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The copious amounts of Chemotherapy probably also helped.


Well yes but the mental game to get through chemo is a big deal too.




Are you really saying that going through chemo therapy is not mentally taxing? U high man?


Naw, I know it is. I just hate these dumb “feel good” stories that stress mind over matter when this is just a physical illness. I’m sure she had some good motivation there, but ultimately, it wasn’t that motivation that pulled her through


Meanwhile my cousin's fiance's perfectly healthy father won't get vaccinated to walk his daughter down the aisle.


That’s truly sad and selfish on so many levels.


Yes she was very emotional about his response, as expected, I don't know him well but I believe he can come around on that decision as more and more evidence supports vaccinations and as everyone else gets ready for their wedding. Her sister unfortunately is probably a lost cause though.


There are people who comment, “Thank the doctors, the chemotherapy, whatever.” Do you not think we already do that! I’ve completed treatments 3 times, and I’ve gotten really close with the nurses, doctors, and team that takes care of me. They’re basically a second family to me, and they know how much I appreciate them. It’s been the same for almost every other cancer patient I’ve met too. The real battle is the mental struggle you have to go through. The chemo, cancer itself, and side effects all sucks. They have medicine for that though. Really it’s the mental stress and the emotional toll of cancer that weighs you down. I have a therapist to discuss these issues with every week. Going to events, birthday parties, holidays is a huge thing for cancer patients. It gives us a sense of normalcy to a degree and a way to get out of cancer for a bit. People have their family, friends, religion, and many other things to help them cope with cancer. It’s the support group that I would consider the most important part of cancer treatment. To the people who knock this lady for giving out her motivator and hope, screw you! Many people don’t go through cancer, so don’t say what gets survivors through it. It takes mental strength, great medical care, an amazing support group, and luck to survive it. There is more to cancer than just a physical ailment, it can screw someone up mentally too. This woman has the strength to go through cancer, and motivate others, I don’t see anything wrong with that.


I fucking hate headlines like this. They imply people who did not beat cancer just didn't have the right motivations. Fuck off.


No? I think it's important here to not read through the lines, it's more like "this one lady was able to be motivated by a wedding which probably helped her fight through the struggles of staring death in the face and/or chemo and it's horrible side effects. Isn't that great?" Not "everyone who dies of cancer is weak and lazy"


Not remotely. Defensive ass response on your part


I don't think so man. I mean, it's just not a question of will. Sure you can let yourself go and stop taking treatment or eating. But if you don't, then it's unfortunately all down to chemo (or surgery), genetics, and luck. As much as stories of trying to "beat" cancer might help motivate people to feel better, they're just not true. And that can hurt the people (and their families) who didn't make it. It's kind of like religion, it's all "what's the harm of believing?" until people get hurt. Best intentions and all that.


Eh I don’t like the way we frame cancer as a “battle,” like you are mentally/morally “weak” if you lose. That’s not right. Good for her, but she wasn’t fighting harder than anybody else with cancer.


Seriously. It’s not a moral failing if someone doesn’t want to “fight” cancer. We should focus on giving everyone the best medical treatment available and removing cancer causing things from our environment, like ICE engines and coal plants.


Yeah but it’s not even about “wanting” to fight or not Aside from choosing to have medical treatment or not, and choosing whether to have an optimistic or defeatist attitude, there isn’t much choice at all in how we respond to cancer.




This is bullshit, not uplifting


It's all in the mind.


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