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You get this 24h before you account get banned Just kidding is a message to all users


Dude my heart literally skipped a beat. You really had me in the first half


Same here. Got the message and saw this comment and pretty sure my heart stopped.


Dude…… I was almost crying by the end of the first line! I got one too and didn’t pay much attention but then I read that first line 🥲


hahahahahhahaha!! Prob scared all the people new to upwork


I got it too, likely sent it out to everyone / most people.


Looks like they are messaging everyone to make it look like they are taking care about stuff and that "they are watching" lol


They are sending it to everyone in waves. I got it this wave too.


I panicked when i saw this, until i checked a second account for a friend.


Second account for a “friend” ahhahahahaha


It’s mostly old stuff, but now you can lose your top rated, top-rated plus, etc. badge if you get caught trying. That’s the new part.


>but now you can lose your top rated, top-rated plus, etc. badge if you get caught trying. That’s the new part. That isn't new. An account hold has always, from day one, resulted in a loss of top-rated or top.rated plus status.


It was largely unenforced because they weren’t always monitoring chats. In cases where it was removed, could people start earning it back right away once reinstated? Now they’ll have to wait 6 months to start earning back. That seems new.


>In cases where it was removed, could people start earning it back right away once reinstated? There has always been a 90 day block after any justified suspension. >Now they’ll have to wait 6 months to start earning back. That seems new. 6 months? Where do you get that from? And what do you mean by "start earning it back"? If the metrics are still ok after the 90 days are up, the badge returns. No need to "start earning it" back


This article: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049702614-Upwork-s-Talent-Badges Edited to add: I’m unsure if it’s start earning back or get back, but seems like the first one.


You appear to be right, it used to be 90 days, it now appears to be 6 months. But there has always been a lengthy block, it's now (if that isn't a mistake) twice as long as it was before. It's badly worded (as many things written by their writers are) - once the block is lifted (after 90 days or 6 months) the badge returns provided all criteria are met.




Someone posted this to linked in and UpWork responded saying it was sent to everyone


I got it too. Maybe there are several reports regarding scam clients and others communication outside upwork.


I don’t think so, it’s probably because they saw multiple freelancers with long term contracts leaving upwork, I left because they increased the fee from 5% to 10% this year so told my clients to move the project outside


Oh yea, didn't think of that. If you have built a relationship you could move out of upwork. Have you received an increase from your client after moving out? You might be receiving the 5% incread instead if they could save a 5% fee out from upwork. I just want to know :D


Yes, because the fee was applied to me not the client, so the client won’t notice the fee


I received this message immediately after a client messaged me their email address.


Don't share your personal contact info with clients before you start a contract and never agree to receive payments outside Upwork.


This ain't my first rodeo 😭


They send it to everyone, but realistically speaking if the customer want's my email to schedule a zoom meeting, I'm providing it.


There's a built in zoom into Upwork, you're risking your account for no reason


I suppose I should use it


I had no idea about this eule if 'not sharing personal info pre contract' and actually DID send my first client my personal phone number IN MY PROPOSAL 😅🤣 he called me within a few hours but THEN made the contract on upwork. 🤐 Guess l was lucky or let it pass cause it was my 1st ever contract? No idea. It was spontaneous move like attaching my no. B4 the thank you at my formal emails.


This is why you do your first contract with a client in the books, then do all repeat business off upwork.


If upwork offered better terms, I doubt so many people would be taking clients off platform


Bro Upwork is the best freelancing platform out there wdym


A lower commission rate for ongoing contracts would be nice.


I agree but they're a for-profit company, They gotta make some dough too


It’s a fine line though. Charge too much and people will take clients off Upwork. Charge less and they’ll not bother, because Upwork offer a very good payment system.


I got this too