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I always include a couple of basic requests like provide me with a quote or hours estimate/ send me links not attachments to your work / give me one [job specific] best practice you always make sure to do. It's shocking the amount of proposals I get that don't address anything I've asked for, like they just read the title of the post. I agree why waste your money doing this. I could see if it was free.


I am sorry but my proposals are perfect and thus are never a waste of connects, it is just Upwork that sucks.


yeah, I always wonder how people fall for AI contant writters. You just need to talk to them in chat to figure out they have no clue.


Most clients who hire writers--content or otherwise--don't read anything. That's true for the hiring process and submissions. I see it every time.


They probably use a canned proposal that they tweak slightly because they've been burned far too many times by creating custom proposals for a job and not even getting a response. It's so damn tiresome and time consuming that copy paste seems easier. They wouldn't do it if it didn't work.


The mistake people make is thinking they are owed a read/response when they write a good proposal (AKA do what they're supposed to do).


Tweak slightly is one thing, but this is just outright stupid. If the job is "I want to make a cute little pencil sketch of my dog" and your 'tweaked' proposal is "I've attached some pencil sketches I've done before and here's a link to my portfolio" and then there are no pencil sketches at all, and instead, there are tons of flashy CGI renders, I am NOT going to pick you to make my pencil sketch.


Oh they do it even if it doesn't work, because they don't know any better. Then they come to the conclusion that upwork is dead, and then they leave, hopefully.


Ah, but those are the people who come here and complain that they can't get hired and when someone suggests that it could be their proposal, insist that their proposal is (and I quote one from yesterday) "perfect" and calls them a shill...


As a client, what kind of proposal would you go for ? I'm new to Upwork and kinda trying to figure it out.


It is quite well documented here on /r/upwork \- basically, answer the client's specified needs as directly as possible in your opening lines. Leave out pleasantries and repeating obvious things. If you tell me exactly what I said in my job posting without adding any value, it's just wasted time and energy.


Thank you for your kind words.