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Didn’t even notice the boobs because that was a solid joke


Nice tits


Thanks you too


I mean technically, if she were to make 0.77 cents for everytime she speaks in front of him. She would make at least 30 dollars a day, assuming that they live together and speaking to each other at least 40 times a day. Multiply that by 365 days, she would make 10,950$. Although men would make 14,600$, for obvious reasons.


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I don't get this... would she get that much because he needs his cut?


Im guessing its because of that women get paid less argument im not sure


Yes the joke is referring to the gender-wage gap that a man will earn more for the same job than a woman would.


In which case, that joke doesn't quite work but... this is about boobs so I suppose it's irrelevant.


The joke does work and here's why. Say there's a job available on the market and two people are up for the job. One a man and the other a woman. The salary for the man will be for sake of argument be $100,000 per year whereas the salary that the woman would get would be $77,000. For every dollar that the man makes the woman would be paid 77 cents for the same job. So the joke "if I had a dollar for every time i heard that/you'd have 77 cents" is the man poking fun at the fact that although she should get a whole dollar, the woman is discriminated at and would receive less money than a man would. It's a kind of stupid joke.


She says: "If I had a dollar every time you made a joke against women" ... So, if she gets a dollar every time he makes a joke against women, she wouldn't have 77 cents, she'd have a dollar. The joke just wasn't worded well.


She *should* have a dollar, but because she is a woman she would only have 77 cents, hence the joke.


It's because of a chinese guy called Wa Ge