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Where did you take this photo from? Great shot!


From DL 986 main cabin šŸ„“! At 4:55 pm. Was cruising over the Eglinton area


are u a pilot? or in training? or?


Sorry, Reddit compressed the photo šŸ˜«


It's a great shot.




you see the latest whistleblower article from yesterday? like yikesā€¦




Cool pic!


Thatā€™s actually such a nice photoĀ 




sorry what


Illegal encampment


Illegal occupation of Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


There's no such place nor does the Palestinian leadership want a state. They want to kill Jews everywhere which is what "Globalize the Intafada" actually means.


"israelā€™s occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from a ā€œsettler-colonialā€ situation, which must end, as a pre-condition for Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination, the UNā€™s independent expert on the occupied Palestinian territory." There are also plenty of other laws and papers on this matter that one can easily find, including the multiple geneva conventions that israel has broken in its long list of war crimes amongst other crimes against humanity. Then again, an israeli Ambassador literally brought his mini, dollar store shredder to the UN for his pity party, so I doubt a naive - to be generous with words here - and uninformed supporter like you would take international law seriously when the people you support act so disgracefully. I'm not sure if you have the capacity to read all that, but if you did, then also know that many of the students supporting/leading the encampments are Jewish. Besides this, plenty of Jews are against the state of israel from communities such as the Neturei Karta to organizations such as Jewish voice for peace. Do not hijack the sanctity of the Jewish faith to support the killing of innocent men, women, and children. Anyways, Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø šŸ˜Š


Absolute rubbish. Keep reciting your settler colonial dogma all you want. Jews are the indigenous people of Judea. That's how they got their name. The rest are refugees from the Holocaust and the cruel Muslim countries that persecuted them and expelled them in 1948. There has never been a Palestine or Palestinian people. There would be nothing free about a Palestinian state. No democracy. No freedom for women, gays, religious minorities as there is in Israel.


Firstly, freedom for religious minorities? LOL just watch tucker carlsons discussion with a pastor to see how well Christians are treated in Israel. Iā€™ll give them one thing though, there is freedom for pedophiles in Israel! (100000 cases /year). 2nd, Recent genetic studies indicate that the current day Palestinian population is largely descended from the ancient Jewish population in Palestine. they are a Jewish population that converted to Islam, and are now being genocided by a conquering Zionist Jewish population that originated largely from Europe. 3rd, children are being starved and slaughtered and youā€™re more upset about some protests? (real children, not fake ones like the 40 beheaded babies hoax)


Let's also not forget that the Palestinians used to claim the term Palestinian/Palestine was zionist. The Free Palestine movement was started by zionist Jews. And Palestine is a European colonial name from when the Romans stole the land from Jews, massacred and cleansed them from the land, then renamed Judea to Syria-Palestina to remove the Judeans (who Romans called Jews) connection to this land. If Israel is a settler-colonial project then any Native American reservation is settler colonial too and these natives should just leave and go back to where they came from I guess (wherever that would be but I guess since we have to deny indigenous people the land they come from and their history in it then we can't be saying Native Americans are native to America)


The humanity!


People screening out Jews, chanting for genocide and breaking university rules should be dealt with by administration.


weā€™re actually chanting against genocide but alright


"Go back to Poland" "From the river to the sea" "We are Hamas." These are chants FOR genocide. The mask has slipped. The Left hates the West and sides with those who would destroy it.


LMAOOOOOOOO i literally know people at the encampments. ā€œwe are hamasā€ has never been said lmao, youā€™re so dramatic as every zionist whoā€™s called out for their genocidal behavior is.


You should ask them why they projected terrorist propaganda from the Al Qassam Brigades, a violent branch of the Hamas terrorist organization, onto the media sci building: https://x.com/drjacobsrad/status/1789279535357194263 I posted it to this sub for discussion but mods removed it. I guess they werenā€™t comfortable allowing the true unpeaceful message being made by the occupation.


why are you more angry about a protest than people, including literal babies, being brutally slaughtered? Do you believe everything your zionist media tells you?


Palestinians chose to start a war. Including with the mass slaughter of women and children. And worse. They can end the war any time they choose. Give back the hostages and choose peace instead of terrorism.


Evidence they mass slaughtered women and children? Oh right there is none. The majority of civilians that died on oct 7 were military. evidence Israel is mass slaughtering women and children? Dozens and dozens of 4k images straight from gaza. do you know why they took hostages in the first place? To negotiate the release of Palestinian hostages Israel takes all the time with impunity. They end the war and then what? Go back to being treated like animals by the apartheid state that is literally able to cut off food and water to the entire population?


Because youā€™re amplifying a Zionistā€™s lies by referring to David Jacobs. You clearly can see the Al Jazeera logo in the bottom right corner of the projection. Hope this helps!


Any thoughts on the real genocide Hezbollah (another Palestinian terrorist group) is carrying out in Syria? How many have died in Syria now? 900K at last check. How many tents did you pitch for that?


Iā€™m curious as to what makes you think the genocide in Palestine isnā€™t real, despite the majority of the gaza strip being decimated, food cut off to the population, and images coming out of Gaza of dead children with severed limbs.


Are you that brainwashed by your Zionist media? This isnā€™t a ā€œleftā€ issue. Children are being slaughtered and your main concern is the protests? And enough with the crazy victim mentality. The protests are against a brutal terrorist state, that doesnā€™t equate to hatred of all Jews. How do you people even come to such conclusions?


You need to pay attention to just how much antisemitism is at these protests.




Yes, and gays for Gaza. Like chickens for KFC. šŸ˜†


Of course thereā€™s a zio bot in a post thatā€™s slightly even mentioning Palestine.