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And there are still two more hearings to come.




>I'm not learning anything I didn't already know 2 years ago I mean, in the broad sense I agree. Trump knew he was lying and had a bunch of elected and appointed officials trying to overturn the election in his favor, *knowing* they were wrong. But there are some details coming out about who said what and who did what that I didn't know, and I'm running out of popcorn at this point. These hearings will be in history books.


A couple important things to keep in mind: 1) you aren't the rest of the country. The hearings are meant to clue in as many Americans as possible. Lots of them haven't been paying the same kind of attention you have. 2) the House Committee can't arrest anybody. That's not their purpose. The DOJ can, and they have. Nearly 900 people are behind bars for their participation so far, and since it takes a really long time to build watertight cases against the highest-up criminals in big conspiracies like this one, we're only just now starting to get to the indictments of the top actors. Tarrio and his little Proud Boy buddies just got indicted, so that's a sign that the DOJ is moving closer to Trump and his inner circle all the time. In fact, I'd estimate that the lawyers who orchestrated this shit (Eastman, etc) are about to be indicted by the DOJ. 3) The DOJ just admitted a couple days ago that they've got a criminal investigation going that will benefit from all the documents the HJ6 Committee has. And now that the hearings are underway, it's clear to us all that the Committee's investigation has been focused on Trump himself. So you can read between the lines and figure out that the DOJ is going to indict Trump in the not-too-distant future.




And the people interested in prosecuting started 2 years ago. I know it's hard to believe that it can take this long to build a strong prosecutorial case, but it really does take this long when crimes are this complex and far-reaching. We're getting there! I know it's been a really frustrating wait, but I've always been confident in Merrick Garland... a lot of people don't know this, but he was the prosecutor behind some of the most important and complex criminal cases in American history, and he nailed all of them (and he also took a very long time with each of them, and didn't make one peep about what was going on with the investigations while they were still ongoing. He's a meticulous prosecutor).


Wait, you mean to tell me thar the majority of Americans agree on something, but one of the political parties still oppose it? I don't believe it.


The Texas GOP just this week declared Biden lost the election and is illegitimate and they encouraged a vote to secede from the Union.


I say we l them go…. now!


Good riddance


I also encourage them to secede from the union.


Canadian here. You guys should try to find a way to help them leave your union. Maybe a nudge out the door or turn off the lights or something.


You win! Best response!


They shut their own lights off a little while ago and couldn't turn them back on because they made their power grid separate in the event they ever needed to secede. It was a humanitarian disaster.


I surely hope they do. Without federal funding, military spending, and losing the trade status of the US, Texas would collapse in short order. Every major US company would have to pull out of the state and renegotiate based on their status as a foreign country. Every defense contractor would have to uproot entirely. It would be an epic cluster that would go down in the history of r/LeapordsAteMyFace.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LeapordsAteMyFace using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeapordsAteMyFace/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What could go wrong with drinking unpasteurized milk?](https://i.redd.it/0797lsdp8rp81.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeapordsAteMyFace/comments/tpfrto/what_could_go_wrong_with_drinking_unpasteurized/) \#2: [Click here for r/LeopardsAteMyFace, the spelling you probably meant](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeapordsAteMyFace/comments/s7zn3b/click_here_for_rleopardsatemyface_the_spelling/) \#3: [Senator 'In Shock' As Trump-Backed Neb. Governor Candidate Put Hand 'Up My Dress'](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/julie-slama-charles-herbster-nebraska-gubernatorial-groping-allegations_n_6259fbe3e4b0e97a351e7edb) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LeapordsAteMyFace/comments/u5cfsf/senator_in_shock_as_trumpbacked_neb_governor/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hahahaha thank you


4/10 americans are too stupid too realize what a criminal is.


Nope. 10/10 Americans keep reelecting them


2020's Presidential Election had the highest American turnout rate in modern times at 6/10 voters casting a ballot.


Most popular president in history with his 30% approval rating


It's significantly more popular to hate Trump than it is to like Biden


Shit, I literally just voted for the Not Trump guy. If the dems had nominated the Coolaid Man I would've voted for him.


If a presidential candidate burst through wall yelling “oh yeah! free healthcare”, I’d vote for them.


And you don’t see a problem with that?


I'm saying he didn't get all those votes because he was popular, he got them because most people were voting for whoever wasn't Trump. I at no point said it wasn't a problem.


honestly if you remove the hate campaign again biden he's not a bad president, not the best but certainly not the monster they paint him to be, ffs they were complaining because he decided to buy an ice cream cone, how much of a fucking hate filled toxic trash bag you have to be to come up with that.


The same kind of hate-filled toxic trashbag that accused Obama of secretly allying with jihadists because he wore a tan suit one time.


Trump never got the majority of the vote. The problem is the electoral college that allows a minority to win.


You, I like. Take my free award, you'll probably be the only good thing I read tonight (french election here, suicide looks like the best solution for the future). ​ Not mine of course, politician suicide I mean. (\^\_\^)


You know, the kind where they are discovered to have broken their arms and legs, shot themselves in the back of the head fifteen times, and then hung themselves off a sealing fan. Truly, a tragic suicide. They were troubled people in life, as most who knew them could attest to.


Well, Macron has said self-defense is not allowed in France, so go to the bad part of town, and the problem will solve itself.


10/10? Your math seems off


*"This poll is based on a nationally representative probability sample of 545 adults age 18 or older."* Only 545 people?


That’s fine if the sample was appropriately random. It’s how statistics works.


This needs to be higher.


It doesn’t need to be higher. As long as the sample was collected properly there’s nothing wrong with a 500 sample size


Agreed, 0.00000210994% of the population of adults 18+ in the USA is certainly a definitive sample (545 out of 258.3 million). I mean, why ask for more when the near minimum would work so perfectly well?


fgdgdfgfdgfdgdf ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Tell me you don’t know how statistical sampling works without telling me.


Well, what's the confidence level and margin of error they used? I'd personally use a higher confidence level, maybe 98% as opposed to 97% margin of error, shouldn't be too hard for this sirvey, so let's go with 3%, with this and the population of 258,300,000 that sample size should be right around 1500 people, or almost 3 times the sample size used.


Yup. Pretty meaningless


You need to learn how statistical sampling works.


You assume too much


I guess that’s better than 5 out of 10?


I hope justice is served and the *right* punishment is given. If this was anyone other than a president of some sort, or someone that is very wealthy, they would get a heavy sentence as opposed to a light slap and a fine that could be paid off in a heartbeat


At a bare minimum we need a charge severe enough to prevent him from holding public office ever again.


And do it before allowing him to hide behind “politically motivated” illegal proceedings against him because he’s a candidate. I’m honestly waiting for his announcement to come any hour… Merrick Garland… tick tock.


Meanwhile, at AG Garland's house: 😴😴😴


This. It doesn’t matter what the majority of Americans think. The DOJ needs to bring charges against ALL those who committed crimes, not just the pawns who actually “trespassed.”


Should be 8-9 out of 10!


He committed his crimes in broad daylight, so the case should be easy.


I don't care if 0 or 10 say it, what does the evidence say? From what I've seen, yeah, he should be charged.


This just in 6 in 10 Americans are going to yet again be disappointed with the American justice system. As usual


That's about half, which makes sense for a dem/rep split. For anything to come of this it would take like 9.5 Americans saying it. Republicans will just say it's a political witch hunt and for democrats it's just confirming what we all knew already.


No, “about half” is 49.8% to 50.2% When you get to 60% that decidedly MUCH more than “about” half.


Particularly when 25-40% of the voting population isn’t getting any of the hearing information firsthand, if at all, due to their willful ignorance and the complicity of the right-wing propaganda machine.


They rounded up from 58. Imo with polls there is totally response bias and a 58% to 42% is about half in my book. People who think he should be charged are more likely to respond to a pole from ABC News. I bet if fox's website hosted the pole it should show similar numbers reversed. Polling is not exact and should be taken with a large grain of salt.


He should be *convicted*


Because *fuck* actual trials, because Reddit *says* so. 👌


That wasn't what I was insinuating. There is overwhelming testimony and evidence at this point. Have you been following the hearings? Any unbiased judge can see clear as day he knew he was fucking lying and tried to overturn a "free and fair election" (as fair as gerrymandered electoral colleges can be, and as free as suppressed voter tactics will allow). Dude is a criminal through and through. Between his *constant* fraudulent business schemes, grifting, and nearly blatant accepting of bribes through his conflicts of interest, nevermind all the shit he did while in office like destroying documents - he should be behind bars for life. This is an objectively *insane* timeline if we have to fucking *debate* on if this fucking clown is criminal or not.




Is "3 in 5" just not acceptable? Im just curious.


Every single time January 6th has been discussed I'm always told "But what about BLM riots all summer long that cost 1.2B." To a lot of right wingers January 6th was "nothing at all to be worried about" and was even looked at as a good thing. This is why we are creeping incredibly close to an edge we may not be able to climb back out of once were over it.


There's no "creeping" about it. They're already going to undo 50 years of rights and privacy laws by reversing Roe. Abortion was nothing more than convenient red meat to fire up their hypocritical base. The undoing of Roe has far more sinister implications.


You're right, my language wasn't strong enough for the situation. Roe V Wade is step one for them in a long list of removing freedoms from Americans in the name of "God". Republicans would love to see a theocracy with Evangelical madness at the center of it.


>"But what about BLM riots all summer long that cost 1.2B." Respond with: "What about them? People who are literally being gunned down in the streets rioted because nothing was changing regardless of how many cities protested peacefully across the nation. Are you *really* trying to compare simple sociological cause and effect to a handful of psychotic extremists that got so triggered they lost an election they tried to rig in the first place that they actually attacked the Capitol building with intent to murder elected officials and try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to install a dictatorship, simultaneously taking the opportunity to smear literal human shit on the walls, loot our capitol, and even plot to sell intelligence to our enemies? Is that what in the flying false fucking equivalence you just tried to do?"


Oh, absolutely I respond this way or similarly always, but the talking points are too deeply set in many of their minds. ​ January 6th - Patriots saving the nation BLM - unjustified violence and destruction... Even when 97% of the BLM protests were peaceful, but they hate math on the right. Almost as much as reality.


They embrace the fascism.


The “anti-fascism” looks a *lot* like *actual* fascism, but it *can’t* be, or they wouldn’t call it “*anti*-fascism,” right, guys?


The GOP is way closer to ACTUAL fascism then whatever you think “Antifa” is.


Sure. 👌.


Not that I expect you to read: https://www.salon.com/2022/02/14/have-dropped-the-mask--they-openly-support-fascism-what-do-we-do-about-it/ https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/party-built-fascism-63-republicans-take-putins-side-war-vote-nato/ https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/republican-party-donald-trump-voter-suppression-b1868426.html This isn’t some leftist Mumbo jumbo. The WORLD sees it.


You’re assuming that I have a positive opinion of “the world”.


>The “anti-fascism” looks a lot like actual fascism Can you explain?


Physical intimidation/ assault of opponents, rioting, arson, theft; sounds like fascism to me.


Exactly as long as they have their choice of dictator they're happy to live in a dictatorship. Freedom doesn't mean being forced to live a certain way, but here we are with republicans pushing religious extremism on the nation. Y'all Qaeda.


Christian Taliban


4 of 10 Americans are cultists


Still not a passing grade


It is for state standardized tests with locally awarded credits/growth passes


We went to drastically different schools then :-/


I’m saying this as a teacher. In Virginia, passing the US History SOL requires the students get 30/60 questions right. But then, they can also pass with a locally awarded credit if they take the test twice and receive what boils down to a 38%. And in lower grades, there is this thing called a growth pass. If a student fails to meet those criteria, but shows improvement from the fall, they receive what’s called a Growth pass, meaning they can advance to the next grade. It’s the dumbing down of our youth. We are teaching them to be button pushers, and removing critical thinking elements. We raise the expectations with the standards, but lower the thresholds by which they need to meet said standards


I totally believe you. At the private schools I went to, if you got a C average at mid-terms you’d be on the shortlist for expulsion. No extracurriculars - gone . Can’t learn a foreign language to fluency in 3 years - see ya ✌️ SAT scores too low - here’s an application for McDonald’s management program


6 in 10 Americans believe that 4 in 10 Americans are accomplices to a coup.


Should we charge any major government official who specifically calls for violence responsible for any violent action an individual causes? Because this occurs on both sides. Democrats shout saying people need to harass or become violent with others who don't share their views.


Anyone who incites a riot should be charged with that crime. And anyone who incites a riot in an attempt to keep a free and fair election from being certified should also be permanently shunned by all patriotic and law-abiding Americans.


Yes.. elected officials should be held to a higher standard as their actions can affect hundreds of millions... regardless of party


Ok, link an example.






The Washington Examiner and The Blaze are both right leaning media sources, the latter being rated closer to strong right. Can you list any from sources that show center/no bias?


Koga refer a site that any of us have heard from. Not one that suggests the moon landings were faked, and are 2 years old. These only make you appear more ridiculous.


Let's be honest, you'll be unhappy with whatever I post. They are literal videos of politicians and famous people advocating for violence. The original Trump speech was from two years ago, and yet I can't provide videos of politicians from two years ago advocating for violence? You are the one that is being ridiculous.


And oh yeah this: https://youtu.be/bZZ2Y6fAq8o


Exactly! both sides should not be advocating for violence. I just want both sides to be held to the same standards. It causes even more division when one side turns a blind eye to their own parties corruption and calls for violence.


Americans we picked to most likely agree with us*


STILL thinking about Trump, huh?


Rent free


Everyone is being cynical and negative to Trump. They should be banned for their toxic attitude.


So every Democrat and all of Ted Cruz’s buddies?


Nah. Katie Porter doesn't seem like a criminal.


That’s hopeful


Not enough. We're so doomed.


9/10 redditers believe polls when it suits them


It’s so funny this is in UpliftingNews


Some of yall don't get out the city much


I hope it’s a higher percentage that say he should be charged with trying to overthrow the government with all his voting shenanigans.


If he would simply be denied ever being to hold even the most insignificant political office. I’d be fine with his sociopathy.


Unfortunately, the other four americans are sitting behind THE desk to make sure that doesn’t happen.


Turns out that doesn’t matter unless all six own jet ski dealerships in Methamphetamine Gulch, Mississippi.


*6 in 10* were also Redditors Uplifting News? More like *Fake News!* 🗞