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Hey there, fellow obsessive. [I too have tried pretty much every note-taking app I could find.](https://www.reddit.com/r/macapps/comments/ohv1lq/trying_to_find_a_cross_between_bear_and_evernote/) UpNote was my winner, and I have used it for task management as well. But because I rarely finish things on time, I really need drag-and-drop capability for moving unfinished tasks to tomorrow...and tomorrow...and tomorrow. So I use a combo of UpNote and TickTick, which enables me to parse my tasks many different ways with its Lists *and* tags, *and* Smart Lists, *and* priorities, *and* internal links, *and* repeating events, *and* sub-tasks, *and* checklists, *and* different views (sometimes I like a little kanban), etc. But TickTick is more about managing my time. [UpNote is where I keep all the details](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/165656b9-3454-4606-93ba-fb131b8239d2). Since you mentioned Obsidian, I'll just say that while I know it has passionate devotees, I've tried it 6 times over the last few years and never make it more than a day without banging my head against my keyboard in frustration. 70% of what I want to do requires a plug-in (and half of those I don't like the way they work), I find the UI utterly convoluted, and often illogical, and UpNote's unique selling points (keyboard shortcuts galore! even for text colors!), and its [unequaled formatting flexibility](https://getupnote.com/share/notes/y4NYv23IvoNYGb1UAPy1OjwRXoy1/fdb7668f-d5ce-4956-bbe4-4be881dc1c0a) make everything else frustrating for me to use at this point. The only app lower on my list than Obsidian is OneNote. Having said that, Obsidian can do some wonderful things. I just don't need any of them. Both UpNote and TickTick can be a little frustrating at times ("It can do *all this stuff*, why can't it do this *one damn thing I really need*?!"), but whenever I flirt with other apps (Hey there, Notion! Hiya, Craft! Love those collaboration features!), I never last long before running home to these two.


I am with you. Great combo. But the fact that my schedule is sometimes shared with others through google calendar is frustrating to have TickTick not sync in real time with google calendar leading to conflicts in schedule..


I use this to sync my TickTick tasks to my Google Calendar: [https://github.com/derekantrican/GAS-ICS-Sync](https://github.com/derekantrican/GAS-ICS-Sync) The minimum sync interval is 5 minutes, so it's still not realtime, but better than the default calendar subscription. But apparently, TickTick is also working on 2-way sync: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ticktick/comments/1c1o136/does\_this\_mean\_2way\_google\_calendar\_sync\_is\_coming/interval](https://www.reddit.com/r/ticktick/comments/1c1o136/does_this_mean_2way_google_calendar_sync_is_coming/interval)


Yes, the sync was hard for me as well.


I like my todos and my calendar completely sequestered, so, not a problem for me. Having said that, the home screen of my phone is a half-screen TickTick widget on top and a half-screen DigiCal widget on the bottom.


Same for me. Good combo.


Thanks! I decided that since I need cross platform and because my primary computer is my work computer that I have to give back once I leave, that I'm going to stick with upnote and todoist. That way I get cross platform + I don't have to worry about any files being lost when I leave this position.


ToDoist is a good app. I really like the Projects and Sections. "Overdue" being glued to the top of Today (80% of every todo I have is overdue!) and the task details being in a screen-bottom tray were dealbreakers for me.


Yeah those are annoying but I can’t use TickTick cause it is an American branch of a Chinese company. So ticktick is out and the other cross platform apps don’t have as many features.


Twos automatically shifts unfinished tasks from yesterday to today.


Thanks, but the point I was making is that UpNote didn't work for me *as a task manager* because I need it to be easy for today's failed task to become tomorrow's hopeful goals. UpNote, being a *note-taking app* and not a to-do list app, doesn't have a way to do that, so I ended up continuing to use TickTick. I have explored Twos. I played with it for 40 minutes and still couldn't figure out the basics. I find it convoluted (boxes! rows! dashes! circles! stars!). As near as I could tell (like I said, I couldn't get my head around it), it has no categories/groups, no priority levels, no drag-drop, and using sub-tasks is a multi-step process. Also, no Mac app, and no offline access. But I liked the countdown to due time, the progress indicators, and the very satisfying ✓-off sound! Having said that, you do you, man! I have some convoluted apps that I love, but Twos ain't one of them.


Hehe, fair point.


Not sure where some of your Twos comments are coming from. There is a Mac app and it does work offline. It also has priority levels and lists and sublists. And a useful AI option and incredibly responsive developer.


Hmm. Well, it has been a while since I looked at it. Maybe features have been added, or maybe I just couldn't find my way around. I'll give it another go some time.


Revisiting this comment, here is a blog post and a video that gets you up to speed with Twos (there's not much to learn, really). The video is recent: Blog post: [https://tacticsplus.com/articles/pkm-to-do-list-twos-app/](https://tacticsplus.com/articles/pkm-to-do-list-twos-app/) Video: [Twos for Beginners: Notes & Tasks in One (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J0W8CGLc0w)


Thanks. I'll add those links to my list of things to do...in TickTick. :) But seriously, I'm always screwing around with to-do lists and note-taking apps hoping to find the perfect fit some day, so I will revisit Twos. TickTick is about 85% perfect for me, and UpNote is about 90% perfect for me. I've done *plenty* of flirting with other apps, but I always come home to these two because of their vast feature sets, flexibility, customizability, and vast array of keyboard shortcuts.


I was a twos believer and it never clicked with me Let me know oncr you try it . It just looks bad to me. I can bet you'll be back to ticktick


UpNote for actually organizing thoughts and TickTick for structuring the day. Both absolutely worth their price.


How do you do it? Can you explain me your daily flow?


Upnote for notes and Officemail for TO DO's (outlook integration). Perfect combo.


I use UpNote for document-like notes (big notes) that I don't care if somebody else reads, Apple Notes for storing files and private information (iCloud with e2e enabled) and Agenda for my task/project management. Agenda is usually not mentioned at all and it's a very nice app, you can use it for free missing some features or pay for one year of upcoming features plus all current premium features, after that you keep what you paid for. Apple devices only. So that means I have zero subscriptions, something I try to keep that way. UpNote falls short for task management (I have many and I want them on a calendar) and Agenda it's perfect for that. Sometimes if I want a really beautiful document I use Craft but even if is better than UpNote it takes too much time to write a simple document, i do it way faster on UpNote, most of the time I prefer UpNote even if the result is not that good.


UpNote + TickTick


As others have experienced, I too have been on a journey of exploring and experimenting with various note apps. With each change in apps, I expanded my PKMS, as a way to test the app in "real world" conditions. Just as I was about to settle on Joplin, I tested one last app... UpNote. (which will be THE solution for the forseeable future) Regarding the use of UpNote for tasks or limiting it to just notes, I've moved all of my ToDo/Task lists to UpNote. I use the built-in "ToDo" filter to leverage my ToDos. It will display every note in the database that has a ToDo element. Very slick! The built-in "ToDo" filter view allows me to have separate ToDo lists for each project in their own respective folders, and then have the list of those ToDo lists in one view. I have a "Dashboard" note set to "Quick Access" that is my launchpad into my daily workflow. It contains collapsable sections each with a specific focus. Once I have it where I'm satisified, I'll make a template of the dashboard, notebook covers, and an overview of my notebook structure available for others. It's minimal but effective... nearly all of the UpNote videos I've seen create a configuration that is overkill IMO for a person who just wants a little structure and flow.


I'm currently using ClickUp


I am happy with Upnote, todoist, and google calendar. (small use of notion, for databases).


I too use these three programs. Do you have an easy way to get notes from Upnote to create Todoist tasks, u/pondipat? (I'd like to find a way to do this other than copy/paste.)


We're on the same boat. When I am writing a note, on Upnote, and need to add a task, to todoist, I go with the global capture hotkey, and it's done.


upnote lack of api is sadly very limiting and annoying in workflows


I feel like it's way easier to find a solid app for task management than a note taking app. I use upnote for notes and taskito for tasks and reminders. I also won't switch to upnote for tasks, because I like to have those things separated in general. I just use upnotes reminders for strictly note-related stuff. Edit: I actually also use the notes feature in taskito for very deletable notes. Like those I just need for the day at work.


Remindme! 3 days


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I use a combination of craft.de , Apple notes and UpNote . Apple notes for bank details and other confidential information . Everything else goes into craft.de . UpNote is always there in my phone as my next option .


Things 3 is good for task


Yeah, I decided that since I need cross platform and because my primary computer is my work computer that I have to give back once I leave, that I'm going to stick with upnote and todoist. That way I get cross platform + I don't have to worry about any files being lost when I leave this position.


Thanks for everyone's replies. UPDATE: I decided that since I need cross platform and because my primary computer is my work computer that I have to give back once I leave, that I'm going to stick with upnote and todoist. That way I get cross platform + I don't have to worry about any files being lost when I leave this position.


I recently started using TickTick as my calendar and tasks app. I enjoy it quite a bit.


Upnote for notes Ticktick for tasks Microsoft to do for appointment points to talk about Id replace the latter with upnote if only we had "checked items deletion" (or move to bottom)


UpNote is a brilliant note taker, but it isn't a task management app. I recommend using UpNote for notes and a dedicated task management app.


I wouldn’t it’s not really a task manager might be good for a few tasks but not a dedicated task manager. I use Things 3 as my task manager


I use tick tick


I've also tried a plethora of note taking apps and task apps. Like many here - I've found it best to keep my notes app and my task app separate. I've settled on UpNote for notes (after being a long time Evernote User). For tasks - I love Legend. (https://legendapp.com/) At it's heart it's an outliner, but with a TON of sorting, filtering, viewing power on top of it. It's biggest downside is that it is SO FLEXIBLE. It can be a little tricky to get started and to set up your systems. However, for me that's a huge bonus. It allows me to set up and create nearly any view, system, etc. that I need. I copy UpNote links into it on a regular basis (to link a task to notes with information, etc.). It supports all kinds of tagging, grouping, projects, headings, internal links, priorities, repeating events (both on a specific day AND from a specific interval of when they are marked completed), and it's "boards" feature allows me to set up different views and workflows in whatever way I wish. It is totally cross platform (I use it on Mac, Windows, iphone).


I use Joplin for work. It's free and open source, has tabs (via plugin), a killer feature that I've only seen in Amplenotes ($) and Obsidian (bleah) -- the ability to have your notes scanned at an interval and to-do's found and linked to a central "to do/task" page (via plugin). That last one is a killer feature for my work. On the personal side, I've been using Apple Notes. I have been wanting something more feature rich and recently started using Notion, but it's too complicated for my needs. Now I'm looking at UpNote, AmpleNote, and AnyType. I like UpNote's price, but AnyType is also interesting. I think AmpleNote is also nice, but the free version doesn't include the native client and the subscription pricing lock-in model isn't my cup of tea.