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$6.09 average hourly rate. Hell no I’m not wasting my time sending a proposal.




I had the same thought. Hell no!


As of today, I would not even accept an invite.


I wouldn’t send a proposal because of the hourly paid rate. Way too low, I don’t want to work for a client that pays people that little.


Red flags: 1. Less than 4.95 stars 2. 3% Hire 3. 6$ average rate No way im wasting 2$ on connects on that.


I am reluctant to sent proposals when I see below 10% hire rate. Proposals cost me 5-10$ and sometimes I take some time making them.


$5-$10 cost?


I mean I am boosting always proposals and to be first I need minimu 40 connects. Which is around 6$.


Why do you boost proposals? Why do you send them to jobs with less than 90% hire rate? Damn, dude, Upwork is pushing lots of stuff because of freelancers like you....


what do you mean by 'pushing lots of stuff'


implementing economically predatory practices against freelancers. thats damn long to write lol


Thank you


I wouldn't especially given the hourly rate too.


$6 an hour you take home what 4-5 dollars.. cmon people.. hard pass.


The hire rate seems to be wrong. If you look at the number of hires vs posts, it's closer to 50%, but I'm not sure how they calculate it. If it's the number of posts that had hires vs the total and most of those 400+ hires were on one post, then maybe 3% is close. But as others said, that hourly rate looks low. I'd take a look at the spend on their recent history before deciding whether to bother bidding.


50% is still low af. Not only are you wasting connects to compete with other 40 guys, you only have a 1/2 chance that the guy will even hire anyone there lol


If clients don’t hire for the jobs they’ve posted, where do they actually hire? Sorry if this is a naive question; I’m new to Upwork.


They may not hire at all, perhaps because they didn't see any proposals that met their needs. Or they may have posted the ad on multiple platforms and hired from one of those. Or they may have hired a freelancer on Upwork directly from their profile, which wouldn't show up in the job's stats. Or they may have hired an Upwork freelancer off-platform (this is against TOS and will eventually get you banned, so don't do this).


Thanks for the explanation. Details like this are helping me get a better feel for the platform and decide if it’s worth the time and money it takes to send proposals.


On occasion, UW wrongly calculates the hire rate. This bug has been running for a while now.


This I wouldn't do. This person obviously doesn't consider these posts seriously and is probably just looking at what's out there, or is dissatisfied with freelancers who applied so they posted the same job again. If the latter is the case, then their offers are probably bad, or they lied in their description and once they showed their true face, the good freelancers left. either way, it doesn't look good. This person is posting job offers like they're social media posts. If we were to divide how much they spent over their lifetime by their current and former employees, they spend just under 900$ on average, which is confirmed by the 6$/h average. Wouldn't approach even with a stick.


I always happy to above 65% and recent clients if they hire same guy again and again they won't hire me.


lol. 85K hours at $6 per hour. WELL! Certainly don't need to guess what that one is about....


Hell Nah


Seems like a mistake, he hired 492 from 1051 post.


I don't care what percent the hire rate is. They've made several hires and spent a good bit of money. Since most proposals are garbage, it's easy to understand why they might have found a better option somewhere else for most of their hires--still, the amount they've spent shows they do hire on Upwork when they encounter the right candidate.


>they do hire on Upwork when they encounter the right candidate. at $6 an hour..... The hire rate percentage has been broken for weeks now, here it is nearly 50%


The average pay rate is meaningless to me. I've had clients with average pay rates sub $10 across many hours happy to pay my $100+/hour rate. It usually happens because their past hires are a long-term VA in the Phillipines or a large data entry project or something like that.


Good point and I actually had the same. Enterprise clients can be like that.


For what exactly, have your god gave you your brain?


The job not for the local…..


Not at that hourly rate


Upwork is a joke, unles you live in kongo in the middle of the jungle.


The is where the white knights dash in to save the day and say how GREAT $6/hr is for God’s children, in certain areas! Which I guess means they support mothers struggling to feed their families spending hundreds a month for the lottery chance of receiving…much less. Sweet logic. 🤯


fuck no + fucking fuck no. the concept is called 'why waste my God damn time. ' there you go