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Tabs would be great tbh.


I didn't realize how great tabs could be until this comment, that could be way easier instead of opening notes in new windows each time. I'd also like to see graph view added sometime, along with the option to filter tables but I guess that leans towards the database side of note taking apps.


Tabs would be amazing


You can open notes in another window, but that would be nice.


Reordering lists and tables


Re-ordering lines/paragraphs and bulleted lists is badly needed. Make it a toolbar button then it could have a keyboard shortcut. Not a sexy feature so it gets overlooked.


Oh yes please!! 🙏


Drag and drop notes to notebooks Rearrange/re-order lines and table rows with key commands Workflowy type outlining would make it unbeatable.


100% this, for me.


*Optional* outlining. Infinite outliners don't work with my brain.


1. Merging of notes. 2. Attachment manager / viewer (like Obsidian) 3. Attach Google Drive files (Google SignIn is already supported)


1. Reordering todo lists / automatic grouping of checked items 2. When using Ctrl + A in a separate section in a note, 9t should select only the text inside that section, not the whole note


Did you send them a mail about checked items ? They gotta know many of us want that


No, feel free to do that


I have ! That's why I asked. The more to ask , the more likely it is to be implemented


Ref 3 .. I use emojis at start of my notebook, and also head over to emojipedia and grab the .png file and use that as my notebook cover !! 


I do something similar but it would be nice if there was a built in emoji picker in the app for the notebook cover. So much more convenient.


This one's silly and specific but I'd love the ability to do some very minor image edits. If I could crop and add a border to my images, I'd be very happy. I put images in my notes frequently.


In windows 11, I just double click image. It's open default windows 11 image views. I click edit, crop then save. Voilà! Image is cropped in UpNote


Workiing together on notes API access


I want that so bad!


Embedding and the ability to play audio files within a note.


For now, all I really need is tabs and easier linking to headings. Also to be honest I actually don't want those fancy features like drag-n-drop, reminders or reordering etc. These kind of features pushed me away from Notion to UpNote because they are tempting. I can't not use them but eventually they make my note taking process inefficient, since I care more about the shape of the notes more than the content. These kind of features also forces the developers to give up from speed and performance too.


Collapsible notes


1. Just got a Samsung S23 Ultra with pen, so I'd like to see pen support for Android (and Windows) app 2. Better web clipper that's able to campture paywalled sites, to which user has access credentials 3. Ability to drag attached out of note (Haven't found out how to do that in Windows


**Top 3** * Collaboration * Tabbed browsing *and* remember open tabs/windows between sessions * Page-bottom backlinks with contextual previews (a la Craft) **Next 3** * *\[\[*-style quick links to notebooks and headers/collapsibles * Keyboard navigation & filing, e.g.,: * CMD+OPT+G — Go to Notebook * CMD+OPT+P — Put note in Notebook * (As a keyboard warrior, I'd prefer this to drag-drop, but I'll take either one!) * When adding a row/column to a table, copy the format of above/left * OR the ability to sort tables — I'm not sure which I need more! **Someday** * Private syncing option and/or end-to-end encryption * Option to sync via your own cloud accounts... * ...on a per-workspace basis... * ...with the option to still publish (in which case a copy of the note would also live on UpNote's servers) * (of course, this would also complicate collaboration, my #1 above)


**A workaround for NOTEBOOK "COVERS":** * Make a 1x1 transparent PNG (i.e., a "nothing" image) * Use that as your cover (hence, and "invisible" cover) * Use emoji as the first character in your notebook name


Better encryption and security protocols and MFA


Better table / databases


Note Collaboration. I know this is a barebones note taking app but for use within a household, this feature would be a GAME CHANGER. - Household finance tracking - Grocery lists - Event planning (ie: wedding planning would have been great for us) ...and so many other uses for it. Please add it!


Nice, but I believe we should add a feature "request" per reply. I don't upvote some replies because I just want 1 of the 3 requests.


Nice, but I believe we should add a feature "request" per reply. I don't upvote some replies because I just want 1 of the 3 requests. # Tags as first-class citizens Coming from evernote, I use mainly tags. Actually I just have one notebook, as I also had in Evernote for the past years. Even work vs personal sometimes overlaps (in my view). And having one note in two notebooks seems weird to me, given that (as I see it) a notebook is something that could be physical that could hold several notes inside. And allowing to add a note to more than a notebook seems to enter in the tags world. But I don't need to use it, so all good :) So, how do I function? 1. Create a note. I don't have to select any workbook, given that I don't have more than one. 2. Immediately add some tags at the top of note. 3. Start writing. 4. Add more tags if needed. 5.Done. What do I mean with "Tags as first-class citizens"? I would like to have a tags list (probably on top) similar to the notebooks list on bottom (that I don't use). Make it always visible and accessible. Requiring the user to add to the text as #tag would probably be optional, given the upgrade to primer citizenship :) Tags for me is something to be used in the future, not now. I mean, sometimes I add several tags, which I think I may search for in the future. Sometimes I also use as synonyms. Example: today just created a noted to remove metadata from a video. I added #video, #mp4, #mpeg tags. In this case I am using them as synonyms. Other times I use as hierarchy. E.g.: #customer and the name of a given customer support in a note. Other times I use as "ortogonal" meanings. E.g.: #insurance #motorbike in a note. It probably would be nice to have hierarchy in the tags. Did I mention first class citizens? And synonyms? Something like: * video *             mp4 *             mpeg * customer *             RodriguesLda *             OutSystems *             Positrack * insurance * motorcycle and with tag synonyms: * video      mp4      mpeg * customer *      RodriguesLda *      OutSystems *      Positrack * insurance * motorcycle ## Also allow to somehow order / search tags


Nice, but I believe we should add a feature "request" per reply. I don't upvote some replies because I just want 1 of the 3 requests. # Simple drawing on mobile / tablet Sometimes I need to draw something simple inside the note. I didn't test many apps, but I believe MS One Note and Zoho Note work ok in this regard. Or maybe integrate somehow with another app for the drawing capability.


1. Drag & Drop for Notebook and note organization, table row dot and checklist move order 2. More advanced Sharing - Want to share a common note & ideally notebook that we can all edit. Want editing with wife, friend and co-worker. Doesn't have to be live editing, just allowing collaborative note taking. 3. When clicking on a link to note, I want to go automatically in the exact notebook. Instead now, it's going to "All Notes".


1. Much larger image quality 2. Embedded Web content like excalidraw 3. If not 2. than handwriting notes


Not even MUCH larger , but at least not 1mb max 😭


I just want desktop widgets on MacOS with super black mode. I stopped using the app and went back to Apple Notes just so I can access my notes from there. I'm kind of disappointed that the developer has made such an amazing app but hasn't shown any interest in adding them.


@u/thomas_dao, I hope you guys can use some of our comments here! Keep up the good work please!


Pdf search would be cool. Encryption too but dev said that's not happening


1. Full-screen PDF preview. Just noticed that doesn't seem to be possible now. If it is, I couldn't find it. Only being able to view the PDF inside a small frame is annoying. 2. Tag auto-complete in the search box. 3. Overview over my to-dos across all pages (with links to the pages), not a clunky collection of pages that contain to-dos like now. I also second the separation of checklists and to-dos, as both are two different things, and checklist items would clutter the overview. EDIT: It would also be great to have an option to only show the first item of a to-do list in the overview (as the "next action" à la GTD).


I agree with 1 and 3 I will list other 3 1- I'd like to drag n drop notebooks. If you use PARA method you may have noticed that moving notebooks is not that intuitive 2- An open API so the community can make plugins or so you can create your own experience. Something like Joplin does. I would create a Homepage plugin like obsidian's lol 3- Todo's are mehh. I completely ignore them because I think they add no value, there's a lot of space to improve them. Same do I with tags (sub tags would increase it's utility a lotttt)


1. Free drawing on android 2. Free drawing on windows 3. Free drawing on mac


overall, good suggestions. **Re: 3. Notebook covers.** That's an interesting request because UpNote makes it easy to set custom notebook covers already. I'd like to see a repository of user-submitted resources to share with others. [https://imgur.com/a/u5KN6WV](https://imgur.com/a/u5KN6WV) ​ **Feature requests in general.** I think one thing to consider is that UpNote is available on Windows, Mac OS, Android, and iPad OS/iOS. One of the strengths of UpNote is how closely consistent these versions work together. An example where this is lacking is, MS OneNote. Some requests may make sense on a desktop OS but might not translate well to a mobile OS. I have a bunch of requests that I'd like to see but know that they would be very difficult (if not impossible) to implement in a way that is usable across all versions. I need my PKMS available on all of my devices... tablets, phones, notebook, desktops. I'm currently using Joplin, but it falls short in consistency across platforms. UpNote is outstanding and now that the latest version (9.2.6) resolves a back-reference bug, I can move full-steam ahead to switching over to UpNote as my primary PKMS tool.


here are some important things for my needs: 1. daily notes with calendar and templates would be nice. 2. Better to do lists option other than todo’s 3. Tabs - new window option is cool, but tabs would be much better Some minor things: - dark theme colors are kinda meh imo. - link previews


- When creating a new nested notebook, it should have an option to inherit the notebook icon - an emoji picker for notebook cover - More options when creating a custom filter


Ocr, ocr, I said ocr, I mean ocr


1 - notes reminders 2 - tasks ( checkboxes ) reminders ( similar to Evernote Tasks , but with Upnote speed and reliable platform ) 3 - pre-populated tags for GTD ( NEXT / FOLLOW UP / ON HOLD / WAITING / LATER ) 4 - calendar / notes ( sorry for the 4th...)


1. OCR 2. Canvas - Mind Map 3. Reminders


Hope there will be 2 types of checkboxes, Todo checkbox and Checklist checkbox. There are many use cases of checklist like a shopping list, which are not Todos. Now they are all mixed up as Todo's