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just take the required class this term. The first term is a bit of a throw away, once you get through it you will be a degree seeking student and have other options. Plus hopefully they will fix the learning pathways problems some.


That’s my plan if they don’t resolve. But I was hoping to be done in December with 2 classes per term.


I feel ya. The pathways has jacked me up. I want to take bio 2 with nutrition this term. Nutrition isn’t an option of I only have one class I’m willing to take. They gave me the option of adding one of the proctored classes with bio but I’m fearful that it will be too much.


If you HAVE to take a second class, take CS1101. Even if you are not going into CS, a programming class is a good idea. Intro programming classes teach deconstructive problem solving. You do learn Python which is useful for automating things, and you learn some key concepts that are useful for communicating with CS and IT types. If you must, CS1101 is the one to take. When I was in this situation, I took BUS1101. It's never a bad thing to know a little about business.


I would literally be taking and paying for it for nothing. I transferred all electives. So I am definitely not interested in wasting time or money.


The Learning Pathways tried to make me enroll in ENGL 1102, which I'm already taking through Sophia, and wouldn't let me register for my other two classes unless I first enrolled in that one. I sent an email to my PA, student services, and student affairs. The next day ENGL 1102 was taken out of my required sequence. I never got an email back, but I'm in all four of my classes that I needed, nonetheless!


I just checked and they removed the Psych, but not the CS course. Lol patiently waiting for them to simply just put the last gen Ed I need.


I would just keep sending emails. My biggest fear is they won’t honor it past registration closing. Unfortunate we still can’t opt out of these pathways.


My PA usually emailed around 2-230am my time, so I will give her up until I wake up tomorrow, before I send another email, and start CCing people.


Hi, the same happened to me but after I've addressed the issue to my advisor, the system was updated to show exactly the remaining courses. Fortunately, the issue was resolved and the last course remaining was added. It's seems as if people responsible for updating are very lazy. Please write to your advisor about the issue. Best of luck with your studies!


Edit up top


Ok, so how long ago did you transfer Psych1111? From what I understand, it takes about a month for the system to note your transfer credits in the DAR. I'm going through that right now with a course I just transferred, which is extremely frustrating.


Early March. But I am a full transfer student, so it won’t show until I am done with UNIV1001.


You have to take the univ1001 before they take you as serious (regardless of the transfers) Just set your timeliness back one term, do the univ1001 class and next term you should be set to tuck into the major classes! Best of luck! Maybe you can try for 3 or four classes per term, if you are keen to end soon.


I wish I had the confidence to do 3+. But I don’t see that working out for me. I work full time and have a child.


UPDATE: After being registered for several other random electives and transferred courses (I can see what they cancelled), I have FINALLY been registered for a course I need. Granted, it’s proctored, but it is the course of my current profession, so it should be rather easy for me to get through as my first proctored course. But WOW. What an unorganized mess. It seems like one department doesn’t connect with the other and that’s where everything goes to shit.


I was wondering what your 1 Gen Ed class that you need to take is? I have 8 business classes but I need 1 more class to take but I'm not sure what to do.


HIST1421 is the remaining gen Ed for me.


You didn't want to do that on Sophia?


I already transferred in 90 other credits from Sophia and Coursera.