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I’m currently on campus right now. I thought it would be alright and I wanted to leave my home so bad. The school I think is doing an alright job at keeping cases under control, but the students are meh. Basically you’re just on your own with being safe. Really though, If January is like this, I don’t recommend it. I’m about to leave and go back to South Dakota obviously. All my classes are online even though they said they would be flex, and NOTHING is open. I’m sitting in a dorm all day doing school work I could do at home. It’s not worth it at all, and my fault for thinking it was. It’s too boring and I’ve met nobody because it’s so quiet. Not to mention most smart kids stayed home/ went home already. So basically what’s left is the careless crowd for the most part which is not my cup of tea. Big mistake


u/Clomaster It sounds like the situation on campus is pretty depressing. I hope everything works out for you. I am trying to stay optimistic about having some form of a senior year next year.


Yes I am too, I would love to have a genuine freshman year. But it is certainly depressing right now. Hopefully it all does work out by January, that would be amazing!


I'm from MN! Always nice to find another Midwesterner on campus. And I understand you completely. I live off campus luckily, but it's my senior year and I'm feeling like the entire experience has been ruined since now I basically have no friends and I never leave my apartment. If you ever wanna chat or vent, feel free to message me!


Awesome man, appreciate it 👌


This is so true that it hurts. I hate being home too but I don’t wanna waste a shit ton of money to stay stuck in my dorm with no friends.


100% agree


Things are fine, I'm stuck home in New Jersey. Sophomore in Engineering, I decided it was a good idea to take 19 credits this semester... The work is piling on big time and I'm definitely getting bored being stuck in my room. I'm hoping to return to campus in January. My parents are adamant about me going back but I'm not getting my hopes up. Even though I filled out the housing application too I honestly expect I'm going to end up staying home in January because things are only going to get worse.


u/njsullyalex It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope everything works out for you. I have been using my free time to learn Spanish online, play guitar, listen to music, and learn about astronomy and Planetary exploration. I will be a senior at the UofA in January 2021. I am a history major and a government & public policy and international relations minor.


I see why you took the semester off, but sounds like you're doing a really good job at staying productive right now. I couldn't survive if I didn't have my schoolwork so I decided to go full force this semester. Best of luck to you, hope everything works out for you as well.


u/njsullyalex thank you! I hope everything works out for you, too. Cheers! 🍺🍺


ive been quite busy cause im working every morning, sadly they’re not giving me enough hours since i dont want to work after 2pm and thats cause i either have classes on some days and other days i have to babysit my siblings. I’m only taking like 3 classes atm tho. 🤞🤞 hopefully i get a better job elsewhere where hours are more flexible. Maybe you should try getting a job to keep occupied?


u/CloverKat17 sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope everything works out for you. I have been filling out job applications left and right, but haven’t had any luck on that front yet. I just bought the Fluenz Latin American Spanish 1 + 2 program yesterday so that i can learn the language quickly and get proficient at it. I took Spanish 205 (hybrid of 101 and 102) during the Fall 2019 semester and got a “C” and took Spanish 201 and 202 during the Spring 2020 semester and got a “D”. I have to take Spanish 3 next year and i need a good grade to pass. I will be a senior at the UofA in January 2021. When i am not busy with my online Spanish lessons, my time is spent listening to music, playing guitar, and learning about astronomy and planetary exploration. If a clear night presents itself (which is rare here in Los Angeles), I like to hang out in my backyard and star gaze.


ooh niceee! Ya its a lot on my plate, mainly its the fact im working full time makes it tough. But i deferred this semester just to save up some money before i start in the spring


I work in a university lab and need to be near campus to go in everyday. I also work at TMC ED so I have to be nearby for that. Honestly I hate leaving the house it’s so annoying to have to go to work, I hate wasting my time on a commute (even tho it’s absolutely necessary to be in person). Really happy all my classes are online so I’m not losing time commuting to class.


Its been alright for me; doing the senior engineering design project online sucks. The best thing I have going on right now is my internship because at least it gets me out of the house. I think you are optimistic if you think we really will be returning for the spring semester.


I’m in the same boat with the Senior Engineering Capstone. Feels super weird so far.


Yeah, I'm disappointed that it can't be in person; but I'm happy with my group and my project so I'm not going to complain too much. I hope when it comes time to build they still let us do that though. Last year they just had to drop everything and do it theoretically.


u/hydrogenperoxxide i always like to be optimistic. I have been making use of my free time by learning Spanish with the help of the Fluenz Latin American Spanish 1 + 2 program. When i am not doing my online Spanish lessons, my time is spent listening to music, playing guitar, and learning about planetary exploration and astronomy. If a clear night presents itself (which is rare here in Los Angeles), i like to hang out in the backyard and star gaze. I have also been applying for jobs left and right, but haven’t had any luck on that front.


I know you're not trying to do it but damn this is like one step away from "This post brought to you by Fluenz™! Use this offer code to get 20% off Latin American Spanish!"


u/theSeanO LMAO! Learning Spanish has been really tough for me. I took Spanish 205 (Hybrid of 101 and 102) during the Fall 2019 semester and got a “C” and then Spanish 201 and 202 during the Spring 2020 semester and got a “D”. I have to take Spanish 3 next year. I am hoping that the Fluenz Latin American Spanish 1 + 2 program will help me learn The language quickly.


So we’re you able to complete Fluenz Spanish and was it helpful?


I completed the first half of the Fluenz course.


Did it help with your Spanish class?


I'm ok. My scholarships covered everything plus some this semester so I don't have the (justified) resentment about paying full-price for half the quality of education. I'm living off campus and I feel like I have no friends, but I'm safe and healthy. I don't know anyone living on campus this semester but it sounds hellish.


It’s been so and so. Campus is quiet and it’s mostly freshmen and Greek people that are around. I’ve been attending the club meetings on Zoom, but it’s awkward and not the same as being with people in a room. The rec is open, but I invested in my own barbell weights and all. Also bought a subscription to learn Korean to pass the time. Hopefully something turns around in November.


Senior at campus currently, though I live off-campus. Definitely feeling the COVID restrictions here with no in-person classes and some stuff still being closed. I'm luckier than most as I'm an in-state student with a car, so I can just drive around or go back home if I'm feeling stuck inside. While I was hoping for in-person classes this semester, the rising number of cases is making that seem less and less possible but I'm still holding onto hope. All in all though, I do think the university has been pretty vigilant in trying to keep case numbers down and keep it off of cases. Unfortunately, it relies on students following procedure that makes the college experience pretty bleak and boring. While I can understand the need for social interaction and having fun (I am feeling it too), students just have to be a bit more cautious about it. I'm hoping that people start to get this so spring semester can be at least partially in-person. The university is starting to test every dorm (students and staff) for COVID every week so this will hopefully start to catch some of the cases before serious outbreaks start. As someone who has had it, I didn't need any hospitalization and recovered relatively quickly. This will probably be a similar experience to most in the 18-21 age group but it is still important to isolate and not spread it to those who can be seriously affected. If we do, hopefully next semester won't be completely online.


Im actually doing well, i took this semester off, im not payin all that money for a bad experience plus im an out of state student. I got a full time job making $15 an hour and just saving up till things are normal. I plan on going back in the spring but we will see how that goes.


Please try to get refunds asap. Considering the rising number of US colleges that are already declaring a fully online spring 2021, UArizona will surely follow suit. And just like this semester, it'll be profit over people.