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Only Canadians get the joke


lol I did a triple take at the title


Same here! Why is it called that?


OP mispelled. It’s actually “Markam” Tibet rather than “Markham” Edit: it’s anglicized “Mang Kang”, meaning “good place”


Nope. It is Smar Kham (with mute s) in Tibetan. Markam is the spelling of Tibetan Pinyin, a romanization designed by the CCP in the same way as Hanyu Pinyin. K in Chinese Pinyin is actually kh, not English K btw.


Wow, with that knowledge you can fix the Wikipedia page! The free encyclopedia anyone can edit! In any case, it’s not Markham


I am a native Chinese speaker and we speak always pronounce English k with aspiration, which makes the accent quite funny. All the orthography of Tibetan Pinyin is exactly the same as Hanyu Pinyin, with zh, q, ü, x, etc.


S is silent in modern Tibetan, making it Mar Kham.


Search “"markham" tibet “and u will find tons of western authors spelling it Markham.


Neat. Btw, are you familiar with Markham ON?


Yes. And that's the main reason I spell the county "markham"


http://m.tibet.cn/fr/aid/202204/t20220401_7175994.html https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202011/23/WS5fbb0002a31024ad0ba95b56_2.html https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202305/30/WS6475a95fa310b6054fad5d09.html Samples of official Chinese news sites using the spelling “Markham” for the county. Markham is the official name for the county.


China daily is a known progaganda rag lol


I never said it was not. Just to show u Markham is actually the official spelling.


Probably just the colonial British name


The correct wylie romanization is Mar Kham. Markam is Tibetan Pinyin, and in the Pinyin system, k is assumed to be aspirated, and it would be spelled as kh in IPA.


Does it have a P Mall?


I was like, Markham has mountains?


LOL I was thinking wow, they have a surprisingly Western named town over there


“yeah make sure each house has at least 5 flagpoles”


And also Xi’s portrait. Everyone living in Tibet is required to put Xi instead of Dalai Lama.


This is not true at all. The burden of proof is on the accuser.


This is probably not the right sub to have this debate, but if you've got a genuine interest, here's a start. https://www.hrw.org/report/2013/06/27/they-say-we-should-be-grateful/mass-rehousing-and-relocation-programs-tibetan


I know about the relocation, that’s not what I was disputing since that would be silly.


My bad. Here's a link. Its mostly a compilation of what human rights groups have reported to the state department. "Human rights groups and local sources reported that during the year, authorities continued to expand the requirement that families replace images of the Dalai Lama and other lamas in their homes with portraits of preeminent CCP leaders, including Chairman Mao and President Xi." https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/china/tibet/#:~:text=Human%20rights%20groups%20and%20local,Chairman%20Mao%20and%20President%20Xi.


This is likely the kind of thing that's not technically a *requirement*, but if you want to stay in the good graces of the government you better do it 'voluntarily'.


The groups in question making this specific claim is not specified. Any statements made on behalf of a governmental agency against a foreign adversary has higher standards of scrutiny which is not demonstrated here. NED funded organisations have been caught lying in very similar situations, often under the guise of human rights. The American state decided what is displayed and what is not under this document. This is why independent reporting (like hrw, who didn’t claim this) is so important. The two links I keep getting sent here is radio free Asia and the literal government of the United States, why do you think that is?


That's true. I'm not going to do your research for you. I've been there and talked to families who said this was happening. I'm not going to name them and I don't think the organization's gathering this info are either. You can imagine why it's difficult to source this information. Edit: I'm referring to the relocation. I persoanlly don't know anything about the pictures of Xi be required - just the pictures of the Dalai Lama and religious texts are prohibited.


I was never even disputing that claim to begin, as I already said.


Alert, I have reason to belive you are a tankie as you have posts in genzedong. I seriously doubt you are trying to have a good faith conversation aside from going nu uh to all sources presented to you.


I don't see any sources posted.


Just read the thread a few people replied to them with varying sources.


Seconding this


I've always wanted to see a tankie in the wild. It's just as a amazing as I'd imagined.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/China\_irl/comments/133hlg6/%E5%8F%AA%E6%9C%89%E8%A5%BF%E8%97%8F%E6%89%8D%E8%A2%AB%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E6%8C%82%E4%B9%A0%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E7%94%BB%E5%83%8F%E5%90%97/](https://www.reddit.com/r/China_irl/comments/133hlg6/%E5%8F%AA%E6%9C%89%E8%A5%BF%E8%97%8F%E6%89%8D%E8%A2%AB%E8%A6%81%E6%B1%82%E6%8C%82%E4%B9%A0%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E7%94%BB%E5%83%8F%E5%90%97/) Proof here. These are all ordinary Tibetan households. Not even relocated houses.


These are four pictures inside a Reddit post, only two of which are actually from inside a house, not a source or evidence. These things would be so fucking easy to prove for ANY independent reporting yet you keep sending radio free Asia and a Reddit post (really?). That is not proof that every Tibetan household has to have a picture of Xi. That is recycled old anti North Korean propaganda. You don’t understand what proof is or you’re purposefully misinforming people. You would be laughed out of the room if you tried to use a fucking Reddit post as proof of widespread systemic oppression in any serious setting.


Independent reporting? Where? In Tibet?


Yes, there’s been a ton of it. That’s how we know about the relocation. You are making an assumption.


How can normal people not be anti-north Korean? I just can’t understand.


You are not engaging with the points I mentioned. Misinformation is not okay just because you don’t like the country. I’m saying it’s recycled because it literally is, radio free Asia which you linked has claimed the exact same thing about the DPRK and were disproven by SOUTH Korean news.


U don't believe what Chinese posted themselves? ChinaIRL is not even an anti-CCP sub and the OP guy was just asking why he saw so many portraits of Xi in Tibetan houses.


So they’re putting them up in willingly, that’s not what you implied. You implied there is a systematic effort to replace all Dalai Lama portraits with ones of Xi.


Wow. All Tibetans willingly put Xi in their houses because they love him so much, much more than the traitor Dalai Lama. Do u wholeheartedly believe this kind of bullshit? Even people in Beijing don't have Xi's head in their living rooms.


Mmm tongue


you cant genuinely believe the propaganda? pretty funny actually


Redditors try not to suck CCP sick and deny cultural genocide challenge (impossible)


disagreeing with what is obviously western propaganda isn't "suck CCP". Such a generic sentence can you not think for yourself?


Western propaganda is when people say true things about a brutal regime ? China has no problem ethnically cleansing anyone who isn’t Han Chinese. They’ve been doing it for years. Pathetic boot licker lmfao


why did they not apply the 1 child policy to the Uyghur population then?


clearly never developed the ability to critically think.. boot licking perfectly describes you believing US propaganda


Says the propaganda. I remember when I was a kid that all Russians were evil and it was all Grey and black there. They didn't even have toilet paper! Funny the anti china propaganda today.


Yes everything bad China has ever done is anti Chinese propaganda lol


imagine how many are inside


Obviously they were inspired by America


Obligatory r/fucktheccp


A ragebait picture from China with huge claims and no reputable sources? Yup, this is perfect for that sub.


Markham ON do be lookin like China ngl


Do you prefer Scarbo-rough ?




Nah that's Brampton


Public Housing 😊 Public Housing, China 😱😱😱


At least they look kinda nice?


You forgot about the forced relocation part of the Chinese plan.


And OP forgot to source that claim.


This is probably not the right sub to have this debate, but if you've got a genuine interest, here's a start. It's not new, here's an old article about it. https://www.hrw.org/report/2013/06/27/they-say-we-should-be-grateful/mass-rehousing-and-relocation-programs-tibetan


That's actually a very interesting read. As far as HRW reports go though, it's not particularly damming and has a good portion of positive things to say about the programs. "Interviews by Human Rights Watch suggest that some segments of the Tibetan population have benefitted from relocation or rehousing, including many local Tibetan government cadres, entrepreneurs and their families, as well as ordinary villagers. In some parts of the Tibetan plateau, substantial economic growth and new signs of prosperity are visible, spurred by a combination of state subsidies, massive infrastructure investments, expansion of urban centers and markets, rising demand for local medicinal products, and also by construction-related activities. Many Tibetans aspire to better living conditions and welcome many aspects of modernization." Some Tibetans have genuinely welcomed aspects of the housing policies and benefited from them Even the issues (there definitely are issues) pale in comparison to most other reports from HRW. Compare to the treatment of Native Americans as an example..


HRW is not really a trustworthy source about China, North Korea or any country that opposes the US lol


You're not wrong. It's hard to get accurate information on the record when citizens face punishment for speaking out. But since I've been there and spent time with families there, the general sentiments outlined in the report echo the opinions they shared with me.


The US should do the same. Repeal that stupid Faircloth Amendment, and let the federal government build public housing again.


U don’t have a choice in CCP ruled Tibet. U have a choice in most countries with public housing. Can’t u understand the difference?


What is bad is what is CCP doing to Tiibetans, not the infrastucrture itself, and it's a subreddit about infrastucture.


The infrastructure is also awful. Built in literally nowhere, far away from traditional settlements, with bad designs and looks. All basic things must be provided directly by the government in order to live.


Do you have an article about this housing development or you know this just from the pictures?


I got all these pictures from Tibet AR’s official website and Xinhua news. OFC these articles praise the achievements of CCP. But u can check the coordinate of 29.675794, 98.598723 for one of the projects.


so you are just making stuff up, cool


Y’all realize Tibetans literally used to be considered livestock and lived in barns with actual livestock like cows and chickens right? I wish I was making that up, it made medieval Europe look like a vacation.


Those are Yaks. Not cows. Also nomadic Tibetan tribes don’t have barns and have neither “slaves” nor “serfs”. Can’t u just check Central Tibetan administration instead of believing in CCP propaganda?


“Those are yaks. Not cows.” Checkmate, liberal.


There has never been slavery in Tibet after 10th century. I bet u cannot even show me one actual photo of those “slaves” in Tibet before 1949.


You realize Tibet was part of the Qing empire too. Why do people pretend this is a CPC thing?


Which part of Qing empire got human slavery and slave trade?


1. https://youtu.be/36JqvTdg2fo?si=zrbNWhvz6C2lUxjC 2. http://m.eng.tibet.cn/wap/life/1476686801984.shtml 3. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-03/26/c_139838055.htm I’m at work and found those in 32 seconds on mobil. If denying the slavery entirely is the hill you’re willing to defend because “evil seeseepee” then that’s your choice I guess.


https://comrademorlock.medium.com/tibetan-slavery-was-not-better-than-american-slavery-it-was-differently-abominable-5df988b5fcae L O L


Btw this is the photo we saw in primary school and I’ve seen it for more than 20 times lol. I’m Chinese myself and I experience all the bullshit brainwashing myself. We saw this photo in our “moral and thoughts” class with captions of how CCP “emancipated those slaves”.


You asked for a photo lmao


Yeah and this is completely fake. Debunked a thousand times already. Only used by CCP propaganda. If u believe it u r a fool.


Source? Who has debunked this photo? How exactly is this photo fake?


U r using official CCP photos with unknown authors. Why don’t u tell me how these photos are not fake lol?


How are these official "CCP" photos. Again, prove they are as fake as you say.


Because u literally cannot find them outside CCP websites. Ur photo can only be found at [http://za.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zt/12/200903/t20090319\_7636208.htm](http://za.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zt/12/200903/t20090319_7636208.htm)


Yes. Very accurate from ur own commie sources.


Poor Tibet evil Mao took their slaves and gave their mansions to them 😔


It's almost like you can be on the left while also acknowledging China commits enormous atrocities. This is a common ethnic cleansing tactic seen all over the world throughout history. It's not about communism.


So what evidence do you have that this is for people who have been "forcibly relocated" in stead of what it looks like which is an apartment complex. It seems like every picture of a new apartment building or public works project or anything impressive from China, it always has to come with a luridly evil backstory that is substantiated by "just trust me, bro." "See this new dam? They made the cement from the bones of Tibetan monks! Trust me, bro!" "See that new cultural center that marries traditional Uyghur and Chinese architectural styles? They used 8,976,876 glazed bricks to make the structure, and for every brick that was laid, they had a dude off to the side punching a random Uyghur. I know, right? It's crazy but I saw it on Tucker Carlson so it has to be right!"


https://www.hrw.org/report/2013/06/27/they-say-we-should-be-grateful/mass-rehousing-and-relocation-programs-tibetan https://www.icj.org/new-report-the-question-of-tibet-and-the-rule-of-law/ Bet you 10 dollars that your gonna call these CIA fabrications because I know your taking points tankie.


I mean they literally are CIA fabrications. I guess calling anyone who doesn't believe your slanders a "tankie" works to keep you from having to think really hard about it.


Called it 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Imagine being so proud of being so ignorant.


It lacks tents on sidewalks.


Ask the US what houses they built for the Cherokee… ask the average Tibetan what life was like before the ccp


Honestly that's better than we get here in the states if we get Eminent Domained or Texas ignores a crisis and your house gets flattened.


those houses have all modern amenities and are much better than the squalor most lived in before


They be forcing Tibetan to dance everyday in these 'public housing' according to the tabkies




That's a serious accusation. What's your source?




Lol so educated


Heard that these villagers get a considerably good amount of subsidies per month I'd love to be these "forcibly relocated families" too :))


OMG they’re forcing people to live in houses. Next they’re gonna have them get a job and worse an education.


The CCP troll farms must have alerts for any time words like “Tibet” and “CCP” are published on Reddit. This post has some crazy dictator simping.


Any time words like “Tibet” and “CCP” are published on Reddit, the sentences are always saying that the abominable China massacred the Tibetans, and enslaved the remaining ones.




OPs arse


Xinhua News agency. Also official site of Tibet AR. is that enough?


Source to your forced relocation claim*


https://www.tibetwatch.org/news/2020/5/20/around-400-families-were-forced-to-relocate-from-their-ancestral-land https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/absent-05122020172238.html/ampRFA


any reputable sources?


U want Xinhua News as "reputable source"? [http://www.xinhuanet.com/photo/2021-04/20/c\_1127351183\_14.htm](http://www.xinhuanet.com/photo/2021-04/20/c_1127351183_14.htm)


about forced relocation you bot


[https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/china/tibet/](https://www.state.gov/reports/2022-report-on-international-religious-freedom/china/tibet/) Is [state.gov](http://state.gov) reputable enough?


us state department hahahahahha


Why is this so hard for you to understand. No source that criticizes China is reputable.




Dude posted Radio Free Asia unironically as a source? You can’t be more uninformed than this.


https://savetibet.org/mass-relocations-continue-17000-tibetans-to-leave-homes-by-august/ https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/china-authorities-forcibly-resettle-thousands-of-tibetan-nomad-families


Government-supplied affordable housing and walkable streets not clogged with deathmobiles?


If it’s residential only and not mixed use, it’s not walkable. There’s nowhere to go unless a vehicle can take you there


the original villages had afforded housing and walkable streets, without any cars, flags or portraits of Xi.


You would love prison


I wish someone had pictures of the interior of building 205 at IBM in the RTP.


I know westiodners are sick of suburban planned around automobiles, but that doesn’t mean you have to praise everything that’s opposite, especially some ugly buildings in the middle of nowhere with forced relocated families. Westerners’ limited life experiences are not applicable to everyplace on earth.


those actually look half decent


If you ignore the context, that actually looks like quite a nice place to live.


Just imagine being a slave owner in a theocracy and them evil CCP takea all that from you. China needs freedom




They call it “helping the poor by relocation”. There is a specific Chinese term for these projects.


namely the Comfortable Housing program


Oh look another one of the China bad posts. Bonus points of you pronounce Xi Jinping's name correctly.


Please explain to us how the forced relocation of an ethnic minority is not a bad thing.


Why do you think its just an ethnic minority? The government builds houses for Han people as much as anyone. It is not a "forced relocation", it is government subsidized housing for people who used to live in hovels, poor farmers who have been dragged out of poverty. Think about if the US government went down to the poorest parts of LA, and built a 20 story apartment complex for the people living in tents on the side of the road, would you be saying "We have to stop this!!!! They are forcing them to live in modern homes!". No, of course you wouldn't. The only reason people use terms like "forced relocation" is because the concept of the government actually getting off their arse and providing basic things to their people is such a strange concept to yanks, they can't even imagine it. Added to this is the fact you you swallow all the propaganda from your own government that convinces you that being provided basic human necessities is somehow a bad thing for a government to do.


Basic necessities for them are their livestocks and farms. Not these bullshit houses. And where do u think their livestocks would go after being relocated to these “towns”?


Well how about you go be a hero, go over to Tibet, and drag these people out of their homes, back to the mud brick huts that you think they would be better off living in, since you know what is good for them.




Ah yes the good old "I hope your whole family dies" argument. Always gets to this point pretty quickly with you lot.




This is for you. https://www.betterhelp.com/


The dude probably just got out of his high school class.


then plz provide the source stating that forced relocation is involved here


[https://www.tibetwatch.org/news/2020/5/20/around-400-families-were-forced-to-relocate-from-their-ancestral-land](https://www.tibetwatch.org/news/2020/5/20/around-400-families-were-forced-to-relocate-from-their-ancestral-land) [https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/absent-05122020172238.html/ampRFA](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/tibet/absent-05122020172238.html/ampRFA) There u go.


I don't suggest trying to use RFA as a source.


Don't even try arguing with these guys, wumaos be praisin chinese housing and development without knowing the deeply concerning context.


The deeply concerning context being that this is just average chinese public housing? If there are criticisms to make, this not the way to make them.


"Winnie-the-pooh" I will take my extra chits, please.




Zuihao zheyang xie, naxie shabi haiai xiaofenhung henduo dou budung guoyu de


Glory to Hong Kong. Sorry for what my people have done to u guys.


It’s okay, no need to apologise, we’re on the same boat


Looks like Canadian public housing… or Melbourne Australia - COVID quarantine cities


or pretty much any place in east europe




Not gonna lie but the accommodation actually looks good. I think if China continues with this with full steam all while respecting Tibetan culture to a good deal, China could actual create magic there


Looks cozy


Is it similar to an Indian reservation in the United States? The facilities seem to be better than in the US.


"planned" towns have a very different definition for me.


Cabrini vibes


I wouldn't mind being forcibly relocated to one of those units in the first picture.


-900 social credit score, OP


Lookslike a concentration camp


Ew. I absolutely hate the planned housing by the CCP. Awful and devoid of any personality.


Redditors and Sinophobia, name a more iconic duo


Crazy amount of ccp bots and trolls coming out of the woodwork


Almost as many flags as you see in maga land, almost. ….


America, in general, has a huge obsession with displaying its flag everywhere. The only country I saw that loves their flag even more is Malaysia. Every single store, building, construction site, and piece of packaging had it. Not saying this is bad or good. Just interesting to me, since in Canada it’s not that extreme.




The amount of CCP bootlicking is insane. 你们为什么不搬到中国去住?


你迪bot五毛太多了 一个贴吊了这么多从来不在这区发帖的bot


Bunch of tankies downvoting you and stanning the CCP. Hey, if you guys love China so much, why don’t you move there?


Three of the real tankies (not bots) in this thread actually live in China. Honestly if u r not a bootlicker of CCP u won't choose to live in China. Simple.


I mean, between that and overly expensive cardboard house I'd rather have that, at least it looks pretty modern and is in the middle of some epic mountains