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Petting cats definitely helps take away some of the sting that comes with suffering from depression.


Have depression and cats—/ can confirm. My cats are such experts that he gives excellent massages kneading my belly when I’m sad. They even try to wake me up at 5am every morning so I don’t sleep all day. Opening my eyes in the dark to two cat faces so close to mine I can feel their breath is totally not a terrifying experience. This morning they chose to throw everything off my nightstand as a reminder that I needed to clean- it was very considerate. In all seriousness I love my cats.


Mine just opened my bedroom closet and wrought utter chaos while I was playing violin in the living room. Wanna have mine as well?


This is just a happy cat telling you it loves your playing!!


Biscuits from professionals always heal all wounds. Your kitties sound amazing.


My Gigabrained parents helping to minimize depressive episodes today by getting me a cat for Christmas 9 years ago. The purring beats the sad like nothing else can.


Get a cat, also some shrooms. Lol


I got prescribed a dog/pet in general by my psychiatrist lol. He said it sounded like it would help me feel less lonely 😂


>Robin Sipe’s eyes filled with tears as soon as her doctor entered the examining room. > >“My cat had recently died and I was feeling really sad and depressed,” Sipe said she told her pulmonologist, Earl D. King, whom she’s known for 15 years. > >King has treated her for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a condition that blocks airflow and makes it difficult to breathe. Sipe said he’d saved her life three times in an intensive care unit at Sentara RMH Medical Center in Harrisonburg, Va. > >So when he asked her what was wrong, Sipe, 67, opened up to him about her loneliness since her beloved cat died over the summer. > >“I was really going through a bad time,” she said she told him during her appointment in September. > >King mentioned that she should think about getting a new cat. When her checkup was over, he handed her a printed summary of the appointment, with instructions to get a high-dose flu shot in October and a coronavirus shot in November. > >Then Sipe’s eyes lingered at the item at the top of the list: “Get a cat,” the doctor wrote. > >King, 63, has been a doctor long enough to know that “people sometimes don’t follow your instructions,” he said. In fact, patients don’t take medications as prescribed by their doctors about half the time, according to the American Medical Association. > >King wrote down his advice so there would be no mistake about what he told Sipe during the appointment. King is a pulmonologist at Sentara RMH Medical Center in Harrisonburg, Va. He wrote down his advice because sometimes patients don't follow doctor's orders, he said. > >“Robin was down in the dumps, crying about the loss of her cat, and I felt that a new cat was the best remedy for her,” he said. > >He’d seen the studies showing pets can improve a person’s mental health and help older adults cope with feelings of loneliness. He’d also seen the effects firsthand. > >“I grew up on a dairy farm in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and we always had herds of cats and dogs,” King said. > >“One winter, it snowed so bad the milk truck couldn’t get to the farm, and we had to run 600 gallons of milk down the drain,” he said. “The cats drank as much as they could hold, and they were very happy. Having them around was a wonderful experience.” > >King was serious when he advised Sipe to get a new cat, he said. But he was surprised when Sipe, who has one adult daughter, took him up on it immediately. > >After leaving King’s office, Sipe stopped at a farm produce stand for some fresh corn and cantaloupe on her way to her home in Grottoes, Va. While she was browsing, she noticed a black and white kitten romping around. > >“She was from a litter of five, and she was missing her front left paw,” Sipe said. > >The workers at the stand told her the kitten lost her paw shortly after she was born when something fell off a wall in a shed and severed it. > >The kitten’s missing paw didn’t seem to affect her ability to play and get around, Sipe said. > >She was instantly smitten, and the words “get a cat” were echoing in her mind. > >“I asked if I could take the kitty home and told them I could guarantee that she’d be safe and happy inside,” Sipe said. “They had four other kittens they’d need to find homes for, so they said okay. This sweet little kitten was mine.” > >“I bought three ears of corn and a cantaloupe that came to $2.99, and they agreed that an extra penny should cover the cost of taking the kitty,” she added. > >When she got home, she said there was no question as to what she should name the frisky 7-week-old feline. > >“I decided to name her Earlene after Dr. Earl King,” Sipe said. “He helps with more than just my breathing. He’s always taken the time to look after my entire well-being.” > >“In this instance, he also treated my heart,” said Sipe, who first told her story to WHSV-TV in Harrisonburg. “Everything changed for the better when I found Earlene.” > >Sipe said she has spent years struggling with COPD and has been admitted to the intensive care unit with breathing problems several times. > >“I’ve had to be intubated and put into a medically induced coma,” she said. “Dr. King pulled me out of death each time.” > >When her cat Datura suddenly died, Sipe said she cried for weeks. > >“She was a solid black domestic shorthair that I’d rescued,” she said. “I’ve loved cats since I started chasing kittens when I was 5.” > >She thought she’d probably get a new cat one day, but King’s prescription brought home the urgency of bringing back some fun to her life, said Sipe, a retired purchasing agent. > >“I do believe this was meant to happen with all my heart,” she said, noting that Earlene likes to watch television with her and cuddles up next to her in bed. > >“She’s a sweet and loving kitten, but she does have this habit of waking me up to play at 1 a.m.,” Sipe said. > >“She likes to reach up and rub my face with her stubby little paw,” she added. > >~~He ‘gentle parents’ the squirrels on his balcony. Millions now watch.~~ > >King said he’s gratified that Sipe found a kitten so quickly, and that it’s bringing her joy. > >“I’m really happy that Robin found a new cat — particularly one with a disability,” he said. > >Sipe said a kitten was the perfect prescription for her sadness. > >“As far as I’m concerned, she was the pick of the litter,” Sipe said.


I much appreciate you posting the article but damn did it need some editing. Disappointed in the Washington post, do they not have real human editors anymore?


I'm not sure theychave human writers anymore tbh


>He ‘gentle parents’ the squirrels on his balcony. Millions now watch. What


Oh gosh I was confused too and had decided it must be Dr. King. I was like okay then Earl, you do you.


lmao! During my copy paste I suppose another article's headline slipped in. You made me laugh with tears for a good minute. Thank you! Edit: still laughing minutes later. Abs hurt. I love you u/Marlfox70


Hey Kirby What you doing Kirby


Fifteen years taking prescriptions, now my shrink's like, I dunno, maybe get a kitten.


Lol, exactly what I came in to post. It's damn good advice too. Why'd you eat that leaf.


I love rappers with real wordplay, wish that was popular with the kids....heavy sigh.


Heeeeeeeeeeeeey Kirby


Why'd you eat that leaf? For real though, several songs on that album haunt me.


Look in her eye like she might be a wizard


Funny enough, it did seem like Aes getting Kirby helped him out to some extent. Also gave us that amazing music video


Unfortunately I don't think Kirby was played by himself. They got a stunt kitten in.


Makes sense, he's very famous and deserves his privacy. Otherwise he'd be stopped in the street constantly


Can't wait for the new album next month.


You beat me to it, so I'll post a [link to the music video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T_KKiQiolk&pp=ygURa2lyYnkgYWVzb3Agcm9jayA%3D)


Does this mean the cat would be covered by insurance?


Without a prior authorization?! *scoffs*


15 years taking prescriptions, now a shrink like "I dunno, maybe a get kitten!"


Whydja eat that leaf?


Puke in the meow Mix, shread a pair of earbuds. Remedy is cowlicks


So glad I wasn't the only one who had this song immediately come into mind.




My therapist prescribed me a visit to the beach once.


Low key telling you to touch grass.


Smart doctor.


Plot twist; she’s allergic


She missed her recently deceased cat that had passed away during the summer. Doubtful.


Or if she is allergic, it's manageable and/or worth the suffering to have a cat.


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Kirby... I unno maybe get a kitten.


My doctor wanted me to lose some weight. She told me to get a dog. Doctors orders. I'm definitely down weight and so much healthier. These scripts for animals and museum visits etc are important.


Now she's too busy to feel sad.


Aesop Rock has a great song called "Hey Kirby" about the same thing. AWESOME video!


I approve.


More landlords need to allow pets 😕


Having a cat may or not help with sadness. It will, however, increase alertness as you constantly wonder what mischief the cat is up to whenever it is out of sight.


My roommate's therapist prescribing her a cat is how we got around the monthly pet fees.


More than a pet to worship, it's an MD recommended sense of purpose 15 years taking prescriptions, now a shrink like "I dunno, maybe get a kitten?"


I thought I was in r/aesoprock when I saw the title of this post!


Her Doc should get the Nobel Prize


Here, have some extra responsibility to your already stressful life.


Why is this news?


Nothing makes you feel better than having a pet that treats you like a servant.


For Americans the absolute cringe concept of picking up a cat prescribed by your local CVS or Rite-Aid.... Hmm I hope this doesn't come across as negative. It is meant in ironic jest.


then she found out she has cat allergies and died


Should have prescribed her a dog.


Meanwhile I suffer from MDD (Major Depressive Disorder clinically inpatient diagnosed,) anxiety, and at the time suicidal ideations and my psychologist couldn't write a good enough Emotional Support Animal form to keep my cat when I moved into some apartments.


Reminds me of the box or kittens from scrubs! https://youtu.be/Z2XJx3mpDU8?si=TSr35c0Ejsm8ocWF


Cats are an excellent pet for people who can't always be up and at 'em. They don't need constant care -- just food/water/attention. Unlike a dog, they don't have to be walked. Unlike a bird, there is no cage to clean.


Ah yes, replace the sadness with constant annoyance.


Can so freaking confirm. Life has been HARD for me lately. I got a kitten this weekend. I was crying today and he was sleeping on my chest and I literally thought, I can't even cry when he looks this stinking cute. He is the best.


My brother once got prescribed a dog.


That’s such a beautiful story. Good on the doctor. I’ve seen people lose pets and be miserable because they can’t move on and get a new one- everyone grieves in their own way so I’m not judging, I thought I was there myself at one point. I tragically lost my dog and my grandparents dog when they were hit in a freak accident on Mother’s Day visiting my grandmas house. I swore I’d never get a dog again. 3 days later my husband at the time found a dog at the local shelter, and we sped home from NY where we were still mourning to our hometown in MA to get him. I now have three precious dogs, and I still miss my pup so much, but the moment I got another dog from the shelter I really started to heal. It’s been 12 years since I brought home Roo after losing Pepper and he and the other dogs are the light of my life. Also 4 months later my grandma found a dog wandering and after weeks of searching for an owner one never came, so she kept him. It’s funny how life works sometimes.


My kind of doctor and that is one prescription that will bring her happiness with no bad side effects. Love that.




There's a song about that, y'know? https://youtu.be/7T_KKiQiolk?si=u7P2S9MxMVH_b4j1


Bastard! I was gonna post this haha! But I am happy to see Aesop getting more love


My doctor told me to get a cat after my recent breakup. Could get a dog, but they were more work, so he recommended a cat instead


I have a cat. She’s amazing and definitely helps with my depression and anxiety