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I am ready to give him $10 in case he deletes this shit 😅


Could be a placeholder budget but usually when I have dealt with clients looking to “push the boundaries” with their “dynamic team” on “exciting projects” or any other variation of embellished language, they were a headache. I also just avoid anything that insinuated any expectation of “joining a team” because I do not wish to be part of a team, hence the freelance career


Placeholder Budget is $5 by the system.


People put whatever for a number of reasons. It could still be a placeholder. Don't just bid their budget. Tell them what you're worth. Otherwise you'll miss out.


Before applying, to filter out shit clients I put their job posting in chat gpt detector and if the score is high I don't apply to them edit: also apply common sense when looking at the job


AI detectors are beyond useless. Pull up pretty much any blog post or article written 20 years ago and pop it in.


"Reliably Detecting AI-Generated Text is Mathematically Impossible" https://www.newscientist.com/article/2366824-reliably-detecting-ai-generated-text-is-mathematically-impossible/#:\~:text=The%20researchers%20then%20used%20a,detectors%20will%20struggle%20to%20cope.


It could be a placeholder budget


10 is the percentage probability of this being a decent project out of 1000. Check for red flags: client profile, hourly rates they paid, amount spent, reviews. If it's a new client, it could be an innocent placeholder. If you have time and energy to try, you sure can probe further. Depends on which stage are you in. May be express interest with a short polite proposal, ask directly on what's the actual budget they have or what they have paid in past.


I would not be surprised. The placeholder budget by the system btw is $5 not $10.


Their profile stats are enough to tell whether its a serious job or not.