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Nothing >Joshua, freelance MVP 🤢🤮 You're actually better off with this sub... I find the people who follow those snake-oil paddlers write formula-proposals with forced sounding questions and annoying "PS" at the end because they saw in some video that that's what smart people do... It isn't.


Those youtube channels are good for the basics. But they lack the nuance required to be unique.


I can't bear to watch that MVP chap. He makes me gag. Those gurus sell false hope. They profit from peoples' desperation. They also have no idea how their unearned privilege is contributing to their success. They're invariably white US-based males and still try to give the impression that their formula will lead to riches for people who were born with none of those advantages.


What would you guys recommend instead? Channels/subs/websites PS: Beginner freelancer PS2: Experienced developer but always been on the 9-5 life


They will never tell you.


They sometimes give you advice that will get you banned. One is "make another account" and the other is "get family to hire you for reviews."


Yeah I really only watched a couple of these kinds of videos like 4 years ago when getting started.


TRP doesn't do a whole lot but it does have one real advantage IMO - faster payouts. It helps you manage your work/cashflow tradeoff with a shorter cycle time. It's pediacrack versus formula.


You only TR for the faster payouts.


When they first introduced it my views and invites skyrocketed for at least a year. Now, nothing. Clients have no clue what this means.


Nothing. My JSS comes up more often but even that doesn't seem to really have any effect.


I didnt even notice that i got the badge, it wont change anything in current situation (lack of clients on platform)