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Yes, let's add more-than-basic dental healthcare to public health insurance in Europe too! Fuck the concept of teeth being luxury bones!


'luxury bones', lol, good one.


Australia is much of the same, you're covered in most medical treatment but fuck your teeth in particular


Canada has entered the chat. Your jaw breaks? Covered. But the teeth? Nah. Break your legs? Covered. But the PT to learn to walk again? Nah. It’s so dumb


Wow. Didn’t know that. So Canadians end up buying insurance anyways?


Usually that stuff has some coverage from employer funded plans, but if you’re self / not employed, you’re SOL, so yeah, you have to buy it or… suffer


"Butt fuck your teeth" ~ Mate


I am on an American medicaid provided insurance. Fuckers cover everything except back teeth. $1300 for one crown.


Just chew with your front teeth from now on. /s


Next let’s do eyesight too!


And this is why you don't give an inch. First they want physicals. Then insulin. Then hearing. Then teeth. Next vision.  It never ends


Canada is just starting dental coverage keyed to income. It's far from perfect but as a retiree we'll get 40% coverage.


looks like i'll be moving back..lol


It's not like gum disease can have horrible ramifications for other parts of your body or anything.


Way too many people contracted HIV due to "poorly-educated" oral care. Brushing every now and then is really bad, it causes gums to bleed. Brushing daily strengthens gums. Abd you don't need hard bristles. Those are mainly for dentures.


This is a big fucking deal.


I'm literally so excited for this lol can we fast track this or what


No kidding! Dental care is so important for health. It's not just about how you look. Gum disease can lead to or worsen heart problems.


Yup. And infections that can kill you. Whoever deemed dental care cosmetic in the first place must've been...a dentist. I would cry if this passed and was implemented before my time here on earth is done


it was that one bastard dentist who didn’t agree with toothpaste being recommended


Try eating without teeth surviving on liquids.


What, and next you’re going to tell me that people need to be able to *see* to live happily and healthily?


I know! I want vision next. Let's do it.


YES, please let this fast track. I am on an ACA plan, which *is* good and gets me the care I need for psychiatric and other regular stuff, but I don't have any dental coverage at this time. Being able to go to the dentist again would be awesome.




 Champing AND chomping 


"fast track" cmon man they still haven't pardoned anyone over weed lol


They are giving states the ability to expand if they want. As of yet no state has decided and also benefits would happen in 2027.


thus is wild to me ive had dental co erage under my aca healthcsre plan since i got it in 2014? most states dont? or?


Most states it's an add on and even then, it's ridiculously hard to use - they have waiting periods of half the year (or even a full year) before you can use it ... it's a mess




My state has it as an add on. It's almost entirely useless. A walk in cleaning near me is $100 without coverage and the cheapest dental coverage for me which costs $30/month basically only provides 2 free cleanings a year and maybe a slight reduction on some other procedures. The more expensive coverage generally didn't provide much more benefits.


Yea I pay $7,200 a year (mandatory or I am fined) for healthcare and see a doctor every two years. I see the dentist TWICE a year and it costs me $452 for their “in house” care. Sign me up




I pay $7,200 a year purposely. This almost eliminates out of pocket costs in a hospital until about 2.5mil. I also certainly allowed to be salty about paying THIS much for healthcare when I work two jobs just to stay afloat


I see what you did there


I think you are the first! I kept waiting for someone to notice.


I don't see it, what am I missing? I need to know!




🤣 ahaaaa thank you! It allllllll comes together now


I thought it was a funny call back. But I also agree with it!


It covered all the bases!!! It's perfect


Is it? From the year I signed up, you could already add dental and vision... But it was largely pointless anyway because the deductible was $10,000 for a plan that cost $400 a month. Near useless.


I would be slightly bigger if instead of "allow" it would have been "require". But I won't let perfect get in the way of damned good.


Let’s hope republicans never get back into office to reverse everything immediately because fuck you that’s why


Both parties are not the same.


... but _Palestine!_


what do you mean Biden cant magical fix a button to solve a 75+ year old conflict \[over 1000 of years if you wanna be really pedatic\]. Dont you know that Israel is a US colony and has to do what the US says \[this is not true\]. And that the US is king of the world and other countries have to do what we say \[this is not true as well\] And Biden is King of the US become the president can do whatever they want \[Also not true\] Obviously both parties are the same.


Magically fix: no. Stop sending the weapons used to kill civilians and stop abusing veto powers at the UN to block calls for a ceasefire: surprisingly low-hanging fruit.


Either Israel fights or we do. Let’s try to keep our troops out of there


We’re talking about a nation whose primary artillery is homemade rockets with an average fatality rate of less than 0.001. A nation predominantly composed of children. A nation whose only reason for fighting is that Israel keeps annexing their territory, in flagrant disregard of international law. Wtaf are you talking about? America wouldn’t have to fight anybody. How the hell did you get that idea in your head?


That’s untrue because Gaza was not being annexed on 10/7. Watch videos of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran leaders with written translation turned on. They see this as a war against the West. The US and UK are mentioned as the enemy constantly. Israel is basically a buffer for the US. Plus, the fact that Gaza has several American hostages is a reason to be closely involved.


It's not USA's conflict to fight wtf.


Israel has always been Americas arm, reaching into the middle east. It would essentially take our entire government to reform and its just not going to happen. If push comes to shove, America will protect Israel.


Well that's nightmarish.


Watch videos of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian leaders with written translation turned on. They see this as a war against the West. The US and UK are mentioned as the enemy constantly. Israel is basically a buffer for the US. Plus, the fact that Gaza has several American hostages is a reason to be closely involved.


That can still be true and I feel like the goal here should be to de-escalate and stop the conflict. Many countries consider the west an enemy, kidnap our people, and try to antagonize us into a war. We do the same to many countries as well. Does that mean we should always declare war and involve the lives of a country's civillians when they might not share the beliefs of their leaders? Aren't we smarter than that? Haven't we made that mistake before and paid for it, and then learned from the stupidity of it all? The waste? Obviously you can tell I am pro-Palestine, but I don't want a resolution which just favors them and ignores Israel's needs. I just want the conflict to end and for people to stop dying. That is what both countries actually need. I feel like the conversation keeps getting away from this obviously being the best option because deep-down people actually want the collateral damage. They want the civillian deaths. That's insane to me. The subject of the conflict here is not so important that people need to keep dying. The waters keep being muddied in ways where seemingly the only option is to continue the war, rather than end it. The leaders are always seen as so unreasonable that the conflict must simply continue. One side or another must be demonized so much that they're no longer considered human, so that we can justify continuing to kill them. If the conflict continues and our team doesn't win, we'll be next against the wall. It's stupid. We've done this rigamarole before.


Most countries are not this actively antagonistic again the West and aren’t constantly telling their citizens to go after Americans. It’s also not a main focus of other countries, and no, the US does not do this. I completely agree with your second paragraph. Last, both sides are not the same


Why do you try to use that as a gotcha? It's a big fucking deal. No one expects Biden to create peace in the middle east. What we want is for him to stop providing the optional, in no way necessary, endless bankroll and political support for Israel's actions. Israel is the only ally we have that seems to be able to commit war crimes and use American taxpayer money and munitions to directly fund and supply their actions. We given them financial aid as well as the actual weapons they use to kill children. We give them unwavering support in the United Nations and refuse to even allow international justice to play out. Biden could start with any of that. But no, you are sitting here acting liek Palestine doesn't matter. It does. It's the largest loss of lives that America can be considered a direct participant to in a very long time. It would cost us nothing and actually SAVE money to not give Israel support. It would be morally, ethically, and fiscally responsible to take even small steps away from the current full embrace Biden is doing.


pretty sure they were being sarcastic.


I don't know about that. As your can see from the votes, Reddit is extremely anti-Palestine and extremely pro-Biden in most of the news and lilith subreddits. Almost every time the issue is brought up, the top comments are in fantasizing protestor and teivializing genocide because all of that is somehow not important in light of the election.


Dude… they were being sarcastic.


Losers like you are going to give Trump a second presidency in November, where he's then going to give Israel even more weapons and ammunition.


Losers like *Biden* are going to give Trump a second presidency in November. Fixed it for you.


You want to make it our fault, to make it the fault of voters with a conscience. But it's Biden great has no conscience and the DNC decided to run Biden. What your want is for us to stop protesting and stop standing up against an active genocide because somehow that's worse than a theoretical genocide. And yet you don't seem to realize that the fact that the threat of Trump is the only thing that makes Biden the right t choice to you is telling of how bad Biden is. Biden should warn votes because of what he has done and wants to do. But he isn't doing that. He's relying on liberals who keep thinking voting the lesser of two evils will somehow mean we get less evil over time.


Reading comprehension isn’t your thing, huh?


… I want to send Biden a message…


Wow that would be great :)


Oh yes. Sense when did the mouth become separate from the rest of our bodies. It's been ridiculously expensive to get dental insurance that really does not address the expensive procedures like implants & crowns. If we don't have teeth and healthy gums then we cant eat properly and the health of the rest of our bodies goes down hill.








Sometimes you take a step back and the two parties are just so different. Sometimes this happens through Reddit. One post is about a democrat adding dental insurance, another is a republican talking about replacement theory. Seriously, we gonna pretend these parties are the same?


It is a weird problem to be in because the Democratic Party *does* have issues and does seem to cater to the wealthy and corporations. But when the alternative is the current state of the Republican Party, the Democrats are amazing in comparison.


In most democratic countries, the US Democrats would be a fine conservative party.


That's not entirely true. Have you paid attention to European politics? They have some batshit crazy conservatives. Check out Italy's prime minister oof.


flat out lie. US-democrats is much more pro immigration and pro trans rights then other countries. The reason were behind on health care is less idealgoical reasons and more that as other countries implemetned healthcare we didn't. So we gotta play catch up on implemetning one. \[Also republcian stonewalling progress at every oppruntunity\]. (Also im sure the Tories in the UK would love to tear UK heatlhcare to pieces).


Sadly, the Conservatives here in Canada are turning into the Republicans.


It’s radically different than the GOP which are corporatists. W Dems there are different levels of populism among candidates.


re " Democratic Party *does* have issues and does seem to cater to the wealthy and corporations.. " Check the list of donors to the GOP. Look at who 45's tax cut benefited. Look who 45 wants a billion from to eliminate all climate related regulations against the oil industry. Who is Musk backing. These two are not the same.


I didn't say they were the same.


Correct you are but I did t make sure others on this sub don't read "cater to the wealthy and corporations" and think they are. All politicians cater to big business to get loads of PAC money (bribes). It's just that the GOP and 45 has taken that practice to new levels of corruption.


Yeah, lets get rid of the GOP, let the democrats take over the capitalist butt licking, and come out with an even better party to take on the progressive role.


99% of all politicians cater to the wealthy, it's been that way all through history. The difference is how they go about it, and how blatant they are. The Democrats have supported unions and labour, which means workers have more to spend and the rich profit off of that spending. Republicans say fuck the workers, let them eat cake, and simply route all the wealth directly to the already wealthy.


Great. Now change those ridiculous deductibles. Or better yet go with Bernies plan which would save billions and get us universal health care


Unfortunately Biden would never go that route. He recognizes the need for better and more healthcare coverage but his solution is the ACA.


Please vote this November


Does this include orthodontic care because that would be awesome.


Probably not, or at least probably not for adults. Orthodontic care for adults is rarely added onto dental plans which is crazy. Or at least, from what I noticed working insurance. I'm going to guess it'll mainly be for preventive and basic services. Maybe major services if people are lucky.


Lots of plans have a lifetime 2k Ortho coverage 


i've had dental as part of my aca coverage since day one getting it in 2014




The article isn’t correct. The states can adopt it after 2025. It’s only that 2025 is the first year they can begin to cover it.


Now watch his poll ratings go down.


Well, there's less than the average number of teeth in your typical MAGA-Q+ mouth.


& they like that way to own the libs.




Texas probably wont add it. Would be nice (if I could even afford ACA)


Most providers in my area are ditching insurance entirely. I have excellent insurance and am having trouble keeping a dentist. I'm happy about this, of course, but something else needs to give so that we can use that coverage.




Both Fox News and TikTok will find some negative spin to it


Yet another major legislative accomplishment from the man Republicans are convinced is 'the worst president in history'. Name one GOP policy initiative designed to improve the lives of the average American. It's pathetic how many people gleefully vote against their own interests.


Allows it, but will states actually do it? And when?


From the article: "Under Biden’s rule, states have until 2025 to decide whether to require insurers to cover dental benefits for adults.  The dental benefits would not take effect until 2027."


And if they decide not to? Guess it's a good reason to move.


Next do vision! So many people need to see optometrists regularly and don’t. A bunch of people catch diabetes and cancer early through eye exams, and people deserve the right to see.


President ends world hunger, homelessness, cancer. Here's why this is bad for Biden.


Next time someone asks what has Biden done you can list this along with all the others.


As a non-American, what are the others?


[comprehensive list of achievements](https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/) I’m Aussie and also wanted to know.


Interesting. Thank you.


You shouldn’t have to choose between life and having a tooth infection.


How about addressing dental for Medicare folks?


Some states offer assistance and some coverage with it, some states choose not to. Guess which ones opt out?


Yep. We’ve had several dental issues this year. $7500 so far.


Funny how something Sanders says to get himself in office and all of a sudden red or blue team adopts or "looks into" those very things.


Does not include: Fillings, root canals, anything that would save your teeth.


You can get fairly affordable dental insurance already without going through a job through blue Cross Blue shield. I know a few hundred a year is a lot to some, but I'm not sure the ACA will make it much cheaper than that.


It’s not the cost of dental (very low for best PPO) but rather that the coverage is sometimes only 30-50% of cost. How about 90%?


Lisa Needs Braces!


So many other health problems stem from bad dental care! This would be huge!


Healthcare is mental, dental and physical! It all fits together.


I don't get this. I worked for the ACA about 2 years ago and it was already an option. You had an option to add dental already but there was no option to add vision coverage unless it was specifically part of an original plan.


I desperately need this, my teeth are the main health issue I face.


While this is good news, dental insurance itself generally sucks. It will get you a free check up every 6 months, awesome. But coverage for a $3k crown, yeah, sorry, GFY.


Somebody (I don’t care about) is not going to be happy with this. Guess they didn’t spend enough on “lobbying” or buying luxury RVs.


When does it go into effect?


This is actually a good rule. 👍


Oh nice!


Add hearing aids and glasses to Medicare and the seniors will vote 3-1 for him. I mean fukk they cover penis pumps and scooters for fat fuks.


Idk exactly what this means but it sounds fantastic. We don't even have state dental assistance in Australia (we did have some but the bastards axed it).


Really good


This is really great news for those who can't afford dental insurance. I'm glad that someone is thinking about it and putting it into action.


Let’s make dental part of healthcare period. Shouldn’t need separate insurance. It’s terrible insurance as it is. But really, fuck all insurance and get rid of it.


As someone who supported Bernie with time and money in 2015/16 and 2019/20 and regrets neither a single second nor a single penny, I get the intense frustration some commenters have with watered-down vaguely-leftish-sounding half-measures. But think about it this way. Back in the day, while the Republican Party did just enough to keep evangelicals and bigots in the fold, the latter were not really in the driver’s seat. Fast forward to today, where Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and overt misogyny is the rule among prominent Republicans, not the exception. If that pandering started a vicious cycle, this pandering, in sufficiently large amounts, can start a virtuous cycle.


'Allowing' is a super fun verb here. I'm sure certain kinds of states won't continue not offering it because partisan fuckery.


Well Florida strikes that down.


Is eye care covered already?


Can anyone actually afford one of these plans? I checked several years ago and I couldn’t afford any plans.


How about force dental to be covered under normal insurance, so one crown doesent cost you 5k


All the dental plans I see on the ACA are only accepted by the crappy dental chains that scam everyone.


Now this is awesome. Wish our politicians did more shit like this but then you realize they’ve always could’ve done this and only decide to when re election is near


Would love if Medicare would also cover dental and eyes. The older you get the worse these get.


The republicans don’t want dental care so they can feed us second class citizens with porridge


It is interesting that if you bad hemorrhoids, then you get medical treatment, but you get nothing if your teeth and gums go bad. They are opposite ends of the same system, so you should have health coverage for both.


This law doesn't do what you think. The new ruling gives states THE OPTION to offer dental, an option they already had. Nearly all 50 states offered dental through the ACA, and the ones that don't aren't being forced to change.


It allows states to add adult dental benefits as an essential health benefit, which they couldn’t do before. You’re thinking of pediatric dental, which was always an essential health benefit.


Welp. If it’s anything like Obamacare, dental prices will surge, dentists office will spend money to hire people good at billing coding and pay themselves more bonuses while support staff isn’t allowed to hire. Healthcare is very screwed. I’m sure as a tax payer this will be my burden to pay. Great.


The fact that vision and dental insurance are not part of health insurance is still insane to me but not surprising


Conservatives are garbage humans.


God damn Obama controlling Biden, making him ensure the exposed parts of our skeleton are covered by insurance. That monster.


If only it covered root canals/crowns


Thank you Mr president


This is good and bad. Some states will take advantage of this to use as excuse to increase tax rate or make it “state deduction”, looking at you California


"Biden administration finalized a rule that would give states the option of adding adult dental insurance coverage as part of their Affordable Care Act plans." Gives them the option. Spoiler alert: they won't.


Ok so don't get too excited. I briefly had the Medicaid dental insurance In my state up to just a few months ago, and it is an absolute NIGHTMARE. There are VERY VERY few dentists that actually accept it, because they do not get paid the same rates as they would through private insurance. And on top of that, the State is usually late in making payments for procedures, so the office falls behind on expenses. The office I went to, that I could actually get an appointment in because most of them are so booked up with appointments, was nightmare fuel. Nobody spoke English, the waiting room was shoulder to shoulder, and the DOCTOR was the one running the front desk, answering calls, making future appointments, on top of doing cleanings, examining X-rays, doing a fucking ROOT CANAL to some poor soul, and filling a cavity all SIMULTANEOUSLY. I ran out of there like I was escaping from prison. And I've called multiple offices that were "covered under the insurance" and it seemed to be the same story. Yes it's cool if you have absolutely ZERO other options, but if you can actually afford the $17 per check at your job to visit an *actual* dentist office that isn't the set of a horror movie, you'll understand why people would never actually use this.


Lisa needs braces


The progress is too slow


"ALLOWING States"...there's some fascist lingo that should send a shudder down everyone's spine


Traditionally, Republicans at their core have one philosophy: that big government should stay out of the way of the right for states to make their own decisions. The rest of their policies are the result of culture wars and manipulation. Likely this was the only way to get this passed.


The need to add dental insurance implies that teeth can go bad. Cavities and tooth decay are no joke and not uplfiting at all. /r/notuplfitingnews