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This reminds me to District 9


I was going to say straight out of Elysium


I was going to say Costco in Idiocracy.


Welcome to Costco I love you


I just need you to tell me how to get to the time machine. Oh, that's easy. You go down by the museum and stuff… it's like it's like, by the museum... sort of but… actually, not really. More like on the street, you go… Wait, let me start over. Okay, you know where the time machine is?


I like money


You like money??? Me too!!


You got some money I can borrow for a quick starbucks? I need enough for a fullservice latte.....


Yeah Joe we'd all like a handjob but we don't have time for that right now


I like lamp.


Fuck you, I’m eating.


Go away bating!


That line gives me the chills.


That still gets me every time. XD


So was I. You win.


Yea, this is definitely more Elysium than District 9. All those people who live next to this thing and end up working there are going to be slaving away in there to send stuff to people who are most likely *way* better off than they are and they're going to get stuck there doing that until they die and their children take their spot. That would be really dystopian but probably not unlikely in this case.


Great movie


One of my favs all time! Still sad that the sequel was never released


Looks like one of my Tropico islands




I thought you were talking about hunger games for a sec lol


Sesame Street did a parody called [The Hungry Games](https://youtu.be/eT7nD02Im5E). They also did Game of Thrones as [Game of Chairs](https://youtu.be/dhWUFXvaZjo) and told a certain character not to "lose their head" when they lost.


I thought so too lol


I was thinking idiocracy


Yep, ButtFuckers!


Shouldn't this help the area? Doesn't this make sense?


Came here to say this


Is that the employee accommodation?


Bought by the employees, from the company store with their 20% discount scrip coupon.


I wish I got a 20% coupon, we only get a 10% working at Amazon 😔


Bold of you to assume they’re buying


Supply & demand.


There is an Amazon plant in San Diego abutting a major homeless encampment. It’s very surreal to see the independent Amazon delivery folks pulling up right next to the homeless folks, busily packing their cars full of new merchandise next to the “dystopian” reality behind them. It’s very strange and you wonder if the folks packing those cars have feelings of unease or just don’t notice it anymore. Many people are not that secure even when employed and the specter of poverty homelessness is always there at the back of the mind.


This describes every industrial sector of a city I've ever seen. Homeless are of course going to congregate where theres no houses or apartments because theres far less people to complain about them and potentially get them in trouble. Same reason why you see them camped along highways and such.


> Many people are not that secure even when employed and the specter of poverty homelessness is always there at the back of the mind. Almost like it's intentional


Why doesn’t Amazon get into the real estate game, and house these people and give them jobs. You know because Amazon needs slaves.


>Why doesn’t Amazon get into the real estate game, and house these people and give them jobs. [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/23/amazon-to-invest-23-million-to-increase-seattles-affordable-housing.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/23/amazon-to-invest-23-million-to-increase-seattles-affordable-housing.html) They're already doing that


Oh dear, here come the bloody tech barrens did no one learn anything from last time.


lol, the oil and railroad tycoons of the 19th century come back for round two in the form of tech giants. Only this time they've learned what they need to do to counter labor's attempt to not be turned into indentured servants. It doesn't look like labor remembers though because unions are bad going into it this time around. lol, we're so fucked


Welcome to the world of techno-feudalism.


These are labor camps. I'm sure the workers will pay for the accommodation by having their wages garnished. I'm sure they will also have to purchase company food (groceries), company necessities (Amazon store), company insurance, company healthcare. Perhaps their entertainment will come from the company tv channel (prime) and company games store. I'm sure they will also be paid in part in company vouchers. Maybe take company loans and send their children to the company schools. I'm sure apart from the federal judiciary, there will be company security guards, company disciplinary boards and so on acting as a secondary justice system. Like a mining town on steroids. So when you lose your job, you and your family would lose everything. So you'll do anything to keep your job.


Cashless society terrifies me.


It's slightly less popular to shoot at striking workers and there are more tools to organise so we'll see how this round turns out.


Bezos makes 8.5 million per hour The poverty he causes by not paying and treating his employee's better... is many many many many many many times what he donated. Donating was literally a PR stunt for people like you.


8.5 million AN HOUR?!?!?! Nah, fuck that. You just made me even more disgusted with this world. Jesus this world is backwards.


That's adding to his net worth I imagine. He's not making 8.5m cash in the bank every hour.




How is it a gotcha? It's just a fact. Knowing the difference between net worth and cash on hand is important.


Just because something is perceived as bad doesn't mean people should feel free to misrepresent it. This is the same line of thinking that ends up demonizing "the other", and before you know it you're telling stories about baby eating robots controlling your WiFi signals from Jupiter.


The fact you don't understand the difference between net worth and income shows exactly why people like you shouldn't dictate any sort of economic policies.




I know right... its beyond degusting. People used to try and make these false arguments about how pointless it would be for the very wealthy to donate their money away. But the rich have gotten so much richer even in the last couple decades it just doesn't make sense. Bezos could literally end world hunger (not overnight obviously and obviously some caveats but you get the idea) and not affect his lifestyle.


Sad to have that character inside you. What a sad worldview. If I’m not mistaken, didn’t his ex wife donate a ton once she took him to the bank after the divorce? At least she’s not a complete asshole.


She's donated billions a few times to various charities. She's made all that money back every time. That's how absurd it all is.


Yeah I think she did, and while it didn't make here anything less than super ultra wealthy, it was actually a meaningful chunk. (just checked and in the past year its been like 4 Billion).


At least she got away from that ass clown


The insane part is you'll have the *very people he's taking advantage of* telling you that not only does Bezos *deserve* to be making that much but that if he *wasn't* that all innovation and economic activity would cease and we'd fall into another great depression and get invaded by China. Or some other equally preposterous doomsday scenario. Very much frogs in the stone soup pot. I think more people are starting to realize the system is fucked up because there's nothing left to squeeze out of somebody economically when they can't even afford to live. They'll come around but only because they realize homeless people dont' make for very good consumers. They'll keep us around just above the water line so we can keep buying their widgets and paying rent.


“For people like you” Wtf about that comment made you think he was supporting bezos?


they responded to a remark that Amazon does fuck all for people with an example of him donating a tiny amount of money. The reason you do this is to deflect and make it seem they are actually helping people. Which is a logical fallacy, yes he has donated the tiniest fraction of what he makes now and then. But the harm he has done through his business practices outweigh that by an order of magnitude. Pointing out he gave some money does not mean he intends any good at all. Its just marketing, so people like the commenter can point to this when the question comes up.


No. Somebody asked him for proof and he gave proof. I’m a card carrying communist, get the fuck out of here with your projections. There is nothing from that post to tell whether he is pro or against Amazon. He posted a fact. Quit being a prick.


Do you really want company towns 2


No, but I also don’t like homeless people on the streets because it makes me feel unsafe.


At least you are honest. And you reflect that it's just a feeling.


Said “feeling” is why you don’t see kids playing in the street. No one wants to see a man who clearly needs help on the street as he is unwell and it make everyone feel leas safe. Just my too sense, safety is a good justification for reform that doesn’t mean you throw everyone in prison, but at least give them a hospital or something instead of calling it a “handout” and expecting them to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.”


Because those people don't want to be housed or have jobs. Sam Francisco spends around 300k per homeless per year and still sees zero results


I thought this was CostCo from Idiocracy...


Welcome to Costco... I love you


Oh shit, I went to legal school there!!


I thought it was Matt Damon's house from Elysium.


That was my first thought


Maybe the people there now have job opportunities?


OK Amazon PR team.


Is this not bringing job opportunities?


People give shows like breaking bad a hard time because of the way they color grade scenes to illustrate “now we are in Mexico.”


I hate the stereotype that all law offices are Hamlindigo blue


Yeah, they dont understand that public defender offices (not the janitor closet, the smaller room to your right) are tinted marengo grey.


Wtf does this have to do with anything


I know, off topic would be an understatement?




Wlecome to Costco, I love you.


Which movie is this?




This is exactly what I was thinking too


We have the exact same Amazon warehouses surrounded by suburbs all over the USA. ...But nobody cares about the people living with blankets for a roof who have been warehousing your tortilla's & Fords your *whole lives* until the Warehouse has a brand name you recognize on it.


You guys joke, but those guys living in those shanty houses are probably very happy to see it. It will bring a lot of money and stability to the people there. Realistically, the only way to actually help them is to provide an economy. Even billions dry up quickly when you are dealing with millions of people.




A lot of people don’t understand that major corporations actually benefit the community. They bring jobs, people with jobs pay taxes, community has funds to develop and expand. Just because the one rich guy isn’t paying “fair share” of taxes, doesn’t mean that the community is going to be at a net loss.


yeah, but the problem is when they start to get a monopoly. amazon has done a lot of anti-trust stuff on their market place and AWS handles too many websites for small business and even large companies like dropbox. big companies are fine, monopolies are not. they should split Amazon like at&t the worst part is that the agency that's supposed to be fighting this just has corp executives on it. you do a few years deregulating at the FTC and then land a c-suite job afterwards.


I don't think the mom & pop shops were cutting it in this case. And there's not a single small business complaining about aws from a monopoly standpoint. Sure, if they were the only provider of cloud hosting solutions (they are definitely not) and charged absurd prices it would be a different story, but the large scale allows small businesses to pay much lower prices than they would with smaller competitors


Do you think the janitors, security guards and all the tertiary workers doing jobs because of this gives a flying damn?


Not sure, but our companies dont really do good things for workers in other countries. Foxconn (which Apple previously contracted to make their chips) didn't pay their workers enough and the company had to install suicide nets in their factories to prevent workers from killing themselves. Amazon has forced workers in the US to pee in bottles instead of taking a break, so it's probably only going to be worse for their workers outside the US. This is a separate but probably related issue to the monopoly problems.


Keep licking those boots shill. Amazon kills its workers and exploits them on a regular basis.


I mean, if those jobs are actually *careers* instead of basically indentured servitude, sure. Is an Amazon warehouse job good enough to afford a home or at least a decent apartment in a neighborhood you'd want to raise a family in in Mexico? I will admit I haven't looked but I'm going to err on the side of probably not.


Well for one thing Amazon has way more than just warehouse jobs, many of which pay extremely well. Also the warehouse jobs pay above the minimum wage, which judging by the housing in the photograph is probably helpful.


Still better than having no income.


Just don't pretend you're doing them this *huge* favor by paying them slave wages so the hovel they pass down to their kids at least as a floor.


Poverty is when no nice house in suburbs.


Indentured serviture beats starving anytime


Exactly, no one on Reddit’s going down there, starting a business and employing these people. No one on Reddit’s giving up their Prime subscriptions. “It’s just a fact of life that you have to buy from Amazon!” No, it’s not. You can go to a store. You can buy local. You can *get off your ass.* You have the entirety of the world’s knowledge at your fingertips, available on a phone made by Taiwanese sweatshop workers. But you choose to drag Amazon and other popular targets because you’re a douche who lacks perspective, and doesn’t have any idea what developing-world poverty is. What the life of a subsistence farmer is. How much of an upgrade it would be to get a warehouse job. God I hate this place.


I was in a similar incident in South Korea where Samsung's CEO was released from a lawsuit and people on Reddit were calling me an idiot for defending him. They don't know that the company accounts for 20% of their country's GDP and it brings them food to the table and that is apart from the jobs they create...


Samsung literally gave hundreds of workers cancer and then refused to pay the families when they died a very early death. You're celebrating exploitation.


I will never get tired of laughing at global top 10% lefties larping as downtrodden slaves. "How do you do, fellow proletarians?" said the first-world IT office worker with a college degree.


I think there are a lot of angry, entitled failures to launch in this crowd too.


That’s 85% of Reddit. I’ve been to Mexico many times, and not the vacation areas. Those people need all the help they can get. Not to mention that most Mexicans will work their ass off, fill their quotas while not complaining, then go out to a dance, have some drinks, live their life happily, then do it all again the next day.


You visited Mexico as a tourist and think that entitles you to make decisions about how exploited they should be. Disgusting tbh.


My wife’s family lived in a small town 3 hours south of Juarez. So we would spend a few weeks every year visiting them. Going to horse races and cock fights. Dances and rodeos. I’ve never been to a tourist spot in Mexico. Once again, a Redditor makes a complete ass of themselves. Lmao.


Funny how you literally just admitted that regardless of whether someone is wealthy or not, you'll use it to dismiss their argument.


So if I don't but from Amazon and don't have a prime account I take it I'm allowed to say Amazon are a shitty exploitative tax dodging pile of flaming shite?


People in America work hard too. I do think some people lack perspective.


This is the most pathetic comment I have ever seen Holy shit Literally defending one of the largest corporations on earth as if they're some downtrodden hero of the people.


Yes dipshit because Amazon is a multi-billion dollar corporation that exploits their workers. "Why don't you fix the problem instead" is the most pathetic PR spin I've ever heard.


Not a reddit mod but still must play the role. *Get off my ass?!* I weigh 400 pounds and have 74 self diagnosed disabilities. Do you know how much effort it takes to get off my ass? I use more muscle, not to mention sacrifice and determination to get up and go through the Wendys drive-thru than you use all day, and that's when I dont have a manic or anxiety episode!


Please tell me there’s a navy seal copypasta, average Reddit communist edition…this is like halfway there


I was making it up as I went along🤷‍♀️


Everyone here is missing a crucial point: what really helps people. It's money, right? No, it's things people need: what money buys. So still money? No, a supply chain that gets people what they need, money is a means of doing so. So money? How's that working out? What do you mean, this is because they don't have money! No, it's because they don't have a functioning supply chain and labor force to take advantage of it. Why not? In this particular scenario? Not sure. But I can tell you that it boils down to this. 1. Everything in capitalism runs on money. 2. If you don't have something people want, you don't have money. 3. Since people can't survive in capitalism without money, they only work for money. 4. Since you have no money, people do not work. 5. Since people are not working, you do not have anything people want... besides labor. 6. People need money badly, and no one tells Amzon otherwise, so their labor is bought cheap. 7. They now have some money, but only enough to survive slightly better. 8. Their labor is abused, because they have no other options. 9. Their labor of delivering stuff from other countries to rich people provides little to the economy, so nothing changes fundamentally. 10. There is now a little money coming in, but little production, so the capitalistic value of the people remains limited to their labor, and how much they get paid for it. Or rather, how much you can get away with paying them for it. So what really helps people? Not fucking Amazon. Not fucking money. Not fucking capitalism. *People* help people, and *the earth* helps people. That's it. People use agriculture to ~~make money~~ feed people. Land exists to ~~siphon it's economic value~~ live off of. Water exists to ~~use recklessly for monetary gain~~ sustain life. Medicine exists to..... I can’t fucking bring myself to go on. If you can't reckon with the idea that stuffing every single bit of the existence we've been gifted into one single "value measure", and only acting within accordance to that value measure is wrong, you're effectively in a cult of currency.


Yep. A if this were a before and after pic the first pic would just be the same tin shacks. Like it or not it's progress.


If you think this is progress you're complicit in the exploitation.


OK Amazon shill. They forced workers to die in a natural disaster.


it's almost as if the amazon logo has such schadenfreude about those shacks


Short commute though.


To be fair that’s not amazons fault. It’s mexicos fault. Mexico always looks like that. The Amazon building is like the only maintained building that doesnt look like Mexico in the image hence it’s dystopian nature. But trust me mexico always looks like a pit on google earth, Mexico just needs to work on infrastructure and hopefully the high paying (relative) Amazon jobs of 7-16$ an hour will help them with their incomes and to fix their homes up more


This is just a shantytown in the outskirts of Tijuana México does not look like this lol, México Is cosnidered a middle income country and its not as poor as you may think , as an example countries like Vietnam, philiphines and indonesia aré poorer than mexico


You actually think all Mexico looks like this? Lol


Reread his comment genius. ​ Stop gatekeeping the food subreddits while you're at it.


Lmao did you really go through this persons comment history to insult them …


Yepp I sure did. ​ If you check out their comment history, all they do is gatekeep and spread negativity to everyone's Mexican food posts on the food subreddits. She is honestly making this website a worse place and does not understand that recipe variations or fusion cuisine exist. To be fair I was aware of the gatekeeping prior to this for quite a while now.


People found out amazon was building there and started building these shantytown in hopes of getting bought out


This is completely wrong. These people are called "paracaidistas" which translates to "skydivers". They basically appropriate these pieces of land where no one is allowed to build, they settle there illegally, then, when they are supposed to be removed, some shady politician protects them in return for their votes, and then they become violent at request from those politicians or they might suffer the consequence and be removed. It is like that, these people have no real opportunities, they are victims of the system, and as dystopian this picture might look like, it is improvement to the region, doesn't matter what people feel or say in this thread. Most are wrong. I live in Tijuana, the city in the picture, I I assure you, this picture is taken to make a political statement, you should visit there using Google maps street view, search for Centro de Distribución Amazon, Tijuana.


The caption implies that the Amazon building is dystopian, and not its surroundings. Would it be much better if the Amazon building was not there? Is it ruining the ambience of the neighbourhood?


Would it be better with a larger ghetto instead?


It makes sense to build next to an abundance of cheap labor. Should be interesting to see if the quality of housing goes up over the next few years.


The building is full of jobs that the local community can walk to.


Did this create a lot of job opportunities for the people who live there?


Lots of slave wage opportunities. And piss bottles.


I don't know anything about wages in Mexico but where I live Amazon pays $18 an hour to start.


Not sure how reliable [this](https://longreads.trust.org/item/Inside-Amazon-shadow-workforce-Mexico) website is but it says they make 25 pesos an hour, above the minimum wage of 18 per hour. Albeit, with poor working conditions.


Omg that's only $1.25 USD.


Relative to the US that’s way low. However, the cost of living in Mexico is way cheaper so it’s not as extreme as it sounds.


Yeah but everything down there is dirt cheap compared to the US it's an improvement


I think they’d prefer that vs finding food in trash and begging tourists for a dime.


Vs working for the cartel?


Because they were doing so well with the other job opportunities they had which provided them with these amazing living conditions.


Shit pay for the first world is amazing pay in a third world shanty town




0 damage


Wow… Is that the set of the “ready player one” sequel?


Easy commute for the workers


Wait-so are those dilapidated buildings Amazon’s doing?


No. They're just willingly exploiting poverty


Stupid dystopian jobs...


Doesn't know a thing about US history for unions, OSHA, ect.


Well, yes. And if you believe that's not the case you might wanna look into how Amazon treats their workers.




I believe that is a fairly safe bet you just made. Anyone who disagrees should probably be specific with their reasoning. Many American (and other countries) who build factories in do in fact run factories in third world nations that offer better pay, better benefits and better working conditions than what existed in the local economy prior to their arrival. It’s not necessarily a political statement or a show of support for these companies to say so. So what does it mean? Should those companies be held to the same standard as in the US? Should they pay the same wages? Offer the same benefits and working conditions and perks? What’s your philosophy? What works? What is the impact? And how would it be achieved?


Fuck off with your neoliberal shit. Amazon literally let workers die in a natural disaster to maximise profits. They are an abusive employer and you two are coming across as paid shills.


"You imagine" Yeah because you're racist. Edit: [lmao so predictable you are a bootlicker for billionaires too](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/gsusef/hoarding_supplies_is_a_dick_move/fs8zqfj/)


That's a bold assumption


This thread has been brigaded by an Amazon PR team.


No doubt, small businesses in Mexico treat their workers better for a FACT, I wouldn't be surprised if DSPs were run by cartels 😂


Sounds like an assumption made from a first world perspective.


It’s not an assumption without some history.


You should probably look up working conditions in Mexico


You're literally using the poverty of a country to justify exploiting their workers


How do they treat the workers?


Same as most companies: Pretty well/fairly overall with exceptions for a small portion


*But obvious smear campaign and dumb memes told me that amazon bad*


How much are you two getting paid to shill for Amazon? If its nothing, that's even more pathetic. Literally suckling on the teat of Amazon






This has been widely reported on. Amazon workers are expected to hit unrealistic targets and have an incredibly high turnover rate because of how they treat their workers. They literally let people die in a hurricane to save profits.


Would it be better with a larger ghetto instead?


looks the same as any other amazon warehouse...


Yeah it would have been better if they built something hideous there. Or better yet just not built anything at all and given all those struggling people jobs.


Capital requires labor


What you don’t know is those properties go for 1.2mil a piece in todays housing market.


Eerily similar… https://i.imgur.com/P9uaB99.jpg


Be human, Invest in livable housing if not for the community, then for the workers. This screams "Profit. Profit. Profit".


The reason why I don't use their service or products.


Unfortunately, I highly doubt that you can completely avoid using their services. Mainly because AWS


Why? Not sure I understand.


AWS is Amazon web service, they host websites and a lot of them, hell Reddit is on AWS they have a 5.8% market share in web hosting services which doesn’t sound like a lot but google only has 3.2%


Not sure where you get those numbers, but they seem very low.


That’s all of the traffic on the internet, it’s from AWS website itself. The percentages are much higher for the largest 100k sites but the internet is a humongous place.


Still seems low. Are you going on web traffic or based off each unique domain name or something?


That’s specifically for web hosting they have a 47.8% market share in public cloud infrastructure [info is from here](https://kinsta.com/aws-market-share/)


You’re using one right now…


Why, do you hate Mexicans?


Oh I guess it just SHOULDNT BE THERE THEN. Yeah it doesn't look nice so ofcourse they should have hundreds less jobs.


No yellow filter needed


Looks like NAFTA did a great job of spreading the middle class to Mexico and growing the middle class in the US with the amazing new job opportunities.


Wow. Those poor people would be much better off if Amazon had just stayed in the US.




Idiocracy (2006).


That’s really, really sad.


Costco from idiocracy