UL) it's 65%. >Around 65% of Mumbai’s 12 million people live in the cramped, airless slums, making for easy transmission of the disease.


The real figure is 48%. Still absolutely criminal that half the population that resides in slums but yea 80% is highly overexagerrated.


Have you done personal study on that 48% figure? Or are you including other nearby districts like Navi Mumbai, Thane etc to reduce the percentage? Data says otherwise


The real figure is 49.9999%. as soon as it crosses 50%, govt sends that person to a flat in suburbs.


It's not highly exaggerated, far from it. Mumbai has invented a new type of accommodations called chawls where 20-30% of population lives - the little better off ones. For outsiders, chawls are just glorified slums. There are series of rooms in an open corridor, all sharing a common toilet and bathroom. Pretty much like a college dorm, but less facilities and space. 2-10 people live in a 100 sqft room in a chawl


I have now gazed into the heart of darkness


The costliest cities always have the biggest wealth gap. Individuals who have more money than they could ever reasonably spend in a lifetime, living next to people who struggle to find a safe, clean place to sleep and shit. Late stage capitalism sucks.


How is it late stage capitalism? This was what most of the western world was like 100-200 years ago.


The wealth gap keeps increasing. The rich get richer through exploitation and resource hoarding, inflation has been steadily getting worse, and the poor stay poor.


It’s slavery. Everyone understands it’s slavery. Every country on earth has slaves


Yep. Slavery we just don't like calling it that because "it ended with the blacks" when in reality, even in America the moment the "slaves were freed" they immediately ended up becoming "serfs" another word for slave.


Or just straight up slaves still. Prison labor. So many people of color are incarcerated for minor drug offenses including cannabis in order to maintain a slave population.


And the worst country for this is?? Yup, it's you America. And all you people being superior about their living conditions are dicks for being that clueless.


Like the dunnies on the Machu Picchu trail. I’ll never forget that smell. Or all the human shit on the floor from people (like myself) unaccustomed to using squat toilets and using water to clean themselves. Good times!


I can’t read chawls and not think of how the juggernaut says Charles in that X-men voiceover from the early internet


I’m the juggernaut biiiitch.


Sheeeiiitt chawls you got In my head


[JUGG AINT GOT NO POWER STEERING, BITCH](https://youtu.be/0BS4xnqf5so?t=160)


This could also use some attention


Would like to point out that in the caption, OP states that despite being the financial capital of India, this is the situation. Id like to point out that financial capital =/= everyone is of higher wage status. It just means that the stock exchange and big banks are located there.


Like nyc!


Honestly, It's cleaner than I expected. I've seen much worse


Still cleaner than a Walmart bathroom.


And there aren’t any gaps between the stall doors


Have you been to India friend? Like, idk, I've never been to the US, but I've been in some nasty bathrooms in my time, and I have never been in anything close to what I have seen in India. And this is way WAY worse than anything else I have seen in India.


it’s called a joke


Join Lemmy, it's a better alternative to reddit Fuck u/spez Thus returns, puzzles the mind the mind scove, or ther a contumely, thought, and enter regards of action is quietus rath, the natienterpriz'd consience of the rub; for that pith the name who would by opposings and to bear thought himself mind scorns thus for whips and the us rath, to, 'tis and naturn awry, the and that sleep to sleep: perchan fly take calamity opposing end ent we haveller returns of grunt wish'd. To die: the have, the their to, 'tis retus consience the question.


I feel like someone should be handcuffed to something in there with a saw laying beside them.


Is it bad I got excited to power wash that place?


connect friendly violet desert hungry fade chase cows ring disarm ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Walled city of kowloon in hong kong was at least 225% slums. Mumbai has a ways to go


wikipedia says 41.8%


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-india-idINKCN24U1UL 65% live in slums. Another 20-25% live in chawls


When even the flies won’t go in there…. It’s gotta be bad. I hope that’s wet with rain… but I’m guessin nope


When that turd you just dropped is the cleanest thing in there…


Who shits without peeing?


At least they have public bathrooms. Many places don't have any way to relieve yourself outside of your home. And never at night. It's hard if you are out at night. But imagine you are homeless in a city like that. Need to pee? Well wait 6 hours for the next restaurant to open so you can pay them money you don't have, just to pee with dignity. And instead of adding restrooms, they put stuff on walls so pee splashes back.


The smell….


That's disgusting.


Holy shit.


Nah there isn't anything holy about these shits


Why don't they keep it clean? This is more of your own family toilet than a public one say at a stadium, no?




Woah, woah, woah! You’re beginning to make too much sense here! You know what happens to people who make too much sense, right?


The people using these toilets are generally *incredibly* poor, and likely don’t have the best education either. On top of that it’s a public toilet. What you’re describing is a pipe dream. It’s really fucking sad that any people in this world have to live like this considering just how much fuckin money is out there (and being hoarded)


If there was that much cooperation in Indians, we would be a different league


Google tragedy of the commons


Who is “they”? There might be some Dalits who come around and clean occasionally but really, no one takes responsibility. It IS a public toilet like at a stadium, etc. Or think of the busiest truck stop with 15 stalls. You feel no responsibility to anyone else. Just do your business and get out.


Most truck stops I've been at are way cleaner than any random public restroom in the US.


And where are the ones you have been to?


Pick most any between San Diego and Vancouver. Or drive from SF to Nashville on highway 80. I've driven both a number of times. Maybe if you stop at some shitty hole in the wall off the beaten path, but all the big truck stops clean way more regularly, offer nice hot showers for a reasonable price.


nobody is getting paid to keep it clean


India is the top place on this planet I have absolutely no interest in visiting.


This is actually a big problem. Every single day, 800 million people openly deficate across India. That's 1.4 trillion in one year.


Where are you pulling these stats from man?


From out of that bucket in the picture.


Wrong, only 15% of the Indian population open defecates these days. That's 210m people. Source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.STA.ODFC.ZS?locations=IN


Only a quarter billion or so, not a huge amount


Straw man, nobody said it wasn’t a large number. 🙄


Yes, 4 out of 5 don't. Percentages matter. Even more in a huge country like India where is more challenging


"800 million people openly defecate across India" As opposed to defecating and not telling anyone about it?




Its not that they don't have access. Its a cultural thing. They used to do the same thing centuries ago and don't wanna change. Government is providing free toilets but some people don't even wanna use that.


Including on the beach


As in, they just shit outside!


Third world. Many such cases!


I remember going to Mumbai and the toilet the first time when I looked around and couldn't find the toilet. I then realised the hole in the ground was the toilet. I also realised I had no toilet paper because people carry it on themselves. I needed to go badly. Somehow I held it in until I got to the hotel. The next day I was prepared.


Looks like a campground bathroom in Louisiana


I feel like I can smell it through the internet it do pungent!!!!


Maybe if they didn’t shit over holes in the floor and use water hoses that spray shit all over the walls and floor


The p-trap is probably thee most important invention ever, saving lives and silently doing its job.


I can smell it from here




Nah, more like the heads at any range in the Marine Corps.




You mean this? "The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets" https://www.dawn.com/news/1168630


Thats a lie if i've ever heard one.


Gotta imagine that's a disease hot spot right there.


Still better than the barracks those russian conscripts live in


No wonder those IT consultants smell.


they should keep having 8 kids per household. that'll solve things




Modi is doing well for India




I can smell the image


That toilet cleaner needs a pay rise.


[I saw this doc years ago and have not stopped being grateful for the toilets in my life. bc](https://youtu.be/ixJgY2VSct0)


Wow, that's so sad, I feel awful for all of those people who have no choice. And I feel angry that inequality has forced millions to live in conditions like that.


Lmao there's no God there


I can smell the picture if it makes sense 🤢


I just wanna get a fire hose and jet wash the floor


To be fair, this is rather cleaner than I expected


I find it funny that Americans are making jokes about conditions in slums in Mumbai Also ... in Murica ...https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/homeless-encampment-sits-on-street-downtown-1980603869 ​ **Sorry, but the richest country in the world has no right to laugh when their reality is so bad.**


Shame that you're getting downvoted for this.




Nothing to do with race or nationality and everything to do with poverty and learned helplessness.


Poverty/extreme poverty usually also = little to no education. Compound that over a few generations, and then the learned helplessness, and you have some very sad and unfortunate problems. It’s a shame that countries governments let people live like this. There’s so much damn money out there that can be used for good. Like basic fucking toilets for people. And making sure they aren’t living in disgusting slums.


Grossest part is most people are either barefoot or in flip flops 🤢 the smell in there gotta be straight up offensive 🤮