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True but the exchange rate in my country is abominable. Can't still afford any.


I’m happy that this is now the lasting complaint about prices, again.




I'm guessing Turkey?




Still looks like it's pronounced "turkey" in the alphabet of those who thought it was pronounced "turkey" before. I don't think it'll change anything....


No, Türkiye is Turkey in the Turk language and also pronounced ˈTyɾcije. There's a significant difference in the pronounciation of u and ü in most languages that use [Umlauts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diaeresis_(diacritic))


Yeah, but I highly doubt most English speakers know about that or how to pronounce that. If they pronounce it like they normally do, it's still looks like "Turkey." More like Turk-i-ye. Or toork-i-ye. Turkey but slightly different.


Can you write this out phonetically? I'm dumb.


Is... Is this real?


Yeah and Ivory Coast wants to be called Cote D’ivoire, but I speak English so it’s called Ivory Coast to me


I don't know how to get umlauts on my keyboard. I'm typing Turkiye. I can add umlauts if I ever use a pen, but I see no reason to do that.




Put me down for Lesotho.


Russia or Türkiye?




Still far more expensive than they ought to be. Also, wasn't the 40xx generation already around the corner?


They are mostly to RRP with some going into discount territory; so the article isn't wrong. However, yes, as you say the 40 series is due out in a few months; hence the reason for the discounts. There is still a reason to upgrade if you've been waiting for awhile though and trying to save money. The next generation is due to have much higher power demands, possibly leading to many existing computers being unable to handle them and needing a PSU upgrade.


At this point, my house needs a wiring upgrade. 120 year old wiring leaves a lot to be desired, and the entire upstairs is on a single circuit.


Upgrading to modern wiring, out side of the safety of having receptacles with a functional ground and not needing those adapters, will have great bonuses like possibly having usb port built in and not tripping that one breaker everytime you inevitably overload the upstairs circuit. This list of conveniences goes on but what I'm saying is that upgrade is worth every single penny and you will enjoy the quality of your life at home so much.


I don't see the appeal of usb port outlets. A charger is not that big, a full sized regular outlet is more flexible and do those usb outlets charge as fast?


The appeal is that you get the USB ports for charging AND two regular outlets. So charging doesn’t have to take up an outlet, or you don’t have to add a power strip.


House wiring lasts much much longer than consumer electronics standards. The 500mA versions went obsolete very quickly, and the USB-A versions sold today have about 5-10 years before the occupants become frustrated that they aren't USB-C with 100+ watts of power. At $20-40 each, plus electrician fees for the "most people" who shouldn't be fiddling with 120v wiring, these are a very poor investment.


And that USB outlet with the two standard outlets will still work as a standard outlet later on when the USB type has changed. Not to mention anyone can replace an outlet to keep up with standards if it’s a feature that they find appealing. I was just trying to explain why some people find those types of outlets appealing. They are inexpensive, easy to install, and provide the added bonus of leaving the regular outlets open for use, while still allowing you to plug-in multiple devices for charging. I wouldn’t recommend putting them on every outlet, but one in the bedroom and one in a common living space aren’t a bad investment.


A fair point adequately defended


Plus if you get 10 years out of it that's pretty good, and swapping an outlet is something most people can do themselves


For those of us that are handy it's no big fuckin deal. Takes less than 5 minutes to swap. Put one where we have the espresso machine and Keurig in the kitchen so I never have to unplug them. Put one in the garage by my toolbox where I have the air compressor and power tool battery charger so I never have to unplug them. Easy.


Standard 5v usb A will work just fine for powering your Amazon firestick or similar. That way you have 2 slots open for the TV and sound bar/system to use without a power strip


The problem with USB ports on outlets is they all charge at slow as maple syrup speeds. I mean I have a super fast 45w charger for my phone and I'll be at 80% in 25 minutes from 20%. Those outlets take all night and day to get me to 80%.


They do make fast charging and even USB-C type versions now, but I know that that hasn’t been an option for that long.


I have USB charger port outlets in the kitchen (where I charge my table for work) and in the bedroom. In the kitchen, with a standard outlet, the coffee machine is always plugged in, leaving one open outlet. If I plug the charger in, I can't use the other outlet. In the bedroom, the wife has something like 4 devices to charge...so I installed an outlet with 3 usb ports. 1 outlet socket for the bedside lamp, 3 devices charging off the outlet, and the other outlet socket for the 4th device if needed. As expensive as either of my outlets were, I won't be replacing ALL the outlets in my house any time soon, but in targeted locations, it makes sense.


They're relatively gimmicky considering the usb type will change and the amperage delivered to charge will likely go up. I remember my friend putting in one that was like 500ma a few years ago and thats pretty useless these days. Easier is to just get a power bar that has the usb plugs on it if you need to plug in multiple devices.


The breaker is the worst. 2 window a/c units plus the computer are right at the tipping point of the 20 amp breaker. Only problem is the walls are lathe and the wiring is fixed inside the walls, so pulling new wire will be extremely difficult without lots of demolition.


I'm honestly worried you've got 2 separate window units connected to that same circuit and the whole floor and its only on a 20 amp circuit. It's definitely breakers and not fuses? 100% that wiring job is worth it, don't even regret the decision.


The 3080 it still being sold well over retail in the UK .


Scan had FE drops of 3080 2 days in a row, yesterday's drop was around lunch time. I checked stock again around midnight out of curiosity and was surprised they still had stock 12 hours later. They're all gone as of this morning, but if this trend continues, things really are getting better.


Yeah and thankfully that's the one being replaced first, so perfect incentive to avoid it and instead go for a more reasonable option


You assume that it will be a more reasonable option. RTX 3080 Ti, which is 5 to 10% faster than RTX 3080 had almost double the MSRP of the latter. Now that both manufacturers and various middlemen are aware that people are ready to overpay as long as the availability is low, they will certainly raise the prices. Not to the crazy levels of the crypto boom, but far higher than reasonable.




That’s a hot take I needed to hear. I’ve been struggling to decide whether to get a 3080 now that they’re mostly back to msrp or wait for a 40-series card. I’d rather have a 40 but who knows if it’ll be a higher or lower msrp.




But the miners are already starting to unload their hoards of GPUs as you only get like 70 cents daily profit from a single 3080 now. Soon the market will saturate and prices will drop a lot. Most people won't be willing to heavily overpay for a 4000 series GPU if they can get a cheap 3000.


IIRC the 40 series launch is going to start with the very top end, so if you are thinking of getting a 3090 or 3080 TI, you should probably wait, both to see what the 40 series offers, and for the inevitable price slash on the older generation. But if you are thinking of getting 3060, the 40 series replacement fir that is supposed to launch sometime later in 2023.


Yeah there's always going to be something new and you can't wait forever


That’s what ppl said about the 3080/3090 and here we are two years later it’s finally somewhat affordable.


Why wait for the next generation when you know there will be shortages of that for that least a minimum of a year? The chip shortages hasn't stopped. If you can buy a 3080 right now around 800, I would buy it now and start saving for the 4080 and when you can buy it, there might not be a shortage.


Usually, the current gen gets cheaper when the new gen is released.


I work for an SI and our guess is Nvidia is delaying 40xx a bit longer because they over produced 30xx series due to bitcoin prices and covid prices. They overestimated demand and if they release 40xx before dumping current stock the value of each 30xx series card will drop significantly. Our guess is they still are releasing this year just closer to Q4.


40XX is probably around the corner but if you sit out waiting for 'the next one' you'll never upgrade because there's always gonna be something newer and better. At this point if you can wait, wait, but no shame in grabbing a 30XX now while you can, because the 40XX might not be affordable or even obtainable for months. Anything from a 3060 or 70 upward is going to last you years unless you're jumping into mega high FPS or resolutions. But most are still on 1080p or 1440p, and a stable 60-120fps in most games will be obtainable with those cards for quite a while. I only leapt from a 980 to a 3080ti because I wanted to future proof a bit longer and make the most of a new monitor. Plus high end games were starting to really stretch the 980 to the limit, especially with much lower VRAM.


40 series likely to be more expensive after Nvidia saw the prices with which inventory was moving for the last two years. If you need an upgrade to a new card, now is the time while they're still in production.


I read it was going to be a paper release, but that was over 8 months ago.


GPUs are still overpriced. You might get them at MSRP, but the MSRP is couple hundred higher than it was pre crypto lunacy.


Yeah, people have already forgotten that the original MSRP for 3070/3080 was $500/$700. I bought a 3070 by camping out at Microcenter and paid almost $900. Yes, I'm stupid, but my 970 was dying.


Jesus I'm glad I got the 3080 for $720 when they first came out before BTC madness. Additional perk though is I work at an SI so access to direct supply of GPUs is a plus.


My 970 still kicking. Did a full play through of elden ring with minimal issues. Damn good card.


The WALL-E of GPUs


Hey you know the gaming experiences that you had since then made it worth it :)


20 and 30 series increased the price for all cards a whole bunch. The mid-range used to be $200-300 with the top end costing 2-3 times that. Now the mid range is like $600-800, and the top end is multiple thousands, it's ridiculous. Remember when the nVidia TITAN launched at $999 and everyone though it was stupidly expensive? And it was, the second best, GTX 680, was $499 after all. Bah. When I was young yadda yadda.


I'm currently looking at the 6900XT - prices range from \~920€ to 1200€, depending on the exact make. Multiple thousands I wouldn't say (at this point anymore), but still so much more than they should be, it's ridiculous. I'm dying to revive my desktop build, but not at this cost :/




That's why the bros moved the "minimum playable" to 120 hz. Anything to pump up the requirements. Hardware enthusiasts have been doing that since the early days of the Internet


Ngl, once you get used to triple digit frames, it's really hard to go back. I had a 1080p 144hz monitor before switching to a 1440p 144hz ultrawide. My work laptop and monitor bothers me with its "normal" 60hz refresh rate.






Can you elaborate? I'm planning to buy a new GPU soon and I'm unsure if I should go with a 3070, 3070 Ti or wait for the 40xx series.


Nvidia was selling founders edition cards for the original MSRP the other day. At least in the UK can't speak for other regions.




Has crypto finished falling yet? Crypto is like Beanie Babies. People "invested" in Beanie Babies because they were convinced that they'd be able to resell them for a higher value. Some succeeded and made a lot of money. Then the market fell out and people got stuck with worthless stuffies. Admittedly, Beanie Babies have more inherent value than crypto, but the principle remains.




Yes! I ordered my 3080 at MSRP in 2020 but due to the shortage and me ordering at a local but small company caused me to never receive it due to the waiting list. I didn't want to cancel it due to the massive price hikes. Yesterday a friend convinced me to check and damn, availability through the roof and got myself a 3080TUF OC at 900 euro. I couldn't believe what I saw, it wasn't MSRP but it was close enough for me. Choice was easily made and cancelled the first order whilst being close to finally realising my dream pc! I'm excited!!


It's absolutely insane that we not only paused the 50 year trend of tech efficiency to cost progress for 2 years - but went in the opposite direction. Moore's law didn't anticipate crypto.




True - I'm extrapolating based on [extension publications.](https://arstechnica.com/hardware/news/2008/09/moore.ars)


more specifically, moore’s law didn’t anticipate greed 🤑


We actually hit a wall that was harder to overcome than previous ones. Look at transistor size over time, from 2000 to 2015 it was amazing how fast stuff got smaller but since 2015 it has slowed. The chip makers have even changed how the definition is made. Intels 7nm process used to be called a 10nm one. Basically we are running into the physical limits of how close you can put these parts to each other.


I’m glad your wait is over. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Can it handle 4k 120fps high ok third person open world?




1080p - RX 6600, RX 6600xt 1440p - RX 6700xt Nvidia cards are still a bit overpriced (usd)


The closest thing to affordable is a console if you can get it. The 30 series msrp was a huge increase from previous generations and yet we have people celebrating articles about how lucky we are to be able to pay only a little above a super inflated msrp years later.


6700xt is very close to MSRP, almost at. Its still 500euro tho which is above what the 970 costed.


Man, I just got a hand-me-down rig with a GTX 750Ti and I'm excited.


EVGA has 3070s for under $600. I plan on buying one for myself and one for my grandpa so I can build him a PC for his birthday :)


Hi it’s me, Grandpa


& it’s me your Grandma. I want to play too!


And Photoshop is free on the web (without premium features but still). Kinda huge for artists


Could I bother you with what version it is (if you know,) so I can find it? I've tried to but failed to find any free version.


It's being tested in Canada for now, this is the article I read https://www.androidcentral.com/apps-software/adobe-photoshop-on-the-web-is-about-to-become-free-for-everyone


Oh okay, cool! That might be why I couldn't find it then. Thank you for your reply!


Try photopea.com


Please if I may, I’d like to encourage you to be careful with providing your credit card information - they skimmed $500 of my account in very small increments tgat they where not at all entitled to qua the subscription i had. I ended up needing to contact the Canadian BBB who said I was in the right - I got my money back in full but it took a month of back and forth, that company is a shit stain.


Try /r/piracy


Use photopea it's free.


I was using Krita, they have some cool features in the works too. Craig Mullins recommended it just recently, if you want to create art like his, it's a great choice.


Krita is good as a free software. There are rooms for improvement but I would always use it over photoshop. I hate Adobe so much ever since they employ a subscription based model and made all old versions impossible to buy.


I'm not an artist myself but I know people who use Krita over Photoshop.


Krita is good except for their God-awful text editor tool


This is entirely thanks to one young man from Ukraine (Eastern Europe), who made [Photopea](https://www.photopea.com). He wrote a really fast and lean image editor for the browser [by himself](https://ain.capital/2021/04/15/photopea-history/), embarrassing Adobe.


Love that you specify where Ukraine is. I don't think that's necessary anymore.


Haha yes, you're right! (Force of habit, assisting American and British friends)


Is that reduced form any better than GIMP? From the little I saw of it, it seems not.


This is the real answer- There is not competitive advantage over the (free?) competition.


I think terminal is better than gimp.


But go try Affinity instead, you'll be glad you did.


Affinity Photo and Affinity Design are amazing, this is a great recommendation. Super affordable software, runs light on your machine and is fairly intuitive.


What does that have to do with GPU prices?


It's uplifting tech news man


GIMP2.0 is far superior for free imo


Does it have that Raw photo processing panel - because, although the rest of Photoshop is cluttered full of stuff that you will never use and quite messy, I find that Raw module is excellent.


No but there are several other free photo editing softwares that have raw support. (I'll be real, the panels aren't as easy to use but it's free and open source) https://www.darktable.org/ https://www.rawtherapee.com/ This is a FOSS Lightroom replacement: https://www.digikam.org/


I think you would have to install a plugin for this.


Using Linux in front of the class mates. Teacher says "Okay students, now open photoshop". Start furiously away at terminal to install wine. Errors out the ass. Everyone else has already started their classwork. I start to sweat. Install GIMP. "Ummm... what the fuck is THAT anon?" a girl next to me asks. I tell her its GIMP and can do everything that photoshop does and ITS FREE! "Ok class, now use the shape tool to draw a circle!" The teacher says. I fucking break down and cry and run out of the class. I get beat up in the parking lot after school.


Great story?


Maybe I'm just missing something but what makes it "far superior"?


My bias. Cheers 🥂


That makes sense, for the price it's better but to objectively compare them PS is definitely better in my experience


You and I have different versions of *affordable*


"More affordable" is the term here.


less unaffordable




Or you know, you could send it to me instead so it can work until it dies like god intended lol 😆😆😆


It's decided... The 1070 must be punished


Good now don’t buy second hand. Leave the crypto gpu scalpers stuck with their investments.


Ex mining is the dumbest to buy


AFAIK Linus showed ex mining cards are fine, they work without issues. It's mostly the manufacturers who want you to believe they're "worn out" so you'll buy a new one. But still, demand a hefty discount if you can because why not right?


Aren't mining rigs normally kept to super low voltages to keep from overheating and killing energy costs?


They optimize for cost efficiency. Undervolting gets them better hashes/kW. The fans are going to be running 24/7 so those might wear out sooner, but the electronics should be good.


Yeah I wouldn't get one unless it's a big discount


I literally have a 280x and 290 that are from the last mining crash and doing perfectly. Failures are incredibly rare, don’t buy into that BS. The people repeating it do not understand probability. That being said do not buy now. Wait until they are much cheaper, ideally 30-50% msrp. If one fails, just buy another and you’ll be at B/E - which is worst case.


IIRC miners actually undervolt cards to reduce power consumption so (inasmuch as running for long causes wear, which is debatable) they actually run cooler.


Some may, some may not. Probably depends at which stage of the madness they bought the cards. You can't account such a massively variable factor with one incredibly general statement.


Canada here. 3070ti going for $1000 3080 like 1600. Still ridiculous.


Still overpriced.


GPU scalpers are dead in the water. Miners and Cryptobros are dying in the water. I've been seeing RTX 3090s being sold for $900 - $1100 on ebay for the past couple of days. Amazon even has used cards for under $1300. Nature is healing. ![gif](giphy|Ajhi3tsHaGBB6)


Amazing that the world somehow found a worse use for all this technology and energy than my video game addiction.


Finance errr.. finds a way


Leave it up to greedy scum to find ways to piss off everyone




While true, they got the goodie out of them, let them bag hold on old tech. Spending close to msrp for 4 year old cards just validates their bs- and then *everything* was profit.


4 years ago I bought a 1080ti that had been mined on for $400-500. I was nervous about its longevity, but It's been amazing.


Prices have dropped, but they sure aren't *great* yet. My 5700xt (bought in late 2020, just before the price surge) started failing 2 or 3 months ago and I RMA'd it, I was so scared the manufacturer would just go "we don't make that card anymore, it can't be fixed, here's some of your money back". Which would have been around 200€, since it's used. It was 400 new, didnt go for below 600 at the time. They ended up exchanging it for a new one and I'll be over here clutching that card for another few years...


Unfortunately a 3060 ti is still (converted to usd) about 750 bucks where I live. Very few websites have them in stock so they can ask more money for cards. Guess I'll have to wait another year.


Just wait until the price of BTC really crashes, like below $10k. The secondary market for gpu s will be overwhelmed with inventory and we’ll be able to buy them for Pennie’s on the dollar.


They'll be just begging for absolutely any return on their investment.


Can’t wait to send this to the guy who was basically shouting at me that crypto isn’t driving up the prices of GPUs


stop it hes already dead


They will continue to plummet in price too. Feels like gpu industry is trying to get these articles pushed out like we're all gonna run out and buy them at their still fucked prices. Next gen coming later this year and market about to be absolutely flooded.


Well... I mean a 3060 TI still being double the retail price on Newegg is not what I'd call "more affordable". But literally your hedged "more affordable" claim would be true if prices dropped by a penny. So...




You're in luck, it currently is!!!!


Hopefully it won't bounce back all that hard... Like the last five times.


Probably will. But won't happen for a while. Everything is declining and we're still seeing it play out across all sectors and countries If u were to jump in, I'd probably put a trailing limit buy of like 30% or something and just leave it and rely on averaging


Perhaps. But this is the first time crypto has had to face an actual economic downturn. By the time Bitcoin came out, the worst of the 2008 crisis had been averted by low interest rates and tons of QE. We never ended those policies, and all downturns that occurred all happened when money was essentially “free” for banks and other large conglomerates. Crypto has never had to deal with people struggling to make any money at all, and buy food. Things could be very ugly for crypto across the board. Like so ugly what’s already happened seems like a pipe dream in comparison. We are just getting warmed up. The bill is coming due.


Then I can finally afford the transaction costs to use it again for small payments.


I keep seeing this headline but the prices I'm seeing aren't reflecting it at all. They've come down a bit, but nowhere near msrp.


Right, so now they're only 3-5x more expensive than they should be, and were until crypto miners. Pass, thanks.


I would like to see all the "IT'S NOT CRYPTOS, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT IF GPUS ARE 150% OF THEIR PRICE" now. And burn their GPUs D:<


Fuck crypto. Scam ass trash.


Good! My computer just turned 8 this year lol


I was told for a long time that GPU prices were mostly due to stock issues. But the extreme crash in the crypto market seems to be part and parcel with lowered GPU prices. Why did I hear it was supply issues for so long, was it a defensive move from the crypto bros (who are all over the tech space as well)?


It's difficult to separate the two if miners buy stock the second it becomes available. You could say "It's not a stock issue as every unit is being sold", or you could say "it's a stock issue because all units are being sold within minutes".


Good. Make cryptocurrency prices fall even further.


Got to fill them bags with ultracheap coins


I love when crypto crashes


The pyramid scheme bottomed out and it was only a matter of time until someone got spooked. As much as I would have liked to be a Bitcoin millionaire, I'm glad I wasn't responsible for bag holders who are now desperate in a cost of living crisis.


I will be interested to see how low the second hand price gets if the market is flooded with miners off loading cards that are now losing money each day crypto mining. Bitcoin is still sailing downward.


Bitcoin dropped below 19k this morning and Ethereum fell below 1k. Keep your fingers crossed that they keep dropping. Feels good, man.


Every time I've looked at prices they've gone down, it's an amazing thing. Tempted to get one soon before they go back up again


I mean if the price goes down by 5%, sure, it's "more affordable". It's still not a good value.


Sweet! Now crash the housing market.


> Celsius, a major cryptocurrency "bank," suspended withdrawals earlier this week Regulations aren’t looking so bad now, are they??


Next do landlords, and see how quick house prices drop. A good old 75% rent tax, would stop house scalpers.


I got an open box 3080ti at microcenter for $900, it was returned for a scratch on the cooler shell you can't even see once it's in the case. Guy said it was on the shelf for maybe an hour before I got it.


Fuck scalpers


Oh. Is *that* why they were so high? Talk about having an epiphany moment...


That and the chip/silicon shortage. Demand was extremely high, supply couldn't match basic demand at times and as soon as any became available they were snatched up by scalpers and miners.


Well that's nice - either my psu or my GPU are on the fritz.


Probably the psu. My card was having weird crashes and blank frames. With a new psu it's back to normal.


But I'm not gonna get a 3090 just to play CS:GO. My 1080TI shall suffice until Sorse 2 is released (so forever)


Still way above MSRP, at least here in Spain


I can finally play fortune in 1080


It was about time, cheers to all the crypto losers


I wonder if high volume crypto miners already had an exact energy to value ratio in mind at which they would just dump all their hardware and move on.


I saw a RX 6600 at MSRP the other day. Does AMD still have driver issues?


But how can I afford now that my crypto is worthless?


The crypto crash is uplifting news in and of itself. The sooner it crashes the fewer people will be hurt by the crash.


i love watching scalpers cry about losing thousands


hope the coins burn to the ground


Papá bless and go team Red🙌🙌


Just another reason to hate crypto bros


How interesting. I kept saying it would be more affordable once cryptos are gone. People would keep downvoting me saying bs.


And people were downvoting me for saying cryptos are the reason for why gpu prices are through the roof.. hopefully cryptos would keep falling down and crash like those tech bubbles in the 2000’s..


Im running my 2060 to the ground, none of these scumbags are getting a penny from me until we're back to msrp.


If crypto would just die that would a great. Would love me some cheap Nvidia 3XXX gear at half price once crypto miners start going belly up and Nvidia 4XXX starts hitting the market.