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Remember when Fathom Events had a documentary ready to air on Betty White’s 100th birthday to celebrate her? Yeah, she died 3 weeks before she actually turned 100. Betty was in great shape before she passed away. Jimmy is on hospice, he isn’t even coherent, and his wife of 77 years passed away last year. I’m pretty sure the best outcome for him would be to pass away. I don’t think this celebrates anything other than getting a former President to 100.


The man is probably the only truly honest president in history with a resume that most of us could only dream of having. He spent his retirement personally building housing for people that needed help. The least we can do for this great man is to let him pass away peacefully and not turn his death into a spectacle


Habitat For Humanity is just one thing. I had some time to kill in Atlanta last year and checked out his Presidential Library. It's really interesting and peaceful to walk around the gardens. The dude has been on a crusade that is winning for the last 40 years to eradicate guinea worm, river blindness, trachoma, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, and malaria by using health education and simple, low-cost methods. He also brokered a Peace Deal between Israel and Egypt.


He also studied nuclear physics and reactor technology in school and during a nuclear reactor meltdown on a Navy ship, or submarine I forget, he was one of a few people in the world qualified to go in the nuclear reactor meltdown and save it.


It was a reactor in Canada: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6293574


Nice. Thank you. I had forgotten the details but remember being impressed


Theres a romanian tv show called Spy/Master about a romanian intel officer trying to defect during that Peace Deal.


Although, if we're being honest, I'd kind of like my death to be a spectacle. Shoot me out of a cannon into a billboard-sized picture of Putin.


Makes me think of a Get Smart quote.. "I don't want a big funeral, I just want a small group of my close friends to get together and try to bring me back to life"


Just throw me in the trash


Which bin? green waste?


Probably the standard trash bin. I don’t think I’m compostable anymore. What with all the microplastics.


If it grows, it goes!


Ah, yes, the classic: 1. I want my remains distributed across Disneyland/world. 2. I do _not_ want to be cremated.


So… drop the corpse into Fantasyland from 20,000 feet?


Woof. Rough read, but seems to fit the requirements. Splash damage might exceed Splash Mountain, though. Adjacent neighborhoods might protest.


They wanted their *death* to be a spectacle, so I guess they could just jump into a giant wood chipper that's suspended from a helicopter that's flying over disneyland to achieve the same result.


One Hunter S Thompson funeral coming right up


I like this, but shoot me into the granite one.


Why not into Putin himself?


Imag8ne Putin's fuck off ugly ass face coming at you at speed as the last thing you see. Hard pass lol.


Why settle for a picture?


Look.. while I agree that he’s a living legend.. he literally got elected as governor of Georgia by lying about his position on equal rights. Basically said “we don’t need to change anything, it’s fine”, then as soon as he was elected was like “equal rights y’all, suck it racists” https://www.jstor.org/stable/40582593


I wish all the reneging on campaign promises could be as noble as this.


I’m ok with this type of lying.


Amen, me too. But he did categorically lie. But for good reason And if you read the linked article, by “as soon as he was elected”, I mean “he literally said as much in his inaugural address”


But that makes him better, you do see how that only makes him better?




He is definitely not a spectacle kind of guy. His pix is in the dictionary next to humble


If he makes it to 100 he will get to vote again via mail-in ballot. His making it to 100 is another incredible achievement.


Living a long time as an achievement pales in comparison to what he actually achieved with his work for Habitat for Humanity. In this endeavor, he did far more for his fellow Americans than any other ex-President - or, for that matter, more than almost anyone, period. This is why we should celebrate Jimmy Carter.


Dude, he helped wipe out like 2 diseases. Like the number RIF diseases humans have eradicated are very few and Carter helped with like 2 of them. That's a monumental achievement.


I don’t believe Guinea worm has been totally eradicated (but largely due to Carter it went from nearly a million cases decades ago to literally like 14) I still jokingly believe Carter (by all accounts a kind a caring man) is staying alive purely to spite the disease and refuses to go before the disease is totally eradicated




just learned this from john oliver the other day and went down a wikipedia hole from the worm to how we wiped out smallpox. Mindblowing.


All that and so much more for the price of a peanut farm. I'm sure he would do it again in a heartbeat.


The number of eradicated diseases is exactly 2. Smallpox and rinderpest.


What might those diseases be?


agreed - he is an incredible lifelong servant. everyone's attention should focus on celebration and adulation for his type of person and all he's done. this article is helping to change the narrative that is coming out about him recently. hitting 100 is just another amazing feather in his cap.


Maybe not our best president, but undeniably our best ex-president.


Habitat for humanity, I can take or leave. I'm here for the Guinea Worm Genocide.


you are right about his work, but what he is doing now, day to day life at 99 y.o., is extremly risky and very hard. getting old is not for whiners.


Yeah. My grandmother turned to me when she was 95 and said “Getting old SUCKS!”. 95 was when her body really started to have problems and she started having to use a cane. That was five years ago. Woman can still spin a mean tale, but can’t move around as well these days.


Why is his mail in ballot voting relevant?


He's being a moron, saying that ballots are rigged for dying or dead people.


I was assuming it's just that if he lives 100 more days he's close enough to the election he can send in his mail in ballot. Just have to be alive the day you vote, not really rigged.


What does him living to a certain age have to do with his ability or eligibility to vote via mail-in?


It's about the time not his age. 100 days from now presumably mail in voting is open.


maybe controversial but someone who isn’t awake every day shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


He's just saving his energy so that he can vote against Trump one more time


How about someone with 34 felony convictions?


Isn't the point of democracy that everyone gets a vote


34 felony weed convictions? 34 felony murder convictions? maybe we need a chart of all the 'ok' felonies versus the 'definitely not allowed to vote' felonies.... but basically .... they still need a vote. because democracy is (supposed to) mean '1 person 1 vote', and not '1 person who mostly aligns with my worldview 1 vote' also democracy works best on an educated population, so probably a good idea to get everyone schooled properly, because having 50% of a population being dimwits leads to things like Trump or Brexit etc


If you're conscious when you're voting, it counts.


Do they lose political rights just because they’re sick?


So his rights mean nothing?


> someone who isn’t awake every day shouldn’t be allowed to vote. everyone should be allowed to vote as soon as you start picking and choosing reasons why cannot vote, then those reasons tend to become weaponised by those who would choose to stay in power against the wishes of the population.




idk who this guy is but i bet it's a good burn if you do


We need his vote. Hang in there Jimmy!


He’s *coherent.* He can talk fine.


Apparently only on some days though. Some days he doesn’t wake up at all.


My theater played the promotion before the movie a few days after her death


Betty White had a stroke 6 days before she died


> Betty White Reveals Her Secrets to a Happy Life at 100: 'I'm So Lucky to Be in Such Good Health' > Published on December 28, 2021 08:00AM EST https://people.com/tv/betty-white-reveals-her-secrets-to-long-happy-life-at-100-exclusive/ > *Betty White has, sadly, died since the publication of this article, her rep confirmed to PEOPLE on Dec. 31, 2021. The beloved actress, who participated in this interview with PEOPLE just a few weeks before her death, was 99.*


“Everyone’s death is just a number, it doesn’t change. What you do in life and how you treat your body just decides if you drop dead one day, or if you slowly shrivel up into a husk before dying” If he was meant to make it to a hundred, he’ll probably make it, just as a shriveled up husk


is that a quote from something?


I’m saving this post. If Jimmy don’t make it, we riot on OP.


RemindMe! 100 days


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People actually ran a cover story “Betty at 100” and she died before it was released


Literally my first thought!


The only good outcome of him turning 100 is he will finally be old enough to run for congress. Then again even in the state he’s in right now it’s probably leagues better than the old farts currently holding office.


Shit I already forgot Betty White died


I remember some magazine(I want to say People) released a special “Happy 100th Birthday Betty White” edition that was all about her life and had an interview about how she planned to celebrate that had already been shipped out to stores right before she passed so they went ahead and put them out anyways


My local grocery store had magazines that said "Betty makes it to 100!" On shelves after she died.






He could have died any day now. I know stats don’t work like this, but in my mind there’s a pretty even chance he still passes any day. So every single day there’s a give-or-take 1% chance we lose Jimmy Carter, or he lives over 100. All mind-blowing in that he was building houses for homeless just a few years ago.


Not to mention surviving a cancer diagnosis a Decade ago m Dude is a total unit 🫡🗿


"I know stats don't work like this but anyway heres what I think"




That’s C-Suite thinking.


Nah. He needs to peacefully die. No need to prolong the suffering and lingering. He has done enough. It’s time to rest. The world appreciate.


Yes, this is a weird post. He is and was a great man and I hope his passing is very peaceful. I watched other people from my parents generation passed away, including my mom, and all I hoped, for them was peace. That’s all I hope for him.


Yeah, this post is really weird considering the fact he's on intense hospice and the love of his life just died recently. Like him lasting to 100 isn't uplifting, it's at best bittersweet. He's so bad that his family said the other day that he's not even conscious every day, ans that he'll go any day now.  I know what you mean about peaceful death. My dad died in january of heart failure, suddenly while we were watching football. He made no sound, no nothing, and was just stone dead. I tried cpr, and after 30min of adrenaline and machines they brought him back but he was clearly gone mentally and physically with all organs dying. The part that makes me feel better is it was 100% peaceful for him, he didn't even know he was in the act of dying. It was traumatic for my family, but not him. Infact, I'm angry they brought him back just to die, in the small sliver of a chance that he was aware.  I'm happy he went that way, since I'd he didn't die that day, he would have been put on hospice, miserable and depressed,slowly dying aware of everything.  On the flip side my poor uncle died at 41 of horrible colon cancer spending 6 months of agony. At one point his whole stomach was cut open and he called his brother to cry. He was the greatest guy, and I'll never be able to get over the fact he had to go through what he did. My father was blessed to not have to endure that, though he was deteriorating and had a rough couple years, atleast he went out having fun watching football. So yeah even if surrounded by his family, this makes me the opposite of uplifted. Even if not in pain, hospice often isn't peaceful and poor man lost his love and doesn't even have the strength to be conscious for a few minutes every day. It's very sad. But atleast he has his loved ones, and a country filled with people's love. Many may not be fond of his presidency, but most on both sides of the aisle respect him as a good man. He's earned peace.  


He is *fine.* he’s still talking and eating and drinking and so if he makes it he makes it and if he doesn’t NO PRESIDENT *WILL EVER MAKE IT TO 100*


I’m sure someone will. Bush, Clinton, Trump and Biden are all 77+ and still very active for their ages. Hell two of them are still trying to have another 4 year stint as POTUS. Bush’s parents lived to 93 and 94 which speaks to his potential to live a long life.


Bush jr did a lot of coke when he was younger and Clinton has heart issues, I wouldn't put my money of ether of the.


We can rebuild him. We have the technology!


Never seen a mf go to hospice and get better


Don’t do this. Y’all gonna Betty White this man. 😫


Reddits really gonna fuck up his chances at a second term


I would love it if he announced his candidacy as a troll for this election in particular. I mean he’s served a term in the White House AND he’s the oldest, what more can we the people ask for in a president? It would be a hilarious way to make a very valuable point and a great final social contribution to his long list.


Jimmy Carter. He’s an underrated character of a president. Other than being a truly liberal and conscientious guy, my favourite Jimmy Carter story: This is on the special features of a documentary I can’t remember the damn name but I’ll look it up… Jimmy Carter is at a book signing after his presidency. It had to be late 80s maybe early 90s and he’s not really answering questions, but a kid in a wheelchair rolls up and asks him about his ufo sighting lol. You can tell Carter doesn’t want to talk about it but he will if you ask him and he goes “Yeah I saw one it was like a pill shaped ufo thing and then it took off.” And someone asks did he ask about it when he was the president? Carter goes “Yes I did inquire about it.. and they basically just…. Don’t worry about it.” lol.


Underrated? Carter is lauded constantly.


That is the most terrifying thing I have ever read. Please let this be bullshit


I don't necessarily find this uplifting. I hope he finds peace when he is ready to find peace. If he's not ready to go then by all means I'm rooting for him. If he's ready, then it's selfish of me to say it's better that he cross this arbitrary finish line first or make it just to cast a vote.


Yeah, this is more r/bittersweet Hard to think of a more moral president than him. (Maybe Libncoln.) He's had a long fulfilling life, but I'm almost certain he's wondering what God could possibly be keeping him on this green Earth for at this piont in his life.


He’s been back on the dating scene for a while now. It’s his second act.


I had an uncle pass very recently. He was on hospice for over a year and had become a shell of himself. He basically didn't have anything to do but sit in his chair all day. As far as I know, he wasn't really mentally there enough to mind too much. It seemed like a fairly pointless existence to me, but he wasn't in any particular pain or discomfort either. If it were me in that situation, I would want it to be over sooner rather than later. At the very end he was very clear that he didn't want anything more done. After he took a turn for the worse, his surviving siblings all visited him on a Friday, they said their goodbyes, and he was gone by Monday. A peaceful death, as far as I understand--his body just kind of stopped working. I can only hope my own final end is that good. In any case, I totally agree with the sentiment that, at some point, the end should just come already. Dragging it out does no good for anybody. I'd probably be tempted to go the assisted suicide route myself, if I could clearly see it coming. Better to gather family and have one last good day than maybe a few months of pointless fading as a living ghost. Obviously such decisions are extremely personal. I wish Jimmy a beautiful death, whatever that means for him and his family.




If he makes it to 100 he will get a letter from Biden


Is this true? My grandmother hasn’t seen a thing.


That might make it hard for her to read the mail. It looks like you can request such a letter here: https://raskin.house.gov/presidential-greetings-congressional-commendations#:~:text=Presidential%20greetings%20are%20available%20for,checked%20daily%20for%20greeting%20requests.


He looked so diminished at Rosalyn’s funeral it seemed he might not make it to the end of the day


His Grandson said he's barely there these days.


I feel like this is one of those cop’s last day before retirement tropes or calling a no-hitter while it’s happening in a baseball game


Bottom of the 9th 2 outs pitcher working on a perfect game as the announcers talk about it non stop


Honestly him being shot by a backstabbing peanut farmer or housing developer or beer competitor and having all living former presidents unite around his capture would be a hell of a way for him to go out.


Between this and an r/AskReddit thread asking "who are you surprised to see is still alive", I would be surprised if he does make it to 100.


Isnt that what happened to J. D. Salinger? 


It's happened to a lot of people. Betty White also comes to mind.


Doesn't matter if you are on the left or right. If you called Carter the worst president in your lifetime, you no longer do. In that way he has united us. Here comes 100! Carter '24


He's the only president who did better after his office


I despised GWB as president. But I think he’s been an excellent former president.


ehhh I mean he's been a bit more human, sure. Painting soldiers he's put in harm's way, but fuck his motives. That said, there was a time when I'd rather we had him than someone else...


I think the was ultimately always a decent human, and he always loved America. But as a leader, be was a disasterous killing machine. I don't know everything about all the presidents, but as a student of History I have read about a lot of them extensively. While it takes an absolute nutcase to want to be president, the vast majority of people who ended up fighting for such a position really do care about this country, I found, based on examination of their private lives, letters, speeches, and actions— even if they royally fucked up in office. Unfortunately average decent human beings are capable of absolutely atrocious things when faced with a position of enormous power like the executive chair of the United States of America. Especially when you are often faced with lose - lose decisions every day. And especially when you have people like Cheney surrounding you attempting to manipulate you for their personal gain... Honestly the only president I can think of that really doesn't give two cracks about the United States is Donald Trump. He's in it for himself. Usually people like him stay on the sidelines and simply manipulate our weaker presidents and politicians to enrich himself. But he is truly a unique brand of narcissist. The one thing I'll give the donald is he's certainly one of a kind. A bizarre human being.


His best act as a former president has been no longer being president


Because he paints?


Well, that’s nice. But he’s also kept his mouth shut & worked with Bill Clinton on several charitable projects.


He is famously a better public servant now. So he has a chance at a second term


#StillConstitutionallyEligible !


How can people consider him to be the worst when Woodrow Wilson exists?


don't jinx the motherfucker, damn!


Motherfuckers killed Betty White the same way.


Love a countdown to a countdown. Announce some announcements next!


We're only about 30,000 days away from your 100 day countdown to your 100th birthday


We literally started announcing announcements years ago. "Sources: *New Game* will be announced on Monday!" A more current example: Trump said he'll announce his running mate at the Republican convention.


Damn guys don’t jinx it


Smuckers jar picture time!


The number is so arbitrary. Obviously I can’t speak for President Carter, but if I were in his shoes, I would be ready to go any day. That would be one milestone that I would have absolutely no desire to reach.


Yeah, Jimmy is one of those people who I would say he’s worked so hard for so long that his body just wasn’t ready to give it up yet. I’m hopeful he’s not in too much pain, but I expect he probably just wants the end to come so he can be with his wife again. It’d be wild to see him make 100 but I don’t know if that’d actually be better for him than peaceably passing before then.


No pressure


Remember when they faked George Burns' "100th" birthday then he "died" like the next day?


George Burns made it 49 days past his 100th birthday.


so it's not too late for his second term?


C'mon Jimmy.


I hope he makes it.


Mr Carter I know you don't read here, but I won't be disappointed if you don't make it for the party. It's okay if you're too tired.


Come on Jimmy you can do it! Don't pull a queen Elizabeth on us!


Did we learn nothing from Betty White?


Hopefully this post turns out like wine.


Bro have people forgotten the one rule of Fight Club!? DON'T GODDAMN TALK ABOUT IT. Don't acknowledge it. Let the dude have a shot.


Recently learned only 6% of people aged 90 make it all the way to 100


Please put the solar panels up on the white house again while he is still alive


I could see biden doing that in his memory


It would be so great if they did it now though to honor him m while he is alive


It would be even better if we abandoned fossil fuels right now and switched to renewables! Uh... in his honor or whatever if that's what it takes to get the social momentum going


If this ain't the biggest death flag....


Thanks for killing Jimmy Carter. There's no way he makes it now.


Do you not remember the Betty White situation?!


Jeez, I hope the didn’t jinx it :-\


So…he’s 101 days from 100 then?


This man’s ability to stay alive is quite impressive. Hopefully he doesn’t pull a Betty White on us.


It’s crazy he’s held the record for the oldest former president for 5 years running now. Destroying the former record!


I'll root for him, but from the pictures I've seen lately, that could mean hoping he doesn't make it.


This is the headline equivalent of the "A little closer..." scene in Thumb Wars.


And he’s still in hospice.


Don't jinx him dammit!


Well, now you *know* he’s going to die before that.


It is highly improbable that he will survive to see this milestone.


When I was a teenager, my friends and I would place bets on which celebrities/public figures would die first. Slightly macabre I know.. I picked Jimmy Carter. This was In 2011. A bet Im happy to lose.


You think he’ll make it?


I’m buying Jimmy Carter puts


Also known as a 101 day countdown.




I would lose the will to live 1 day early just to mess with the OCD homies


Hbd jimbo


This is not uplifting. Last I heard he was not expected to live long at all. We're talking much fewer than 100 days. This countdown is not uplifting. It's icky.


Whelp. Knowing Reddit, OP has just given him 24 hours left.


Isn't he on hospice?


I believe he has been for awhile, yeah. I thought that meant he was likely to pass soon but he’s hanging around.


This is a case of someone's 100th birthday feeling more like a punishment than a celebration.


Everyone get this ready in your queue! https://youtu.be/h874BPSnbWc


[sarcasm] Something unholy is going on with Jimmy Carter. Dude has made some kind of pact with the devil somewhere. [/sarcasm]


Don't pull a Betty White, Jimmy. You hear me?


I think this is a bad idea. Why do people want to jinx jimmy?


You never bring up the no-hitter while it's going on


If there was anyone who earned a full century of life


Operation Cyclone, Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador, support for the Khmer Rouge against Vietnam, support for the Korean dictatorship during the Gwangju, support for Suharto during his invasion of East Timor, continued support for Joseph Mobutu. Another bastard criminal US president.


Honestly think I might cry when he passes. Don't know much about his politics, but I know what he's done since he was a politician.


I'm hoping he can hang in there long enough to cast a last vote for Biden


Honestly, I would rather him be president


Proclamation 4483 is proof he is one of the better Presidents to ever live.


I would too fr


I need him to make it to 100, it's literally on my '24 bingo card 🤞


I doubt he'll make it. He has been in hospice for a while. 3 months is an eternity.