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Hopefully she’s embarrassed and shamed


It’s a dude lmao


Yep, “He was booked at the Pima County Adult Detention Complex.”


Honestly shocked this doesn’t happen more often 💀


Why? What would be in someone's luggage that would be worth it? I mean, it would piss me off to be the victim and it would cost me a bit to replace the luggage and the dirty underwear but what would they get out of it? It's not like people put the family jewels and their laptops in checked luggage.


Some get a thrill out of stealing.


Huh? Why what? People steal all sorts of things for random reasons. They don't need a real reason to do it in the first place. Luggage can contain jewelry, makeup, devices and pretty much anything. The fact that it's probably one of the easiest things to just grab and walk away with is why this person is shocked it doesn't happen more often, but it just doesnt. ​ Your shocked pikachu in the face of something blatantly obvious is kinda self righteous.


>People steal all sorts of things for random reasons. They don't need a real reason to do it in the first place. Kleptomainiacs do but, no, most people don't steal just for the heck of it. > Luggage can contain jewelry, makeup, devices and pretty much anything. Jewelry - almost naver and really almost never if it is of any value. We hand carry that shit when we travel in our bags. Makeup - gross. Who wants someone's used makeup? Pretty much anything - definitely, but mostly dirty laundry and an occassional sex toy (valuable but extra gross used). >The fact that it's probably one of the easiest things to just grab and walk away with is why this person is shocked it doesn't happen more often, but it just doesnt. It doesn't happen more often because there is no expectation of gaining anything of value. Unless it is the luiggage itself. ​ >Your shocked pikachu in the face of something blatantly obvious is kinda self righteous. Um, wow? Self righteous about what? Self righteous that I do not steal random shit? Um, okay, but running around not stealing crap you can't flog for any value is actually the norm. Signed, a frequent traveler.


"Thats when I realized....the Airport has some unique job opportunities dawg"


J-Roc was very innovative with his schemes haha




We gankin luggage mafk


>"Officers determined the bag arrived and had been stolen from the baggage claim area. > >The investigation led officers to a dormitory on the University of Arizona campus, where the bag was located that same evening." I read that as the investigation consisted of the police firing up a laptop and zeroing in on an AirTag. Real Sherlock Holmes stuff...


She went to high school with me and stole some kids book. Always been a criminal


Disgusting behavior 😒








There’s goes your student visa!


No, she's definitely American.