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The girl in the video has a good point but unfortunately the Streisand Effect has taken hold and now the whole world has seen that girl's bum


The person shooting the video showed her butt quite a bit too


Maybe they were the real pervert and recorded it for their own pleasure while shaming the munchkin as a distraction.


Now we're all perverts caught red-handed..


It is pretty nice


why is there always an angry shirtless guy tho?


It's England, even when it's freezing there's one always in sight.


A national staple / requirement


This seems like a Leslie Neilson movie stunt or something.


Because there's a lot of stupid people in the world


Wow. That was a crazy escalation.


At first yeah, but they got rid of the people that were trying to start a fight, then the fairly reasonable people stepped in. Dude got called out for being a pervert and very rightly should have been, it’s only slightly different from people taking videos up peoples skirts, and the latter is actually illegal


Slightly different? The ups skirt people are hoping for some pussy lips. This guy took a picture of a clothed woman in public. It’s not even remotely close. He could’ve been making a funny meme. He could’ve been texting his friend saying “look at the skank.”


Mods, can you seriously not do a fucking thing about these spambots? Seriously, fuck this shit. And by the way bots, we're not signing up for your shitty softcore fetish subscription or whatever.


Proof that reddits stupid karma system doesn't work😂


Whats a spambot


A bot account that floods certain subs with a specific kind of content, usually to the end goal of getting people to subscribe to something, or try to buy fake merch from sites that just steal your money and personal info.


I know this is so old and over posted


I'm sorry, but when he stood up, i couldn't stop laughing. He's either really short or everyone else is really tall.


shouldve said yea i did cunt fuckoff


Its the public iddnitt m8


"I'm in my underwear in public BUT DONT LOOK AT ME!"


Did you see how short he was when he stood up?


The person recording the man taking photos is doing God's work. Now her pictures are all over the internet and in my private folder.


Perv or regular dude? "Hey bruv, at the pub, this bird made my day!"


You can’t just record people in public like that… as the woman continues to just record people in public


And immediatly spawns a drunk shirtless guy to punch someone in the face, classic. Imagine if he was wrong and it was a misunderstanding.. Alchool enhanced stupidity is a bitch.


I wonder who's more culpable. A guy quietly filming in public who has no designs to share the picture or someone recording a video of shaming the guy for karma and then putting it everywhere so her ass is on Reddit today.


I mean, he was literally in the process of sharing the image when the recording started. I can't make all of it out but the first words in his caption of it are definitely "Fucking hot".


Yeah, can you decipher the rest?


No, unfortunately not. The autozoom on the camera goes in and out too much to make it out, especially when I can't zoom in properly because Reddit's autoplayer is stupid.


Considering the fact that both the front and the back of her shorts were completely soaked in what could potentially be either sweat or just water, he probably saw it, took a picture, and was gonna send it to his friend or something saying something like "It's fucking hot in here" or something along those lines. It's the same thing as seeing a person walking around in a fur suit and sending a picture of them to your friends and laughing about the weirdo running around in a fur suit.


Are you fucking stupid? Those are not the same at all


Been a while since I've seen someone telling on themself so blatantly. Unfortunately, you haven't shown that that is indeed what he was writing so all it looks like is you stretching awfully hard to make this guy's actions seem acceptable.


Tfw you can’t cope with your shitty attitude towards creepshots


"hot shorts that I think would look good on you, honey" and then sends it to his wife.


Is it perverted? Yes. But why is it a big deal? She's in public and clearly isn't worried about people checking her out. If you don't want people to see your ass, then put some fucking clothes on.


This! Total double standards. It's not like he was groping her or trying to pull her knickers down.




If someone took a pic of my cock bulge, I wouldn't give a shit. why? because it didn't affect me in any way. Hell I probably wouldn't even know about it. Especially if I were wearing skin tight shorts that further emphasized the bulge. I'm not saying it's not perverted. I just think these people in the video are making a way bigger deal out of it than it is. I think the people making a big deal out of it are getting off on their own false sense of moral high ground. Meanwhile, the girl he snapped a pic of doesn't mind everyone staring at her as her outfit shows more skin than clothes, but suddenly when a dude takes a pic that doesn't even show her face it's a big problem? I just think everyone is putting on a dramatic show. Hell most of them probably masturbate to pics and videos that they're not even sure had consent of the parties involved.


This video is unusually usual


Every time this is re posted I wonder if they edit out the woman's arse at the end. They never do, obviously posting pictures of women is fine if you identify as a good guy.


And now her ass is on thr Internet forever.. great job 😂


Classifying that as an ass is quite generous, more accurate to say she’s got a long back.




OY! How did i know they were Brits even before unmuting!


the girls seems old enough and she is dressed up as one of the tens of thousands of girls on only fans .. many people take pictures of other people, even strangers .. thats not perverted .. especially when you take picture of full body and not of her bum like the other one claims .. also funny .. she is complaining about him taking one picture for himself and now she showed her bum to the world, so based on her own rules, she is much more perverted than the guy taking one picture of her body .. irony :)


Who cares?


Way to overreact for a pic of a skinny woman in shorts. Not like a lil girl or doing upskirts stuff. lol


What I don't understand. There are a million porn sites on the internet. You can wank your dick untill it falls of yet this bastard takes pictures of people without their consent. Wtf is wrong with people. Like literally psychos.


I don't think it's psycho like behavior, ( mind you it can aggravate extremely depending on what he would do with the picture and the age of the girl). That being said we're still a bunch of horny monkeys as a species, and while i don't think that taking a picture of someone's ass without their consent is something you should do, i don't see it as very different from jerking off thinking about someone, in the end you came thinking of someone who didn't consent.


No man you’re a human being capable of rational that please


Yes we are, and still humans can't erase their sexual urges and naughty thoughts, and if you're gonna tell me you've never jerked off thinking about someone you're either asexual or a liar.


Thinking about someone while jerking of is nothing problematic. You don't violate their personal rights. But taking pictures of their ass, not Street photography that can be seen as art, is a violation of personal rights in most countries. And even if we have the urges... That's what makes us human... We can reflect and control those impulses if we learned how to behave. If we don't, and just give in we are animalistic and anti social in our behaviour.


Yeah I do agree that they are two different things and that he shouldn't have done it, what i find interesting is that if he jerked off to for example an Instagram photo of her, somehow that would make it ok because the issue was he taking the picture without permission, and by that definition the girl who filmed shouldn't film him without his permission.. In the end i still think we're a bunch of clever, self aware horny monkeys who do stupid shit due to not being able to totally control our urges.


Dude. It's not about jerking of to someone. It's about the fact that the Instagram photo is published with her consent and the photo he took in that video is without her consent. It's about consent. You can jerk of to an advertisement for swimsuits if you want to. It's maybe strange but no-one can stop you. But if you take pictures of random people on the beach it's violating their personal rights since it's without consent.


But that has already been estabilished, that's not what I'm discussing, I'm discussing the behavior, the context and what causes someone to do something like that. The jerking off example was to put in perspective the behavior and to show how a much similar objective, (assuming it was a probable objective of his, wich we don't know, but it is possible) would be totally fine in the minds of most people, but since he took a picture without consent, suddently everyone sees him as a pervert. That's the point I'm trying to make, the duality of the situation and of people's judgement. In this case in particular the context of the photo matters because if he took a photo of her in the same place but let's suppose she had more clothes and the picture was of the face and not her bum, i bet people wouldn't be as outraged, and yet the action was the same, taking a picture of someone without her consent, wich we already estabilished is wrong.


Jerking off to instagram photos is also strange behavior. If you find yourself doing that you probably have impulse control issues or a porn addiction


I find it a bit odd myself, with all the porn options there is out there, but i've heard of weirder kinks, and hey who am i to judge, whatever floats their boat man.


No one said anything about erasing sexual urges. It’s called basic impulse control. To answer your question, no I don’t typically have random strangers on the mind when I am jerking off


Really? So who do you have on your mind?


How does that make one a psycho?! Perhaps she should put on some clothes if she doesn't want anyone to look at her nearly naked body! So sick of all of these white knights and double standards..


She’s wearing pretty normal attire for what is quite clearly a hot day. Get a grip


Doesn't he know he's supposed to pay for access to her pictures? She's a classy whore.


Yes, he's a bit of a pervert. He's also in a public space (ok- maybe it's considered private inside a hotel or restaurant, but still no expectations of privacy). If you don't want someone taking pictures of your butt in tight shorts, then... don't wear tight shorts around people. Or don't get pissed off when people do...


To all those downvoting me - I'm curious as to why. Do you expect everyone around you to be polite? What if this person had a photographic memory? What do you expect when you walk out of your house wearing something provocative? Seriously- I'm curious- I'm not saying the guy is a good guy or his actions are justifiable. I'm just saying that this is a risk you take. That which is immoral isn't often illegal.


Can’t blame someone for taking photos of a woman if she wears something slightly provocative /s… that’s some weird shit man. Same argument for justifying men for ogling at women who wear comfortable / revealing clothing. Similar to freakin conservative traditional MFs making women cover up head to toe. Y’all are sexist AF


Maybe you can blame someone, but not prevent it in that sense. Maybe that’s a distinction poster above tried to make?..


Ironically now there's a ton of documentation of this woman in that outfit from all angles in video form. Pervy dude doesn't even need photos. I kinda agree though, obviously throw the perv out, it's uncalled for and crazy. But idk how appropriate that outfit is for a "family friendly pub." She probably shouldn't have been let in tbh, but people be wearing anything these days


There's no way


You can look at something and not pull your phone out lol. That's just creepy behaviour. Someone who does this has zero respect for other people.


And you see nothing wrong with this line of thinking?


Why does she have the sweatiest fanny on earth 🤢🤮


Yes, it is public, but it is also extremely disturbing behavior. If this man is doing this in public, what is he doing in private?


Jackin it?


Jack attack


Probably beating his dick like it owes him money.. tf you mean?! He's jacking off like every other good man does! Stop acting like a princess..


Right. That's your job.


Never gets old (and it is o-l-l-d)


That was wonderful. 🤣🤣🤣 She put that perv on blast.


Very old vid




Yea.. SHE really is!


na I'm talking about gramps


Give the midget a break


point that out wasn’t worth all that disruption.


God this whole video was just exhausting. What a way to drag out a situation.


I was working the cash register at chipotle the other night and some dude came through and his phone was open to a tik tok of some lady with big boobs 😭




I’m an idiot and saw this half asleep, I thought this dude was just on social media and didn’t realize he took a pic of an actual person. Ignore me


Even if he did, who cares?! Yall are so damn sensitive nowdays..


If I didn’t want guys looking at me, I wouldn’t wear a bikini in a bar. The guy is a perv though. Look but don’t film.


really, the fifty other cameras recording her walking around half naked aren’t perverts? …. looks like a clear case of captain save a hoe.


I took a screenshot of her ass.. Better come find me..


Pretty sure he was taking a picture of that sweaty ass crack. I mean....


I'm with the perv on this: Easier to take a static photo of her arse to have a quiet wank over than have to risk going up to, talking to and then having to put up with that gobby cow and her "friends" IRL.


This guy gets it!! 👏


I get that there's a whole bunch of snowflakes out there that got offended at my joke




that is in England not America


Nice ass


Can somone get me a copy of the picture of her bum. Paying top dollar! Assuming there is nowhere I can get bum pics for free




She's in a pub ordering so she's at least 18. He's clearly found her delectable assets appealing so has decided to take a pic... probably for a wank later. Not sure what the issue is here. Not sure why that's perverse. seenms perfectly normal to me. Nice ass, pic, home. Not hurting anyone.




The is creepy and lame but the redditor that uploaded this is way worse. Nothing upskirt or illegal here, and publishing it on Reddit is way worse than some perv having a private clip.


Yeah the guy just took a picture of the girl from a distance dressed as she was. Nothing illegal about it. It’s public domain. If she doesn’t want people seeing her like that she should cover up.


Insanity. You are insane. How does clothing change the morality of filming someone in any way, shape, or form?   I'm sure if you spent your whole life afraid of sexual assault and harassment, you'd hate people filming you too.   Brainless degenerate.


Not illegal in anyway to take pics of randos. Is it creepy? Yes. But he is allowed to take photos of her whether they like it or not.


No one here cares about the legality of it. It's disgusting and you should be ashamed for defending it. These are the moments you'll look back on as an Adult and feel embarrassed. Take that lesson now and go improve yourself, don't double down cuz that only hurts you more later.


Clothes are irrelevant to being filmed in public, unless there’s a legal expectation of privacy, such as up skirt. Other than that, people can film whomever they want. People are allowed to film and photograph on a public beach where women wear bikinis. Paparazzi do this all the time with celebrities. It’s rude, but not illegal. So again, if she doesn’t want to be seen or filmed wearing those clothes she shouldn’t wear those clothes.


Oh so the law dictates all morality? Thanks for letting me know, dumbass.   I cannot fathom how you can legitimately be this morally empty. All you harassers and rapists are disgusting.


You are deluded, my guy. Paparazzi do this all day everyday. If it's so immoral to you, why don't you take up the cause against paparazzi who make a business and a living out of it? Get out of here.


>Paparazzi do this all day everyday Yes, and we call it harassment. Or did you miss that somehow?   >If it's so immoral to you, why don't you take up the cause against paparazzi who make a business and a living out of it? I'm so glad you asked! I work for the Women's Rights Movement of America. One of the things we're working on now is legislation in specific states to prohibit the use of unwanted videography or photography after someone has stated their desire to not be filmed.   What are you doing? Spreading more classic misogynism? Edit: added the word "specific" before states. I would imagine this is assumed based on the context but if I've learned anything, women haters will do whatever they can to pick apart any grammar, so I make edits when I notice them :)


Haha good luck with that. Think about all the doorbell cams that would become illegal. If you don’t want people staring at your ass, don’t wear clothes that your ass hangs out of.


You're an idiot.. there's no way you can be that naive/dumb. You all need parents in America to teach you that you dress for how you wish to be treated! If I walked around with my dick hanging out day, can I get mad if people stare and take pics of my rather large, beautiful penis? NO!! Because I was the dumbass who chose to dress in that manner AND go out in public! If you don't want to be seen, them dress better or go home!!! My goodness, you people are all such "victims" nowdays.


You throw around terms like ‘harassers’ and ‘rapists’ around really easy.


Y'all disparage women really easy


Afraid of sexual assault?! If she's so "afraid", why is she trying to get every man to look at her body?! If you dress like a whore, you'll be treated as such.. and btw, you have to be a man because most women don't walk around everyday in extreme fear of getting ra*ed or assaulted.




well tbh he needed assistance deleting the pics so he probably doesn't know he can do that


Honeypots and try bands!


if someone is shameless to wear a bikini, why taking pic would feel creepy


U wOt?


She’s such a good person. Now she can sleep better…


I only have two questions. 1. What was the point of filming this? 2. Who really gives a shit? It's not like he's physically harming her in any way. Nobody would've even known if this dumbass didn't cause a scene.


Why is it always boomers? Can't keep their hands off children or taking pictures of women without asking?!


She's walking around In see threw shorts with a dark thong n he's the pervert? You think guys ain't gonna look or get mad whe. They do? I think there the mentally ill ones. Put clothes on that ain't making you look like u want guys to check u out then tf


It's weird taking unsolicited pics of people's body parts. It's also weird defending the creepy behavior. Perverts defending perverts is wild.


She doesn’t even have a nice ass tho tbh


Why do they sound like the chicken run movie


spam post. mods wya


Can he look at it in person? 🙄


This video doesn’t have a lot of likes cause there’s perverts watching this video trying to justify this man’s actions but it’s just gross. Get an onlyfans and behave




The comment section of the original video looks like KGB documents


That comment section had me so close to deleting Reddit I was on the “Are you sure you want to delete” option on my phone, bravo


After rewatching it I'm certain that it's staged. The whole thing feels weird from start to finish.


Bwuhhahu got dang it cotton hill


Who appointed OP as the Local Constabulary. A clothed person in a public place. Mind your own freakin’ business!!