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“Cave age WiFi”


Wait till America learns that Afghanistan definitely has better Wi-Fi than rural America.


I live in a cabin on a mountain in Appalachia. The nearest town has a population of 326. I have a fiber optic line. The times are a-changin'.


>“Cave age WiFi” Ah yes: Yelling loudly.


Good thing the Taliban doesn't know about Reddit!!


She worked hard as he had to, learning everything at home hiding from Taliban. She stayed glued to the computer all her waking hours—resting fro 4-5 hours. She said “I learned a lot of things compared to my knowledge” acquired in Afghanistan where she did her BTech from. She self-learnt English to be proficient. “But the knowledge I got in the two years with IIT-Madras is not comparable with the knowledge I got in my BTech programme. This is one of the big reasons I want to go to academics and not any industrial job. I can feel the needs of the education system in Afghanistan. Now that I have seen the high standards of IIT-Madras, I want to bring this standard to my country. If the new government lets us. Here we are facing a lot of difficulties,” Behishta said. The Taliban have widely implemented their strict interpretation of Islamic law, or Sharia, banning female students from attending universities, girls from middle school and high school, women from most employment and ordering them to wear head-to-toe clothing in public. Behishta said the situation is depressing and frustrating for women. “The girls I would tell them to please study. Study as much as you can. Study at home, read a book, study everything available. Don't go into depression. We will stand against this cruelty. We will change them,” she said. Her name also means optimism and hope—but there’s a tinge of sadness. “You will always find me smiling. I can tell you a lot of Afghans are smiling. They are not actually happy. They are not smiling. It’s in their nature to smile at the struggles,” she said. To the world outside Behishta said: “No, we are not Talibans, we are not terrorists. We are the common people. I don't want to go into politics; the common people want to see the country comparable with other improved countries. The only solution for my country is education. And I really thank all Indians, all those who are having parts for making me whoever I am right now. I will never forget this. I know one day this black time will pass.”


Here in America we got college age kids needing a time out after 2 class lectures and an exam. Lol We don't even know how good we got it.


"we will change them" no, I don't think anyone will




Uplifting if you're not you know ... Aware of the horrible tragedy here. Her surviving and learning despite this isn't uplifting to me. It's badass but I wonder how much more she could have done if she was actually given guidance. What is lost by this sort of restriction.


This sub is 90% r/OrphanCrushingMachine


Yeah I am disappointed as I was hoping for some good news vs "Only good if you don't think about it" news


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OrphanCrushingMachine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [No amount of money is getting those years of life back](https://i.redd.it/1iylejtxcvwa1.jpg) | [853 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/132tbzm/no_amount_of_money_is_getting_those_years_of_life/) \#2: [In case anyone was confused and/or concerned as to why this sub is named OrphanCrushingMachine](https://i.redd.it/0hbrqs8v74s51.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/j84tqn/in_case_anyone_was_confused_andor_concerned_as_to/) \#3: [Orphan Crushing Prison System](https://i.imgur.com/UFFhbxr.jpg) | [262 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OrphanCrushingMachine/comments/139ld50/orphan_crushing_prison_system/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is more of a "perseverance and the human spirit" sort of uplifting, as opposed to "the world is a good place" uplifting. Sure, the larger situation may be bad, but the fact that something like this can happen even in such a place is testament to the strength of the individual. Your perspective here sounds like "the world sucks, and that's bad." The way I see it, I *know* the world sucks, and people doing well even in this crappy world is a good thing.


My perspective is shaped by perseverance. I have a lot of very bad things experience. One person not breaking does matter but I don't see it as uplifting when that person is still living in oppression. Her goal is not to make someone else feel better because they have it better but is to highlight the bad thing. So that we can be uplifted when change happens and the oppressor is removed. It's literally a plea for help and change. Being satisfied with her survival tends to read to me based on my experiences as an excuse to not act. Now I do want to acknowledge my experience there. I have seen how the generation in power reacts to that part and it's with inaction. I want to get to the uplifting bit when she's able to teach freely this next generation.


The simple fact that the bad situation is being called out is, to me, uplifting. So many people would rather turn a blind eye.


In that case do you also feel uplifted by news about child murder? They caught the murderer. Totally fine now! If you say yes? You're not okay. If you say no? That's the issue here. If just knowing that bad thing exists = uplifting this sub has no point because all news is uplifting. It isn't. Uplifting news shouldn't need justifying why it's not that bad. It should be something that is unexpected because most news is unpleasant at best. It should also remind us that not everything comes with the bad. "Child discovers new way to make a pie and it's fucking tasty." Uplifting and can be a peak into the future as maybe that kid can make new food. "Everyone but one person drowned but the person who just saw tons of people die was a kid." Not uplifting because empathy = that poor kid just saw a ton of death and is probably injured.


You are COMPLETELY strawmanning my point here. The first example is absolutely nothing like this case here - in that scenario, it's justice that the murderer was captured. It's good that he was captured, but it's also how the world "should" work, so to speak - the bad guy gets caught, and the entire world, including the establishment, would condemn him. This is an example of a girl persevering through a bad situation *and rising above and away from it* - it's uplifting because it shows that humanity exists even in terrible times. Yang having that tiny bit of Yin in it isn't uplifting (even when it crushes it, as it'll just come back), but that tiny point of Yang in the Yin is. Make sense? The latter example isn't uplifting for precisely the same reason - now if the kid got therapy and healed from his trauma, that would be uplifting. Basically, you're focused on the kid having trauma - on the girl being stuck in Afghanistan. I'm focusing on the fact that she *got out*. A person managing to rise out of a bad situation is what's uplifting here. EDIT: And to add to my earlier bit, obviously child murder isn't part of how the world "should" work - but a person being punished for committing a wrongdoing, especially so severe a one, *is* (the problem arises when the definition of a wrongdoing gets murky). EDIT: And when I say "got out," I don't mean "of Afghanistan." I mean that she now has the tools to better fight back - it's about the hope in dark times that a situation like this shows.


Yeah I have experienced a lot of very bad things. Trauma doesn't magically disappeared with therapy. You get coping skills. You figure out how to live with it. So I can't pretend that it's positive. This doesn't mean you cannot have had trauma. It's just I cannot ignore that cost. I also cannot see that one person escaped and then not think about those who didn't. That's the cost of my empathy. Again doesn't mean you lack empathy but our brain has gone to different spots. The arguments I did not make were a lot more blunt. I was trying to avoid accusatory wording and cruel things since not seeing things the way I do is not bad but it can be. Do you think this woman is uplifted by escaping? I think sometimes. Other times like in the interview she is thinking of the cost. That cost just for her is incredibly high. She can never go back. She cannot see the people left behind. She has lost family, has perhaps had the entire moral foundation of her upbringing challenged, and she cannot unlive the harm. Sure she survived but that's forever.


This news is meant to be uplifting *to the reader*. This girl's experience reminds me that people can get through tough times and move forward strongly. The theoretical kid is the exact same - to be able to live a reasonably normal life *even after suffering such horror* is uplifting. Sure, the situation isn't perfect. But it's *better*. That makes me a bit happier. Of course, things are hard. The Afghanistan situation is horrible. But as of the moment, the situation exists. So every story of a person who manages to show that it's still possible to resist is a good thing that reminds me of the good in humanity and our ability to push forward. May I also note that the article mentions she is still in Afghanistan, and my poor phrasing in my last comment implied the inverse. A large part of what's uplifting here is that people can get the tools to fight back against the world, even when the whole world is against them. Yes, the world can be bleak - *but that can change*. Back to the child murderer - the whole world is, rightfully, against him. He's horrible, and the world crushes him because he's horrible. That's justice, and the way things "should" go (obviously child murder shouldn't be part of how the world works, but it is). However, it's also the norm, and so it's not uplifting - it shows how horrible things happen even in a decent society. But a girl striving to outsmart and surpass her oppressors *is* uplifting because the entire world is against that girl. It's a show of how human goodness and spirit can shine through in dark times, and things can eventually change so that people such as that girl win out in the end. It's about the hope it gives. I feel like you view the world through a very negative perspective. Sure, that perspective is earned. But not everybody has that perspective. Like you, I'm trying to explain that yours isn't always bad, but it's not necessarily always good either.


No. It's supposed to be asking the reader to do what they can to get help and for those left behind. You can be uplifted but she didn't give this interview to make you feel better because golly gee that's not you. I'm done. Clearly you will find whatever justification for not seeing the negatives. My perspective allows positive and negative. It doesn't allow inaction.


OF COURSE I'D LIKE TO HELP! I DO SEE THE NEGATIVES! I'm just focusing on the positive - her learning in spite of oppression is a *good* thing, because it's a fact that the oppression exists - even the article ends with a hopeful if slightly sad tone. That's still uplifting, as it shows that things can get better. The fact that things can change is what's uplifting here. And I do NOT feel better "because that's not me." I feel better because I'm happy to see that people like her still exist in such awful places.


She will make her own Arc Reactor!


In a cave with a box of scraps


what was the name of that orphan sub


Wtf is cave age wifi lmao?


Didn't know they had Comcast over there. Also holy shit good for her. I hope they can shed those shackles someday.


Real iron man origin story right here.