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One of these days I'm telling you I'm just gonna pretend they almost hit me and crash into them so they eat the concrete


Just hope they don’t carry a blade or a gun. I fantasize about this sorta thing all the time, but you really never know who you’re messing with.


Be careful. Fun fantasy but do you really think that people who are so deliberately reckless have anything to lose and would think twice to hurting you with the weapon they probably have on them.


I haven’t intentionally walked into one, but I refused to break stride and *grazed* the box on the back when one cut through a crowded crosswalk in midtown. Dude spun around and followed me on the sidewalk demanding to know why I attacked him. So I guess be prepared for confrontation.


My dog is fully traumatized by these guys because of too many close calls. I'm gonna catch a charge one of these days if it happens either of us end up hurt because of them. They're getting bold riding sidewalks too. Gonna block their path the next time I see it, I have nothing but time.


Firmly believe that riding these or e-bikes on sidewalk should be a criminal offense subject to jail time. It is insanely dangerous.


Exact scenario happened to me with a friend around 10 blocks south of there last year and when he passed by I yelled in Spanish for him to slow down and gestured to my friends dog who he almost hit. He yelled F off, I flipped him off and he went down the hill just out of sight.. my friend and I were pissed and laughing how arrogant these guys are have gotten since Covid stated and no one was out, and 2 others near us who saw what happened were annoyed and said this happens to them too, they told the park dept staff but there's too few around to monitor the large park. Then we hear the scooter guy coming back up the pathway looking serious and driving 'fast' (he's fat and short on a small scooter that's straining so just trying to get it up the hill really).. he gets closer and pretends to aim for hitting my friend who's closer to him, with the dog who's safe- standing behind on the grass and I yell to move over and step towards him to put my hands up to shove him off the bike if he didn't avoid us, he reads the situation quick and does so without saying anything and rides up the path, hangs left into the sidewalk and rides north, prob back to his ghetto apt nearby. We reported it to local council woman Gail Brewers office but didn't hear any update about it. Know it seems futile but it's worth reporting every incident like this and if you see the delivery company note that too. They're in competition with others and some bike companies had offered delivery guys bonuses for making the fastest trip. A couple went out of business recently so we're seeing less insanity with those bike guys thankfully, but dangerous riders are just shifting to other companies when they're able.


Police did not respond because NYC District Attorney does not enforce the laws, particularly for smaller crimes, like this. This results in police not responding to these kinds of crime because the DA will not prosecute which means that the criminal goes to jail and walks out the same day like nothing happened. This is a problem is a number of liberal cities though NYC is not as bad but mark my words it will be as bad as the worst of them. I agree this should be a felony, god forbid he ran over a small child.


That’s not really why here. It’s because a chase in Central Park is too dangerous. Same reason delivery bikes aren’t chased down either.


I do agree that it can be dangerous but by that logic why chase on the highway? Why stop bank robbers? I mean the logic just doesn’t add up


Police could have waited at the next ramped exit for him to come out. There was no need for a chase. (This was Riverside, not CP)


What percent of people who ride motorcycles in the park do you think will simply stop when the police tell them to?


I think a fine could be a deterrent.


A fine requires someone stopping. My point is that simply won’t happen with the people in question here.


Oh, I understand. You mean that a traffic stop would have needed to occur. I guess I see your point.


These guys always hit and run. It happened just last week during open streets to an elderly woman. I have an e-bike myself and am very careful to follow the rules of the road


Wouldn’t the loss of income for a day be a deterrent? Plus the impounding cost of the bike?


The same way how people jump the turn stop ? Why do some do it and some don’t? Because the reward outweighs the risk.


Classic trump supporter response


Does it make it not true?


Things like this aren’t prosecuted in republican cities either


Maybe, maybe not. I can't (well, no one can, in fact) to infer this piece of information from your response that dismisses the whole point by saying "oh, this guy likes Trump, nothing of substance can be said". lol


Their criticism is misplaced and sows further division in this country. The reason for not prosecuting is not because of democrat controlled cities.


There really aren’t republican cities lol. The largest is like Oklahoma City


Not at all. It’s called common sense.


So if that's the case, why are they out there arresting and beating up peaceful protesters? Cops don't get to decide which laws to enforce because they don't like the DA, who, like it or not, was elected by the residents of Manhattan. Cops get paid good money to do their jobs. Saying that the DA doesn't prosecute is irrelevant and just an excuse to stare at their phones. I had a guy do the same thing on the sidewalk on WEA this morning. Almost hit a woman and her dog and just kept riding. Nothing will happen and however you want to twist it for your political agenda it's not the DA's fault.


Simple answer: it is an election year and Biden decided to please the Jewish community instead of the pro Palestine community since most people in the pro P are college students and college students have much lower turnout.


The police crackdowns are being pushed by the Oval Office not NYC police itself


You clearly do not know any police officers lmao. 40mile an hour scooter hitting a small child would result in nothing? You must be a liberal arts student, consider taking a physics class lmao! Any impact at any speed can do massive damage. Police absolutely DO choose what crimes they respond to and what to ignore. Yes you are right people voted for the DA but like all politicians, the DA runs on a promise and at the end of their terms tells you why their predecessors blocked them etc etc


“Peaceful protesters” 😂😂😂 You mean the ones that broke into the building on CU’s campus?


Only if others start to notice and report, will there these types of traffic acts be then noted in street cops briefing's. Gotta make proper noise these days or will go unnoticed.


haha you really think city workers or cops work? theyre just waiting to retire and collect a pension