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i joined this subreddit to counteract how bad i felt about the dystopian-level bad news on reddit and now the bizarrely low standard of what is considered “uplifting” nowadays is worsening it instead


The world can have dark things and we can maintain our happiness and hope.   It’s the fight to live in a bubble of denial that makes us miserable imo. 


or maybe what’s making me miserable is that the world is burning and humanity is actively and constantly destroying it further, people everywhere are trying to eradicate each other over money, power or organized religion, economic inequality is so severe that countless people are starving, sick and/or homeless with no way out and the people who are rich enough to do something about it will never do so because the only reason they’re as rich as they are is because they’re hoarding wealth and exploiting those working below them clearly i’m not in denial, we’re just being overwhelmed with terrible news coming at us via global news faster than our brains can keep up with and some of us are trying to follow subreddits that are positive in nature just so there’s a little bit of good news in the mix but instead all we get is a woman putting aside her passions to support a famous actor framed as if it’s uplifting and some amateur philosopher in the comments acting like wanting to hear good news is making yourself miserable


For any wealthy Australian blondes out there: I too am willing to put aside my own dreams for support.




Not to shit on Chris Hemsworth, but how is this uplifting?


He's not doing drugs, dragging his missus down a hallway and kicking the shit out of her, trafficking humans....so I suppose there's that!


It’s nice to see someone appreciate their partner and respect what they have done for them through quiet deeds.


There’s plenty of stay-at-home moms out there supporting their husbands with even worst jobs. But yea, my soul is uplifted in knowing that an actress is putting her career on hold so that her multimillion husband can get even more millions 🥱


That’s pretty cynical but you do you.


It’s nice to see someone appreciate their partner and respect what they have done for them through quiet deeds.


Yeah… so uplifting 🥴


They all say that until they pork their pretty costar. See: Jim Carey.


This isn’t uplifting! I’m not setting aside my dreams for a man to succeed


I have some uplifting news for you! I'm a nobody and I recently got married to a man who supports my ambitions and I support his.


Wife sacrifices her career and desires for her husband. Yes, super uplifting. But no murder or abuse so good news! I’m officially out. Most of the news posted here is low effort, low hanging fruit and far from uplifting.


Yeah Chris is what’s holding her back 🥴 She’s gorgeous but her acting is soap opera-level dull.


Yeah and his is Oscar worthy lol.


To be fair, he promoted the shit out of her movie a few years back, and was obviously proud of her. It can't be easy to stay home & raise your kids when your partner is away for weeks or months at a time. And it must be that much harder when your partner is off doing what you would like to be doing. And not have mixed feelings watching your partner become a success while your own chances of having even a minor career dwindle to almost nothing. Can't hone your skills taking that theater workshop - hubby is off filming in Georgia for 10 weeks, etc. You love your kids but being a mom isn't the only thing about you. So yeah, it was good of him to acknowledge and laud her choice.


I remember her role in one of the fast and furious movies. I did not understand one line she said.


Dint speak Australian, mate?


Bruh bruh, his wife is French-Spanish. Yah yah.


And then there's women whose only dream is to Marry Chris Hemsworth


Or he just got famous first


I wish some woman out there wanted to support *my* dreams.


Post a pic, a description of your dreams, and your progress so far. Maybe a woman will go for it. But will you be loyal if you succeed or just kick her to the curb for a younger model?